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How to Plant Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is both popular and easy to grow, provided you understand the level of water and sun that
mimics the hot climate this plant thrives in. Unusually for a succulent, the aloe plant cannot be
grown from a leaf cutting, and instead is typically propagated by detaching younger clone plants
from the base of the adult plant or from the joint root system. These young plants must be treated
carefully, as explained in detail in the section on propagation.

Planting or Transplanting Aloe Vera

1. Know when to transplant. Aloe plants have relatively short roots and heavy leaves, so they are
commonly moved to a heavier pot when they become top-heavy and tip over. If Aloe vera runs out
of space for its roots to grow, it may start to produce "pups" that can be moved to their own pot
(see the Propagating section). If you are more interested in the adult plant growing than producing
new plants, transplant it to a larger pot before the roots begin to circle the walls of its container.[1]

If you wish to transplant a young plant growing at the base of an older one, see the
Propagating section instead.

2. Give the plant adequate sunlight and warmth. Aloe vera plants prefer 810 hours of sunlight a
day.[2] While they grow best in warm or hot temperatures, they are capable of surviving cooler
seasons in a more dormant state. However, they may suffer harm if exposed to temperatures below
25F (-4C).

Hardiness zones 9, 10, and 11 are most suitable for keeping Aloe vera outdoors year
round.[3] If you live in another zone, you may wish to keep your Aloe vera outdoors most of
the year, and bring it indoors before the frost.

The sunniest windows are those facing west or south if you live in the northern hemisphere,
or those facing west or north if you live in the southern hemisphere.

Despite the plant's adaptations that allow it to thrive in hot conditions, it is still possible to
burn the plant. Move it to an area of light shade if the leaves begin to turn brown.

3. Plant the Aloe vera in well draining soil. Aloe vera plants are adapted for survival in dry
conditions, and may rot if planted in soil that collects standing water. Use a cactus potting mix, or
create your own mix using equal parts soil, sand, and gravel.[5]

If planting Aloe vera in a container, make sure the container has a hole in the base for water
to drain through.

4. Cover the root ball when planting but do not let the leaves touch the soil. Place the Aloe vera
root ball just below the soil surface. If any of the thick, green leaves are partially buried or touch the
soil, they may rot.
5. Cover the surface of the soil with gravel or pebbles (optional). Place a layer of small rocks around
the base of the aloe plant to keep the soil in place and reduce evaporation.[7] This is not required for
your aloe plant to thrive, so you may leave the soil exposed if you prefer the appearance.

White stones will reflect warmth from the sun to the base of the plant, which can be a good
idea if you do not live in a hot climate.

6. Do not water for the first few days after planting. Before you start watering, give the aloe plant a
few days to repair any roots that may have been damaged during planting.[9]. Watering damaged
roots increases the chance of root rot. Aloe plants store plenty of water in their leaves, and should
not be harmed by the lack of water during this time. Give it a light watering the first one or two
times you water if you would like to be extra safe.

Providing Daily Care and Troubleshooting

1. Water whenever the soil is dry during the growing season. During summer, or any time the
weather is warm and sunny, aloe plants will grow fastest with regular watering. However, it is much
easier to overwater aloe plants than to dry them out, so do not water until the soil has dried out to a
depth of 3 inches (7.5 cm).[10]

2. Water infrequently during the cold season. Aloe plants often go dormant during winter, or when
the weather is cold for a prolonged period of time. Unless you are keeping them in a heated room
year round, you should only water them once or twice a month during this period.

3. Fertilize once a year or never. Aloe plants do not require fertilizer, and overuse can harm the
plant or cause it to grow in an unhealthy manner. If you wish to encourage growth, use a low
nitrogen, high phosphorous, low potassium fertilizer, such as a 10:40:10 or 15:30:15. Apply once a
year in late spring, at the start of the growing season.

4. Clear weeds carefully. The soil around the aloe plant should be free of grass and weeds. Remove
these regularly if the plant is outdoors, but do so carefully. Because good aloe soil is loose and sandy,
it is easy to damage the roots with vigorous weed-pulling.

