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Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - Drinking Water Program LCR-C

Lead and Copper Analysis Report

I. PWS INFORMATION: Please refer to your DEP Water Quality Sampling Schedule (WQSS) to help complete this form
PWS ID #: 1209000 city! Town: North Adams
PWS Name: North Adams Water Department ws class: co NTNC Li TNC [El
II Resubmitted, list below
Routine or Original, Resumltted or

Special Sample Contlmsation Report ti) Reason for Resubmission (2) Collection Date ofOriginal Sample
<: R5 55 X’OriginaL Resubmitted confirmation Resample Reanalysis Report Correction
SAMPLE NOTES (Such as. If a MantfoldlMulflole samole. list the sources that were on-line durlno sample collectionl,


Primary Lab MA cert. II: IM-MA1146 Primary Lab Name: Microbac Laboratories, Inc., Lee subcontract? (YIN)
- Anelyte Action Level (mglL) Lab Melhod MDL (mgiL) Analysis Lab MA CerW Analysis Lab Name

Copper 1.30 EPA 200.8, Rv. 5.4 0.0010 MCT0O8 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Dayvitte

Lead 0.0150 EPA 200.8. Rv. 5.4 0.0010 M-CTOO8 Micrcbac Laboratories, Inc.- Dayville

DEP Approved Sample Location . LEAD COPPER Lab Sample

Collection Date
(see DEP approved LCR plan for sampling locations)

Result (mg/L) Date Analyzed Result (mgfL) Date Analyzed
Report SCHOOL RESULTS collected in accordance with 310 CMR 22.06b (7Xa)9 below. Do not use these school results in go
percenIile cslculstions.
01 10050 N. Bark YMCA 11/30/2017 0.0054 12/04/2017 0.163 12/04/2017 L7K0480-01
02 10060 Brayton School Bubbler 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0916 12/04/2017 L7K0480-02
03 10060 Brayton school Kitchen 11/30/2017 <0.0010 1210412017 0.163 12/04/2017 L7K0480-03
04j10060 Greylock School Bubbler 11/30/2017 0.0012 12/04/2017 0.0774 12/04/2017 L7K0480-04
05 10060 Greylock School Kitchen 11/30/2017 j 0.0116 12/04/2017 0.186 12/04/2017 [ L7K0480-05
06 10060 Colgrove School Bubbler 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0010 12/04/2017 L7K0480-06
07 10060 Cclgrove School Kitchen 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.738 12/04/2017 L7K0480-07
08[10060 Drury School Bubbler 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.283 12/04/2017 L7K0480-08
09 10060 Drury School Kitchen 11/30/2017 0.0021 12/04/2017 0.221 12/04/2017 L7K0480-09
10 10060 Johnson Daycare Kitchen 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0500 12104/2017 L7K0480-1 0
ii 10060 Monument Square Daycare Kitchen 11/30/2017 0.0076 12/04/2017 0.222 12/04/2017 L7K0480-11
, lcertilij under penalties of lawthatlam the person Primary Lab Director Signature:
authorized to 1711 out this form and the information contained herein is . -

true, accurate and complete to the best extent of my knowledge Date: 112/4/2017
If not submitting results electronically, mail TWO copies of this report to your DEl’ Regional Office no later than 10 days after the end of the month
in which you received this report or no later than TO days after the end of the reporting period, whichever’s sooner.

COM & NTNC Public Water Supplies must submit Forms LCR-D or LCR-E with this form to the appropriate DEl’ Regional Office.
DEP REVIEW STATUS (Initial & Date) Review D WQTS
C Accepted C Disapproved Comments Data Entered

I P9af
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - Drinking Water Program LCR-C
Lead and Copper Analysis Report
I. PWS INFORMATION: Please refer to your DEP Water Quality Sampling Schedule (WQSS) to help complete this form

PWS ID #: 1209000 city i Town: North Adams

PWS Name: North Adams Water Department ws class: COM K NTNC


If Resubmitted, list below

Original, Resunitted or

Routine or
Special Sample Confirmation Report (1) Reason for Resubmission (2) Collection Data of Original Sanipla

TZ RS x!SS I’ Original - Resubmitted - Confirmation Resample Reanalysis Report Correction

SAMPLE NOTES. Isueb n. Ifs ManifoldfMultiole sangie. list the agurtn that were on-line during ssmnle collectioni


Primary Lab MA cert. #: M-MA1146 Primary Lab Name: Microbac Laboratories, Inc., Lee Isubcontract? (Y/N)

Action Level (mglL) Lab Method MDL (rng/L) Analysis Lab MA Cer Analysis Lab Name
copper 1.30 EPA200.8, Rv. 5.4 , a.ooio t,i-oocs McrcbacLabcratores. inc. Das,iule -

0.0153 EPA 200.5, Rv 5.4 0013 M-C7008 tiicrorac Laooatcries. nc. Dayvle -


DEP Approved Sample Location I .

