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Diagnostic test 1 www.mathrevolution.


1/ (integer) If a, b, c are positive integers, 33=abc, and a<b<c, what is the

smallest possible value of a?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 11 D. -3 E. -33
==> From 33=(-33)(-1)(1), the smallest possible value of a is -33. Thus, the
correct answer is E.

2/ *(inequality) If a is an integer greater than 4 but less than 21 and b is an

integer greater than 14 but less than 31, what is the range of a/b?
A. 2/3 B. 1/2 C. 5/6 D. 1 E. 7/6
==> Since a and b are integers, 4<a<21 becomes 5a20, and 14<b<31
becomes 15 b 30. Then, from a/b: 5/15, 20/15, 5/30, 20/30, we get
1/6=5/30 /b20/15=4/3. Hence, the range=Max-min=4/3-1/6=7/6. Thus,
the correct answer is E.

3/ (ratio) All data in a certain school are recorded either on computer or

paper. Out of inaccurate records on the computer, data on paper make up
80%. And, out of the inaccurate data on paper, records on computer account
for 48%. Out of all data, inaccurate data, both on computer and paper, make
up 12%. What is the percent of accurate data among all data without
regarding the record method-either on computer or paper?
A. 45% B. 56% C. 72% D. 86% E. 90%
==> Computer(inaccurate) Paper(inaccurate)

20C 80C
48P 52P

1 E
2 E
3 C
Diagnostic test 1

From the above diagram, we can see 80C=48P=12%. Then, 20C=12P=3%,

12P=3%, 4P=1%. Looking back at the diagram:

Computer(inaccurate) Paper(inaccurate)

20C 80C
3% 48P 52P
12% =13(4P)=13% Accurate 2

Hence, inaccurate data=3%+12%+13%=28%. Accurate data=100%-28%=72%.

Hence, the correct answer is C.

4/ (integer) If n is greater than 20, what number is closest to n100-n90?

A. n90 B. n100 C. n99 D. n190 E. n10
==> n100-n90=n90(n10-1)n90(n10)=n90+10=n100. Hence, the correct answer is B.

5/ (inequality) Which of x, x2, and x is the greatest?

1) x>0
2) x<1

==> For inequality, if x>1, 1/x<1<x<x<x2<x3. If 0<x<1, x3<x2<x<x<1<1/x.

Since the number of answers should be unique, we can only have one answer
from x, x2, 1/x. When 0<x<1, x is always the greatest and the answer is

unique. Hence, the correct answer is C.

4 B
5 C
Diagnostic test 1

6 / *(velocity) Tom drove from X to Y and then came back to X from Y

afterwards. He took different routes back and forth. It took him 40 miles per
hour to travel from X to Y. Meanwhile, it took him 50 miles per hour to travel
from Y to X. What was the average speed for his entire travel?
1) The distance of the return trip was 4/5 of the entire distance.
2) The distance from the return trip was 160 miles.

==> This is both an average speed question and common mistake type 4(A)

question, which has 4 variables and 2 equations in the original condition. In

other words, if a person travels a certain distance in 2 different phases, we
have 4 variables (from 40t1=d1, 50t2=d2, we get d1, d2, t1, t2). Also, there are 2

equations (40t1=d1, 50t2=d2). If the question asks average speed, A or B

becomes the answer. However, if one of conditions is number and if the other
is ratio, the condition with ratio will be the correct answer. Since the

condition 1) is ratio, 4/5, it is the correct answer. In other words, if we treat

the entire distance as 5d miles, the distance coming back is 5d(4/5)=4d miles.
The distance going to the destination is 5d-4d=d miles. From 40t1=d, we get

t1=d/40. From 50t2=4d, we get t2=4d/50=2d/25. Then, the average

speed=5d/(d/40+2d/25)=1,000/21. The condition is sufficient and the correct
answer is A.

6 A
Diagnostic test 1

7/ (set) In school V, all students must take at least one of Mathematics,

Physics, or Biology. If none of the students took 3 classes, the number of
students who took Mathematics class is 18, the number of students who took
Physics class is 23, and the number of students who took Biology class is 20.
And also 3 students took both Mathematics class and Physics class, 8
students took both Physics class and Biology class, and 6 students took both
Biology class and Mathematics class. What is the total number of students in
school V?
A. 11 B. 22 C. 33 D. 44 E. 55

a a+b+c=?

d f h d+e+f=?
b c g=?
e h=?

