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Lampiran 1. Ethical clearance


Lampiran 2. Lembar penelitian


Lampiran 3. Data primer


Lampiran 4. Output SPSS



NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Umur > 20 detik 19 20.58 391. 00
< 20 detik 19 18.42 350. 00
Total 38

Test S tatisticsb

Man n-Whitn ey U 160 .000
Wilcoxon W 350 .000
Z -.59 9
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed) .549
E xa ct Sig. [ 2*(1-tailed a
S ig.)]
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Group ing V ariable : Kelo mpok



Group Statistics

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
BB > 2 0 detik 19 59. 79 11. 703 2.6 85
< 2 0 detik 19 58. 11 8.7 04 1.9 97

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .540
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .467
t-test for Equ ality of t .503 .503
Mea ns df 36 33.2 49
Sig. (2-t ailed) .618 .618
Mea n Differen ce
1.68 4 1.68 4

Std. Error Differe nce

3.34 6 3.34 6

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -5.1 02 -5.1 21

of th e Differen ce Upper 8.47 0 8.49 0


NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

TB > 20 detik 19 19.26 366.00
< 20 detik 19 19.74 375.00
Total 38

Test S tatisticsb

Man n-Whitn ey U 176 .000
Wilcoxon W 366 .000
Z -.13 3
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed) .894
E xa ct Sig. [ 2*(1-tailed a
S ig.)]
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Group ing V ariable : Kelo mpok


ASA * Kelompok

Cross tab

Kelomp ok
> 2 0 detik < 2 0 detik T otal
ASA I Count 10 11 21
Exp ected Count 10. 5 10. 5 21. 0
% within Ke lompo k 52. 6% 57. 9% 55. 3%
% o f To tal 26. 3% 28. 9% 55. 3%
II Count 9 8 17
Exp ected Count 8.5 8.5 17. 0
% within Ke lompo k 47. 4% 42. 1% 44. 7%
% o f To tal 23. 7% 21. 1% 44. 7%
T otal Count 19 19 38
Exp ected Count 19. 0 19. 0 38. 0
% within Ke lompo k 100 .0% 100 .0% 100 .0%
% o f To tal 50. 0% 50. 0% 100 .0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. Exa ct Sig. Exa ct Sig.

Value df (2-sided ) (2-sided ) (1-sided )
Pearson Chi-Square .106 b 1 .744
Continu ity Correction .000 1 1.00 0
Likeliho od Ratio .106 1 .744
Fisher's Exact T est 1.00 0 .500
Line ar-by-Li near
.104 1 .748
Asso ciation
N of Valid Cases 38
a. Comput ed onl y f or a 2x2 table
b. 0 cell s (.0% ) have e xpected cou nt less th an 5. T he m inimu m expecte d count is 8.

Jenis kelamin * Kelompok

Cross tab

K elompo k
> 20 detik < 20 detik T otal
Jenis kel amin Laki-laki Count 8 6 14
E xp ected Count 7.0 7.0 14.0
% within Kelo mpok 42.1 % 31.6 % 36.8 %
% o f Tot al 21.1 % 15.8 % 36.8 %
P erempu an Count 11 13 24
E xp ected Count 12.0 12.0 24.0
% within Kelo mpok 57.9 % 68.4 % 63.2 %
% o f Tot al 28.9 % 34.2 % 63.2 %
T otal Count 19 19 38
E xp ected Count 19.0 19.0 38.0
% within Kelo mpok 100 .0% 100 .0% 100 .0%
% o f Tot al 50.0 % 50.0 % 100 .0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. Exa ct Sig. Exa ct Sig.

Value df (2-sided ) (2-sided ) (1-sided )
Pearson Chi-Square .452 b 1 .501
Continu ity Correction .113 1 .737
Likeliho od Ratio .454 1 .501
Fisher's Exact T est .737 .369
Line ar-by-Li near
.440 1 .507
Asso ciation
N of Valid Cases 38
a. Comput ed onl y f or a 2x2 table
b. 0 cell s (.0% ) have e xpected cou nt less th an 5. T he m inimu m expecte d count is 7.