5. Increase sunlight if the leaves look flat and low. If the leaves are growing flat and low, increase
sunlight. Aloe vera leaves should grow upward or outward at an angle, toward the sunlight. If they
are low to the ground or growing flat outward, the plant is probably not receiving enough
sun.[15] Move it to a sunnier area. If it is indoors, consider keeping it outdoors during daylight hours.

6. Decrease sunlight if the leaves turn brown. If the leaves turn brown, decrease sunlight. While
aloe is hardier than most plants when it comes to sun exposure, it is still possible to burn the leaves.
If the aloe plant turns brown, move it to an area that receives shade during the early afternoon.

7. Increase water if the leaves look thin/curled. If the leaves are thin and curled, increase water.
The thick, fleshy leaves store water that the plant uses in times of drought. If the leaves are looking
thin or curling, water the aloe plant more frequently.[16] Be careful not to overcompensate: water
should drain quickly through the soil to prevent root rot, which is difficult to stop.

8. Stop watering if the leaves turn yellow or fall apart. Yellowed or "melting" leaves are suffering
due to excess water. Stop watering altogether for the next week (or two weeks during the dormant
season), and water less frequently once you resume. You may remove any discolored leaves from
the plant without much chance of harm, although it is best to use a disinfected knife.

Produce New Plants

1. Let your adult aloe plant grow to fill its container. While any healthy aloe plant has a chance to
produce younger plants, or "pups", this is most likely to happen when the adult plant has reached
the boundaries of its container.
2. Wait until young plants emerge. Your Aloe vera plant should start to produce "pups", which are
clones of itself that share some of the mother plant's root system and may be attached to the base
as well. These will sometimes grow out of the drainage hole of the container, or even from roots
snaking over to neighboring containers![18]

Pups tend to be a lighter green than the adult plant's leaves, and when first emerging do not
have the same spiny leaf edges as the adult.[19]

3. Let the young plants grow to sufficient size. The young plants will do best if you wait until they
are a little larger and mature enough to have a few roots of their own. While this size varies with
subspecies and individual plants, a good rule of thumb is that the young plant should be at least 3
inches (7.5 cm) tall, and preferably 5 inches (12.5 cm).[20]If the container has sufficient space, wait
until the young plant is 1/5 the size of the adult and has several sets of "true leaves" that look like
the adult's.

4. Use a sharp, clean knife to remove the young plant. Sanitize your knife first to reduce the chance
of infection. Clear away the dirt at the base of the pup to see whether it is attached to the mother
plant. If it is, cut it away, making sure to keep the young plant attached to its roots if any are
present. The presence of its own roots will increase the odds of success, but they may not be easy to
find before you remove the pup.

5. Leave cut plants in the air for a couple days. Instead of planting the new aloe immediately, you
may wish to allow the plant to form a callus over the knife cut. Placing the cut surface of the plant
directly against soil increases the odds of infection.

6. Plant in its own container and support. Place the young plant on top of well-draining soil, without
burying the leaves. Because the root system is likely to be small (or even nonexistent), you may need
to prop up the plant with a layer of pebbles and lean it against another object. The root system
should grow large enough to support the plant within a few weeks.[22]
More detailed information can be found in the Planting section, which applies to young
plants as well as mature ones.

7. Mist once every few days if the plant has no roots. Before the roots have grown in, do not water
the plant. Wait at least a couple weeks for a pup to grow its own roots before watering it. Instead,
mist the plant with a spray bottle once every three days.

8. Water sparingly after roots set in. Aloe plants can last a long time without water, and if you water
the plant before its roots are extensive enough, the water could pool and rot the plant.[24] If the pup
already has its own root system, you may instead get the roots to set by giving it one watering and
leaving it in the shade for 2 to 3 weeks.

9. Care for as an adult plant. Once the plant is in its container and has grown roots, it can be treated
as an adult plant. Follow the instructions in the section on Providing Daily Care.