Students who take Mathematics=a+d+g+f=18

Students who take Physics=b+e+g+d=23
Students who take Biology=c+f+g+e=20
If we add three equations above, we get (a+b+c)+2(d+e+f)+3g=61
Students who take both Mathematics and Physics=d+g=3
Students who take both Physics and Biology=e+g=8
Students who take both Biology and Mathematics=f+g=6
If we add three equations above, we get (d+e+f)+3g=17. And, h=0, g=0. If
we substitute, from d+e+f=17, (a+b+c)+2(17)+3(0)=61, we get a+b+c=27.
The total number of students=(a+b+c)+(d+e+f)+g+h=27+17+0+0=44. Hence,
the correct answer is D.

7 D
Diagnostic test 1

8/ (integer) X, y are positive integers. When x is divided by y, the remainder

is 6 and x/y=6.12. What is the value of x?
A. 6 B. 50 C. 206 D. 306 E. 336
==> From X=yQ+6, =integer and y>6. Then, 1>6/y=decimal. If we substitute,
from x/y=(yQ+6)/y=Q+(6/y)=6+0.12, we get Q=6 and 6/y=0.12, y=6/0.12=50.
Then, x=(50)(6)+6=306. Hence, the correct answer is D.

9/ (sequence) A sequence Zn=2n-1 for a positive integer n. If Sn is the sum of

Zm when m is all integers 1 to n, which of the following can be the value of
A. 12 B. 24 C. 36 D. 48 E. 60

==> Since S1=Z1=1=12, S2=Z1+Z2=1+3=4=22, S3=Z1+Z2+Z3=1+3+5=9=32, we

get Sn=n2. Hence, a square is the answer, which is C. Since 36=6 2, C is the

correct answer.

8 D
9 C
Diagnostic test 1

10/ (integer) If n is a positive integer, how many different factors does n

1) N/5 is a prime number.
2) N has only two different prime factors.

==> According to the Variable Approach Method, there is 1 variable (n) in

the original condition. In order to match the number of variables and the
number of equations, we need 1 equation. Hence, there is high chance that D
is the correct answer.
In the case of the condition 1), the number of factors is 4 when n/5=3,
n=(3)(5). The number of factors is 3 when n/5=5, n=52. The answers are not
unique and the condition is not sufficient.
In the case of the condition 2), the number of factors is (1+1)(1+1)=4 when
n=(31)(51), and (3+1)(1+1)=12 when n=(33)(51). The answers are not unique
and the condition is not sufficient.
Using both the condition 1) and the condition 2), the number of factors is 4
when n=(3)(5). Hence, the answer is unique and the condition is sufficient.
Thus, the correct answer is C.

10 C
Diagnostic test 1

11/ *(sequence) John deposits $10,000 in an account with an annual interest

rate of x percent (compound quarterly). If no other activity for this account
took place, is Johns account balance over $10,500 after 1 year?
1) (1+ ) >1.05

2) (1+ ) >1.05

==> We can modify the original condition and the question according to the 7
Variable Approach Method. The question becomes 10,000(1+ ) >10,500?,

4 4
(1+ ) >10,500/10,000?, (1+ ) >1.05?. There is 1 variable (x). In order to

match the number of equations to the number of variables, we need 1
equation. Hence, there is high chance that D is the correct answer. However,

in the case of the condition 2), we only have to square both sides of
4 22
inequality. In other words, (1+ ) =((1+ ) ) >1.052>1.05. The answer is

always yes and the condition is sufficient. In the case of the condition 1), we
can apply the common mistake type 4(B), which states that if you get the
answer A and B too easily, consider the answer choice D. The condition 1)
4 2
also becomes (1+ ) (1+ ) >1.05. The answer is also yes and the

condition is sufficient (this is because the total amount which includes the

quarterly interest rate is larger than semi-annually). Hence, the correct

answer is D.