Lama Intubasi > 20 detik


Paired Sam ples Statis tics

Std. Error
Mea n N Std. Deviation Mea n
Pair T DS.pre 115 .89 19 11.8 46 2.71 8
1 T DS.1 141 .89 19 26.7 27 6.13 2
Pair T DS.pre 115 .89 19 11.8 46 2.71 8
2 T DS.2 134 .89 19 23.9 12 5.48 6
Pair T DS.pre 115 .89 19 11.8 46 2.71 8
3 T DS.5 126 .68 19 18.5 47 4.25 5
Pair T DS.pre 115 .89 19 11.8 46 2.71 8
4 T DS.10 118 .26 19 12.7 10 2.91 6

Paire d Sa mples Corre lations

N Correlat ion Sig.

Pair 1 T DS.pre & T DS.1 19 .39 8 .09 2
Pair 2 T DS.pre & T DS.2 19 .61 3 .00 5
Pair 3 T DS.pre & T DS.5 19 .55 8 .01 3
Pair 4 T DS.pre & T DS.10 19 .26 5 .27 3

Paire d Sa mples Te st

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4

T DS.pre T DS.pre T DS.pre T DS.pre
- T DS.1 - T DS.2 - T DS.5 - T DS.10
Paired Diffe rences Mea n -26. 000 -19. 000 -10. 789 -2.3 68
Std. Deviation 24.5 54 19.0 96 15.4 62 14.9 04
Std. Error M ean
5.63 3 4.38 1 3.54 7 3.41 9
95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -37. 835 -28. 204 -18. 242 -9.5 52
of th e Differen ce Upper -14. 165 -9.7 96 -3.3 37 4.81 5
t -4.6 16 -4.3 37 -3.0 42 -.69 3
df 18 18 18 18
Sig. (2-t ailed) .000 .000 .007 .497

Lama Intubasi < 20 detik


Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Error
Mean N Std. Dev iation Mean
Pair TDS.pre 113. 53 19 12.812 2.939
1 TDS.1 130. 26 19 24.062 5.520
Pair TDS.pre 113. 53 19 12.812 2.939
2 TDS.5 120. 11 19 20.415 4.683
Pair TDS.pre 113. 53 19 12.812 2.939
3 TDS.10 113. 26 19 16.374 3.756

Paired Samples Correlati ons

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 TDS.pre & TDS.1 19 .627 .004
Pair 2 TDS.pre & TDS.5 19 .439 .060
Pair 3 TDS.pre & TDS.10 19 .581 .009

Paire d Sa mples Te st

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3

T DS.pre T DS.pre T DS.pre
- T DS.1 - T DS.5 - T DS.10
Paired Differences Mea n -16. 737 -6.5 79 .263
Std. Deviation 18.8 82 18.7 45 13.7 35
Std. Error Me an
4.33 2 4.30 0 3.15 1
95% Co nfidence Interval Lower -25. 838 -15. 614 -6.3 57
of th e Difference Upper -7.6 36 2.45 6 6.88 3
t -3.8 64 -1.5 30 .084
df 18 18 18
Sig. (2-t ailed) .001 .143 .934

NPar Tests

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test


N Mea n Rank Sum of Ranks

T DS.2 - T DS.pre Negative Ranks 4a 7.38 29.5 0
Positive Ran ks 15 b 10.7 0 160 .50
T ies 0c
T otal 19
a. T DS.2 < T DS.pre
b. T DS.2 > T DS.pre
c. T DS.2 = T DS.pre

Test S tatisticsb

T DS .2 -
T DS .pre
Z -2.6 37 a
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed ) .008
a. B ased on neg ative ranks.
b. Wilcoxon Sign ed Ranks T est


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
T DS.pre > 20 detik 19 115 .89 11.8 46 2.71 8
< 20 detik 19 113 .53 12.8 12 2.93 9

