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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

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Numerical model for the performance prediction of a PEM fuel

cell. Model results and experimental validation

Alfredo Iranzo a,*, Miguel Munoz b, Felipe Rosa a, Javier Pino a

Energy Engineering Department, School of Engineering, University of Seville, Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain
INTA e National Institute for Aerospace Technology, Ctra. San Juan del Puerto-Matalascanas km 33, 21130 Mazagon (Huelva), Spain

article info abstract

Article history: This work presents a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model developed for a 50 cm2
Received 10 December 2009 fuel cell with parallel and serpentine flow field bipolar plates, and its validation against
Received in revised form experimental measurements. The numerical CFD model was developed using the
22 April 2010 commercial ANSYS FLUENT software, and the results obtained were compared with the
Accepted 22 April 2010 experimental results in order to perform a model validation. A single parameter, namely
Available online 23 May 2010 the reference exchange current density, was fitted to calibrate the model results. All
other model parameters were determined from technical data sheets, literature survey,
Keywords: or experimental measurements. A discussion on different validation issues and model
Fuel cell parameters is provided. The results of the numerical model show a good agreement
Numerical model with the experimental measurements for the different bipolar plates and range of
CFD operating conditions analysed. However, inaccuracies in the results in the mass-
Computational Fluid Dynamics transport polarization region were observed, presumably when liquid water in the
Bipolar plates channels produces a blockage effect that cannot be modelled with the multiphase flow
model currently implemented.
2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction transportation applications [3]. However, there are different

technological barriers that are limiting the implementation of
Fuel cells are devices where electrochemical reactions trans- fuel cell systems into the global energy markets. Apart from
form chemical energy available in fuels into electrical energy. a need for cost reductions, cell durability and degradation are
Fuel cells are not limited by the thermodynamic restrictions of major concerns to be addressed, where heat and water
conventional power generation systems, such as the Carnot management must be carefully investigated as they are
efficiency, meaning that fuel cells can be operated with higher known to dramatically affect cell durability [4,5]. In order to
efficiency for energy conversion. Additionally, the environ- overcome these limitations, significant research efforts and
mental impact is low as no combustion processes occur and investments are being performed. Experimentation has
no pollutants are generated [1,2]. This is why fuel cells have a fundamental importance in fuel cell research, and numer-
attracted significant interest from researchers, industry and ical modelling and simulation are also demonstrating a major
governments during the last few decades, as they are contribution. It allows researchers and engineers to gain
considered to be one of the most promising alternative clean further insight and understanding into the highly coupled,
power generation devices for portable, mobile and stationary non-linear physical and chemical aspects of fuel cells, as well
applications. As an example, polymer electrolyte membrane as to perform design optimization. Among the different
fuel cells (PEMFCs) present numerous advantages for modelling strategies and tools available, Computational Fluid

* Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 954 487471; fax: 34 954 487247.

E-mail address: (A. Iranzo).
0360-3199/$ e see front matter 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
11534 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

Nomenclature u,v,w velocity components, m/s

2 uPt catalyst utilization
A area, m
V volume, m3
ac surface-to-volume ratio, m2/m3
V voltage, V
a water activity
x,y,z spatial coordinates, m
C2 inertial resistance factor, 1/m
yi mass fraction of specie i
Di diffusivity of specie i, m2/s
[i] molar concentration of specie i, mol/m3
F Faraday constant, C/mol
h enthalpy, J/mol Greek letters
hc free convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K a exchange transfer coefficient
I current, A e porosity
i current density, A/m2 d catalytic layer thickness, m
i0 volumetric reference exchange current density, A/ g concentration exponent
m3 f generic variable in NeS equation
k gas permeability, 1/m2 l water content
Mw molecular weight, kg/kmol 4 electric potential, V
mPt platinum load, kg/m2 m dynamic viscosity, Pa s
p pressure, Pa q stoichiometric factor
p c, capillary pressure, Pa r density, kg/m3
psat saturation pressure, Pa s electric conductivity, 1/(U m)
pv vapour pressure, Pa h overpotential, V
Qv volume flow, mlN/min Gf diffusivity of variable f
R volumetric transfer current, A/m3 Dx mesh spatial resolution, m
R universal gas constant, J/K-mol
Rc contact resistance, U
a anode
r catalyst particle radius, m
avg average
rs pore blockage exponent
c cathode
rw condensation rate, kg/m3s
l liquid phase
Sf source of variable f
m membrane phase
s liquid water volume fraction
s solid phase
T temperature, K
ref reference
t time, s

Dynamics (CFD) is arising special interest due to its powerful issues presented above regarding PEMFC CFD modelling are
capabilities for fuel cell performance evaluation and para- discussed for the case under study.
metric design optimization [6].
However, PEMFC modelling with CFD is known to be
a complex task. In particular, some of the main concerns
when working on CFD modelling for PEMFCs are related to the 2. Model development
quality, accuracy, and trust of the solution obtained. This is
not only linked to the accuracy and reliability of the physical The fuel cell model used is based on CFD techniques, so that
models used, but also to issues such as mesh dependency the physical and electrochemical phenomena occurring in the
results, discretization errors, convergence errors, and others. cell are being solved numerically. A review on computational
Besides, application uncertainties, namely uncertainties in heat and mass transfer modelling for PEMFCs is found in
the definition of the model parameters, have a direct influence Siegel [7] and Wang [8]. The CFD software ANSYS FLUENT has
on the accuracy of the results. A relative high number of been used, with its built-in PEMFC module. The authors have
parameters must be used in a comprehensive FC model. Some applied the PEMFC model implemented in the software to
of them can be known with accuracy but others must be perform the numerical simulations of the different bipolar
assumed or calculated with a certain degree of uncertainty. All plates and operating conditions. Therefore, the main work
the three factors together make CFD PEMFC modelling carried out was focused not on physical modelling enhance-
a complex task, which must be in the end accomplished by ments, but on the assessment of basic Best Practice Guidelines
validating the numerical results against experimental for Computational Fuel Cell Dynamics (CFCD) and model
measurements. Once the model is validated, it can be further validation, having a minimum number of model parameters
used for design evaluation, optimization, and for gaining to fit the experimental data. Research efforts were therefore
understanding on the complex highly coupled physical and focused on the accurate determination of as many parameters
electrochemical processes occurring in a fuel cell [6]. as possible examining the influence of the uncertainties in the
The objective of this work is to present PEM CFD model final solution, so that the fuel cell model better reproduces the
results validated against experimental measurements. The real phenomena taking place in the cell.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11535