11 D
Diagnostic test 1

12/ (sequence) There is a sequence An for a positive integer n such that when

An is divided by An-1 the remainder is An-2. If A2=7, A1=0, which of the

following can be the value of A4?
A. 48 B. 50 C. 52 D. 56 E. 58

==> If we substitute N=3, we get A3=A2Q+A1=7Q+0=7Q. If we substitute

N=4, we get A4=A3P+A2=7QP+7=7(QP+1)=a multiple of 7. Hence, a multiple 8

of 7 is the answer (P, Q are positive integers), and the correct answer is D.

13/ (integer) What is the remainder when 108 is divided by 11?

A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4

==> Dividing by 11 is same as treating 10 as -1 (10=11(0)+10=11(1)-1).

Hence, the remainder of 108 divided by 11 is same as (-1)8 divided by 11.
Since (-1)8=1, the correct answer is B.

12 D
13 B
Diagnostic test 1

14/ (function) It is well known that the relationship between the revenue
from sales of products and the total cost of labor and materials is
represented by the function, R(c)=-10c2+kc+m, where R(c) is the revenue and
c is the total cost. When the revenue from sales of products is at its
greatest, what is the value of the total cost?
1) k=200
2) m=2,000

==> We can modify the original condition and the question according to
Variable Approach Method.

Revenue R(c)=-10c2+kc+m
Greatest revenue


Generally, when y=ax2+bx+c, and when y=f(x) is at its greatest or at lowest,

the value of x is x=-b/2a. Hence, this question can be solved in a similar way.

From R(c)=-10c2+kc+m, we get the greatest revenue when c=-k/2(-10)=k/20.

Hence, we only have to find k. This means that the condition 1) is sufficient
and the correct answer is A.

14 A
Diagnostic test 1

15/ (integer) The remainder of n is 1 when divided by 15, 35, and 125. What
is the smallest possible integer n?
A. 1,926 B. 2,126 C. 2,326 D. 2,426 E. 2,626

==> Since N is divisible by 15, 35, 125, these number become the factors of
n. Also, this means n is the multiple of 15, 35, 125. In other words, since n is

the multiple of three integers, it is a common multiple. Since the question 10

asks what is the smallest possible integer of n, we have to find the least
common multiple. From 15=(3)(5), 35=(5)(7), 125=53, the least common

multiple is the greatest possible values of indexes. Hence, the least common
multiple become 2,625=(3)(53)(7). This means, 2625 is divisible by 15, 35 and
125. Since the remainder is 1, we get 2,625+1=2,626, and the correct answer

is E.

16/ (integer) What is the value of integer n?

1) The only different prime factor of n is 3 and 5
2) The number of different factors of n is 18.

==> According to Variable Approach Method, there is 1 variable (n) in the

original condition. In order to match the number of variable to the number of
equations, we need 1 equation. There is high chance that D is the correct
In the case of the condition 1), we get n=(3)(5), (3)(52). The answer is not
unique and the condition is not sufficient.
In the case of the condition 2), we get n=(3 2)(55), (35)(53),.. the answer is
not unique and the condition is not sufficient. Using both the condition 1)
and the condition 2), we get n=(32)(55), (35)(53), (3)(58). The answer is also
not unique and the conditions are not sufficient. Hence, the correct answer is

15 E
16 E
Diagnostic test 1

17/ (exponent) -----|-------|-------|-------|------

217 219 n
If the distances between two consecutive points are the same, what is the
value of n?
A. 3(218) B. 3(219) C. 5(218) D. 5(219) E. 7(218)

==> If we treat the distance between two points as d, we get:

d d d
217 219 n

5(218). Hence, the correct answer is C.

18/ (integer) If n is the remainder when 123,456,789 is divided by 4 and m is

the remainder when 987,654,321 is divided by 8, what is the sum of n and m?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 E. 6

==> The remainder when an integer a is divided 4 is same as the

tens-digit of a divided 4. The remainder when an integer b is divided
by 8 is same as the hundreds-digit of b divided by 8. In other words,
n is the remainder when 89 divided 4, and m is the remainder when
321 is divided by 8. From 89=4(22)+1, n=1 and from 321=8(40)+1,
m=1. Hence, since n+m=1+1=2, the correct answer is A.