Collection Date
joee DEP app’oved LCR pan ‘or sampling, IDe
. .,

, .

Result (mgiL) Date Analyzed Result (mg&) I Date Analyzed

oil 1006033 Orchard H II 11/28/2017 <0.0010 12104/2017 0.221 12/04/2017 L7KQ486-0’
02 100609865. ChLrcb St. j’i29i2Ol7 0.001 210412017 0,130 12/04/2017 L7’K0486-02
j336O35 ColegeAve 11/29/20’7 0.0044 12/04/2017 0.0957 12104/2017 L7K3486-03
04 ‘0360 ‘49 Churcn St.
J 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0856 1210412017 L7K3486-34
‘05 1006093 C:eve:anc Ave 11/29/2017 0.0010 12’04/2017 -0.0895 12/04/2017 L7K0486-05
06 10060474 WalkerSt. 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12104/2017 0.134 12/04/2017 L7K0486-06
07110060 426 Barbour St. 11127/2017 <0.0010 12/0412017 0_los 12104/2017 L7K0486-07
0811336029 Guntne St. 11/29/2017 0.0028 12134/2017 0.164 12/04/2017 L7K3486-3S
09110060 352 hcughton St 11/29/2017 0.0012 12/04/2017 j 0.0978 12/04/2017 L7K0486-09
10110060 183 Notch Roes . 11/29/2017 <0,0010 12/04/2017 j 0.181 12/04/2017 u7’K0486-10
11h0060960w.ShahRoad 11/29/2017 0.0010 12/04/2017
j 0.07’5 1Z’04/23’7 L7K0486-1
12 1006011 Orchard St. 11/28/2017 <0.0010 12/34/20’7 I 0.0859 12/04/2017 ‘ L7K3486-12
13 ‘3363 522 West Shaft Ro. 11/28/2017 <0.0010 12/35/2017 0.175 12/05/2017 L7K0466-3
14 103601 Apache Drive 11/29/2017 <0,0010 12/05/2017 0,0709 12/05/2017 L7K0486.14 i
I certify under penalties of law that) am the person Primary Lab Director Signature: -

auThorized to fill out this form and the inform aticn contained herein is -

true, accurate and complete to the best extant of my kncwieage Date: Ii 2/6/2017
If not submitting results electronically, mail TWO copies of this report to your DEP Rep:cna? Off/ce no larer than 10 days after the end of the month
in which you received this report or no later than 10 days alter the end of the reporting period, whichever is sooner.

COM & NTNC Public Water Supplies must submit Forms LCR-D or LcR-E with this form to lhe appropriate DEP Regional Office.
DEP REVIEW STATUS (tnitiat & Date) Review D WQTS
C Accepted C Disapproved Comments Data Entered

I BancnfA
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Drinking Water Program LCR-C

Lead and Copper Analysis Report

I. PWS INFORMATION: PIetéferto your DEP Water Quality Sampflng Schedule (WQSS) to help complete this

11209000 I City/Town: North Adams

PWS Name: North Adams Water Department I PWS Class: COM NTNC Ei TNC

Routine or

Original) Resum,tied or
I If Resubmitted, list below
Special Sample Confirmation Repopi (1) Reason for Resubnisaion (2) Collection Date of Original Sample

RS EE xorioinal Resubmitted Conhirmaon jflRen EJRearlysis .ReporlCcrreclion

SAMPLE NOTES- (Such as. Ifp ManlfnldlMultinls sanole *n sources .-tie dthah-.- — —


Primary Lab MA Con. It: IM-.MA1146 Primary Lab Name: Microbac Laboratories, Inc., Lee ISubcothact? (YIN) ‘‘

Action Level (mglL) Lab Method MDL mglL) Analysis Lab MA Cer Analysis Lab Name
Copper 1.30 EPA 200.8. Rv 54 0.0010 M-C1008 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - DaniilIe

Leac i 0.3150 PA 200.6. Ry. 54 0.0310 M-CTCOS LI s’obac Inc. - Dayvie


Lab Sample
DEP Approved Sample Location .
. Co.lectpon Date IDe
(See DP aoproved LCR plar .0, samDlIng catns)