2.1. Geometry and mesh generation

The geometry of two commercial 50 cm2 cells was generated,

accounting for bipolar plates, flow channels, gas diffusion
layers (GDLs), electrodes or catalytic layers (CLs) and
membrane. Both cells are identical but for the flow field
design. A plan view of the bipolar plate (BP) with parallel flow
field design is shown in Fig. 1 for the real cell and the CAD
geometry model. This is also shown in Fig. 2 for the five-path
serpentine flow field.
A hexahedral mesh was generated, and a detailed mesh
independence analysis was carried out in order to assess the
suitability of the meshing strategy and resolution. The
appropriate number of in-plane and through-plane mesh
elements was addressed, and final mesh-independent results
were achieved with a 1.8 millions elements mesh.
Fig. 3 shows a general view of the 3D mesh and a cross-
section of the MEA can be seen in Fig. 4. The minimum cell
angle (internal angle between contiguous cell faces in a hex-
ahedral element, with optimum value of 90 ) is 19 and the
maximum element aspect ratio is 2500. Cell angle is satisfac-
Fig. 2 e Five-path serpentine bipolar plate. Real photograph
tory for solver convergence and accuracy according to general
and superimposed CAD model. Channel and land width is
CFD Best Practice Guidelines [9]. Aspect ratio is high given the
0.71 mm and 0.86 mm, respectively. Total thickness is
small through-plane dimensions of the catalyst layer, and its
9.5 mm. Inlet and outlet locations are marked with red
effects and consequences are addressed in the next section.
circles (real cell picture) and black arrows (CAD model). The
plates for anode and cathode are placed in a cross-flow
2.1.1. Best Practice Guidelines
layout. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
A number of CFD Best Practice Guidelines for different appli-
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
cations have been derived and published in order to ensure
this article.)
the quality of CFD results [9,10]. However, such guidelines are

not yet available in an extensive and detailed manner for fuel

cell modelling. This constitutes a definite need and a working
point of future work. For example, Kamarajugadda and
Mazumder [11] compared the accuracy and efficiency of
various strategies of implementing a membrane model. They
performed a grid independence study concluding that 5
computational cells within the CL and 40 computational cells
within the membrane were necessary for grid independent
solutions for the model they analysed. Such work is a good
example of what is needed for the appropriate use of CFD for
fuel cell modelling. A set of guidelines, still to be derived for

Fig. 1 e Parallel bipolar plate with 25 channels and 24 ribs

in the land area. Real photograph and superimposed CAD
model. Channel width is 2.0 mm and land width 0.8 mm.
Total thickness is 9.5 mm. Inlet and outlet locations are
marked with red circles (real cell picture). The plates for
anode and cathode are placed in a cross-flow layout. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure Fig. 3 e Hexahedral mesh generated for the cell CFD model
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this with parallel flow field BP. The mesh contains 1.8 million
article.) elements.
11536 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

considered when performing such kind of analysis. The dis-

cretization method used (Finite Difference Method, Finite
Volume Method, Finite Element Method), the resulting
computational strategy, the resulting mesh and the element
type, also introduce significant challenges.
For the numerical results reported in the present work,
a basic analysis of this type was performed. Different CFD-
related issues were addressed in order to ensure good quality
results, minimising the effect of the CFD-inherent sources of
errors in the results.
First, a mesh dependence analysis was performed, using
a set of three meshes with subsequent increased spatial
Fig. 4 e Mesh detail (MEA). From top to bottom: anode BP resolution (Dx). The through-plane dimension was especially
channel, GDL, anode catalyst, membrane (anode and considered. Meshes with 0.5, 1.0 and 1.8 million elements
cathode sides), cathode catalyst, GDL, cathode BP channel. were used. The results in the cell voltage for two given current
Mesh elements in the catalytic layers are seen as a fine line densities still differed in more than 5% between the two finest
given the small through-plane dimensions. The meshes. A forth mesh with finer resolution would have been
membrane features a middle in-plane interface to handle needed to completely address the mesh independent results,
the non-conformal mesh, as anode and cathode sides of but this could not be accomplished given the known limita-
the cell are placed in a cross-flow layout. tion of computing power. Therefore, the mesh with 1.8 million
elements was used for the final simulations.
Second, the most suitable numerical scheme was ana-
fuel cell applications, should be of general validity up to the lysed. First order (upwind) and second order numerical
possible extent. schemes were used. It is widely known that upwind schemes
A major drawback when performing mesh dependency suffer from poor accuracy. This is due to the so-called
analysis is the computing power needed. It is well known that numerical diffusion, as the discretization of the convective
computational requirements for fuel cell CFD modelling can term in the transport equation results in an additional diffu-
be very high for real 3D cells. Especially for stack simulations, sion-like term, adding a numerical diffusion to the solution.
the computing power needed is in a first approach linearly However, the differences in the cell voltage prediction using
scalable with the number of cells. Therefore meshes with both schemes at two different current densities were not
several million cells are typically required for a detailed significant, with differences below 0.2%. This is presumably
modelling, and this makes parallel computing necessary. related to the high aspect ratio of fuel cells, as stated by Wang
Most commercial CFD software present good parallel scal- [8]. A careful analysis of local profiles of selected variables
ability, but the computing power still poses a limit for stack would be however necessary in order to fully address this.
modelling and even for single cells with a relatively high Third, single and double precision solvers were used
number of channels. CFD simulations with up to 1.0 billion searching for possible differences in the results. The fact that
mesh elements have been already reported for different meshes present elements with very high aspect ratios, espe-
applications, though for pure aerodynamic or hydrodynamic cially in the catalytic layers due to the small through-plane
applications with therefore less transport equations. Such dimensions, makes double precision solvers recommended.
enormous computing resources are not generally available. As However, for the case under analysis presenting aspect ratios
an example, up to date only small-scale stacks have been up to 2500, simulations run with both single and double-
resolved as stated by Shimpalee et al. [12]. From this and other precision solvers resulted in same convergence behaviour and
works on single cells, it can be concluded that around one solution. Therefore single-precision solver was used.
million cell elements are needed for the resolution of each
unit cell for typical 50 cm2 units. But the necessary Best
2.2. Governing equations and physical models
Practice Guidelines should be derived and applied in a case-to-
case basis in order to better estimate this number. Very large-
The three-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer is
scale simulations of a 200 cm2 PEFC using a 23.5 million nodes
modelled by means of the resolution of the NaviereStokes
mesh for a 24-channel, 3-pass serpentine flow field, were
transport equations in its conservative form. The Naviere-
reported by Wang and Wang [13]. The massive parallel
Stokes equations also known as conservation or transport
computations were carried out in a PC-Linux cluster with 32
equations can be written in its general form as:
CPU. Meng and Wang [14] also exploited the idea of massive
parallel computing for CFD fuel cell simulations and also Z I I Z
rf dV rfV,dA Gf Vf,dA Sf dV (1)
reached the same number of 1 million mesh elements for vt
a small-scale single cell of 50 cm2 with serpentine flow field. It
is remarkable the fact that they performed a mesh indepen- where f is the transported quantity, t is the time, A the
dence study in order to ensure mesh independent results. superficial area, V the volume, Gf is transported quantity
Such activities must be further developed in order to present diffusivity, and Sf is the source of f. The first term in
a general CFD Best Practice Guidelines for fuel cell modelling. the equation corresponds to the transient transport of f, the
It should be mentioned that many other issues must be second term to the transport by convection mechanism,
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11537