Common Questions (IMPORTANT)

Is it necessary to remove the pups from the adult plant, or could I leave them with the mother

The pups do not have to be separated from the adult plant. Instead, the plant should be re-potted in
a larger pot to give the roots room to grow.

How often does the plant need to be watered?

In general, once a week. However, feel the soil. If it's still moist, skip watering. Over-watering is the
cause of a lot of plant issues.

Will the aloe vera plants continue to grow if I daily cut parts off it for use?

Yes, the bottom part of the aloe leaf may wither and rot away, but the rest of the plant will stay
intact. Always leave some leaves well alone though, for the strength of the plant and its

Can the plant get too much sun?

Yes, it can. Too much sunlight will cause the leaves to turn brown -- see the article steps for more

Is Aloe Vera skin poisonous?

No, although it is not recommended that you eat it. The gel inside Aloe Vera leaves, however, is very
beneficial to the skin, and can be used to heal cuts, bruises, and sunburn.

What should I put under a pot that has drainage holes?

If you are keeping the plant indoors, place a plate under the pot. Be sure to pour the water out of
the plate often. If you are keeping the plant outdoors, consider getting some pot claws instead. They
will allow the water to drain freely out of the pot and onto the ground, where it will be soaked up.
How many months will it take before the plant bears flowers?

It depends on the size of the plant and where it is growing. Different varieties also tend to flower
later than others. Keep in mind that most Aloe Vera plants need to mature first before they can
bloom; for some varieties, this can take up to four years!

Can I plant a stem trimmed from the original plant?

Yes, you can take the part of a plant that peels off, put it in a cup of water then allow it to grow until
it has around 2" (5cm) of roots, then replant it.

Can I only use half of a leaf and leave the other half still growing?


Does aloe vera have seeds? If so, what do they look like?

Nope! Common aloe will produce "pups" (little miniatures of itself) around the base of the "mother"
plant, which can be separated and repotted when they are big enough. Aloe produces more pups
when it has outgrown its pot, so give it more time in that small pot and you should see some pups

My plant needs repotting, but we are in winter. Do I have to wait until spring/summer?

Not if it is an indoor plant.

Can I immediately take out the pups when they are still quite small?

No. They must have reached a minimum size as described above, 7.5 cm or preferably 12.5 cm and
should have several sets of true leaves.

How can I harvest the gel, and how long will it keep?

When your aloe plant is large enough, slice the outer leaves and peel the skin. The plant will release
a yellow liquid. When the plant has been peeled, put the gel into a sanitized jar or container. It will
last for a week or two if you do not add any preservatives to it.

Can I plant several next to each other in a rectangular planter?

No. The roots will get tangled, resulting in poor growth. It is best if you plant them 25 centimeters
apart from each other with a few stones.

Can I water my Aloe plant everyday?

It's recomended that you water in larger amounts 1-3 times a week to get a much healthier plant.

Can I plant 3 different species of aloe in the same pot?

No, it is better to separate different species and allow each species to grow separately for health

Can I cut one leaf the day I plant it?

Do not cut the leaf of a pup, but if it is a healthy mother plant, it should be OK.

Cost and Profit of Aloe Vera Farming

Profit in Aloe Vera Cultivation

Assumed Unit Size : 1.0 hectare land , All amounts mentioned are in Indian Rupees.

Technical parameters assumed:

Hybrid Varieties : IC111271, IC111269 & AL-1,
Spacing : 45 cm x 40 cm , 60 cm x 30 cm
Plant population/density : 55000 plants / ha
FYM : 15 tonnes/ha
Fertilizers N:P:K : 50 : 50 : 50 kg/ha.

