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Famous People Facebook Project

Person: __________________

Research Guide

1. When and where was your figure born?

2. When and where did your figure die?

3. What was your figures cause of death, if known?

4. Name three facts about your figures childhood




5. Name your figures parents and siblings, or any other significant relatives:
a. Parents:

b. Siblings:

c. Spouses:
d. Significant Relatives:

6. Describe your figures personality:

7. How was your figure trained or how did they learn their trade?

8. What schools did they attend?

9. What were your figures talents?

10. Name and describe two achievements of your figure.

11. Name three contemporaries (other people who lived at the same time) of your figure.

12. Name and describe people who influenced the life or actions of your figure.

13. How did your figure show an interest in rebirth or humanity?

Now that you have gathered your information, you will either create a Facebook page or write
a short report about your person, making sure to include the information listed above and

Page 1:
Profile Picture: Create a profile picture of your person. This should be detailed and colored

Cover Picture: Create a cover picture for you person. This should be something related to his or
her life.

Work: Tell what your person did as a job

Lives in: Tell where your person mostly lived

From: Tell where your person was born

Status: Create a status that your person may have. Be creative and use facts from his or her life
to create this

Activity: Create four different recent activities that your person has. These may include: tagging
or being tagged in pictures, commenting on other pages, likes others pages, pictures, or
comments, joining new groups, attending new events etc.

Page 2
Profile and Cover Picture: Draw a smaller version of what you did on page one

Basic Info:

Born: Write your figures birth date (as close as possible)

Died: Write when your person died. If you know the cause, include it here

Relationship Status: Tell what the status of your persons relationship was during their lifetime

Religious Views: Tell which religious views your figure followed. Give a description of this

About Me: Give a description about your person from their point of view. Use facts about their
life to do this

Friends and Family: Include friends and family that your person had. You can include
contemporaries of this person.
History by Year: Create a timeline of some major events from your figures life. You must include
at least four events

Favorite Quotes: Pick a favorite quote that your person may have had. It can be one other their
own quotes or from someone they may have known.

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