the third term represents the transport of f by diffusion, and The electrochemistry is modelled by computing the reac-
the fourth term represents the source (or sink) of f. tants oxidation and reduction rates taking place at the cata-
The different transport equations are assembled by using lyst surfaces. The source terms in the equations, or transfer
the appropriate variables, as shown in Table 1 for the main currents, are calculated according to the general Butler-
fluid transport variables. Additionally, two potential equa- eVolmer equations.
tions are solved for the solid phase ( j solid) and the
membrane phase ( j membrane), respectively. H2   
  Ran ian eaan Fhan =RT  eacat Fhan =RT (5)
H2 ref
V, sj V4j Rj 0 (2)
where s is the electric conductivity, 4 the electric potential O2   aan Fh =RT 
Rcat icat e cat
eacat Fhcat =RT (6)
and Rj the volumetric transfer current. ref
O2 ref
Two additional transport equations are solved for the
modelling of multiphase flow, namely water liquid saturation Source terms for the chemical species (H2, O2, H2O) are
(see Eq. (10)) and water content. added to account for the electrochemical reaction:
The complete set of transport equations solved in the
analysis is therefore: mass continuity, momentum in (x, y, z) Mw ; H2
SH2  Ranode (7)
directions, energy, chemical species (H2, O2, H2O), solid phase
potential, membrane phase potential, liquid saturation, and
Mw ; O2
water content. For the steady-state simulations presented in SO2  Rcathode (8)
this work the transient term is not included in the model as
variables do not vary with time. Mw ; H2 O
The fluid flow pressure drop in GDLs and CLs is mainly SH2 O  Rcathode (9)
governed by flow in porous media, represented by adding
A saturation model approach was used for the liquid water
a negative source in the momentum equations [8]:
formation and transport. The conservation equation for the
  liquid water volume fraction or water saturation, s, is solved.
m 1
Si  vi C2 rvmag vi (3)
k 2
verl s !
V,rl V l s rw (10)
where Si is the source term in i direction, k is the permeability, vt
m the kinematic viscosity, r the fluid density, C2 the inertial where the subscript l stands for liquid water, and rw is the
resistance factor, vi the velocity in i direction and vmag the condensation rate, modelled as a function of the difference
velocity magnitude. For the velocity ranges typically found in between vapour partial pressure and saturation pressure.
fuel cell GDL and catalytic layers only the viscous loss is Inside the porous zones the capillary diffusion term must
significant, and therefore the pressure drop in the GDL is replace the convective term in Eq. (10) to correctly account for
proportional to the local fluid velocity. The StefaneMaxwell the transport phenomena inside GDL, where liquid water
equation is governing the multi-species diffusion in the GDL transport is mainly driven by capillary forces:
[15], although the model presented in this work calculates
species diffusivities according to [16,17]: verl s Ks3 dpc
V, rl Vs rw (11)
vt ml ds
pref Tref
Di e1:5 1  srs Dref
i (4) where K is the permeability and pc the capillary pressure
p T
computed as a function of s according to the Leverett function
where e is the porosity and rs is the pore blockage exponent [19]. As a first approach the liquid velocity Vl in Eq. (10) is
[18]. assumed to be equivalent to the gas velocity inside the gas
Volumetric sources are added to the energy equation, channel, so that the liquid droplets would behave as a fine mist,
accounting for reaction heat generation at the cathode CL with gas a liquid phases sharing the same velocity field. This is
(heat of reaction at the anode CL is very low and thus a major drawback, especially when liquid water partially
neglected), Joule effect, and latent heat in case phase change blocks the channels, either in the form of films, slugs or drop-
occurs. lets, as the model lacks a true multiphase flow (Euler-
ianeEulerian type) capable of accounting for such effects.
The blocking of the porous media and the flooding of the
reaction surface are modelled by multiplying the porosity and
Table 1 e Main fluid transport equations used in CFD
the active surface area by a factor (1-s). Species diffusivities are
also corrected with s to account for the pore blockage (see Eq. (4)).
Equation Variable
Different expressions [16] were used for the modelling of
Continuity 1 transport properties in the membrane. Water content (l) is the
x-Momentum u (Velocity in x-direction) most important variable as almost all property expressions
y-Momentum v (Velocity in y-direction) depends on it. The empirical correlation of Springer et al. [20]
z-Momentum w (Velocity in z-direction)
was used, which is a polynomial fit of empirical data
Energy h (Enthalpy)
describing the relationship between water activity on the
Chemical specie i (i H2, O2, H2O) yi (Mass fraction of i)
membrane and water content:
11538 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

l 0:043 17:18a  39:85a2 36a3 a < 1 change with compression or operating conditions (GDL
l 14 1:4a  1 a > 1 porosity and electric conductivity for example) with laws that
are difficult to characterize. Moreover, through-plane and in-
where a is the water activity, defined in the model as [16]:
plane values typically vary even by orders of magnitude, such
a Pv =Psat 2s (13) us electric conductivity in non-isotropic bipolar plates and
GDLs. Therefore, material properties represent a significant
The model equations described in this section (Eqs. (1)e(13))
degree of uncertainty in FC modelling.
constitute the modelling framework implemented in the
Table 2 lists the values for the parameters used in the
software used for the analysis [16].
present work. The materials physical properties (density,
Water management is known to be one of the most
heat capacity, electric conductivity, thermal conductivity)
important issues in the design and operation of a fuel cell, and
were available from the cell supplier technical specifications
its comprehensive modelling remains an unresolved chal-
(with the accuracy restrictions mentioned above). GDL
lenge in PEMFC model development despite the progresses
porosity and permeability were detailed as well in the tech-
made in recent years [6,8]. Both water transport in the MEA
nical data sheets. The properties of Nafion-117 including
and CL, GDL and channels are critical, but not yet resolved in
equivalent weight are also well known.
terms of comprehensive modelling capabilities. The water
Gas diffusion coefficients for the gases were estimated
balance in the cell must ensure an appropriate hydration of
from the literature [26], as well as the pore blockage exponent,
the membrane in order to ensure proton conductivity, espe-
where a value of 2.0 was used [18]. The contact angle for
cially in Nafion membranes where protons travel through the
multiphase flow was calculated for the PTFE content of the
membrane only if attached to water molecules (electro-
GDL according to the correlation obtained by Kumbur et al.
osmotic drag). The drying out of the MEA causes a high
[27]. The calculated contact angle for the GDL-gaseliquid
protonic resistivity and therefore loss of cell performance,
interface was 110 for the specified PTFE content (see Section
besides accelerated membrane degradation because of
pinhole formation. A minimum water content in the electro-
The surface-to-volume ratio of the CL (Pt catalyst surface
lyte is then required, but an excess of water content produces
area or electrochemical surface area ECSA) was estimated
the well-known flooding phenomena in the cathode electrode
based on geometrical considerations, as no cyclic voltamme-
and GDL, where liquid water blocks the pores and catalyst
try measurements were available. The expression used was:
sites causing a decrease in the oxygen transport and reaction
rate. The cell performance drops as a result of the increase in h  i

