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Assalamualaikum WR.


First off, allows claim all the praise and gratefulness to Allah Swt because of all of
His blessing, grace, and support upon all of us. Shalawat and salam might
everlastingly be after our Great Prophet Muhammad Saw who have actually led as
well as directed us from dark into intense course.

To all the ladies, gentlemen, and audience I proud of,

There must be no person below who wants to get ill. All we desire every day is being
healthy. By being healthy we can then gain the life for our every day lives. With
healthy body we can then do all the daily activities.
We all recognize when we are ill, its not just our own selves who feel it, however
also our partners will certainly get hectic to take care of us, our children will be
ignored, as well as we surely will need adequate money to cure the sickness.

To be healthy regularly after that we need to take care of our wellness as best as we
can. The means we can do from now on is to obtain made use of to run a healthy and
balanced lifestyle in our daily routine.

To all the ladies, gents, and target market I respect,

Preventing is better than medicating. We have ever heard numerous cases that
individuals invested some of their wealth simply to cure their health issues, like
cardiovascular disease, cancer cells they were enduring. Nonetheless, wellness is
undoubtedly expensive. Regardless of just how much the cash we have actually
invested to treat the significant illness, also tough it is treated, we could never restore
our health and wellness problem much like the first time before we have the health
issues. The best means to be avoided numerous chronic healths issues is by stopping
the sicknesses ahead. One of the most effective methods is by obtaining made use of
to live a healthy way of living.

To all the ladies, gentlemen, and target market I love,

Definitely we need to recognize first exactly what healthy and balanced way of living
Healthy and balanced way of living is a persons behavior to run healthy and
balanced life in day-to-days live and prevent poor routines that can interfere with the
health and wellness.

Just what is the effect by not doing healthy and balanced way of life? It could cause
countless sicknesses, such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, cancers,
diabetes, persistent lung condition, excessive weight, osteoarthritis, weakening of
bones, and also many more.
Every one of these healths issues are brought on by 3 major elements, namely
cigarette smoking, absence of physical activities and also taking in coarse meals. For
that reason, to avoid all those diseases we have to run a healthy way of life everyday.

What are the take advantage of running a healthy lifestyle?

Body will be healthier and more powerful versus health issues
Daily tasks will certainly run much better as well as you look much more
Extra efficient
Prevented from numerous transmissions like heart disease, hypertension, stroke,
diabetic issues, chronic lung condition, osteoporosis

Exactly what is healthy lifestyle like?

1. Taking balanced as well as nourishing foods, high fiber, low fats

2. Doing exercises for HALF AN HOUR each day
3. Not smoking cigarettes
Thats all the important things I could share on this good event. I wish from currently
on we could care for ourselves and also our household from healths issues by
obtaining used to run a healthy and balanced way of living. I desire everything I
stated could be all-to-the great for every person. Please forgive me for any kind of
error on my words.