17 C
18 A
Diagnostic test 1

19/ (exponent) =?
1) n=5
2) x=2

==> If we modify the original condition and the question according to

Variable Approach Method, we get

+ 12
+()(+) +() + ++)
= = = =x4?. Since we
only have to know the value of x, the correct answer is B.

20/ (sequence) There is a sequence An and n is a positive integer such that

A1=a, A2=b, and An+2=An+1An. Is A6<0?
1) a<0
2) ab<0

==> We can modify the original condition and the question according to
Variable Approach Method. If we substitute n=1, we get A3=A2A1=ba. If we
substitute n=2, we get A4=A3A2=(ba)b=b2a. If we substitute n=3, we get
A5=A4A3=(b2a)(ba)=b3a2. If we modify n=4, we get A6=A5A4=(b3a2)(b2a)=b5a3.
However, since the question is A6<0?, b5a3<0?--> ba<0? (Since b4a2 is a
positive integer, the sign of inequality does not change even if we both sides
by b4a2). Hence, the condition 2) is sufficient and the correct answer is B.

19 B
20 B
Diagnostic test 1

21/ (integer) On the 25th of November in 1990, John was trying to make a
new plan for Jan 1991. However, he did not have a new calendar that
included Jan 1991. Then, in order to match a new plan for Jan 1991, which of
following months of 1990 should he look at?
A. March B. April C. May D. June E. July

==> There are 7 days in 1 week. And if the number is divided by 7, and if
the remainder is same, their days will be the same as well. In other words,
since May has 31 days, if we divide it by 7, we get 3(31=7(4)+3). Since June

has 30 days, if we divide it by 7, we get 2(30=7(4)+2). The remainder of July

is 3, of August is 3, of September is 2, of October is 3, of November is 2 and
of December is 3. If we add up all remainders, we get

3+2+3+3+2+3+2+3=21. From 21=7(3), the remainder is 0. Hence, May of

one year has the same calendar as January of the next year. So, in order to
make a plan for January 1991, we can observe May of 1990. Hence, the

correct answer is C.

22/ (probability) N is an integer from 21 to 30. What is the probability that

n(n2-1) is divisible by 6?
A. 0.3 B. 0.42 C. 0.48 D. 0.72 E. 1.00

==> Probability = Number of one particular case/The total number of cases.

The total number of n is 10, so the total number of cases is also 10. Since
n(n2-1)=(n-1)n(n+1), it is the multiple of 3 consecutive terms. Hence, it is
always a multiple of 6. In any case, n(n2-1) is always divisible by 6. Hence, the
probability is 10/10=1. The correct answer is E.

21 C
22 E
Diagnostic test 1

23 / (probability) Factory X and factory Y are among the 5 factories in a

certain manufacturing business. If the CEO of a business must visit the 5
factories every day, in how many different possible orders can the CEO go to
the factories so that factory X is ahead of factory Y?
A. 24 B. 30 C. 36 D. 48 E. 60

==> In the case of the permutation that includes the same things, we divide
it by their factorials. For example, if we line up c,o,f,f,e,e, there are a total of
6 letters and we get 6!. Since f,f,e,e appears twice each, we can divide 6! by 2!
and 2!. Hence, the correct answer is 6!/2!2!. The next logical step is, in case
of probability, if things have a certain order, we have to treat them as the
same cases. In other words, the CEO visits X,Y,A,B,C. Hence, we should treat
X=Y as X is ahead of Y. So, we get X,X,A,B,C. The different possible orders
become 5!/2! (since X,X). Hence, 5!/2!=60, and the correct answer is E.

24/ (statistics) We define that the harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the
average (arithmetic mean) of the reciprocals of a set of specified numbers.
What is the harmonic mean of 2, 3, and 6?
A. 3 B. 1/3 C. 2 D. 1/2 E. 4

==> We have to calculate H(2,3,6)=?

1) the reciprocals of a set of specified numbers=1/2, 1/3, 1/6.
2) the average (arithmetic mean)=[(1/2)+(1/3)+(1/6)]/3=1/3.
3) the reciprocal of the average=1/(1/3)=3. Hence, H(2,3,6)=3. Therefore, the
correct answer is A.