ac 4pr2 mPt =d= rPt 3=4pr3
uPt (14)
the concentration polarization. This is particularly important
at high current densities where water is being produced in the
where ac is the catalyst surface-to-volume ratio, r is the radius
cathode at higher rates. In order to control cathode flooding
of the catalyst particle (2.5 nm was assumed), mPt is the plat-
a micro porous layer (MPL) placed between CL and GDL can be
inum load, d is the CL thickness, r is the catalyst density, and uPt
used to improve water evacuation from the cathode electrode,
is an efficiency of the Pt catalyst utilization. All the parameters
as well as ensuring better electrical and mechanical contact
in this equation were known (Table 2) but for the efficiency uPt.
[21]. Additionally, the GDL is treated with hydrophobic poly-
An initial value of uPt was set to 0.5, which is conservative
mers (PTFE) to enhance the water removal capabilities [22].
according to catalyst technology state-of-the-art in 2003,
The electro-osmotic drag induces a water content gradient in
where values of 0.75e0.90 were typical [28,29]. Older technol-
the membrane with lower water concentration at the anode
ogies were only achieving values of 0.1e0.5. The estimation is
side, and anode humidification can be then used to avoid
a source of uncertainty, so simulations were run for different
membrane dehydration. Thinner membranes such as Nafion-
values of uPt in the range 0.5e0.7 and no significant variations
111 features the ability of compensate water content gradients
in the polarization curve under the conditions analysed were
by means of back-diffusion mechanisms, but for thicker
observed. It must be mentioned that the term iref in Eqs. (5) and
membranes such as Nafion-112 or Nafion-117 back-diffusion
(6), with units A/m3, intrinsically includes the constant ac, so
is minimised. An appropriate water balance must therefore be
that iref iref,sac, where iref,s is the reference exchange current
maintained within the cell to ensure an appropriate perfor-
density based on the active surface of the catalyst with units A/
mance, since both flooding and drying-out result in an overall
m2. That means that the effect of ac, which certainly influences
performance loss [23]. Recent reviews of water management
the charge transfer source term, is already included in the term
issues in fuel cells and the associated voltage degradation can
iref that was used as model parameter for validation. The
be found in [22,24,25].
variation of ac in this framework is consequently not affecting
iref in the exchange current density equations (5) and 6, and
2.3. Model parameters hence the independence of the results on the value of upt for the
range and conditions tested.
The governing equations and physical models implemented Electrochemical-related parameters in the ButlereVolmer
contain different parameters that must be specified. Finding equation (reference exchange current density i0, concentra-
correct values for the parameters involved in the equations is tion exponent g and exchange transfer coefficients a) are
still one of the main issues in FC modelling. They can be in electrode and catalyst-dependent. It is known that the elec-
general estimated in a certain range, but only very few are trochemistry of the cell is controlled by the cathode oxygen
really well known even for technical data sheet available from reduction reaction (ORR) whereas the anode oxidation reac-
the cell material suppliers. Additionally, some parameters tion (HOR) is occurring very fast on Pt-catalysts, up to six
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11539

Table 2 e Model parameters used in the simulations.

Parameter Units Value Source
BP density kg/m 1990 [50]
BP specific heat capacity J/(kg K) 710 [50]
BP thermal conductivity W/(m K) 120 [50]
BP electric conductivity 1/(U m) 92,600 [50]
BP thickness mm 9.5 In-situ measurement
BPeGDL contact resistance (parallel) U m2 4.56e6 In-situ measurement [34]
BPeGDL contact resistance (serpentine) U m2 3.52e7 In-situ measurement [34]
GDL density kg/m3 321.5 [51]
GDL porosity e 0.82 [51]
GDL electric conductivity 1/(U m) 280 [51]
GDL viscous resistance (anode) 1/m2 1.0e12 [51],a
GDL viscous resistance (cathode) 1/m2 3.86e12 [51],a
GDL wall contact angle deg 110 [27]
GDL thickness mm 420 [51]
CL surface-to-volume ratio m2/m3 1.25e7 Eq. (13)
CL thickness (anode) mm 6.0 [52]
CL thickness (cathode) mm 12.0 [52]
Membrane density kg/m3 1980 [53]
Membrane thermal conductivity W/(m K) 0.16 [54]
Membrane equivalent weight kg/kmol 1100 [53,55]
Membrane thickness mm 175 [53,55]
Open circuit voltage V 0.98 In-situ measurement [34]
H2 diffusivity m2/s 8.0e5 [26]
O2 diffusivity m2/s 2.0e5 [26]
H2O diffusivity m2/s 5.0e5 [26]
Pore blockage saturation exponent e 2.0 [18]
Concentration exponent (anode) e 0.5 [30]
Concentration exponent (cathode) e 1.0 [56e58]
Charge transfer coefficient (anode) e 1.0 In-situ measurement [34],b
Charge transfer coefficient (cathode) e 1.0 In-situ measurement [34]
Reference exchange current density (anode) A/m3 5.6e12 Assumed from cathode valueb
Reference exchange current density (cathode) A/m3 5.6e7 Experimental fit (model parameter)
Reference exchange current density (anode), referred to cm2Pt mA/cm2Pt 448e5 Assumed from cathode valueb
Reference exchange current density (cathode), referred to cm2Pt mA/cm2Pt 448 Experimental fit (model parameter)

a From technical data sheet for air, and adapted for H2 and O2 according to Darcys law equation.
b Estimated from in-situ measurements for the cathode. As ORR in the cathode is controlling the electrochemistry of the cell (anode HOR
kinetics is much faster for the operating conditions used [40]) the parameters for the anode can be estimated without significant errors in the
cell final performance.

