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Sublingual Immunotherapy in

Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma:

A Review of Recent Clinical
Katrina Erny-Albrecht, PhD*
William J. Valentine, PhD*
Jens Christensen, MSc
Ulrik Vestenbaek, MSc
Andrew J. Palmer, MD*
*CORE - Center for Outcomes Research, a Unit of IMS Health (Intercontinental Marketing
Services- Health), Allschwil, Switzerland
ALK-Abell, Hrsholm, Denmark

This study was supported by an unrestricted grant from ALK-Abell, A/S, Hrsholm, Denmark.

KEY WORDS: subcutaneous lack of evidence demonstrating satisfac-

immunotherapy, sublingual immuno- tory patient compliance with this home-
therapy, review, asthma, allergic rhinitis based treatment.
In the following review we look at
conclusions drawn from trials conducted
before 2003 and examine newer evi-
ABSTRACT dence obtained from recent trials
A growing body of evidence is accumu- recruiting larger cohorts. Our aim was to
lating in support of sublingual summarize the evidence presented in
immunotherapy (SLIT) for the treat- the medical literature, to address ques-
ment of allergic rhinitis and asthma. tions arising from these studies, and to
Several European countries use SLIT in determine whether the most recent evi-
preference to the more established sub- dence supports the contention that SLIT
cutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) can be considered as a valid alternative
because of improved safety and ease of to SCIT in allergic rhinitis and allergic
administration, particularly among chil- asthma.
dren and those with asthma. However In response to suggestions that
uncertainty persists, particularly in the between-trial heterogeneity might stem
United States where SCIT is widely from differences between allergens pre-
accepted and utilized, and SLIT is still pared by different companies or arise as
subject to review. Contributing to this a consequence of limited cohort size, we
uncertainty is the apparent between-trial present the evidence with clear distinc-
heterogeneity regarding efficacy; a lack tion between trials according to source
of understanding regarding the mecha- of allergen preparation and where possi-
nism of action; failure to define optimal ble examine studies based upon relative-
allergen doses; and, until recently, the ly large cohorts.

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 17

INTRODUCTION list asthma as a contraindication for
Allergen-specific immunotherapy immunotherapy despite its demonstrat-
involves the administration of specific ed efficacy. At the time, SLIT and nasal
allergens to achieve a hyposensitization immunotherapy were considered to be
such that the symptoms occurring during promising alternatives, but in need of
the natural exposure to the allergen are further studies to better define the
reduced. In particular, it is used for aller- appropriate patients and allergen
gic disorders such as seasonal and dosage. Subsequent to this a meta-analy-
perennial allergic rhinitis and allergic sis of 16 SCIT trials concluded that
asthma. SCIT is effective in the treatment of
First practiced in the early 1900s, allergic rhinitis, treatment being associ-
subcutaneous injection (subcutaneous ated with an odds ratio of 1.8 (95% con-
immunotherapy [SCIT]) of allergens fidence interval [CI] 1.48 to 2.23) for
became the first well-accepted route for improvement in symptoms.5 Similarly a
administration based on clinical and Cochrane meta-analysis of 54 trials6
immunological efficacy. However in 1986 (later updated and extended to 75
the British Committee on Safety of trials7) found that SCIT significantly
Medicines spuriously reported several reduces asthma symptoms and medica-
deaths caused by SCIT,1 which were sub- tion scores. Thus, confidence in the effi-
sequently shown to be the result of cacy of immunotherapy with SCIT was
human error. In response to this, alter- established. However because of the
native routes of administration were requirement for injections and frequent
investigated. Of these, sublingual visits to the physician, as well as the
immunotherapy (SLIT), in which liquid potential for anaphylaxis with SCIT,
drops or allergen tablets are placed interest in SLIT was maintained.
under the tongue for 1-2 minutes before SLIT is now widely used throughout
being swallowed, and local nasal Europe and it has received approval
immunotherapy (LNIT), which involves from the WHO working group and the
spraying a solution or dry powder into international ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis
the nostril, were found to be viable and its Impact on Asthma) consensus
alternatives. group,8 for use in patients with allergic
In 1998 a World Health Organi- rhinitis and asthma. Further support for
zation (WHO) led committee of experts, the use of SLIT was provided by a
representing 9 individual and interna- recent Cochrane review of 22 random-
tional allergy organizations, presented a ized controlled trials comparing SLIT to
position paper advocating the use of placebo in allergic rhinitis.9 In this
immunotherapy for the treatment of extensive review it was concluded that
allergic rhinitis and asthma.2 These rec- SLIT treatment significantly improves
ommendations were based on studies rhinitis symptom scores and anti-allergic
demonstrating efficacy with allergens medication requirements compared to
administered via subcutaneous injection. placebo. However, considerable unex-
However, it was also noted that treat- plained heterogeneity was also noted
ment with SCIT is, in some cases, associ- between studies, despite adjustment for
ated with the occurrence of systemic type of allergen (seasonal versus peren-
reactions, including, in rare instances, nial), age (adults versus children), and
anaphylaxis, with severe asthma appear- study length.
ing to be a significant risk factor for Despite demonstration of the effica-
these adverse events. On the basis of this cy of SLIT in controlled trials and its
latter point some3 but not all4 guidelines inclusion in official European guidelines,