Independent Sample s Test

T DS.pre
Equal variances Equal variances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .08 3
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .77 5
t-te st for Equ ality of t .59 2 .59 2
Me ans df 36 35. 781
Sig. (2-t ailed) .55 8 .55 8
Me an Differen ce
2.3 68 2.3 68

Std. Error Differe nce

4.0 03 4.0 03

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -5.7 50 -5.7 52

of t he Differen ce Upper 10. 487 10. 489


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
T DS.1 > 2 0 detik 19 141 .89 26. 727 6.1 32
< 2 0 detik 19 130 .26 24. 062 5.5 20

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

T DS.1
Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .594
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .446
t-test for Equ ality of t 1.41 0 1.41 0
Mea ns df 36 35.6 10
Sig. (2-t ailed) .167 .167
Mea n Differen ce
11.6 32 11.6 32

Std. Error Differe nce

8.25 0 8.25 0

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -5.1 01 -5.1 07

of th e Differen ce Upper 28.3 64 28.3 70

NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

TDS.2 > 20 detik 19 21.95 417. 00
< 20 detik 19 17.05 324. 00
Total 38

Test S tatisticsb

T DS .2
Man n-Whitn ey U 134 .000
Wilcoxon W 324 .000
Z -1.3 59
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed) .174
E xa ct Sig. [ 2*(1-tailed a
S ig.)]
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Group ing V ariable : Kelo mpok


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
T DS.5 > 2 0 detik 19 126 .68 18. 547 4.2 55
< 2 0 detik 19 120 .11 20. 415 4.6 83

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

T DS.5
Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .000
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .989
t-test for Equ ality of t 1.04 0 1.04 0
Mea ns df 36 35.6 74
Sig. (2-t ailed) .305 .305
Mea n Differen ce
6.57 9 6.57 9

Std. Error Differe nce

6.32 8 6.32 8

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -6.2 54 -6.2 58

of th e Differen ce Upper 19.4 12 19.4 16


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
T DS.10 > 20 detik 19 118 .26 12.7 10 2.91 6
< 20 detik 19 113 .26 16.3 74 3.75 6

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

T DS.10
Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .266
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .609
t-test for Equ ality of t 1.05 1 1.05 1
Mea ns df 36 33.9 14
Sig. (2-t ailed) .300 .300
Mea n Differen ce
5.00 0 5.00 0

Std. Error Differe nce

4.75 5 4.75 5

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -4.6 44 -4.6 65

of th e Differen ce Upper 14.6 44 14.6 65


Lama Intubasi > 20 detik


Paired Samples Statistics

Std. Error
Mean N Std. Dev iat ion Mean
Pair HR.pre 79.05 19 8.270 1.897
1 HR.1 86.21 19 12.925 2.965
Pair HR.pre 79.05 19 8.270 1.897
2 HR.2 85.42 19 14.611 3.352
Pair HR.pre 79.05 19 8.270 1.897
3 HR.5 82.11 19 13.042 2.992

Paired Samples Correlations

N Correlation Sig.
Pair 1 HR.pre & HR. 1 19 .904 .000
Pair 2 HR.pre & HR. 2 19 .890 .000
Pair 3 HR.pre & HR. 5 19 .644 .003

P aire d Sa mples Te st

P air 1 P air 2 P air 3

HR.pre - HR.pre - HR.pre -
HR.1 HR.2 HR.5
P aired Diffe rences Mea n -7.1 58 -6.3 68 -3.0 53
S td. Deviation 6.49 2 8.16 6 9.97 5
S td. E rror M ean 1.48 9 1.87 4 2.28 8
95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -10. 287 -10. 304 -7.8 60
of th e Differen ce Upper -4.0 29 -2.4 32 1.75 5
t -4.8 06 -3.3 99 -1.3 34
df 18 18 18
S ig. (2-t ailed) .000 .003 .199

NPar Tests

Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test


N Mea n Rank Sum of Ran ks

HR.10 - HR.pre Negative Ranks 10 a 8.80 88.0 0
Positi ve Ran ks 8b 10.3 8 83.0 0
T ies 1c
T otal 19
a. HR.10 < HR.pre
b. HR.10 > HR.pre
c. HR.10 = HR.pre