orders of magnitude faster. ORR is therefore the limiting accounting for the differences in the values of the contact
electrochemical process and requires a more detailed knowl- resistance measured. This reflects the fact that the channel-
edge of the BV equation parameters. The concentration to-land ratio is an important engineering design parameter,
exponent was set to 1.0 for both ORR and HOR [30], whereas representing a trade-off between gas reactant transport and
the exchange transfer coefficient was obtained experimen- contact resistance:
tally from the correspondent Tafel plot [31]. The reference
Rc Vloss =Acontact i (15)
exchange current density could also be determined from the
Tafel plot, but it is known that results obtained are not accu- In order to provide a comparison between the relative
rate [32] and therefore i0 was used as a model parameter to importance of the bipolar plate bulk and contact electric
calibrate the numerical results against experimental resistances, in the serpentine flow field bipolar plate analysed
measurements. the bulk resistance of the bipolar plate (9.5 mm thick, electric
Other parameters such as the bipolar plateeGDL contact conductivity 93,200 1/(U m)) represents only about 30% of the
resistance were determined via experimental measurements ohmic resistance (10 mV loss for 0.8 A/cm2 current density),
according to the method described in [33]. It is important to whereas contact resistance represents about 70% of the
include the BPeGDL contact resistance in the model, as it is resistance (27.2 mV loss for 0.8 A/cm2 current density).
known to account for a relevant loss in the overall ohmic cell A detailed comparison of the relative contribution of the
voltage [33]. The values measured for the bolts torque used contact resistance to the overall cell ohmic resistance (bulk
(4.5 N m) were 4.56e6 U m2 for the parallel flow field plate materials electric resistance, electric contact resistance,
and 3.52e7 U m2 for the serpentine flow field plate. BP and protonic MEA resistance) for the cells simulated in this work is
GDL materials and compression force were the same in both given in [34], where for the cases analysed contact resistance
cases, but the channel-to-land ratio varies significantly (2.70 accounts up to 25% of the overall ohmic resistance in the
in parallel flow field and 0.94 in serpentine flow field), parallel flow field configuration depending on the operating
11540 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

conditions, whereas materials bulk electric resistivity repre- cell was also defined in the simulation (4.0 bar, absolute). Both
sents 25% of the ohmic losses and MEA protonic resistivity potentiostatic and galvanostatic boundary conditions can be
represents the 50% of the overall ohmic losses. defined in the model. In order to calculate the different points
The model was also based on different assumptions: of the polarization curve, steady-state solutions are obtained
steady-state conditions, laminar flow in flow field channels, for low electric current densities, and after convergence
Darcys type diffusion with negligible inertial forces contri- subsequent stationary solutions are obtained by raising the
bution, no material properties modification under cell average electric current. Galvanostatic boundary conditions
compression conditions (torque applied in bolts were 4.5 N m). were used for convenience as this is representative of the real
Additional significant assumptions were inherently applied operation mode of the experimental test station, where the
given the current limitations of the modelling capabilities: electronic load demands a certain electric current defined by
mist conditions of the multiphase flow in flow field channels the set point. Table 3 presents the summary of the boundary
(no droplets, films, or slugs are formed), isotropic and homo- conditions used in the simulations.
geneous properties of bipolar plate, GDL and CL, and no effect
of Knudsen diffusion in GDL and CL. 2.5. Hardware requirements

2.4. Boundary conditions The simulations were carried out in a Quad-core HP worksta-
tion with 4.0 GB RAM and 2.40 GHz CPU, running Windows XP
The boundary conditions were defined to set the operating Operating System with SP2. The solver allocated 3.0 GB RAM for
point of the fuel cell. Each point of the polarization curve was the 1.8 million elements mesh. Typical wall clock computing
defined by setting the current density being drawn from the times are 24 h for the first point of the polarization curve as the
cell. Using the Faraday equation and the stoichiometric solution must converge from a dummy initial guess, using low
factors, the reactant volume flows were determined for each relaxation factors at the beginning of the simulation. The initial
current density: point to be calculated corresponds to the lowest current
density, as multiphase and liquid transport effects are less
Qv;H2 6:97IqH2 (16)
significant and convergence is therefore faster. Further points
in the polarization curve use previous results at lower current
Qv 16:7Iqair (17) densities as initial conditions so that the converged solution is
faster to achieve, with typical wall clock computing times of
Qv;O2 3:49IqO2 (18) 4e6 h. The complete process is programmed in a script file so
where Qv is the reactant volume flow (mlN/min), I is the cell that the solver automatically runs all the points in batch mode.
current (A), and q is the stoichiometric factor.
In order to obtain a complete polarization curve different
points were calculated. For humidified reactants the corre- 3. Experimental
sponding water vapour was added as a mass fraction at the
inlet gases. Fixed temperature boundary conditions were 3.1. Test station and cell description
applied at the bipolar plateecurrent collector surface and inlet
reactants, with a value equal to the operating temperature of The experimental work was conducted with a test station
the cell (60  C). At the cell outer surface ambient conditions located at the Fuel Cell Laboratory at INTA.
were assumed, with a heat transfer coefficient of 5.0 W/m2 K The cell consisted of graphite bipolar plates from Electro-
and ambient temperature 25  C. The operating pressure of the Chem Inc., where two designs e parallel and five-channel

Table 3 e List of boundary conditions used in the simulations.

H2 2.0 RH 100% H2 1.5 RH 0% H2 1.5 RH 60% H2 2.0 RH 60%

O2 10.0 RH 100% Air 5.0 RH 0% Air 3.5 RH 60% O2 10.0 RH 60%

Anode voltage (V) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Cat current density (A/cm2) 0.1e1.0 0.1e1.0 0.1e1.0 0.1e1.0
An inlet vol flow (mlN/min)a 6:97  2:0  I QvH2 Oa 6.97  1.5  I 6:97  1:5  I QvH2 Oa 6:97  2:0  I QvH2 Oa
Cat inlet vol flow (mlN/min) 3:49  10:0  I QvH2 Oc 16.7  5.0  I 16:7  5:0  I QvH2 Oc 3:49  10:0  I QvH2 Oc
An/Cat inlet T (K) 333.15 333.15 333.15 333.15
An relative humidity (%) 100 0 60 60
Cat relative humidity (%) 100 0 60 60
An/Cat outlet press (bar, absolute) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
BP/current collector T (K) 333.15 333.15 333.15 333.15
BP external side hc (W/m2 K) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Ambient T (K) 298.15 298.15 298.15 298.15

a Given the minimum value of the volume flow rate delivered by the test station, actual anode Qv values for 0.1 and 0.2 A/cm2 are larger than
corresponding to the stoichiometric factor. This has been considered in the simulation by defining the real flow rate delivered by the test bench
at the anode inlet boundary condition. Cathode volume flow rates could be set appropriately for all operating conditions in the test station.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11541

