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Project report on
Student report card system and hangman game
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the academic event in

Under the guidance of

M S Sowmya
Department of E & C,
SJCE, Mysuru.

Submitted by
Name Deekshanya Badri Supriya N P
Roll number and section A-18 A-63
USN 4JC13EC030 4JC13EC
Semester V V

Affiliated To

Introduction and Key features:

This mini-project aims to implement a student report card system, in the c++
language, using file structures and data structures such as array. File handling has
been used for the effective implementation of all the typical features of this project.
Preparing report cards for number of students involves same task need to be
performed every time.

The key features of Student Report Card System are:

1. Creating a new student report card record: This feature creates a new
student record containing his marks. For this the information to be provided are the
name and roll no. of the student, and the grades obtained by him/her in 6 subjects
Physics, Chemistry, Math, English, Hindi and Biology.

2. Reading all students report card record: The void display_all() function in
this student report card system project in C++ has been used for this feature. It
basically shows the progress report of all the students added in file. This feature
displays the roll no. and name of all the students, the marks obtained by them in 4
subjects Physics, Chemistry, Math, Biology, English and Hindi along with the
percentage of each student. This is for the reference of the teacher.

3. Reading specific students report card record: This feature is same as the
one explained above, except it shows the progress report and relevant data related
to a particular student.

4. Display grade report: This feature enlists all the students record saved in
file. The grade report is displayed in a tabular form with roll no. and name of the
students, marks achieved in the six subjects, and the grade and percentage obtained
by them. This is to display to the parent or the student .

5. Modify students report card record: In student report card system project
in C++, this feature is used to edit the report card record of a particular student. For
this, the name and roll no. of the student is sought. Upon successful modification,
the program displays the message Record Updated. If no record of student is
found in file, it displays the message Record does not exist.

6. Delete student record: This feature deletes the report card record of a
particular student; it first of all asks for the name and roll no. of the student whose
record is to be deleted.


The only manual work for preparing report card is to enter only marks of
each subject for every student and processing work will be taken care by the
computer system in order to prepare final report card. System will relieve teachers
for writing manually on report card and providing print facility by which, it will
enable them to display the marks of each students on paper by just one click. As
system has been provided with all maximum possibility to make their task easier,
so number of features has been made available to continue the task without any

It will only not prepare the report card, but also able to store data of each
student, so that it can be accessed any time and if required can make modification
as per requirement. The concept of graphics has been used which will make its user
to use this system in an easy manner.
Algorithm :
A brief algorithm for the implemented student report card system.

Step 1 : Start.

Step 2 : Display Main Menu. Ask User choice for :

1)Result menu : If 1 is pressed go to step 3.

2)Entry/Edit Menu : If 2 is pressed go to step 6.

3)Exit: If 3 is pressed go to step 12.

Step 3 : If User input is 1, Display result menu. Ask user choice for :

1)Class result : If 1 pressed, Jump to step 4.

2)Student report card : If 2 pressed, Jump to step 5.

3)Back to main menu : If 3 pressed, Jump to step 2.

Step 4 : Display class result in tabular form.

Step 5 : Ask for roll number.

If present,

display the report card of that roll number.

Else , display error message.

End if
Step 6: Display entry menu :

1)Create student record. If 1 pressed, jump to step 7.

2)Display all records. If 2 pressed, jump to step 8.

3)Search student. If 3 pressed, jump to step 9.

4)Modify student record. If 4 pressed, jump to step 10.

5)Delete student record. If 5 pressed, jump to step 11.

6)Back to main menu. If 6 pressed, jump to step 2

Step 7 : Ask for roll number , and other subject details.

Step 8: Display detailed student records of all students.

Step 9: Ask for roll number.

If record present, Display that record .

Else, display error message.

End if.

Step 10: Ask for roll number. If record present,

Allow user to modify the report card details.

Step 11: Ask for roll number. If record present ,

delete that record.

Step 12: Exit.



The word to guess is represented by a row of asterisks, representing each

letter of the word. If the guessing player(human) suggests a letter which occurs in
the word, the other player(computer) writes it in all its correct positions. If the
suggested letter or number does not occur in the word, the other player draws one
element of a hanged man stick figure as a tally mark. The game is over when the
person is hanged.In our game,the words to be guessed are limited to a set of array
of country names, based on three level difficulties : Easy,Average and Hard.

Some modifications to game play to increase difficulty level are sometimes

implemented, such as limiting guesses on high-frequency consonants and vowels.
Another alternative is to give the definition of the word. In our version, the
difficulty is based on the rareness of the country name i.e,the more relatively
unknown a country is, the harder it is to guess it.

The number of allowed guesses are 5, after which the hanged person drawing will
be completed , resulting in the end of the game.If guesses are correct, appropriate
messages will be displayed.
The algorithm gives a brief working of the hangman program.

Step 1: Define variables.

Step2: Print the program title and required appropriate message.

Step 3: Ask the user for the level of difficulty.

Step 4: Create a word list (based on difficulty). Here ,word list is about

Step 5: Use a loop to:

1)Choose a random word from the list.

2)Set the number of tries to max value.

3)Print the number of chances left.

4)Set the counter that monitors the number of occurrences of the letter

pressed in word to 0.

Step 5: Use a loop

1)Set variable of found letter to 0.

2)Wait for user to press a letter.

3)Check the key pressed.

4)Check whether the letter is found in the word.

if so

1)Increment counter by 1.

2)Display letter on screen.

3)Set variable of found letter to TRUE.

end if

If not found

1)Increment variable of number of tries by 1.

2)Display number of chances left.

end if

Step 6: Loop until escape key is pressed or word found or no more

chances left.

Step 7: Say whether user has won or lost.

Step 8: Display the hangman if lost.

Step 9: Exit.

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