Test S tatisticsb

HR.10 -
Z -.10 9 a
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed ) .913
a. B ased on positive ran ks.
b. Wilcoxon Sign ed Ranks T est

Lama Intubasi < 20 detik


P aire d Sa mples Statistics

S td. E rror
Mea n N S td. Deviation Mea n
P air HR.pre 77.1 1 19 9.61 4 2.20 6
1 HR.1 85.3 2 19 14.6 37 3.35 8
P air HR.pre 77.1 1 19 9.61 4 2.20 6
2 HR.2 83.8 9 19 15.7 65 3.61 7
P air HR.pre 77.1 1 19 9.61 4 2.20 6
3 HR.5 80.3 2 19 14.5 30 3.33 3
P air HR.pre 77.1 1 19 9.61 4 2.20 6
4 HR.10 76.3 7 19 12.4 02 2.84 5

Paire d Sa mple s Correlations

N Correla tion Sig.

Pair 1 HR.pre & HR.1 19 .69 3 .00 1
Pair 2 HR.pre & HR.2 19 .72 3 .00 0
Pair 3 HR.pre & HR.5 19 .60 4 .00 6
Pair 4 HR.pre & HR.10 19 .46 9 .04 3

P aire d Sa mples Te st

P air 1 P air 2 P air 3 P air 4

HR.pre - HR.pre - HR.pre - HR.pre -
HR.1 HR.2 HR.5 HR.10
P aired Differences Mea n -8.2 11 -6.7 89 -3.2 11 .737
S td. Deviation 10.5 70 11.0 43 11.6 12 11.5 89
S td. E rror Me an 2.42 5 2.53 3 2.66 4 2.65 9
95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -13. 305 -12. 112 -8.8 07 -4.8 49
of th e Differen ce Upper -3.1 16 -1.4 67 2.38 6 6.32 3
t -3.3 86 -2.6 80 -1.2 05 .277
df 18 18 18 18
S ig. (2-t ailed) .003 .015 .244 .785


Group Statistic s

Std. Error
Kelompo k N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
HR.pre > 20 detik 19 79.0 5 8.27 0 1.89 7
< 20 detik 19 77.1 1 9.61 4 2.20 6

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .112
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .740
t-test for Equ ality of t .669 .669
Mea ns df 36 35.2 13
Sig. (2-t ailed) .508 .508
Mea n Differen ce
1.94 7 1.94 7

Std. Error Differe nce

2.90 9 2.90 9

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -3.9 53 -3.9 58

of th e Differen ce Upper 7.84 8 7.85 2


Group Statistics

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
HR.1 > 2 0 detik 19 86. 21 12. 925 2.9 65
< 2 0 detik 19 85. 32 14. 637 3.3 58

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .000
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .995
t-test for Equ ality of t .200 .200
Mea ns df 36 35.4 57
Sig. (2-t ailed) .843 .843
Mea n Differen ce
.895 .895

Std. Error Differe nce

4.48 0 4.48 0

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -8.1 91 -8.1 95

of th e Differen ce Upper 9.98 0 9.98 5


Group Statistics

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
HR.2 > 2 0 detik 19 85. 42 14. 611 3.3 52
< 2 0 detik 19 83. 89 15. 765 3.6 17

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .057
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .813
t-test for Equ ality of t .310 .310
Mea ns df 36 35.7 94
Sig. (2-t ailed) .759 .759
Mea n Differen ce
1.52 6 1.52 6

Std. Error Differe nce

4.93 1 4.93 1

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -8.4 75 -8.4 77

of th e Differen ce Upper 11.5 27 11.5 29


Group Statistics

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Me an Std. Deviation Me an
HR.5 > 2 0 detik 19 82. 11 13. 042 2.9 92
< 2 0 detik 19 80. 32 14. 530 3.3 33