serpentine flow field e were tested. Figs. 1 and 2 show the was measured according to [33], where the contact resistance
bipolar plates designs. Parallel flow fields are known to between GDL and CL was neglected. This is a common
present a poor performance in terms of water management, approach, as it is known to present a very small contribution
reactant distribution over the electrode and pressure loss to the overall resistance [32], in particular in the case under
distribution along the stack [35], but this design was also analysis where the GDL contains an MPL contacting the
selected as the objective of the analysis is the development of electrode.
a validated CFCD model suitable for different bipolar plate High frequency resistance was determined from Nyquist
designs. plots via AC impedance spectroscopy. The values obtained
A set of Gas Diffusion Layers from SGL Group (Sigracet 10 were used for the calculation of the voltage ohmic-correction.
CC) 0.42 mm thick were used. GDLs have a porosity of 0.82 and Tafel plots were created and from the slope the value of the
a 10% PTFE content. The GDL contains a Micro Porous Layer charge transfer coefficient was obtained [31]. Further details
(MPL) for enhanced performance of the GDLecatalyst layer for experimental HFR results, together with the corresponding
(CL) interface. A Catalyst Coated Membrane (CCM) from Baltic Nyquist and Tafel plots for the cells under analysis can be
fuel cells was used, with catalyst loading at anode and found in [34].
cathode electrodes 0.3 mg Pt/cm2 and 0.6 mg Pt/cm2, respec-
tively. The Ionomer/Carbon ratio (I/C ratio) is 1.2/2, with 70%
Pt over carbon and Ionomer/Catalyst ratio 1/4. The high I/C
ratio avoids significant voltage losses from high electrode 4. Results and model validation
proton resistances, especially under low relative humidity
conditions [36]. The membrane material was Nafion-117. The need for careful validation of CFD modelling results is
shown in Fig. 5 for the case of H2/air parallel flow field for
3.2. Experimental tests description stoichiometric factors of 1.5 for the anode and 10.0 at the
cathode, without humidification. Table 4 presents the errors
Polarization curves for different conditions were obtained for in voltage prediction for the different simulations in Fig. 5 at
the cells under analysis. The experimental methodology fol- various current densities.
lowed the well established FCTESTnet procedures for single The results using the default model parameters are
cells [37]. labelled CFD model initial. It is clearly observed that the
Hydrogen was used as fuel and air or pure oxygen as polarization curve is very far from the experimental
oxidant. The operating pressure was set to 4.0 bar (absolute) measurements. This represents the fact that the results of
for all cases, and temperature was set to 60  C, constant for all a CFD fuel cell model cannot be trusted unless careful exper-
the current density range. Stoichiometric factors between 1.5 imental validation is provided. In Fig. 5, the polarization
and 2.0 were used for the anode, and between 3.5 and 10.0 curves after validation are representing the experimental cell
were used for the cathode (Table 3). The objective of operating polarization curve with much better accuracy, although for
with high stoichiometric factors was double. First, together a detailed validation analysis the number of numerical IV
with the use of O2 as oxidant, to achieve operating conditions points in the polarization curve should be increased. The
free of mass transport losses in order to generate Tafel plots ButlereVolmer equation parameter reference current density
for the determination of the charge transfer coefficient [34]. was used as model parameter for validation purposes as
Secondly, to minimise the voltage oscillations observed at stated in Section 2.3. Lastly, the curve obtained after applying
high current densities with the parallel flow field plate oper- the basic Best Practice Guidelines outlined in Section 2.1.1 is
ating with air. The oscillations, up to 0.1 V in cases with
cathode stoichiometric factor 5.0, were presumably originated
CFD model initial
by mass transport limitations as stated in the work of Kuli-
CFD model validation-01
kovsky [38]. Channel blockage due to liquid water is also 1
CFD model validation-01 BPG
known to induce voltage or power oscillations [39], and Experimental
therefore the oscillations were minimised operating at higher 0.8
cathode stoichiometric factors. The resulting polarization
Voltage (V)

curve showing such voltage oscillations cannot be considered

as valid despite the data filtering procedures. This is why
a factor 10.0 was used for the cell with parallel BP, presenting
voltage oscillations of less than 0.01 V at high current densi- 0.4
ties. The operation with pure oxygen completely eliminated
the voltage oscillations at all current densities (oscillations at
high current density were less than 1 mV), demonstrating that
the mass transport issues when the cell was operated with air
at high current densities. This effect was remarkable for BPs 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000
with parallel flow field, as it is known to perform worse in
Current density (mA/cm2)
terms of water management and reactant distribution [35].
A data filtering software was applied to voltage measure- Fig. 5 e Polarization curves for the different approaches:
ments. The reproducibility of the results was addressed by experimental measurements and CFD results for different
replicating the experiments. The contact BPeGDL resistance model parameters and computational meshes.
11542 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

Table 4 e CFD model error in voltage prediction.
i (mA/cm2) V Exp (V) Err V val-01 (%) Err V val-BPG (%) 1
Parallel H2 2.0 HR 100% O2 10.0 HR 100%

100 0.76 2.40 0.72 0.9

200 0.66 3.61 5.46 CFD model
300 0.51 2.56 0.04

Voltage (V)
400 0.25a 45.84a 19.49a 0.7

a Estimated from the experimental results extrapolation. 0.6

presenting an even better accuracy that can be better
observed at higher current densities, as mass-transport 0.4
polarization effects are not appropriately reproduced by the
coarser mesh. The kinetic and ohmic-controlled parts of the
curve are well reproduced by both validated simulations, as 0.2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
the initial mesh was also relatively fine. The previous results
Current density (mA/cm2)
indicate that within the modelling framework presented in
this work, mesh refinement is more critical for reproducing Fig. 7 e Experimental and numerical results for parallel
mass transport phenomena. flow field BP. H2/O2 fully humidified. Stoichiometric factors
In order to characterize the performance of the cell, a set of 2.0/10.0 for anode and cathode.
polarization curves was obtained in the test station for the
different bipolar plates and representative operating condi-
tions. The results for selected test are presented in Fig. 6. vary even for the same cell when operated at different current
Additionally, results for the numerical model are shown in densities. For the case shown in Fig. 10, local distributions of
Figs 7e10, together with experimental polarization curves certain variables have been analysed for 100 mA/cm2 and
obtained for the operating conditions modelled. The discus- 1000 mA/cm2. The reactants distribution at the anode and
sion on the results is provided in Section 5. cathode GDLeCL interfaces presented in Figs. 11 and 12 shows
Besides overall performance analysis based on polarization very different profiles. Membrane temperatures are shown in
curves, it is also of major importance to understand the local Fig. 13 and liquid water contents at the membrane and
phenomena occurring in the fuel cell. Three-dimensional cathode CLemembrane interface in Figs. 14 and 15, respec-
CFCD modelling is an excellent method to approach this, as tively. In order to investigate the membrane water content
experimental techniques are not easy to apply to local effects, l values at the membrane together with values at the
measurements given the small through-plane dimensions of half-membrane anode and cathode sides are reported in Table
fuel cells. Results can help scientists and engineers to 5. The protonic conductivity of the membrane is represented
understand the complex phenomena in fuel cells, thus in Fig. 16 and the overall current density distribution in Fig. 17.
providing useful information for more efficient designs and Pressure drop along the channels was also calculated. The
operation. distribution of static pressure in the channel/GDL interface at
Water and heat management and reactants distribution anode and cathode sides is shown in Fig. 18 for 1000 mA/cm2,
among other issues can be analysed by means of CFCD. and overall pressure drops are reported in Table 6 for parallel
Besides, local distributions of field variables can significantly and serpentine flow field bipolar plates.

