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The building blocks of nucleic acid molecules are called:

Hydrolysis of a protein would produce

In a bacterial cell, the DNA is in the:
The three-dimensional structure of macromolecules is formed and maintained primarily through
noncovalent interactions. Which one of the following is not considered a noncovalent interaction?
What are epimers.
A monosaccharide consists of 6 carbons, one of which is in a ketone group, is classified as a(n):
Which of the following pairs is interconverted in the process of mutarotation?
Comparing the fatty acids with designations: C18:0, C12:0, n9C16:2 and 3C18:3, C12:0 will have the
lowest melting point.
Which of the following statements about biological membranes is true?
Which process will transport sodium ions to the outside of the cell and potassium ions to the inside of the
Which of the following conditions does NOT apply to facilitated transport?
In an amide-linked myristoyl achored protein, this amino acid is involved in the formation of the amide
The receptor for glucagon and epinephrine are members of this group of proteins:
Which type of bonding is responsible for the secondary structure of proteins?
Which term below best defines the 'quaternary structure' of a protein?
Which of the characteristics below apply to amino acid Glycine?
What is the net charge of Histidine at pH 8, given that the -COOH, -NH2, and the imidazole groups
have pKa values of 2, 9, & 6, respectively?
The member of the Respiratory Chain closely associated with an enzyme of Krebs Cycle:
The mobile component of the ETC that mediates the electrons between Complex II and Complex III:
Significance of electrons entering NAD+:
A characteristic feature of ATP:
The interactions between the active site and the substrate are brought about by the following, EXCEPT:
This reaction given is catalyzed by an enzyme that belongs to what major class:

When a molecule similar to the specific substrate interacts with the active site of an enzyme, the process
is called:
An organic cofactor loosely bound to the apoenzyme:
The activity of the tandem enzyme that slows down the activity PFK 1 of glycolysis by hydrolyzing the
most important allosteric regulator of both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis:
Where is the major anaplerotic reaction found and catalyzed by what enzyme?
The activities of the branching enzyme of the glycogenesis:
The specific reaction catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase breaking down glycogen to glucose 1-PO4:
The initial reaction of the major pathway for fructose metabolism is catalyzed by:
True of Classic galactosemia:
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin in man because of the absence of this enzyme:
Mannose enters the glycolytic pathway thru this isntermediate:
Oxidation of fatty acids with twenty or twenty two carbon atoms generates these products:
Oxidation of a monounsaturated fatty acid employ this enzyme:
The liver synthesizes ketone bodies, yet it cannot make use of these molecules to generate energy
because of the absence of this enzyme:
The main source of NADPH for fatty acid biosynthesis is in mammals:
True of arachidonic acid:
Which of the following is TRUE regarding the synthesis of sphingolipids?
Tay-Sachs Disease, also known as GM2 Gangliosidosis, develops because of a deficiency/defect of
which enzyme:
Which of the following statements is TRUE as far as eicosanoids and drugs are concerned:
The molecule representing a final stage in the catabolism of VLDL:
Resynthesized triacylglycerols inside the intestinal cells are transported into the lymphatic system by this
Factors that inhibit the activity of HMGCoA reductase:
7 alpha hydroxylase, the enzyme that catalyzes the rate limiting step for bile acid synthesis, is enhanced
The oxidative deamination of glutamate by glutamate dehydrogenase is catalyzed in the presence of and
stimulated by:
In general, all amino acids transaminate, EXCEPT:
Some oxidative deamination reactions are carried out on L-amino acids by this enzyme utilizing a Flavin
coenzyme; name the enzyme & the coenzyme:
Histidine undergoes:
An enzyme using the vitamin derived cofactor that serves to transfer NH2 groups:
Which of the following sets are essential amino acids?
All of the following choices have an nonessential amino acid and a metabolite from which the amino acid
can be made, EXCEPT
Which of the following statements about gluconeogenesis from amino acids is INCORRECT?
Which of the following statements regarding ketogenic amino acids is NOT TRUE?
All of the sets of amino acids enters the TCA cycle through their carbon skeletons, EXCEPT:
True of the cofactor tetrahydrofolate (THF), EXCEPT:
True of the biological conversion of serine to cysteine, EXCEPT:
Which of following is NOT TRUE of the source/fate of the atoms of cysteine?
The following are intermediates to which the carbons of Met is readily catabolized to, EXCEPT:
Arginine is an essential amino acid in:
Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the hydroxylation of Phe to Tyr?
True of classic phenylketoneurea, EXCEPT:
Your patient has a high serum homocysteine level and a defect in the enzyme that transfers one-carbon
units from N5-methylTHF to form methylcobalamin (B12). The greatest change from normal would be in
the rate of conversion of:
Which of the following amino acids undergo direct deamination?
In the process of heme synthesis, which amino acid and TCA cycle/EMP intermediate pair is utilized?
TCA cycle in the anabolic state, its intermediates contribute to the carbons of the following amino acids,
Which of the following pairs DOES NOT contribute its carbons to gluconeogenesis?
To be classified as a ketogenic amino acid, the carbon skeletons must be catabolized to at least one of
the intermediates, EXCEPT:
The carbon skeleton of all of the following amino acids are catabolized to pyruvate or 2-phosphoglycerate
When Met & homocysteine levels are high & Cys levels is low, which enzyme is missing or defective?
The first reaction common to the metabolism of the branched-chain amino acids is:
The enzyme complex that is deficient in Maple Syrup Urine Disease is:
Which of the following amino acid pairs do not undergo transamination reactions:
When will hemoglobin have the highest affinity for oxygen?
What phenomenon occurs when decreased ph causes hemoglobin to release oxygen into tissues?
A point mutation in the beta-globin gene changing the codon from glutamate to valine will likely cause
what disease?
In deoxy hemoglobin (Hb), the Fe (II) is 5-coordinated to:
Allosteric effects that occur in hemoglobin
The following small molecules affect hemoglobin as indicated:
Much of the carbon dioxide generated by the tissues are found in the blood plasma; what protein is
responsible for its transport from the RBC to the plama?
A pancreatic enzyme that acts on 1,4 glycosidic bonds of the products of initial oral digestion of
Much glucose released from the digestion process in the GIT are transported to the blood using this
Among the enzymes used for protein digestion which one plays an important role for activation of the
Chymotrypsin acts on the carboxy ends of which amino acids:
The amino acids, as products of final digestion of proteins in the small intestines, are transported from the
circulation to the cells of tissues uses this important compound:
Products of the digestion of dietary triacyglycerols carried out by pancreatic lipase:
What lipoprotein will transport the synthesized TAG within the intestinal cells to the lymphatic system?
An energy measurement according to the mechanical work done:
True of direct calorimetry:
This RQ value of 0.07 represents what kind of fuel metabolized?
The approximate percentage of energy expenditure of the skeletal muscle at rest:
The following is/are factor/s affecting metabolic rate, EXCEPT:
True of the facultative thermogenesis:
For a pregnant mother at the 3rd trimester, how much kilocalorie should be added to the TEE per day?
The vitamin that serves as the precursor for the coenzyme A used for activation of molecules like fatty
acids prior to -oxidation:
Transamination reactions catalyzed by transaminases require a coenzyme derived from this B complex
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient humans need to obtain from the diet; cannot be synthesized because
Of all the B-complex vitamins, which one is stored in the liver?
An important mineral needed for the function of vitamin E in conjunction with vitamin C and glutathione:
The most frequently used inorganic cofactor by kinases:

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