Sr. No. Item Year

3rd year
I Materials 1 2

1 Planting materials Cost 27,500

2 Farm Yard Manure (FMY) 4,500 4,500 4,500

3 Fertilizers Cost 1,850 1,850 1,850

4 Irrigation Cost 1,200 1,200 1,200

5 Plant protection chemicals Cost 1,200 1,200 1,200

Sub Total I 36,250 8,750 8,750

II LABOUR Expenses

1 Land preparation Cost 4,500

Preparation of ridges and

2 4,500
furrows and planting Cost

Application of manures and

3 600 600 600
fertilizers Cost

Spraying of plant protection

4 600 600 600
chemicals Cost

5 Irrigation Cost 900 900 900

6 Inter culture operations Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000

7 Harvesting 3,000 4,500

8 Packing, loading Cost 1,500 3,000

Sub Total II 14,100 9,600 12,600

GRAND TOTAL 50,350 18,350 21,350

Unit cost: INR. 68700.00 (capitalised up to the second year)

Yield of Aloe Vera chart:

Year 2 Year 3 to 5

30 40

Financial parameters:
In Rupees.
Planting material (per sucker) 0.50
Wage rate (per day) 60.00 (These rates drastically change based on the labour demand)
FYM/ tonne 300.00
Fertilizers per kg
N 10.50
P2O5 19.00
K2O 7.50

Sale prices of leaves / tonne Rs 2000

Maintenance cost of farm: Year 3 5 21350 /year

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Model
The following content is all about Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Aloe Vera Cultivation

One of the most reward promising businesses is herbal industry which has a great demand both local
and export potential in Aloe Vera plant based products. Aloe Vera is often referred as The Miracle
Plant because of its natural healing properties and it is an amazing medicinal herb grown
worldwide. The plant has many medicinal properties and hence starting an aloe farm is going to be
very prospering investment.

Growing Aloe Vera needs minimal care and growing habitat. It can be grown in all types of soils with
less irrigation. The vital points to be taken into consideration before starting cultivation would be is
the soil conditions and climatic conditions. When the answers are positive and convincing it is good
to kick start aloe vera farm.

Aloe Vera Cultivation

Aloe vera can be applied on the skin externally or can be taken as a juice internally. The rich gel
inside the plant thick leaves has lot of minerals and the water content is almost 95%. Though water
content is high it has 75 ingredients on which much research is going on to bring out many of its
organic uses in both pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. The aloe vera gel has nutrients as

Vitamins C, E, Beta Carotene, and B12.

Minerals such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, chromium, calcium, sodium,
potassium, iron.

Amino Acids.

Sugars like long chain polysaccharides that help boost the immune system.

Enzymes that help break down and digest food.

Plant Sterols that act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents.

Lignin that helps Aloe penetrate the skin.

Saponins is a soapy substance with an anti-microbial effect.

Anthraquinonesis a powerful natural painkiller.

Salycylic Acidis anti-inflammatory, helps break down dead tissue.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Choosing Aloe Vera Farming Site
Cultivation of Aloe vera is simple and easy to manage in growing. The land must meet the standard
farming requirements such as soil fertility, irrigation facility, and weather conditions such as more
sun light, warm to hot temperatures and less rainfall. In the initial stage a beginner can start planting
5000 saplings in an acre land with a part of it to construct house for aloe juice production.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Feasibility Study of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Perennial, drought resisting, succulent plant.

Climate Grows in hot humid conditions but sensitive to frost.

Rainfall Requires 80 cm rainfall per year.

Soil Grows well in all kinds of soils with proper soil drainage. For commercial growing sandy loam
soil is much preferable.

The land or place you going to start aloe vera farming must meet all of the above site conditions.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Aloe Vera Growing Process

The farmland must be propagated either by aloe vera sapplings or by root suckers. For commercial
growing and planting of 5000 seedlings for an acre can be done by procuring from a commercial
nursery or from a horticulture centre.

Land Preparation: Plow the land to loosen the soil for planting. Make the land free from weeds.
Incorporate organic matter such as farm yard manure and compost and keep the soil slightly acidic.