Wasalamualaikum WR WB

terjemahan : Pidato bahasa Inggris tentang Kebersihan

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
First of all, lets say all the praise and gratitude to Allah Swt due to all of His blessing, mercy, and
guidance upon all of us. Shalawat and salam may everlastingly be upon our Great Prophet
Muhammad Saw who have led and guided us from dark into bright path.
To all the ladies, gentlemen, and audience I proud of,
There must be no one here who wants to get sick. All we wish each day is being healthy. By being
healthy we can then earn the life for our daily lives. With healthy body we can then do all the daily
We all know when we are sick, its not only our own selves who feel it, but also our wives will get
busy to take care of us, our children will be ignored, and we surely will need enough money to cure
the sickness.
To be healthy all the time then we must take care of our health as best as we can. The way we
can do from now on is to get used to run a healthy lifestyle in our daily routine.
To all the
ladies, gentlemen, and audience I respect,
Preventing is much better than medicating. We have ever heard many cases that people spent
some of their wealth just to cure their sickness, like heart disease, cancer they were suffering.
However, health is indeed costly. No matter how much the money we have spent to cure the
serious sickness, even tough it is cured, we could never regain our health condition just like the
first time before we have the sickness. The best way to be kept away from various chronic
sicknesses is by preventing the sicknesses to come. One of the best ways is by getting used to
live a healthy lifestyle.
To all the ladies, gentlemen, and audience I love,
Surely we need to understand first what healthy lifestyle means
Healthy lifestyle is someones habit to run healthy life in daily lives and avoid bad habits that can
disrupt the health.
What is the consequence by not doing healthy lifestyle? It could cause numerous sicknesses, such
as heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, cancers, diabetes, chronic lung disease, obesity,
osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, and many more.
All of these sicknesses are caused by three main factors, namely smoking, lack of physical
activities and consuming fibrous meals. Therefore, to prevent all those illnesses we need to run a
healthy lifestyle everyday.
What are the benefits from running a healthy lifestyle?
Body will be healthier and stronger against sickness
Daily activities will run better and you look more attractive
More productive
Prevented from various contagions like heart disease, hypertension, stroke, diabetes, chronic
lung disease, osteoporosis
What is healthy lifestyle like?
1. Taking balanced and nutritious foods, high fiber, low fats
2. Doing physical activities for 30 minutes each day
3. Not smoking
Thats all the things I can convey on this good occasion. I wish from now on we can take care of
ourselves and our family from sicknesses by getting used to run a healthy lifestyle. I wish
everything I said can be all-to-the good for everyone. Please forgive me for any mistake on my
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
Terjemahan :
Biasakan Gaya Hidup Sehat
Assalamu Alaikum wr.Wb
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan
segala rohmat, taufiq, dan hidayahnya kepada kita sekalian.
Sholawat serta salam mudah-mudahan tetap tercurahkan kepada junjungan Nabi besar kita
Muhammad SAW yang telah menunjukkan kita dari jalan yang gelap gulita menuju jalan yang
terang benderang.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya banggakan.
Siapapun tentu tidak mau mengalami sakit. Sehat senantiasa kita harapkan setiap hari. Dengan
sehat maka kita bisa mencari nafkah untuk kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Dengan badan kita sehat
maka kita bisa melakukan segala aktifitas sehari-hari.
Kita tahu bahwa ketika sakit maka tidak hanya badan sendiri saja yang merasakan. Istri kita ikut
sibuk mengurus kita, anak kita terlantar dan tidak terperhatikan, dan tentu akan membutuhkan
uang yang cukup banyak untuk berobat.
Agar kita senantiasa sehat maka kita harus menjaga kesehatan kita semaksimal mungkin. Cara
yang bisa kita lakukan mulai dari sekarang adalah marilah kita biasakan gaya hidup sehat dalam
keseharian kita.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya hormati.
Mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. Kita pernah mendengar banyak kasus, orang
menghabiskan sebagian hartanya hanya untuk menyembuhkan penyakit jantung, atau kanker
yang menderanya. Namun, kesehatan itu memang mahal. Sebanyak apapun uang yang kita
habiskan untuk menyembuhakan sakit yang terlanjur parah, meskipun dapat sembuh, tidak dapat
mengembalikan kondisi kesehatan kita seperti sedia kala, sebelum kita terserang sakit parah. Cara
yang paling tepat untuk terhindar dari berbagai penyakit kronis adalah mencegah penyakit tersebut
datang. Salah satunya dengan membiasakan gaya hidup sehat.
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu, dan semua hadirin yang saya cintai.
Tentu harus kita pahami terlebih dahulu Apa itu gaya hidup sehat ?
Gaya hidup sehat adalah kebiasaan seseorang untuk menerapkan hidup sehat dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari dan menghindari kebiasaan buruk yang menganggu kesehatan.
Apa akibatnya bila tidak melakukakan Gaya hidup sehat ? Dapat mengakibatkan berbagai macam
penyakit seperti: Jantung, Tekanan Darah tinggi, Stroke, Kanker, Kencing Manis, Sumbatan Paru
Kronis, Kegemukan (Obesitas), Radang Sendi, Kerpos Tulang (Osteoporosis)
Semua ini disebabkan oleh tiga faktor risiko utama, yaitu merokok, kurangnya melakukakan
aktifitas fisik dan kurang makan-makanan yang berserat. untuk mencegahnya Gaya Hidup Sehat
harus kita terapkan setiap hari.
Apa Manfaat Gaya Hidup Sehat ?
Tubuh jadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah sakit.
Aktifitas sehari-hari jadi lebih lancar dan tampil lebih menarik.
Lebih produktif.
Terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit tidak menular seperti jantung, Tekanan
Darah Tinggi, Stroke, Diabetes, Paru Kronis, dan Kerpos Tulang.
Gaya Hidup Sehat itu Seperti Apa?
1. Makan-makanan bergizi seimbang, tinggi serat dan rendah lemak.
2. Lakukakan aktifitas fisik 30 menit, setiap hari.
3. Tidak Merokok
Inilah uraian yang bisa saya sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga mulai dari sekarang kita
bisa menjaga diri kita dan keluarga dari serangan penyakit dengan membiasakan gaya hidup
Semoga apa yang saya sampaikan ada manfaatnya buat semua. Mohon maaf jika ada kata-kata
yang kurang berkenan.
Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Good morning all.