Serp: an 2.0 RH 99% - cat 10
10 (O2)
(O2) RH 99%
Serpentin H2 1.5 HR 0% Air 5.0 HR 0%
1 Serp: an 1.5 RH 35% - cat 5.0
5.0 RH
RH 35%
35% 1
CFD model
Serp: an 1.5 RH 0% - cat 5.0
5.0 RH
RH 0%
0.9 0.9
Par: an 1.5 RH 0% - cat
cat 10
10 RH
RH 0%

Voltage (V)
Voltage [V]




0.3 0.2
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800
i [mA/cm2] Current density (mA/cm2)

Fig. 6 e Selected experimental polarization curves for Fig. 8 e Experimental and numerical results for serpentine
parallel and serpentine flow fields and different operating flow field BP. H2/air without humidification. Stoichiometric
conditions. factors 1.5/5.0 for anode and cathode.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11543

Serpentin H2 1.5 HR 60% Air 3.5 HR 60%
CFD model

Voltage (V)






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Current density (mA/cm2)

Fig. 9 e Experimental and numerical results for serpentine

flow field BP. H2/air with relative humidity 60%.
Stoichiometric factors 1.5/3.0 for anode and cathode.

5. Discussion

The need for extensive CFD Best Practice Guidelines and

model validation was addressed in Section 4. The differences
in the experimental polarization curves show the trends
expected. Parallel flow field performs worse than serpentine
flow field as discussed in Section 3.2. With serpentine flow
field BPs, it is observed that reactant humidification enhances
the performance as it prevents the MEA from drying out. The
most outstanding performance is obtained when the cell is
operated with full humidification and pure oxygen, as
concentration polarization is minimised and exchange
current density enhanced (Eq. (6)). All experimental work and
numerical CFD simulations were carried out at 60  C and
4.0 bar (absolute), operating at different reactant stoichio-
metric factors, oxygen concentration, and humidification
conditions as described in Sections 2.4 and 3.2.
Fig. 11 e H2 mass fraction distribution over the anode
catalytic layer for the case in Fig. 10. Top: 100 mA/cm2.
Serpentine H2 2.0 HR 100% O2 10.0 HR 100%
Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2.
CFD model
Four different validation cases are presented in Figs. 7e10.
0.8 A good agreement between experimental and numerical
Voltage (V)

model results is generally observed, although for a detailed

validation analysis the number of numerical IV points in the
0.6 polarization curve should be increased.
It is important to mention that after assessing the CFD-
related parameters by means of Best Practice Guidelines, and
0.4 as many as possible fuel cell model parameters, only the
reference exchange current density was unknown. It was
therefore used as a model parameter for calibrating the model
0.2 and fitting the experimental data.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
The value of the cathode reference exchange current
Current density (mA/cm2)
density iref
0 that was found by fitting the experimental data is
Fig. 10 e Experimental and numerical results for 448 mA/cm2Pt (Table 2). This value was used for all operating
serpentine flow field BP. H2/O2 with relative humidity 60%. conditions and bipolar plates, as the CCM MEAs used were
Stoichiometric factors 2.0/10.0 for anode and cathode. the same for all numerical simulations and experimental
11544 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

Fig. 12 e O2 mass fraction distribution over the cathode Fig. 13 e Temperature at the mid-plane of the MEA for the
catalytic layer for the case in Fig. 10. Top: 100 mA/cm2. case in Fig. 10 (K). Top: 100 mA/cm2. Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2.
Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2.

accuracy for a wide range of operating conditions and

tests. The cathode reference exchange current density is different bipolar plate designs.
limiting the kinetics of the cell at the conditions analysed in This work therefore represents an original contribution, in
the present study, namely pure hydrogen fuel and rather the sense that the model developed is not limited to the
high anode catalyst load [40]. Therefore, cell kinetics is rather analysis of a unique type of cell, but can be extended to
independent on the HOR kinetic parameters, and the anode analyse different designs with a certain degree of confidence.
reference exchange current density was estimated to be five This is of course true as long as correct parameters are
orders of magnitude larger [40]. The value of the cathode provided for the modelling of new elements (electrodes, GDL,
reference exchange current density is comparable to the BP, membrane). However, further validation would still be
value reported in the literature (see Table 3 in [41] for needed in order to ensure that results for the new cells are
a review of values found in the literature) where very closed maintained within a certain range of accuracy.
values are reported for comparable medium-high catalyst Additionally, further validation work is also needed given
loads. the complex coupled phenomena of fuel cells, where global
The model developed is therefore presenting a single polarization curves do not reveal a comprehensive represen-
parameter that was adjusted to match the experimental tation of the fuel cell phenomena as they describe the integral
results. But despite featuring a unique calibration parameter, result of the coupled physicochemical phenomena. Polariza-
the model is predicting the performance of the cell with good tion curves are therefore not sufficient for a detailed validation
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11545

Fig. 14 e Liquid water content (l) at the cathode Fig. 15 e Liquid water content (l) at the mid-plane of the
CLemembrane interface for the case in Fig. 10 MEA for the case in Fig. 10 (dimensionless). Top: 100 mA/
(dimensionless). Top: 100 mA/cm2. Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2. cm2. Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2.

of CFD models [8]. Current density distribution measurements walls). The fine mist flowing through the channels share the
using segmented current collectors [42,43], species (water) same velocity field as the gas phase, and therefore no channel
distributions measurements [44], together with HFR blockage is possible. In order to correctly represent this effect,
measurements and liquid phase visualization [45,46], are a true multiphase model (typically EulerianeEulerian) is
experimental tools that can be used for enhanced validation of needed. This constitutes one of the most active fields of
CFCD models as they provide much detailed information about research in fuel cell modelling [8].
the spatial distribution of relevant variables, which can be The reactants distribution above the catalytic layers is
directly used for comparison against numerical results. qualitatively presenting the same pattern for the current
An important deviation from the experimental measure- densities considered as observed in Figs. 11 and 12. For low
ments is observed at high current densities in Fig. 10. The current densities, hydrogen concentrations present high and
model fails to predict the voltage loss produced by the high uniform values in the electrode region near the channel inlet
mass-transport polarization. The reason is presumably that as observed at the top of Fig. 11. This is due to the fact that
no real multiphase (EulerianeEulerian) model is applied. higher volume flow rates (and therefore stoichiometric
Instead, a saturation model is used for the modelling of liquid factors) of hydrogen had to be used for 0.1 and 0.2 A/cm2 given
water formation. Liquid water behaves then as a fine mist the minimum flow rate limitations of the test station facility
instead of as water droplets (or even films in the channel (see Table 3). The oxygen consumption pattern over the
11546 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