18 Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of Applied Research

there remains some uncertainty as to asthma. Of the identified hits, abstracts
whether SLIT is a reliable and effica- of those articles published between 2003
cious option to the more established and 2006 were reviewed for suitability
SCIT. and full-text versions obtained where
In the following report we present a appropriate. In addition, articles referred
brief overview and update regarding evi- to in review articles and meta-analyses
dence for the efficacy and safety of SLIT were obtained in full-text form where
relative to placebo and relative to SCIT appropriate.
in allergic rhinitis and asthma. Emphasis
was placed on recently completed trials SUBLINGUAL IMMUNOTHERAPY
reported in the literature between 2003 VERSUS PLACEBO
and 2006 and not included in the previ- Allergic Rhinitis
ously published meta-analyses. Although The Cochrane Review
numerous excellent reviews of The Cochrane Review of SLIT for aller-
immunotherapy have been previously gic rhinitis9 was based on 22 randomized
published,10,11 this review differs in that trials published between 1996 and 2002
we have focused on recently published comparing SLIT (from various compa-
trials recruiting relatively large cohorts nies) with placebo (Table 1). Because
(many of the trials included in the different studies employed different
Cochrane Review of Wilson et al9 assessment scales and scoring systems,
included less than 50 patients) and we the Cochrane analysis was performed by
have clearly distinguished between the method of Standardized Mean
preparations produced by different sup- Differences (SMD). The SMD range
pliers of allergens. This approach was varied from 4.0 to +4.0, a value of 0
adopted in response to reports that indicating no difference and a value of
product-specific differences might be a <0 favoring SLIT over placebo. From
major source of between study hetero- this extensive analysis based upon a
geneity in trials of SLIT and therefore large combined cohort (741 patients for
might bias outcomes.12 This issue is dis- symptom scores and 681 for medication
cussed in the following review as are scores), it was concluded that SLIT pro-
some previously unanswered questions vides a significant improvement in rhini-
relating to patient compliance and the tis symptom scores and anti-allergic
duration of effectiveness for which data medication requirements compared to
has only very recently become available. placebo.9 The overall treatment-related
The aim of this review was to assess effect being significant reductions in
whether the evidence from recent trials, SMD for symptom score at -0.42 (95%
conducted under rigorous controlled CI -0.69 to 0.15, P=0.002) and in med-
conditions, support the contention that ication score of 0.43 (95% CI -0.63 to
SLIT is a valid alternative to SCIT in 0.23, P=0.000003) compared to placebo.
allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma. This corresponds to treatment-related
reductions in symptom and medication
METHODOLOGY scores of 15-50%. When sub-analyses of
In February 2006, the Medline PubMed studies involving adults and children
database was searched for relevant arti- were conducted the results remained
cles using the following key words and significant for the former but not the lat-
phrases: sublingual immunotherapy; ter group. However it was noted by the
SLIT; SCIT; subcutaneous immunothera- authors that the small number of chil-
py; immunotherapy comparisons; dren (218 patients for symptom score
immunotherapy rhinitis; immunotherapy and 128 for medication score) included

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 19

Table 1. Studies Included in the Cochrane Review of Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) versus
Placebo in Allergic Rhinitis9