The honorable Mr. Best, the principal of SMA 1 Keren, and of course all the

First of all, Lets us express our thank to Almighty God for His blessing and
grace, so we can gather in a sunny day right now. I also want to thank for
the opportunity given to me to speak in front of you all.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Today I want to speak about the important thing for our life, it is healthy
life. Health is a good investment for everyone. Health is a state of complete
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity. A good health will make us have longer lifetime. But,
how can we have a good healthy life?. We can start a healthy life from our
family. We can create a clean home environment, eat and drink well and
in a good way. Healthy life does not always need much money to spend.

Baca Juga: 10 Contoh Kalimat Penutup Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris

For example, we can keep our home clean. A clean home will make us far
from many diseases such as dengue fever, influenza, or diarrhea. A good
food and drink also have an important part of a healthy life. Nowadays, we
can easily meet the fast food everywhere, we also can find so many foods
and drinks are sold in the street area which contain preservative. In a
small amount, it may not cause a direct effect on our body. But if it is piled
up in our body in a big amount, there will be so many bad effects for our

Ladies and gentlemen.

The easiest way to prevent the bad effect of unhealthy foods and drinks is
making them by our self. We can make a good food with good nutrition for
our body in our home. Moreover, in this internet era, we can easily find a
healthy recipe on the internet that we can apply in our home. Healthy life
is not too hard to imply, but it needs more hard work for us. Lets start a
healthy life from our own kitchen.

Baca Juga: Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Hari Kartini

I think that is all I want to speak. Thank you for your attention and the
occasion given to me.

Good morning and Best wishes.

Example 2:
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

The honorable school principal, all the teachers and my beloved friends in
this school.

Thank to Allah SWT for blessing us with a healthy and a sunny day. I also
thank you for the occasion for me to stand in front of you to speak about
healthy life.

Health should be the priority of every human being. A good health,

physical or mental will make everyone can do their daily activity well. But
as a teenager, most of us do not care about our health. The boys smoke,
drink alcohol, and the worst are consuming drugs. Although we know that
all of it bring bad effect on us, we eliminate it. We prefer to be famous with
the wrong way and finally, they destroy themselves from the inside.
Baca Juga: 2 Contoh Kata Pengantar Skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris

When the boys are related to smoking, drinking alcohol, and drugs, the
most unhealthy habit of the teenage girl is their desire to make a
proportional body. We cannot deny that a perfect body will make a girl
look beautiful. But there is a misunderstanding when they do diet by
decreasing the nutrition for their body. They think it will make their body
will be thinner. They force their body to do the daily activity with small
supply and finally the body cant stand and gets ill.

To have a healthy life we should know better way of life. We should eat
and drink in the proper amount that our body need. Exercise also
important to make a good balance in our body. We should eat well and in
a regular time, we need to drink. If we want to keep our body in its perfect
condition, we should be able to be consistent in a healthy way of life.

Health is our asset for longer life. Thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

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