Plant Spacing: To accommodate 5000 saplings, spacing about 30 x 30 inches in rows between plants
must be maintained. It takes about two years for the plant to mature and be ready for harvest.
Aloe Vera Harvesting: The crop will be ready for harvesting from end of second year onwards.
Harvesting can be done on quarterly basis in a year. On an average three leaves can be cut per plant
so each plant can be harvested with 12 fully grown leaves in a year. So an acre land with 5000 plants
can produce 60000 leaves annually that will come to 30000 to 60000 kilograms. Cut the leaves close
to the stem and place the cut end of the leaf downwards in the troughs. The juice trickles down from
the leaves rapidly and flows down and escapes from the trough holes.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Marketing of Aloe Vera leaves

Harvest leaves that are thick and fleshy at about 20 to 30 cm long. The color of the leaves can be
green to greyish green in color. Small farmer who cannot have processing units can sell the leaves
directly or through marketing agency to pharma companies or cosmetic industries, or traditional
medicinal houses. There is much demand and there are agencies that buy aloe leaf for export. Small
farmers can check sites such as exportersindia and indiamart websites to sell directly to end

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Machinery in Preparing Aloe Vera

The harvested leaves from the fields are brought into the manufacturing unit. The flesh of the leaf is
rich in natural fibers, Minerals and Vitamins. The leaf pulp has so many remedies for skin, internal
healing, cleansing and repair when taken as juice. To prepare aloe vera juice a farmer must be in a
position to purchase and install these components:

Aloe leaf washing tank.

Leaf extractor.


Pulp filter.

Special juicer.

Bottle filling and capping machine.

Processing must take place as soon as possible after harvesting ideally within 36 hours. Due to the
perishable nature of the pulp or gel, leaves must be processed for juice at the earliest. The juices if
not stored properly get degraded due to enzymatic and microbial activity and oxidation over a short
period of time. The leaves are placed in washing tank with antimicrobial agent to remove dirt and
surface bacteria. The leaves are thoroughly washed and dried. Therind or thorny edges of the leaf
are sliced on both sides. The green leafy part is removed and the gel or pulp is collected and passed
through a filtration cum homogenizing unit to get clear transparent juice. The juice is heated to 60 to
70 C and cooled rapidly to kill the microorganisms. There is no need for any chemical or
preservative to be added because of heating and cooling of the juice. The juice then is sent for filling
followed by capping and packing.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Preparing Raw Aloe Vera Juice
This is the most common preparation of aloe vera juice by people having aloe vera in their backyard
garden. The inner pulp from freshly cut leaf is collected by removing rind the green part of the leaf.
The pulp is mixed with water and thoroughly mixed or crushed in a blender. The crude juice can be
prepared with or without plants latex. It is recommendable to avoid the yellow gel. To avoid yellow
gel cut part of the leaf base and allow the leaf to rest in slanting or vertical position allowing the
yellow gel drain down followed by washing the leaf in water. In this preparation method the juice
contains high concentrations of undesirable laxatives.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Preparing Aloe Vera Leaf Juice
As the name suggest the juice is prepared from the entire leaf. The thorny side parts of the leaf
along with top and bottom of the leaf are removed. The remaining part of the leaf along with rind is
cut into slices and crushed and blender into slurry. Some may not prefer slurry soup, so its treated
with enzyme cellulose which hydrolyzes polysaccharides and making it more soft and liquid product.
Excessive enzyme treatment may result in loss of medicinal restorative properties in the juice. One
report suggests over processing will lead to 50 to 90% breakdown of glucomannans in aloe vera leaf

After the enzymatic treatment the juice is subjected to a series of filtrations to remove rind particles
and laxatives. The juice is passed through a depulping machine followed by sterilization of the juice.
This pasteurization prevents degradation of the acetylated polysaccharides by exogenous and
endogenous bacteria. The juice is freed from aloins A and B and other laxative compounds followed
by decolorization with activated charcoal are employed. After undergoing such treatments the juice
will be a clear watery liquid ready for consumption and marketing.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Preparing Aloe Vera Inner Pulp Juice
In this production the same preliminaries of removal of grind and laxatives are undertaken at the
initial stage followed by cleaning of leaf inner gel in cool water. This filleting process can be done in
two ways; manually and mechanically. When properly done the inner pulp will be free from phenolic
compounds such as aloins A and B and rind particles.

