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Yesenia Zurita

Field Experience Notes

Lake Park Elementary
October 19

Events throughout the day

Ipads are used for communication. There are several non-verbal students who rely on
technology to help them get their needs across to teachers. Two students use ipads that
have buttons that they press in order to help them communicate and express their
Tests are often given to students to access their knowledge. After reading a book the
students are tested on vocabulary words and knowing what the book was about.
The use of some Spanish words for bilingual students help them understand
some concepts they are having trouble grasping.
The teacher I have been working under, has talked to me about her journey in
achieving her Masters degree and how she has learned so much more in her
The usage of Ipads is a great idea because the advancement in technology allows us
to be able to communicate effectively with non-verbal students. It also promotes a
fun and easier way of learning for these students.
Tests keep the students in check when accessing their knowledge. Every student wants to do
well on their tests, so they tend to pay more attention to their studies so that they do well.
Supporting the language of other cultures creates a wider platform of learning.
Other activities today included learning more about the town of Addison and its history. They
have planned a field trip as part of their social studies chapter to learn about the advancement
in technology and how we came to be the town that stands today.
Today students were really invested in learning about history which I think is important to
A question I have is if we should allow student to have access to technology from school to take
home or will we have too much of a problem with students taking advantage of the internet
and not focus on using it for educational purposes? Will this inhibit students from being able to
learn without technology?

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