Result (mgiLI Date Analyiso Result (mglL) Date Analyzed

ol[1336o_1163 MassAve 11/30/2017 0.0011 12/11/2017 0.113 2/1/2017 L7LC147-01

03 1006344 M’lladAve 12/01/2017 0.0315 12/11/2317 0.115 12i112017 L7L3141-C3

:06 100601 Burr,ham St 1113012017 0.0022 12111/2017 0.458 12/11/2017 L7L047-06

07 10060 56 HlghlandAve 1112812017 <0.0010 1211112017 3.0692 12111/2017 c7LC147-37
08 10060 255 Notch Road 1112912017 <0.003 12/11/2017 0.0623 1211/2017 L7L0147’OS
09 10060 180 Pleasant St. 1112912017 0.0012 1 2/1112017 0.0468 12/1112017 L7L0147-09
14 1006036 Lorraine Dr. j 12104/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017
j 0.0924 12/11/2017 L7L0147-14

isj 036028 MyersAve 12/04/2017 3.0039 12111/2017 I 0.167 1211112017 L7L3147.16

19 10060 832 F. Ma.r 5:. 12/34/2017 <3.0010 12/11/2017 ‘3.3654 12/11/202 L7L047-19
100606 Ci:ationAve. 11/33/2017 0.0018 12/11/2017 0.100 12/11/2017
21 1006030 tM:liams St. 12/01/2017 3.0314 12111/2017 0.0216 12/1/2017 L7L0147-21
23 10060 91 \o:cn Rd. 11/30/2017 0.0032 12/11.12017 0.0891 12/11/2317 L7L0147-23
251 10C63 76 MeyersAve. 11/29/2017 0.3019 12/11/2017 0.239 12)11/2317 L7L0147-25
26 1036087 Chera le Terr. 11/33/2017 0.0011 12/11/2017 0.229 12/11/2017 L7LD147-26
27 1006081 GeogeAve. 11/27/2017 0.0314 12/11/2017 0.3587 12/11/2017 L7L047-27
28 10360 65VesailesAve. 11/30/2017 <3.0310 12/11/2017 0.0109 12111/2317 /7L0147-28 1
29 13060 247 Easle St. 11/30/2017 0.0016 12111/2017 0.0576 12/11/2017 L7L347-29
30 0060 S4sWalterSt. 11/29/2317 3.0313 12/7/2317 0.3655 12/11/2017 L7L0147-33

l_.i 10060 246 West Shaft Rd. 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017 0.0144 . 1 2/11/2017 L7L0147-31

leer/i 4’ under penalties of law that I am the person Primary Lab Director Signature: --

authori2ed to fill out this form and the information contained herein is -

true, accurate and complete to the best extent of my knowledge Date: 12/18/2017
If not submitting results electronically, mail TWO copies of th,s report to your DEP Regional Office no later than ID days after the end c/the month
in which you received this report or no later than 10 days after the end of the reporting period, whichever is sooner.

COM & NTNC Pubic Water Supplies must submit Forms LCR-D or LCR-E with this form to Ihe appropriate DEP Regionat Office.
DEP REVIEW STATUS (Initial & Date) Review D WQTS
D Accepted D Disapproved Comments Data Entered

I Pof
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - Drinking Water Program LCR-C
L____ Lead and Copper Anatysis Report
I. PWS INFORMATION: Please refer to your DEP Water Quality Sampling Schedule (WQSS) to help complete this farm

PWS ID #: 11209000 City / Town: Not Adams I

PWS Name: North Adams Water Department I PWS Class: COM NTNC El TNC El

Routine or If Resubmitted, list below

Original, Resumitted
Special Sample Confirmation Report (1) Reason for Resubmisslon (2) Collection Date ofOriginal Sample

El RS <ss xOriginal Resubmilted Confirmation Lisamp1e ‘Reanalysis Report Correction

SAMPLE NOTES - (Such as. If a Uanlfold/Multlole sand., list th that we..a,-aaaan sample collection).