Reduction Reduction
Allergen/ Number of in Symptom in Medication
Study Reference Manufacturer Patients Cohort Scores Scores
Andre 2003 45 RG/Stallergenes 110 A + +
Guez 2000 46 HDM/Stallergenes 72 A/C + +
Mungan 1999 40 HDM/Stallergenes 26 A + +
Pradalier 1999 47 G/Stallergenes 126 A + +
Vourdas 1998 48 OL/Stallergenes 66 C - -
La Rosa 1999 49 PJ/Stallergenes 41 C + +
Bahceciler 2001 50 HDM/Stallergenes 15 C - +
DAmbrosio 1999 51 P/ALK-Abell 30 A + +
Feliziani 1995 52 G/ALK-Abell 34 A + +
Lima 2002 53 G/ALK-Abell56 A - +
Passalacqua 1999 54 HDM/ALK-Abell 30 A + +
Tari 1990 55 HDM/ALK-Abell 66 C + NR
Troise 1995 56 P/ALK-Abell 31 A + +
Voltolini 2001 57 Tree pollen/ALK-Abell 30 A - -
Casanovas 1994 58 OLEA/NR 15 A + +
Ariano 2001 59 CUPRESSACEAE/NR 20 A + +
Hirsch 1997 60 HDM/Allergopharma 30 C - NR
Hordijk 1998 61 G/NR 57 A + +

A=adult; C=children; NR=not reported; RG=Ragweed; HDM=house dust mite; G=grass; P=parietaria; +=reduction in
score for SLIT versus placebo; -=no difference in score between SLIT and placebo groups

in these studies was the most likely trials of allergic rhinitis in pediatric
explanation for this lack of significance. patients and including twice as many
subjects (484 patients for symptom
Response to the Cochrane Review scores and 279 patients for medication
Similarly, results obtained in a recent scores) was conducted.14 In that analysis
analysis of SLIT for respiratory allergy the SMD for nasal symptom score was -
in children found a non-significant 0.56 (95% CI -1.01 to -0.10, P=0.02) and
reduction in nasal symptom scores and for medication score -0.76 (95% CI -1.46
medication scores.13 In that meta-analy- to -0.06, P=0.03).
sis, 7 trials were included (232 patients Thus, while the smaller analyses
for nasal symptoms and 146 for medical found marked improvements that failed
scores), of which 2 were not available to reach significance, when adequate
for the Cochrane review, although it numbers of patients were included in
should be noted that their inclusion only the analysis the significance of these
added an additional 22 actively treated reductions in symptom and medications
patients. The standardized mean differ- scores for pediatric patients was evident.
ence in rhinitis symptom score was -0.44 Therefore, the evidence is consistent for
(95% CI -1.22 to 0.35, P=0.27) and for adult and pediatric cohorts, and supports
medication score -1.01 (95% CI -0.06 to the efficacy of SLIT in the reduction of
0.04, P=0.06). both symptom and medication scores
In a second response to the lack of among patients presenting with allergic
significance noted in the Cochrane rhinitis. The uncertainty introduced by
review, a meta-analysis of more recent conducting trials in very small numbers

20 Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of Applied Research

of patients could be avoided in future between-trial heterogeneity can be
studies by recruiting more patients at attributed to specific product differences
the outset. Economic constraints would as opposed to trial differences. The
therefore place the onus for conducting effective relative-dose reported for SLIT
such trials on the manufacturers of SLIT in the literature ranges between 3 and 5
preparations. However, the importance to 375 times the doses of SCIT, and both
of doing so is apparent when one con- high and low doses have been associated
siders that immunotherapy is the only with satisfactory and unsatisfactory
treatment option currently available that results.11 The American College of
has the potential to alter the course of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology noted
allergy and SLIT in particular is the that despite reviewing more than 100
safest and most easily administered scientific papers they could not find suf-
option for children. Providing evidence ficient evidence to define minimum and
obtained from large, well-matched maximum effective doses for SLIT
cohorts should be a priority in the immunotherapy.15 Therefore differences
future. in administered relative-dose are unlike-
In an independent analysis of the ly to explain the between product differ-
studies included in the Cochrane review ences.
of SLIT but separated according to However, a key limiting step in
product manufacturer, it was observed SLIT is the uptake of allergen across the
that the products manufactured by mucosal barrier and into Langerhans-
ALK-Abell (Hrsholm, Denmark) like dendritic cells,16 differences at this
were associated with greater reductions point could affect efficacy by limiting
in medication and symptom scores com- the actual dose delivered to target cells.
pared to the overall result of the The uptake of allergen into dendritic
Cochrane review.12 The ALK-Abell cells is dependent on complex interac-
product-specific reductions for symptom tions, where age, mucosal permeability
and medication scores were -0.55 (95% at the time, allergen dose, allergen quali-
CI -0.81 to -0.28) and -0.52 (95% CI - ty, allergen form, and intervals between
1.11 to 0.07), respectively. In the same allergen administration may play a criti-
sub-analysis, the trial results obtained cal role.10 Therefore, while comparing
with Stallergenes (Antony, France) increasing doses of the same SLIT
preparations yielded reductions in med- preparation to itself may reveal a dose-
ication score of -0.35 (95% CI -0.69 to dependence with respect to efficacy17,18
-0.01) and symptoms score -0.13 (95% similar comparisons cannot be made
CI -0.32 to 0.5). Of those studies includ- between different SLIT products
ed in the Cochrane review approximate- because of potential variability in aller-
ly one-third were based upon use of gen quality and uptake. For example, an
ALK-Abell products (8 studies with allergen formulation that readily pene-
154 subjects). trates the mucosal barrier to be taken
Although the product-specific analy- up into the dendritic cells would deliver
sis is noteworthy, the studies included in a greater effective dose to the target
the Cochrane review also clearly dif- cells than an allergen preparation that,
fered with respect to the cohorts stud- due to the presence of contaminants or
ied, allergens administered (grass aggregation of the allergen, is unable to
pollens/house dust mite (HDM)/olive efficiently cross the mucosal barrier. In
etc.), dose of allergen, and formulation. the latter case administration of higher
Therefore it is very difficult to deter- doses of allergen might overcome some
mine to what extent the overall of the resistance, however, it would also