Separating of inner gel manually is recommended. In the initial stage the leaves from the farm are
washed with an antimicrobial agent such as hypochlorite to remove dirt and surface bacteria. The
thorny side edges are cut along the length on both sides of the leaf along with top and bottom part
of the leaf. The pulp is manually removed by a sharp knife separating the pulp from the grind (green
part of the leaf). While in mechanical process the leaves after washing with antimicrobial agents are
manually fed into mechanical filleting and depulping machine. In the filleting process the leaves
undergo culling, trimming and removing of the rind. The rollers in the machine must be properly
adjusted when separating gel from the leaf. When rollers are pressed hard against the leaf the
laxative compounds which reside in the vascular layer (between the grind and gel) are extracted and
get mixed with the inner gel and if the rollers are pressed softly there is loss of inner gel will be left
behind on the grind and gets discarded.

The extracted inner pulp is then washed in clear cool water to free from traces of yellow gel or
laxatives. The slurry gel is passed through series of filtration to get of rind particles completely and
laxatives such as aloins A and B. Decolorization of the juice with activated charcoal is employed. The
juice is undergone pasteurization to remove traces of bacteria or any other microorganism followed
by adding preservatives. The juice is now ready for packing.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Processing of Aloe Vera Juice Step by
To generate Aloe Vera juice commercially from the farm produce (raw alove vera leaves) can be
achieved as described step by step.

1. Cleaning of raw materials.

2. Filleting / Removal of leaf rind.

3. Pulp Grinding.

4. Enzyme Treatment.

5. Series of Filtration.

6. Pasteurization.

7. Cooling.

8. Filling and Packing.

9. Storage.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Cleaning of Raw Materials from the Farm: Matured Aloe
Vera leaves which are harvested must be fleshy, undamaged, mold or rot free ones. Harvested
leaves must be immediately processed for juice extraction; transportation of leaves from distant
farms must be undertaken in refrigerated vehicles. Quick processing must be taken as all the active
ingredients in the leaf are silently affected by season, climatic and soil variations. The decomposition
of polysaccharides with natural enzymes takes place starting from six hours and the gel in the leaf
gets contaminated with bacteria on the rind surface. This will affect the quality and production of
Aloe Vera juice. The leaves are thoroughly washed in water along with antimicrobial agents in the
washing tank.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Filleting / Removal of Leaf Rind: In this stage the gel is
extracted by removing the green rind. The leaf is cut vertically at the edges on both sides to remove
the thorny edge. The lower bottom white part of the leaf base about one inch is removed with a
sharp knife. The top rind is removed along with vascular bundles leaving the white jelly part
(mucilage layer/gel) by a sharp knife followed by removing the bottom rind similarly. The green part
or the rind, leaf base and thorny parts are discarded. The colorless gel or mucilage has the highest
concentration of beneficial aloe ingredients though the gel contains more than 98%. The gel is
washed in clean cool water thoroughly to get rid of latex (yellowish gel) and there is minimal
bacterial contamination. In cases of mechanical gel extraction there are high possibilities of aloe
juice tasting bitter at this stage as it is more prone to get mixed with latex and anthraquinones.
Manual gel extraction is much preferable and recommended even though it is labor intensive.
Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Pulp Grinding: The pulp or inner gel extraction operations
must be completed within 36 hours from harvesting the leaves. The laxatives and anthraquinones
are the ones that react on aloe gel degrading the quality by browning the aloe gel. After aloe gel is
collected from extraction it is immediately sent for crushing or grinding. Grinding must be done with
gel getting crushed evenly at room temperature. As the aloe gel is more prone to enzymatic
browning during crushing or grinding the process must be done within 20 minutes.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Treatment of Aloe Vera Gel with Enzymes: Aloe Vera gel
before processing is treated with Pectolytic enzyme for a long duration for preserving
polysaccharides in Aloe Vera gel. Enzyme treatment is done at 50 C within 20 minutes time