23 E
24 A
Diagnostic test 1

25/ (integer) If a, b are integers, and (a-b)2+8b2=108, what is the number of

the ordered pairs (a,b)?
A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8 E. 10

==> From (a-b)2=100 and b2=1 or (a-b)2=36 and b2=9, we get a-b=10 and
b=1 or a-b=6 and b=3. This means we have 8 pairs, making D the
correct answer.

26/ (sequence) Tom will cultivate bacteria. The number of bacteria he will
cultivate after one day is 150 percent of that of the previous day. The total
number of bacteria is 4,725 after 2 days. What is the value of the original
number of bacteria on the first day?
A. 1,200 B. 1,500 C. 1,600 D. 1,800 E. 2,100

==> If we treat the original number of bacteria as a, we know that

a(1.5)2=4,725. a=2,100. Hence, the correct answer is E.

27/ (statistics) ) In the exam, 5 people have different scores ranging from 0
to 100, inclusive. The scores are all integers. If the median score is 70, what is
the greatest possible average (arithmetic mean) score?
A. 80.2 B. 81.2 C. 82.2 D. 83.2 E. 84.4

==> The greatest possible value of the average score is the largest value of
the total sum. In other words, ( )+( )+70+( )+( ) needs to the greatest. Hence,
we get (68)+(69)+70+(99)+(100)=406. Hence, the greatest possible average is
406/5=81.2. The correct answer is B.

25 D

26 E
27 B
Diagnostic test 1

28/ (geometry) A certain right circular cylinder is full of water that fills at a
constant rate of 6 cubic feet per minute. As the water level increases, the
height of the cylinder goes up at a constant rate of 0.2 feet per minute, what
is the radius of the cylinder, approximately, in feet?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

==> The rate at which water is being filled up is 6ft 3/min. Also, the rate at
which the water level rises is 0.2ft/min. The volume of a right circular cylinder
is v=r2h. Hence, we have 6t=r2(0.2t). t needs to be in minutes. Hence, if we
get rid of t from both sides, we get 6=r2(0.2). Then, 6/0.2=r2, 30= r2,
30/=r2. r2 is approximately 9, which makes r=3. Hence, the correct answer is

29/ (integer) Which of the following cannot be the outcome of raising an

integer to the 4th power?
A. 65,610,000
B. 68,574,961
C. 62,356,782
D. 52,200,625
E. 37,015,056

==> If we square a certain integer, we do not get 2,3,7,8 as units digits. If we

raises the integer to the 4th power, we only get 0,1,5,6 as the units digits.
Hence, out of all answer choices, the answer choice without units digits as

0,1,5,6, is C. Hence, since 62,356,782 is the correct answer, C is the final

answer choice.

28 C
29 C
Diagnostic test 1

30/ (absolute value) Is a<b?

1) |a-b|<|b|
2) a<0

==> There are 2 variables in the original condition. We need 2 equations in

order to match the number of variables and the number of equations. Hence,
there is high chance that C is the correct answer.
Using both the condition 1) and the condition 2):
In the case of the condition 1), since it is same as |a-b|<|b-0|, this means that
the distance between a to b is smaller than the distance between b to a.
Hence, we can draw a number line like below:
b a b 0
(no) (yes)
It shows that the distance between a to b is smaller than b to 0. However,
since we have answers that are yes and no, the condition is not sufficient,
and the correct answer is E.

30 E
Diagnostic test 1

31/ (statistics) The monthly precipitations in the first 5 months in 1999 are 8,
6, 9, 3, and 5, respectively, in inches. If the sixth months precipitation in
1999 is either 2, 6, or 11, in inches, for which of these values does the
monthly average (arithmetic mean) precipitation for the first 6 months equal
the median?
I. 2 II. 6 III. 11
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and III only E. I, II, and III

==> In order for the median and the mean to equal, it should be a
consecutive integers or the sum of number should be consistent
symmetrically. In other words, we get
(2), 3, 5, 6, 8, 9
3, 5, 6, (6), 8, 9
3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11

(2), 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 --> 2+9=3+8=5+6 (O)

3, 5, 6, (6), 8, 9 --> 3+95+8 (X)
3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 --> 3+11=5+9=6+8 (O)
As we can see, only I. 2 and III. 11 have the sum of number that is consistent
symmetrically. Hence, the correct answer is D.