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 21

increase cost by increasing the required Importantly, use of grass pollen tablets
dose of allergen. did not induce asthma symptoms.
Based on currently available data it Although no difference in asthma onset
is not possible to resolve the issue of could be detected, the low pollen count
variations in efficacy when comparing during the trial period may have influ-
different products, therefore it would enced the low incidence of asthma
seem prudent to base future analyses of symptoms in both treatment and place-
SLIT on a product-specific basis as is bo groups. The overall safety profile of
done in the following update, without SLIT was also confirmed in this study
generalizations. with equal proportions of patients in
treatment and placebo groups reporting
Recent Trials
mild adverse events and no serious
In the Cochrane review the correspon-
adverse events being reported by either.
ding values for change in symptom and
A significant reduction in medica-
medication scores compared to placebo
tion score was also observed in a ran-
were -0.42 (95% CI -0.69 to -0.15) and
domized trial of mixed grass pollen
-0.43 (95% CI -0.63 to -0.23), respective-
SLIT (ALK-Abell) versus placebo, con-
ly.9 Results obtained from large random-
ducted among 97 children with allergic
ized trials published after 2003 (and
rhinitis but not asthma.22 After 3 years
therefore not included in the Cochrane
of treatment, drug use and development
review) generally concur with the
of asthma were significantly reduced,
Cochrane report findings in demonstrat-
but not symptom scores. The common
ing SLIT-associated reductions in symp-
relative risk of development of asthma
tom and/or medication scores19,20 (Table
was 3.8 (95% CI 1.5 to 10.0) in the con-
2). Importantly, these more recent trials
trol group. These improvements were
have, in many cases, enrolled greater
again associated with a very low rate of
numbers of patients compared to previ-
side effects during the maintenance
ous studies in which total cohort size
phase at 0.083/1000 doses. A second trial
(treatment plus control) often did not
of grass pollen SLIT (ALK-Abell)
exceed 50 patients (Table 2), and there-
among children randomly allocated to
fore the newer trial data should be less
treatment or placebo also noted a signif-
prone to the influence of random varia-
icant reduction in medication score
(-33%, P=0.0025) and a non-significant
The most recently reported study
reduction in symptom score (-15%,
was a double-blind randomized trial
which involved use of an ALK-Abell
In another randomized trial of grass
grass pollen SLIT preparation among
pollen extract (Stallergenes), it was
114 adult patients suffering from rhinitis
demonstrated that despite a lack of
and asthma.21 Treatment with grass
between-treatment-group difference
pollen tablets pre-season and during the
after the first year, significant differ-
pollen season was associated with a sig-
ences were apparent after 2 years.20
nificant 37% reduction in rhinoconjunc-
Treatment was associated with a 6.8
tivitis score and a 41% reduction in
times greater likelihood of reduced nose
medication score during the season. The
running (P<0.001) and a 2.5 times
end of trial symptom scores were 2.1
greater likelihood of reduced sneezing
(1.7) and 3.3 (2.2) and medication
compared to placebo (Table 2). In that
scores were 2.4 (3.9) and 4.2 (4.1) for
trial of 136 allergic rhinitis patients, sub-
SLIT and placebo, respectively. These
jects were randomized to either 2 years
results are clearly in line with the find-
of active treatment, to receive placebo
ings of the Cochrane report.