electrode is represented in Fig. 12. The linear concentration

decay typical of serpentine flow fields is clearly observed [22],
although for this particular case this effect is not representing
a drawback given the high stoichiometric factor used and the
use of pure reactant.
The membrane temperature distribution is shown in
Fig. 13. For high current densities both membrane tempera-
ture and water content (Fig. 15) are higher given the larger
current being drawn from the cell, which involves more water
being produced and more heat of reaction and Joule heating.
Temperature differences in the MEA operating at low current
densities are within 5  C, but at high current densities are
about 10  C, exceeding the value of 5  C which is generally
considered as a safe limit for ensuring MEA durability [47].
Therefore, the case analysed would fail to ensure MEA dura-
bility and the design and/or operating conditions should thus
be modified. The reason for this limit is the strong dependence
of the membrane conductivity on the hydration level. As
vapour saturation pressure is a function of temperature,
differences in membrane temperature modify the protonic
conductivity. From the water saturation curves, it can be seen
that a 23% variation in the vapour saturation pressure is
obtained within only 5  C temperature difference. This affects
the water activity, where a pv/psat and thus the conductivity.
Local dehydration of the membrane causes undesirable hot
spots, either by increasing the ohmic heat, which further
increase the dry-out of the membrane, or by decreasing the
current density given the reduced conductivity. In both cases
the overall cell performance is dropping [47].
Water content distributions (liquid phase) are shown in
Figs. 14 and 15 for the cathode CLemembrane interface and
membrane mid-plane, respectively. For the operation at high
current densities a local reduction in the water content is
observed near the cathode inlet despite the reactant humidi-
fication used. This local membrane hydration issue near the
channel inlet represents one of the drawbacks of serpentine
flow fields [22]. However, better membrane hydration is
clearly obtained at higher current densities, and higher l
values are observed at the CLemembrane interface than at the
membrane mid-plane. In order to better compare the Fig. 16 e Protonic conductivity at the mid-plane of the MEA
membrane hydration level and through-plane l distributions, for the case in Fig. 10 (1/(U m)). Top: 100 mA/cm2. Bottom:
Table 5 shows the membrane water content at both 100 and 1000 mA/cm2.
1000 A/cm2. Values are given for both anode and cathode half-
membrane sides and for the whole membrane. The higher
water production at the cathode at high current densities densities despite the full reactant humidification, as less
clearly increases the membrane humidification, resulting in water is being produced at the cathode. Additionally, signifi-
the enhanced protonic conductivity observed in Fig. 16. The cant l differences between anode and cathode sides of the
membrane is presenting lower water contents at low current membrane are also observed in Table 5, caused by the electro-
osmotic drag and cathode water production. As the thickness
of Nafion-117 membranes is high, the back-diffusion process
from cathode to anode side is not able to compensate the
Table 5 e Average membrane water content (l) for the water content gradients. This l differences are larger at high
case with serpentine flow field operating with H2 2.0 RH
current densities as electro-osmotic drag effects become more
100% O2 10.0 RH 100%.
important with respect to back-diffusion, and the amount of
Current l l l l Gradient
water generated in the cathode increases. l through-plane
density Membrane Membrane Membrane 100(lc
(mA/cm2) anode side cathode (average)  lavg/lavg) gradients can also be observed by comparing Fig. 14 (cathode
side CLemembrane interface) and Fig. 15 (membrane mid-plane
water content), where the values at the cathode CLemem-
100 5.52 6.72 6.12 9.8%
brane interface are clearly higher at both current densities
1000 7.13 11.41 9.27 23.1%
under analysis.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0 11547

Fig. 17 e Current density distribution for the case in Fig. 10 Fig. 18 e Static pressure distribution (Pa) over the channel/
(A/m2). Top: 100 mA/cm2. Bottom: 1000 mA/cm2. The sign GDL interface for the case in Fig. 10 at 1000 mA/cm2. Top:
of the current density is negative for convention. anode side. Bottom: cathode side.

The protonic conductivity of the membrane is represented content, and current density. Areas with enhanced or reduced
in Fig. 16. The in-plane distribution is clearly dependent on the water content are directly related to areas with enhanced or
water content shown in Fig. 15, as the model uses the relation reduced current density values.
from Springer et al. [20] where the membrane protonic
conductivity is proportional to the water content. The
conductivity average value is clearly higher for the case with
higher current density, given the enhanced hydration caused Table 6 e Pressure drop results for the case with parallel
by the larger quantity of water produced at the cathode elec- flow field operating with H2 2.0 RH 100%/O2 10.0 RH 100%
and serpentine flow field operating with H2 2.0 RH 60% O2
trode. However, near the channel inlet region the protonic
10.0 RH 60%.
conductivity is presenting lower values at high current
Bipolar plate i (A/cm2) DP anode (Pa) DP cathode (Pa)
densities. This is also related to the lower membrane water
content in this area as discussed previously. Parallel 0.4 0.4 9.6
Fig. 17 shows the resulting current density distribution in Parallel 0.6 0.7 17.5
the in-plane direction. The results for the cell operating Serpentine 0.4 37 589
Serpentine 0.8 108 1705
a higher current density clearly show the coupling between
Serpentine 1.0 142 2748
membrane protonic conductivity, hence membrane water
11548 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 3 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 1 5 3 3 e1 1 5 5 0

The pressure distribution over the channel/GDL interface running parametric analysis and what-if? scenarios.
for the case presented in Fig. 10 operating at 1000 mA/cm2 is Different operating conditions, geometries, and materials can
shown in Fig. 18. The distribution clearly presents a linear be further analysed.
gradient along the channel length, with pressure drops in the It was also shown that experimental analysis cannot be
cathode side much larger (nearly factor 20.0) than in the anode substituted, and extensive validation is needed in order to
side, given the different flow rates. Quantitative pressure drop ensure the accuracy of the model results. Besides, given the
results at different current densities are presented in Table 6 availability of computing resources, the model is currently
for parallel flow field and serpentine flow field bipolar plates limited to single cells and not applicable to stacks.
(cases shown in Figs. 7 and 10, respectively). Pressure drop in
the serpentine bipolar plate is much larger than in the parallel
bipolar plate, with a difference close to a factor 60.0. The main
reasons are the larger channel-to-land ratio, the shorter flow
path length, and the lower number of bends in the parallel
This work has been funded by the Secretariat-General of
plate [48,49]. The higher pressure drop of the serpentine flow
Universities, Research and Technology, from Junta de Anda-
field is increasing the power requirements as the parasitic
luca, under the P08-TEP-4309 project. Authors also acknowl-
power loss needed for the reactants circulation through the
edge INTA for its close collaboration in PEMFC CFD modelling
cell increases. Nevertheless, the better cell power output
and experimental validation.
performance with respect to parallel flow field plates is in
general compensating the higher pressure drop. The
quadratic pressure drop dependence on the flow velocity (or
current density) observed in Table 6 is indicating the contri-
bution of inertial losses in addition to friction losses at the
channel walls.
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