31 D
Diagnostic test 1

32/ *(work rate) There are 4 machines with the same work rate. If it took m
hours for 3 machines to finish a task when working together, and took (m-3)
hours for 4 machines to finish the task when working together, what is the
value of m?
A. 8 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14 E. 16

==> If we treat the work rate of one machine as r, then we get

rt=w(r:work rate, t:time, w:work done). This is nrt=w (n=number of
machines). Hence, 3rm=4r(m-3). If we divide both sides by r, we get
=4(m-3)=4m-12, m=12. Hence, the correct answer is C.

33/ (integer) If {x} is the greatest integer less than or equal to x, what is the
value of {1/2}+{7/5}+{8/3}?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5

==> When, {x}=the greatest integer less than or equal to x, we can round
down. Hence, since {1/2}+{7/5}+{8/3}={0.5}+{1.4}+{2.6666..}=0+1+2=3, the
correct answer is C.

34/ *(integer) If x, y are positive integers, what is the value of xy?

1) yx=9
2) x2y=64

==> There are 2 variables (x and y) in the original condition. We need 2

equations in order to match the number of variables and the number of
equations. Hence, there is high chance that C is the correct answer. Using
both the condition 1) and the condition 2), we get x=2 and y=3. The

32 C

33 C
34 B
Diagnostic test 1

conditions are sufficient and the correct answer is C. However, this is an

integer question, one of key questions. Hence, we have to apply the common
mistake type 4(A). In the case of the condition 1), we get 9=3 2=91. Since
(x,y)=(2,3),(1,9), the answers are not unique and the condition is not
sufficient. In the case of the condition 2), from (xy)2=x2y=64=82, we get xy=8,
which is unique, making the condition sufficient. By DS questions definition,
when C and B are both answers, B is the correct answer. Hence, the correct
answer for this question is B.

35/ (absolute value) If ab-2b=(4-a)b, what is the value of b?

1) |a2-9|0
2) a<0

==> If we modify the original condition and the question according to

Variable Approach Method, we get ab-2b=4b-ab, 2ab-6b=0, 2b(a-3)=0.
Hence, the number of variables is 2 (a and b) and the number of equations is
1 (2b(a-3)=0). In order for the number of variables and the number of
equations to equal, we need 1 equation. Hence, there is high chance that D is
the correct answer.
In the case of the condition 1), if a=3, the value of b is not unique. Hence,
the condition is not sufficient.
In the case of the condition 2), if a<0, a-3<0, we always get b=0. The answer
is unique and the condition is sufficient. Hence, the correct answer is B.

35 B
Diagnostic test 1

36 / *(statistics) A certain population has a certain way of distributing its

members such that they are symmetric to the mean m. 68 percent of the
distribution lies within one standard deviation d of the mean and 95 percent
of the distribution lies within two standard deviations d of the mean. When
the average (arithmetic mean) life expectancy of tigers is 15 years and the
standard deviation of them is 5 years, what percent of the tigers have the
average (arithmetic mean) life expectancy between 20 years and 25 years,
A. 14% B. 32% C. 48% D. 84% E. 92%

m: mean
d: standard

0.34 0.34

0.135 0.135
0.025 0.025
m-d m+d
m-2d m+2d
From the above diagram, we get m=15, d=5. However, the question asks

20yrs~25yrs, we get (m+d)~(m+2d). Hence, the correct answer is 0.135. This

is approximately 14%, and the correct answer is A.

36 A
Diagnostic test 1

37/ (ratio) Each of 3 cups has the same n number of marbles. When marbles
from the 1-st cup are moved to the other 2 cups, the ratio of marbles in each
cup was 2:4:3. Then, which of the following represents the marbles that are
moved in the 1-st cup, in terms of n?
A. n/4 B. n/3 C. n/2 D. n E. 4n/5

==> Since n:n:n --> 2k:4k:3k, the total number of marbles does not change.
Then, from 3n=2k+4k+3k=9k, we get n=3k. In other words, from 3k:3k:3k --
> 2k:4k:3k. Hence, the total number of moved marbles is k that became 3k--
>2k(3k-2k=k). Hence, k=n/3, and the correct answer is B.

Missing questions number Estimating score

1~5 49~51
5~10 45~48
11~15 41~44
16~20 36~40

37 B

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