22 Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of Applied Research

Table 2. Recently Completed Studies of Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) versus Placebo

Reduction Reduction
Allergen/ Number of in Symptom in Medication
Study Reference Manufacturer Patients Cohort Scores Scores
Tonnel 2004 24 HDM/stallergenes 32 A + -
Smith 2004 20 G/Stallergenes 136 A + +
Ippoliti 2003 25 DP/ALK-Abell 86 C + NR
Rolinck 2004 19 G/ALK-Abell 97 C +(ns)* +
Novembre 2004 22 Birch/ALK-Abell 97 C +(ns) +
Dahl 2006 21 G/ALK-Abell 114 A + +
Marogna 2005 23 Birch/Anallergo 79 A + +

HDM=house dust mite; G=grass; DP=Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus; NR=not reported; +=reduction in score for
SLIT versus placebo; -=no difference in score between SLIT and placebo groups; *ns=not significant

for 1 year prior to active treatment in symptom score was reduced by more
the second year or to treatment with than 50% and the use of salbutamol for
placebo only throughout the trial period. asthma attacks decreased by over 80%
After 2 years only the first group (Table 2). The between-group differ-
showed improvement in sneezing and ences were significant in the first season.
nose running, confirming the importance Similarly, significant reductions in
of long-term treatment with this prepa- symptom and/or medications scores
ration. After 2 years of treatment the have also been reported from other tri-
use of antihistamine medication was also als of SLIT immunotherapy.24,25
reduced in all groups, however while Therefore, in line with the combined
greater reductions were noted with analyses of studies completed before
active treatment compared to placebo, 2002, these newer studies confirm the
the significance of this difference was efficacy of SLIT in the treatment of
not indicated. In this trial minor side allergic rhinitis. The reduction in symp-
effects were reported by 70% of trial tom and medication scores in general
participants receiving active treatment terms were 30-50%, which is comparable
compared to 44% of patients adminis- to that documented previously with
tered placebo. While most of these SLIT (20-50%) and close to the magni-
events were described as mild and well tude of effect associated with SCIT.11
tolerated, it is noteworthy that 7 patients However, future consideration of effica-
withdrew from the treatment group in cy with distinction being made between
the first year because of side effects and products is warranted based on the
4 were withdrawn because of non-life range of efficacy observed and possible
threatening systemic reactions with the differences in safety profiles suggested
Stallergenes grass pollen extract. by results from some of the more recent
In a small randomized trial of birch- trials.
pollen sublingual drops (Anallergo;
Florence, Italy), treatment was adminis- SLIT in prevention of asthma develop-
tered continuously to 29 adult patients ment and progression
and compared to 23 control patients The incidence of asthma in Western
receiving placebo.23 In that trial signifi- Europe has doubled in 10 years and in
cant treatment reductions in medication Germany there were an estimated 4 mil-
and symptom scores were observed over lion asthmatics in the year 2000.26
a 3.5-year period. The final rhinitis Among 13-14 year olds in Western

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 23

Table 3. Studies Assessing the Impact of Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT) on Asthma
Symptoms Among Pediatric Patients Allergic to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus: Summary of
Results from a Meta-Analysis31

Allergen Change in Asthmatic

Study Reference Allergen Manufacturer Symptoms
Tari 1990 55 Neo Abell -40%
Pajno 2000 62 ALK-Abell -57.1%
Ippoliti 2003 25 ALK-Abell -61%
Hirsch 1997 60 Allergopharma -80%
Bahceciler 2001 50 Stallergenes -53% = Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus major allergen