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Series of Filtration: In this phase of operation the Aloe
Vera gel juice is filtered from rind particles and laxative compounds through a series of filtration.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business pH of Aloe Vera Gel Juice: The unpasteurized Aloe Vera gel
juice must be acidic 3.0 and 3.5 range. The pH of the gel juice is treated with Vitamin C and citric acid
as this will help improve the flavor of aloe gel juice and also helps avoid browning reaction. To
improve the shelf life the Aloe Vera juice is treated with dearation process which helps in avoiding
oxidation of ascorbic acid.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Pasteurization: In order to destroy pathogens and
microorganisms in the Aloe vera gel, the gel is passed through a high temperature short time
treatment. The pasteurization treatment is undertaken at 90 to 95 C for one to two minutes and
thisalso helps to avoid bad flavor in the juice.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Aloe Vera Juice Cooling: This is an important process. After
pasteurization the hot Aloe Vera gel juice is made to undergo flash cooling to less than 6 C within 12
to 15 seconds. This treatment will destroy bacteria and other microorganisms completely in the Aloe
Vera juice.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Filling and Packing of Aloe Vera Juice:This is the last
processing stage in the preparation of Aloe Vera juice commercially. After pasteurization and cooling
the Aloe juice is free from biological contamination, retains shelf life and maintains the right flavor
for consumption. The finished juice in this stage undergoes through filling machine which fills bottles
as desired from 50 ml to 1000 ml and above. Filled up bottles are moved to the next stage for bottle
capping. The finished Aloe Vera juice bottles are collected and packed in labelled carton boxes by six,
dozen and even single bottle packing.

Storage: The Aloe Vera juice must be stored in relative humidity and temperature in the refrigerator
for duration and product quality. Those two parameters will affect the shelf life of Aloe vera juice.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Safety Measures in Aloe Vera Manufacturing

Workers must be vigilant all the time especially at the rind removal/filleting stage while
using knifes.

Wear protective equipment.

Protect your eyes as small fragment may cause serious complications.

Wear ear protectors at place with high machine noise levels.

Workers are advised to wear safety helmet, shoes while working.

Any worker when sustained with an minor or major injury or not well while at work must be
given first aid treatment and put the case on record.

Workers and staff must be aware of dos and donts when fire breaks out and be able to
reach emergency numbers.

Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business Marketing of Aloe Vera Juice

Small farmers can directly sell harvested leaves to Pharma companies, cosmetics companies
and others that use Aloe Vera leaves as their raw materials.
Establish a business deal for selling Aloe Vera Juice with retail outlets, suppliers and
distributors or export to international markets either directly or marketing agency.
Create an e-shop or retail outlet for Aloe Vera leaves or end products.
Sell end products at various e-commerce portals by registering.
Bottom Line of Aloe Vera Gel Manufacturing Business:
Anyone who can grow aloe vera on commercial scale start this business and start making money
with proper marketing channel.

Sell Aloe vera

In India Aloe Vera has been referring to as "Ghritkumari Plant in Ayurvedic treatments , herbal and
cosmetic products. if you want to find or search on
plant.htm , manufacturers , exporter of Ghritkumari , agroinfomart agricultural directory market
place provide all kinds of data , phone , contact details and address in India.

Aloevera Cultivation , Buy AND MARKETING Area IN INDIA :-

Ayurvedic firm
Aloevera juice manufacturers and exporter
Herbal and cosmetic company (Himalaya, dabur patanjali)
contact pharma company
Research and development house in Ayurvedic
Aloevera wholesaler and exporter
Nursery plant comanies
Medicine market
aloe vera extracts manufacturing companies
Contact agriculture agnecy
agri dealer and distributor
APMC Market india
Agriculture commodity place
For this type of medicinal crop like aloe vera first you have to tie-up with the harbal and ayurvadic
farma company.
Because this type of medicinal crop has a very good demand , but the to find out a market after the
harvesting is very difficult and the company which need this type product has already have a
contract with the farmer and they need in a big quantity so for a small farmer its difficult to sell.
So,my advise is that first tie-up with any local or multinational company like
dabur,Himalaya,patanjali,ayur,and then go with the farming.

