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REFERENCE Game sequence Combat sequence + Place the boards + Choose a target, which must be within the Attack action’ Range characteristic. Note that if there + Draw cards, is no target within range and line ‘of sight, you cannot make an Ifthe attack totals greater than the defence total the Attack action is success, The target suffers damage ~ take a number of wound tokens equal tothe Damage characteristic of the t tack action and place them Attack action. You cannot target oe ee ree Raat ena target canals be driven back. - Action phase Roll number of attack dice If they cart be pushed because equal to the Attack actions Dice all ofthe heres they could be characteristic and count the pushed into are blocked or + Round? numberof successes you roll. ‘occupied, they ae not pushed back and do not take any additional damage «+ Place the objective tokens. + Place the fighters, - End phase =e Your opponent cls a numberof defence dice equal tothe target ~ End phase fighters Defence characteristic End phase sequence + Round 3 and counts the number of Each player runs through this Cee successes they roll. The target sequence, starting with the player ction phase fighters Defence characteristic “Sno took the rst ectivation in tellsyou which symbol (V or Yeon U they need to rll fora success, + Victory AWD isacritial succes, whichis + Score objectives, always a success - End phase Activation options + Discard unwanted objectives. ‘+ Make a Move action with ‘Compare your successes (the 8 fighter, ‘attack total’) to your opponent's successes (the Uefence total, + Discard unwanted power cards + Play upgrade cards. + Make a Charge action with a fighter Hiheatacktol sesh he + Draw obese cad and Beer peer cael defence total the Attack action power cards (oa maxioumn - +has no effect - the Attack action hand of 3 objective cards and 5 + Make an action printed ona Eau Rint ebaie e power cas). fighter card or upgrade (suchas nor your opponent rolled any an Attack action) with a fighter. Se ee ‘» Draw a power card from the top hhas no effect ~ the Attack. CRITICAL SUCCESSES of the power deck. action fails. ‘Ifthe attacker has more critical + Discard an objective card and ~ the atack total equals the ee sil is deaeaa saree ean curate defence total but you rolled at | target then the Atackaction top ofthe objective det least one success, the Attack issuccessfl, regardless of the action fails. However, the target number of successes rolled by + Pass (do nothing). mibe dared back the other player. The Attack Tapped age can Se be driven back, but can't be pushed because all ofthe * or passes. {IF the target has more ® symbols exes they could be pushed chan the MREEoE ther Power step sequence + Current player plays a power card + Next player plays a power card into are blocked or occupied, orpases GeAtctinsccratd arc. . oa + Repeat until both players pass instead of failing, The target VP) ale in succession. sufes damage “take « murnber |” fboth player roll the sae + Neat activation, Damage haractertic ofthe Cee te Atackeaction and place them on | Suefeng on fave the targets fighter card.

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