Europe, the prevalence of asthma is and an update/expansion of the

approximately 10% and the prevalence Cochrane review have been reported
of allergic rhinoconjuctivitis is 10-15% that continue to support the conclusion
according to the International Study of that SCIT treatment is associated with
Asthma and Allergies in Childhood significant reductions in asthma symp-
(ISAAC) committee.27 Asthma and tom and medication scores.7,28-31 Despite
allergic rhinitis are also common comor- these favorable results, the association of
bidities, with approximately 20% of all SCIT with severe adverse reactions, par-
patients with allergic rhinitis developing ticularly among those with severe asth-
asthma later in life. Therefore there is an ma, as well as the difficulty of
increasing demand for effective and administering injection-based treatment
affordable treatment. Current treatment to young children, limits the use and
recommendations are generally based acceptance of SCIT.32
on the use of pharmacotherapy (steroids Due to its favorable safety pro-
and bronchodilators) and immunothera- file, the potential value of SLIT-based
py to alleviate symptoms. However immunotherapy in the treatment and
immunotherapy is the only treatment prevention of asthma has generated con-
option that also addresses the underly- siderable interest. In a systematic review
ing cause of asthma and has the poten- of SLIT efficacy in pediatric patients
tial to alter the course of allergy. suffering asthma and rhinitis, it was con-
SCIT has been established as a valid cluded from five papers published prior
treatment option for allergic asthma in to 2003 that asthma due to HDM signifi-
adults and children. A number of cantly improved with SLIT therapy.31
reviews and meta-analyses have evaluat- The overall reductions in asthmatic
ed the use of SCIT in allergic asthma, sores were significant only in the active
one of the most comprehensive of which groups (40% reduction) and this was
was a Cochrane review of 54 studies the case for all tested SLIT products
performed up until 1997.6 In that analy- irrespective of dose or product utilized
sis there was a significant, treatment- (Table 3).
associated improvement in asthma In addition to these short-term stud-
symptom score (-0.53; 95% CI -0.7 ies (1-3 years), a 10-year prospective
to -0.35) compared to placebo and study of SLIT-based therapy for children
patients were less likely to require med- suffering from HDM-induced rhinitis and
ication (odds ratio [OR] 0.28). Since asthma reported a significant reduction in
publication of the first Cochrane review the presence of asthma that persisted for
of SCIT,6 a number of additional studies at least 5 years after discontinuation of

24 Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of Applied Research

SLIT.32 In this long-term study, a total of efficacy of SLIT in both the treatment
60 children were non-randomly allocat- and prevention of allergic asthma. The
ed to treatment with SLIT (ALK- long-term endurance of this effect has
Abell) or to the control group, and also been demonstrated in a 10-year-
treatment was administered continuous- long trial with the ALK-Abell SLIT
ly throughout the year for a period of 4- preparation.22 An important question
5 years. At baseline, 86% of SLIT raised by these trials is whether continu-
patients and 92% of controls had asth- ous SLIT treatment (as applied in the
ma; after completion of treatment the asthma treatment trials) as opposed to
corresponding proportions were 11% of co-seasonal SLIT would provide even
SLIT treated and 96% of controls. After better protection. Future trials are need-
10 years (last 5 years without treatment) ed to determine the most efficacious
these significant between-group regimen. Importantly, the recent trials of
improvements were maintained. SLIT in asthma have been conducted in
Therefore, this trial provides compelling pediatric cohorts and it is this group of
evidence for the efficacy of SLIT in the patients for whom SCIT has raised the
treatment of allergic asthma. greatest safety concerns. This recent
With respect to prevention of asth- demonstration of long-term efficacy and
ma development, a recently reported 3- safety with SLIT should translate into
year-long randomized trial of an increased acceptance and use of
co-seasonal SLIT treatment (ALK- immunotherapy at an early stage of dis-
Abell) among 97 children with rhinitis ease development. Thereby offering an
but not asthma, provided evidence that opportunity to intervene before chronic
treatment was associated with a signifi- disease is established with its long-term
cant reduction in the development of medication requirements.
asthma.22 The common relative risk of
development of asthma in the placebo Safety
group was 3.80 (95% CI 1.5 to 10.0). In The impetus for SLIT and other alterna-
contrast, after 3 years, no between-treat- tive routes of immunotherapy was the
ment group difference in rhinitis symp- association of SCIT with severe adverse
tom scores was observed, however reactions in a limited number of cases,
medication scores were significantly dif- therefore particular attention has been
ferent and favored use of SLIT. This trial paid to safety in studies of SLIT. The
with a relatively large cohort and long occurrence of systemic reactions with
follow-up is one of the first to demon- SCIT ranges between 0.8% and
strate the preventative potential of SLIT 46.7%11,34 while after 15 years of SLIT
treatment among children prone to the therapy, the corresponding rate is much
development of asthma. Confirmation of lower11 with estimates of 13 to 18%.35 As
these results with additional, similarly noted throughout this report, the favor-
large cohorts of children and adoles- able safety profile of SLIT has been re-
cents is now required, although ethical confirmed in recent trials, with low rates
reasons will likely preclude the conduc- of systemic events being reported.
tance of a blinded-trial over a long trial A recently reported meta-analysis
period. However, to date, the evidence sought to investigate a potential rela-
supports the contention that SLIT treat- tionship between dose of allergen
ment, as previously observed for SCIT,33 administered via SLIT and adverse
prevents the development of asthma in events (local and systemic). After
children with allergic rhinitis. reviewing 25 studies (various SLIT
Evidence is accumulating for the preparations) it was concluded that the

