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01 Addition of 2 8 bit numbers

02 Subtraction of 2 8 bit numbers

03 Multiplication of 2 8 bit numbers

04 Division of 2 8 bit numbers

05 Find the largest number among N numbers

06 Ascending Order of N numbers

07 Descending Order of N numbers

08 Programs for 16 bit Arithmetic Operations

a) Addition of 2 16 bit Numbers

b) Subtraction of 2 16 bit numbers
c) Multiplication of 2 16 bit numbers
d) Division of 2 16 bit numbers

09 Programs for Sorting and Searching of an Element

a) Searching a number in the array

b) Sorting of an array


10 8085 Assembly Language Hardware Interfacing

a) Wire up 74LS373 and latch a desired lower order Address of 8085

using ALE.
b) Wire up a circuit using ALE, Ready Pin to hardware hold the 8085
microprocessor for Single step operation

11 Generate a 1 KHz Square wave at SOD pin of 8085

12 Wire up an 8255 IC in a Bread Board and interface with 8085 microprocessor.

Function test of 8255 in mode 0, mode 1, mode 2.

13 Wire up 8253 in a Bread Board and Test its Functions and to generate 1MHZ
Square Wave

14 Wire up a parallel ADC (0804) to read the analog input Voltage 0-5 volt.

15 Wire up a parallel DAC (0808).Write a program to generate Triangular wave

form at the DAC Output.

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