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .265
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .610
t-test for Equ ality of t .399 .399
Mea ns df 36 35.5 88
Sig. (2-t ailed) .692 .692
Mea n Differen ce
1.78 9 1.78 9

Std. Error Differe nce

4.47 9 4.47 9

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -7.2 95 -7.2 99

of th e Differen ce Upper 10.8 74 10.8 78

NPar Tests

Mann-Whitney Test


Kelompok N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

HR.10 > 20 detik 19 21.58 410. 00
< 20 detik 19 17.42 331. 00
Total 38

Test S tatisticsb

Man n-Whitn ey U 141 .000
Wilcoxon W 331 .000
Z -1.1 55
A symp. S ig. (2 -tailed) .248
E xa ct Sig. [ 2*(1-tailed a
S ig.)]
a. Not corrected for ties.
b. Group ing V ariable : Kelo mpok



Paire d Sa mples Sta tistics

Std. Error
Mea n N Std. Deviation Mea n
Pair RPP.pre 917 1.42 19 138 9.882 318 .861
1 RPP.1 123 23.05 19 327 7.733 751 .964
Pair RPP.pre 917 1.42 19 138 9.882 318 .861
2 RPP.2 116 89.16 19 348 2.057 798 .839
Pair RPP.pre 917 1.42 19 138 9.882 318 .861
3 RPP.5 104 82.11 19 260 8.639 598 .463
Pair RPP.pre 917 1.42 19 138 9.882 318 .861
4 RPP.10 930 1.00 19 192 4.590 441 .531

Paired Sa mples Correl ations

N Correlat ion Sig.

Pair 1 RPP.pre & RPP.1 19 .652 .002
Pair 2 RPP.pre & RPP.2 19 .788 .000
Pair 3 RPP.pre & RPP.5 19 .430 .066
Pair 4 RPP.pre & RPP.10 19 .400 .089

Paire d Sa mples Te st

Pair 1 Pair 2 Pair 3 Pair 4

RPP.pre RPP.pre RPP.pre RPP.pre
- RPP.1 - RPP.2 - RPP.5 - RPP.10
Paired Differences Mea n -315 1.63 -251 7.7 -131 0.68 -129 .579
Std. Deviation 259 5.209 253 5.830 237 0.206 186 9.244
Std. Error Me an
595 .382 581 .759 543 .762 428 .834
95% Co nfidence Interval Lower -440 2.48 -374 0.0 -245 3.09 -103 0.53
of th e Difference Upper -190 0.78 -129 5.5 -168 .282 771 .368
t -5.2 93 -4.3 28 -2.4 10 -.30 2
df 18 18 18 18
Sig. (2-t ailed) .000 .000 .027 .766


Paire d Sa mples Sta tistics

Std. Error
Mea n N Std. Deviation Mea n
Pair RPP.pre 880 9.47 19 182 9.016 419 .605
1 RPP.1 105 18.68 19 340 8.552 781 .975
Pair RPP.pre 880 9.47 19 182 9.016 419 .605
2 RPP.2 105 92.89 19 305 6.632 701 .239
Pair RPP.pre 880 9.47 19 182 9.016 419 .605
3 RPP.5 977 0.05 19 290 3.928 666 .207
Pair RPP.pre 880 9.47 19 182 9.016 419 .605
4 RPP.10 871 8.26 19 220 2.898 505 .379

Paired Sa mples Correl ations

N Correlat ion Sig.

Pair 1 RPP.pre & RPP.1 19 .362 .128
Pair 2 RPP.pre & RPP.2 19 .672 .002
Pair 3 RPP.pre & RPP.5 19 .641 .003
Pair 4 RPP.pre & RPP.10 19 .547 .015