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 25

overall rate of all adverse events associ- tively.38 Although the between-group
ated with the use of SLIT was very low differences were significant, the differ-
at 1.8 to 4.9 events per 1000 SLIT ence between SLIT and SCIT is likely to
doses.35 In a somewhat different survey represent an acceptable result in view of
of safety, the results of 8 controlled trials the favorable safety profile associated
(472 adults and 218 children) using vari- with SLIT. These results were also sup-
ous SLIT preparations from a single ported by a recent study of compliance
manufacturer (Stallergenes) were ana- among 443 patients (adults and adoles-
lyzed for reported adverse events.36 The cents) administered preseason SLIT
conclusions from that review were that (ALK-Abell) and 223 patients receiv-
treatment with SLIT was not associated ing continuous SLIT (ALK-Abell)
with any serious adverse event although over a 6-month observation period in a
mild gastrointestinal and buccal-cavity- real life setting.39 Overall compliance
associated events were more frequent was satisfactory with more than 75%
with SLIT. However, while the demon- compliance in approximately 88% of the
strated safety of SLIT in controlled tri- patients. It is interesting to note that in
als is important, the safety profile of the latter study of ALK-Abell SLIT
treatments obtained when SLIT is used the discontinuation rate at 6 months was
in the everyday clinical situation is pos- 5%, while in the survey of Pajno et al38
sibly of greater relevance. A survey of (which included various SLIT products)
SLIT safety in the form of a post-mar- the proportion withdrawing after 12
keting study was recently reported for months was 8.2% and 5.6% for SLIT
the use of various ALK-Abell SLIT and SCIT, respectively. As well as repre-
preparations.37 In total, 268 children senting a very safe and efficacious mode
receiving SLIT (ALK-Abell) for respi- of immunotherapy, SLIT is associated
ratory allergies were followed for up to with good compliance that does not dif-
3 years, and during that time 8 side fer greatly from that associated with
effects were reported yielding an event SCIT, even though patients are given the
rate of 0.083/1000 doses. No serious responsibility of self-administration.
adverse events were reported. These
results obtained from a realistic survey SLIT VERSUS SCIT
of actual use, confirm the excellent safe- Direct comparison of SCIT and SLIT
ty profile of SLIT previously observed has been the subject of very few appro-
in controlled trials. priately conducted randomized trials to
date, and it is an area in need of greater
attention. Of the 3 randomized trials
One argument used to support the use
conducted so far, 1 was marred by the
of SCIT in preference to SLIT despite
failure to adequately blind patients40 and
apparently similar efficacy is that the
another failed to include a placebo
supervision of treatment by a physician
group and therefore could not conclude
might increase compliance and, there-
that active treatment (either with SCIT
fore, overall treatment efficacy at a pop-
or SLIT) was better than no treatment.41
ulation level. However recent surveys of
The third trial conformed to the rigor-
compliance fail to support that con-
ous requirements of randomized con-
tention. In an Italian survey of 2774 chil-
trolled trials, although loss of patients to
dren using various SLIT (n=1886), SCIT
follow-up diminished the statistical
(n=806) and LNIT (n=82) products,
power of that trial.42 Nevertheless, in all
compliance with treatment after 3 years
3 trials the efficacy of SCIT and SLIT
was 78.5%, 89.1%, and 26.8% respec-
was shown to be similar, with approxi-

26 Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 The Journal of Applied Research