And if you already cultivated it try to find out market,contact pharma company but if you don't get
market then extract the juice from the aloevera and make value added in it and try to sell out your
own product. Also Enlist yourself at so buyers can find your contact details and
may contact you directly.

Marketing of Aloe Vera.

Though the targeted customers and marketing strategy should be the first step of every business.
Here in this aloe vera farming our targeted market is the herbal, pharma and cosmetic companies.
The popularity of aloe vera is increasing day by day which excel its demand in the market so in
order to market our product we should directly contact the herbal , pharma or cosmetic companies
giant like Patanjali or Himalaya and some other herbal companies.

So, guys what are you waiting for, profit margin of aloe vera farming business is very good those
who have surplus land give it this farming business a start.

Profit margin of aloe vera farming

In 2 Acre of land almost 30 tonnes of aloe vera is produced cost of per tonn in indian market is
around 15-20 thousand rupees, also around 40 thousand is the approx investment through which
you can earn 5-6 lakhs of rupees every year for five years if you direct sell your aloe vera to the
companies or local vendor. There is huge earning in Aloe Vera processing . if you setup an aloe
vera processing plant and manufacture your aloe vera product like Aloe vera juice , skin cream etc
then the profit margin would be huge, earning can be in crore if you do this farming systematically
, you can also buy aloe vera from local vendor or farmer and process in your processing plant do
your product manufacturing and branding which will reduce the middle man cost and you reach
the consumer directly. Also try to promote your aloe vera product online. sell them through online
shopping companies giant like amazon flipkart etc.

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Cost and Profit of Aloe Vera Farming

Profit in Aloe Vera Cultivation

Assumed Unit Size : 1.0 hectare land , All amounts mentioned are in Indian Rupees.

Technical parameters assumed:

Hybrid Varieties : IC111271, IC111269 & AL-1,
Spacing : 45 cm x 40 cm , 60 cm x 30 cm
Plant population/density : 55000 plants / ha
FYM : 15 tonnes/ha
Fertilizers N:P:K : 50 : 50 : 50 kg/ha.

Sr. No. Item Year

3rd year
I Materials 1 2

1 Planting materials Cost 27,500

2 Farm Yard Manure (FMY) 4,500 4,500 4,500

3 Fertilizers Cost 1,850 1,850 1,850

4 Irrigation Cost 1,200 1,200 1,200

5 Plant protection chemicals Cost 1,200 1,200 1,200

Sub Total I 36,250 8,750 8,750

II LABOUR Expenses

1 Land preparation Cost 4,500

Preparation of ridges and

2 4,500
furrows and planting Cost

Application of manures and

3 600 600 600
fertilizers Cost

Spraying of plant protection

4 600 600 600
chemicals Cost

5 Irrigation Cost 900 900 900

6 Inter culture operations Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000

7 Harvesting 3,000 4,500

8 Packing, loading Cost 1,500 3,000

Sub Total II 14,100 9,600 12,600

GRAND TOTAL 50,350 18,350 21,350

Unit cost: INR. 68700.00 (capitalised up to the second year)

Yield of Aloe Vera chart:

Year 2 Year 3 to 5

30 40

Financial parameters:
In Rupees.
Planting material (per sucker) 0.50
Wage rate (per day) 60.00 (These rates drastically change based on the labour demand)
FYM/ tonne 300.00
Fertilizers per kg
N 10.50
P2O5 19.00
K2O 7.50

Sale prices of leaves / tonne Rs 2000

Maintenance cost of farm: Year 3 5 21350 /year



, 75
, , , 12
, , , , , , , ,

Salycylic ,
, ,

- , ,
- 80




: 5000 , 30 x 30


, 12
5000 60,000 30000 60000

20 30


, ,




60 70




50 90%






( ) ,

( )

2. /
6. Pasteurization
- :
, ,

- / :

( / )

, 98% ( )

- :

, 20
- :

50 20

- :

- :
3.0 3.5

- :
90 95

- :
6 6 12 15

- :






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2 30 15-20
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