P aired Sa mples Te st

P air 1 P air 2 P air 3 P air 4

RPP .pre RPP .pre RPP .pre RPP .pre
- RPP .1 - RPP .2 - RPP .5 - RPP .10
P aired Differences Mea n -170 9.21 -178 3.42 -960 .579 91.2 11
S td. Deviation 323 2.532 227 4.874 222 8.886 194 7.137
S td. E rror Me an
741 .594 521 .892 511 .342 446 .704
95% Con fidence Interval Lower -326 7.24 -287 9.88 -203 4.87 -847 .279
of th e Di fference Upper -151 .180 -686 .967 113 .710 102 9.700
t -2.3 05 -3.4 17 -1.8 79 .204
df 18 18 18 18
S ig. (2-ta iled) .033 .003 .077 .840


Group Statistic s

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
RPP.pre > 20 detik 19 917 1.42 138 9.882 318 .861
< 20 detik 19 880 9.47 182 9.016 419 .605

Independent Sample s Test

Equal variances Equal variances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .52 0
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .47 5
t-te st for Equ ality of t .68 7 .68 7
Me ans df 36 33. 590
Sig. (2-t ailed) .49 7 .49 7
Me an Differen ce
361 .947 361 .947

Std. Error Differe nce

527 .011 527 .011

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -70 6.880 -70 9.550

of t he Differen ce Upper 143 0.775 143 3.444


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
RPP.1 > 20 detik 19 123 23.05 327 7.733 751 .964
< 20 detik 19 105 18.68 340 8.552 781 .975

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .099
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .755
t-test for Equ ality of t 1.66 3 1.66 3
Mea ns df 36 35.9 45
Sig. (2-t ailed) .105 .105
Mea n Differen ce
180 4.368 180 4.368

Std. Error Differe nce

108 4.866 108 4.866

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -395 .842 -395 .959

of th e Differen ce Upper 400 4.579 400 4.696


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
RPP.2 > 20 detik 19 116 89.16 348 2.057 798 .839
< 20 detik 19 105 92.89 305 6.632 701 .239

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .490
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .489
t-test for Equ ality of t 1.03 1 1.03 1
Mea ns df 36 35.4 06
Sig. (2-t ailed) .309 .309
Mea n Differen ce
109 6.263 109 6.263

Std. Error Differe nce

106 2.958 106 2.958

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -105 9.516 -106 0.773

of th e Differen ce Upper 325 2.042 325 3.299


Group Statisti cs

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
RPP.5 > 20 detik 19 104 82.11 260 8.639 598 .463
< 20 detik 19 977 0.05 290 3.928 666 .207

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .211
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .649
t-test for Equ ality of t .795 .795
Mea ns df 36 35.5 94
Sig. (2-t ailed) .432 .432
Mea n Differen ce
712 .053 712 .053

Std. Error Differe nce

895 .539 895 .539

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -110 4.184 -110 4.904

of th e Differen ce Upper 252 8.289 252 9.009


Group Statistic s

Std. Error
Kelomp ok N Mea n Std. Deviation Mea n
RPP.10 > 20 detik 19 930 1.00 192 4.590 441 .531
< 20 detik 19 871 8.26 220 2.898 505 .379

Inde pende nt Sample s Test

Equal vari ances Equal vari ances
assum ed not assumed
Leven e's T est for F .236
Equality o f Va riances Sig. .630
t-test for Equ ality of t .868 .868
Mea ns df 36 35.3 63
Sig. (2-t ailed) .391 .391
Mea n Differen ce
582 .737 582 .737

Std. Error Differe nce

671 .087 671 .087

95% Co nfiden ce Interval Lower -778 .291 -779 .143

of th e Differen ce Upper 194 3.765 194 4.617

Lampiran 5. Biodata

Nama : Rizky Mayo Hutama

NIM : 22010110130195

Tempat/tanggal lahir : Semarang, 8 Agustus 1992

Jeniskelamin : Laki - laki

Alamat : JL. Mangunharjo Raya no.1 Semarang

No Telp : -

No HP : 08112991112

Email :

Riwayat Pendidikan

1.SD : SD H ISRIATI SEMARANG Lulus tahun: 2004

2.SMP : SMPN3 SEMARANG Lulus tahun: 2007

3.SMA : SMAN 1 SEMARANG Lulus tahun: 2010

4.FK UNDIP : 2010

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