mately 50% reductions in symptom and majority of publications centered on the
medication scores with either treatment use of ALK-Abell products and there-
regimen. For a review of these trials the fore provided us with an opportunity to
reader is referred to the article of examine recent evidence without the
Malling.43 With respect to safety, SLIT added difficulty of accounting for
was clearly superior to SCIT in one between-manufacturer differences. The
trial42 and comparable in another.40 SLIT preparations of ALK-Abell
On the basis of currently available trial demonstrated efficacy and safety in both
data, these treatment options would rhinitis and allergic asthma treatment
appear to be of comparable efficacy and that was at least comparable to esti-
any future trial aimed at differentiating mates based upon meta-analyses of dif-
between the 2 will need to be sufficient- ferent SLIT products. The endurance of
ly powered to detect moderate differ- responses to SLIT therapy was also
ences. clearly demonstrated in the 10-year-long
protection afforded by ALK-Abell
FUTURE RESEARCH AND products against the development of
CONCLUSIONS asthma in children. In addition to this,
The clinical efficacy and safety of SLIT the ALK-Abell SLIT preparations
in allergic rhinitis and asthma is now were associated with excellent safety
supported by numerous controlled trials, and compliancy rates in the surveys of
as is the case for SCIT. Between 2003 real-life use. As reported here, recent tri-
and 2006, data has been published that als have also demonstrated efficacy in
not only confirms the efficacy and safety the treatment of allergic rhinitis with
of SLIT in rhinitis and asthma but also SLIT products from other manufactur-
demonstrates the long duration of pro- ers. In the future, it would be helpful to
tection and excellent patient compliancy perform similar product-specific reviews
with SLIT. to monitor the consistency of
In this report we have highlighted efficacy/safety/compliance/duration data
results from recent trials with an empha- for these other SLIT products in both
sis on both efficacy and safety, but with- rhinitis and asthma.
in the context of specific SLIT products. Together with results from the
The impetus for this was apparent dif- Cochrane meta-analyses and trials
ferences in the efficacy of SLIT treat- directly comparing SCIT and SLIT, the
ments produced by different current evidence also supports the con-
companies.12 As we have discussed, the tention that these alternative routes for
issue of product comparability is diffi- immunotherapy are likely to be of com-
cult to resolve based on the available parable efficacy. While future studies
information, however it cannot be dis- directly comparing SLIT and SCIT
missed and therefore it would seem rea- under the same conditions and in com-
sonable to present future analyses in the parable cohorts are needed, given the
context of specific products. A similar, apparently similar efficacy it will be nec-
product-specific approach was taken in essary to recruit large cohorts of
the review published by Andre et al in patients to detect any differences in out-
which the safety of SLIT was assessed come. However the conductance of such
based upon trials administering SLIT trials should be placed as a priority
allergens produced by a single manufac- because they are central to the clinical
turer.36 choice of the most appropriate treat-
In the brief review presented here ment. If SCIT and SLIT were equiva-
and based on recent controlled trials, the lent, then the improved safety of SLIT

The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 7, No. 1, 2007 27

would render it the obvious treatment annual cost of SLIT extract is more than
option for all patients able to self twice that of SCIT ($360 versus $150,
administer medication (children obvi- respectively), after consideration of costs
ously being under parental supervision). associated with visits to the physician,
The overall rate of systemic reactions injections, and time lost, SLIT is likely to
associated with SLIT is very low (0.13- be less costly than SCIT ($460 versus
0.18%). In contrast the dose-dependent $534 per year, respectively). More com-
rate of general systemic reactions with prehensive analyses are clearly neces-
SCIT ranges between 0.8% and 46.7%.11 sary, and, where possible, should include
However, if SCIT is moderately more the long-term benefits of reduced asth-
effective than SLIT, then it is likely that ma incidence and medication require-
SCIT would be more appropriate for ments, as well as improvements in
adults while the safety profile of SLIT patient quality of life. As new data
would make it more appropriate for becomes available and as the incidence
young children and those suffering seri- of allergy and asthma continues to
ous asthma, as well as those patients increase, conductance of these health
with a fear of needles or unable to fulfill economic analyses for individual SLIT
the requirement for frequent visits to products will be important.
the physician to receive SCIT-based In conclusion, current and emerging
treatment. evidence continues to support the effica-
The worldwide economic burden cy of immunotherapy in both allergic
imposed by an increasing prevalence of rhinitis and asthma. Similar rates of effi-
asthma and allergic rhinitis is substan- cacy and compliancy are associated with
tial. Estimates for the European Union SLIT and SCIT, however, it has been
revealed that total medical costs established that in many patients the
amounted to 3,011 million for the year safety profile of SLIT is improved com-
2004.44 In Germany and the UK the pared to SCIT. While further trials are
respective estimates for annual direct warranted, they should concentrate on
costs alone were 661 and 216 per the direct comparison of SLIT and SCIT
asthma patient, respectively, in 2004. with distinction being made between dif-
Combining pharmacotherapy and ferent products until comparability of
immunotherapy, either in the form of preparations can be demonstrated. As
SCIT or SLIT, offers the opportunity to the only treatment option available that
treat the symptoms, reduce medication can alter the course of allergy progres-
requirements, and restrict disease pro- sion, the pursuit of further evidence
gression. However, given that there are relating to the clinical application of
at least 4 million asthma patients in immunotherapy should be a future pri-
Germany alone, the importance of per- ority.
forming rigorous cost-effectiveness
analyses for the different treatment ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
options is self-evident. Until appropriate The authors are grateful to G.W.
head-to-head studies have been con- Canonica for providing data prior to
ducted under the rigorous demands of publication and to ALK-Abell for the
randomized controlled trials, it is not financial support provided to fund this
possible to conduct a realistic economic literature review.
evaluation of SCIT versus SLIT.
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