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Reading response #10

Shunyou Huang

Greene, Stuart. Argument as Conversation: The Role of Inquiry in Writing a Researched
Argument. The Subject Is Research. Ed. Wendy Bishop and Pavel Zemliansky. Portsmouth.
NH: Boynton/cook, 2001. 145-64. Print.

In Argument as Conversation: The Role of Inquiry in Writing a Researched Argument, Greene
concludes that forming an argument is alike to a conversation. There are multiple steps of
forming an argument: identity the issue that people have various opinions on, identity the
situation which the issue is rooted from, and frame a good question that the writer will be
answering. The most imperative factor is framing. Framing allows readers to view at a
perspective that a writer wants them to see. Drawing from the situation, writers can be free to
enter conversations and convince readers.

The most important idea from the article that peers from this class would benefit is to use
framing to construct an argument.
Using framing as a strategy to form argument will help students to shape into a
conversation(argument) and take a stand on their position.

The idea of framing highlights the fact that other peoples texts can serve as tools for
helping you say more about your own ideas. (34)

In Argument as Conversation: The Role of Inquiry in Writing a Researched Argument,
Greene explains the way of entering a conversation(argument). The most important idea from
the article that peers from this class would benefit is to use framing to construct an argument.
Using framing as a strategy to form argument will help students to shape into a
conversation and take a stand on their position. Greene states the idea of framing highlights
the fact that other peoples texts can serve as tools for helping you say more about your own
ideas. (34) The main purpose of research is not gathering information, but to evaluate past
arguments that had formed upon a specific subject and formulate a new position. It is not
paraphrasing others argument, however, newcomers had to understand what people is already
discussing in the conversation. By understanding whats going on, students can be included into
a circle of argument. What others are talking about, gives writer an idea of current
situation. Students should use framing to lead readers in a direction that will build up the
conversation. That is, understanding the context writers (students) are giving to the readers.

Inquiry; a seeking for truth ;This inquiry, research, and writing arguments are intimately
Eloquent; having power of fluent ;Perhaps the most eloquent statement of writing as
conversation comes from Kenneth Burke (1941) in an oft-quoted passage
Consolation; to lessen grief; With his family, the boy had the intense pleasure of
intimacy, the familys consolation in feeling public alienation
Spontaneity; the tate of coming from a natural impulse; From his mother and father the
boy learns to trust spontaneity and nonrational ways of knowing.

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