Primary Lab MA Cert. #: IM-MA1146 Primary Lab Name: iMicrobac Laboratories, Inc., Lee Subcontract? (V/N)
Anslyte Action Level (mglL) Lab Method MDL (mgIL) Analysis Lab MA cer Analysis L;b Name

Copper 1.30 EPA 200.8, Rv, 5,4 0.0010 M-CTOO8 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Daille

Lead 0.0150 EPA 200.8, Rv. 5.4 0.0010 M-CTOO8 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. - Dayville

DEP Approved Sample Location . LEAD COPPER Lab Sample

Collection Date
(See DEP approved LCR plan (or sampling locations)

Result (mg/L) Date Analyzed Result )ngIL) Date Analyzed
0211006040 Orchard Hill 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12111/2017 0.0965 12/11/2017 L7L0147-02
0411006054 Orchard Hill 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017 j 0.336 12/11/2017 L7L0147-04
0511006051 Birchwood Terr j 11/30/2017 0.0016 12/11/2017 0.132 12/11/2017 L7L0147-05
1011006041 Spring St 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017 0.0383 12/11/2017 L7L0147-10
iii 10060 755 E. Main St. 11/3012017 0.0012 12/11/2017 0.0523 12/11/2017 L7L0147-11
12110060 180 Barlow St. 11130/2017 <0.0010 12111/2017 [ 0.0292 12/11/2017
1311006012 Catherine St 11/28/2017 0.0044 12/1112017 0.0826 12/11/2017 L7L0147-13
15 10060 1589 5. Church St. 11/29/2017 0.0012 12/11/2017 0.139 12/11/2017 L7L0147-15
17 10060 1033 Res. Road 12/04/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017 0.0271 12111/2017 L7L0147-17
18 10060 286 E. Main St 12/01/2017 0.0016 12/11/2017 0.0636 12/11/2017 L7L0147-18
22 1006042 Dean St. 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/11/2017 0.0681 12/11/2017 L7L0147-22
24 10060 243 Union St. #301 12/01/2017 j <0.0010 12/11/2017 0.0963 12/11/2017 L7L0147-24
I certifr under penalties of law that I am the person Primary Lab Director Signature:
authorized to fl/lout this form and the information contained herein is
true, accurate and complete to the best extent of my knowledge Date: 12/18/2017
If not submitting results electronically, mail TWO copies of this report to your DEP Regional Office no later than 10 days after the end of the month
in which you received this report or no later than 10 days after the end of the reporting period, whichever is sooner

0DM & NTNC Public Water Supplies must submit Forms LCR-D or LCR-E with this torm to the appropriate DEP Regional Office.
DEP REVIEW STATUS (Initial & Date) Review C WQTS
C Accepted C Disapproved Comments Data Entered
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Drinking Water Program


L Lead and Copper Analysis Report

I. PWS INFORMATION: Please refer to your DEP Water Quality Sampling Schedule (WQSS) to help complete this form
PWS ID#: 11209000 I City/Town: North Adams

PWS Name: North Adams Water Department I PWS Class: COM NTNC E TNC
. If Resubmitted, list below
Routine or Original, Resumitted or
. . .

special Sample Confirmation Report (1) Reason for Resubrnission 12) Collection Date of Original Sample

X RS SS )( Original zResubmltted Confirmation — Resample —— Reanalysis — Report Correction

SAMPLE NOTES (such as. ifs Manifold/Multiple sample, list the sources thstwere on-line during sanole collection)


Primary Lab MA Cert. It: M-MA1146 Primary Lab Name: IMicrobac Laboratories, Inc., Lee Isubeontract? (YIN)
Analyte Action Level (mgi) Lab Method MDL (mgiL) Analysis Lab MA Cer Analysis Lab Name

Copper 1.30 EPA 200.8, Rv. 5.4 0.0010 M-CTOO8 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Daille

Lead 0.0150 EPA 200.8, Rv. 5.4 0.0010 M-CT008 Microbac Laboratories, Inc. Dayi/ille


DEP Approved Sample Location . LEAD COPPER Lab Sample

Collection Date

(See DEP approved LCR plan for sampling locations)


Result mgIL) Date Analyzed Result (mgi) Date Analyzed

01 1006028 Biltmore Ave 11/2812017 0.0025 12/0612017 0.133 12/0612017 L1K0485-01
021 10060 109 Woodlawn Ave 11129/2017 j 0.0032 12/0412017 0.321 12/04/2017 L7K0485-02
03 10060 743 Mass Ave 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0899 12/04/2017 L7K0485-03
04 1006060 Marielta St. 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 j 0.243 12/04/2017 L7K0485-04
05 10060 35 Clark St. 11/28/2017 0.0036 12/04/2017 0.136 12/04/2017 L7K0485-05
[‘jloo6o4_Lartouroux P1. 11/29/2017 j <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.194 12/04/2017 L7K0485-06
07 10060 258 Franklin St. 11/29/2017 0.0012 12/04/2017 0.0907 1 2/04/2017 j L7K0485-07

.21 1006029 HawthorneAve

1006048 Cherry St. 11/29/2017 <0.0010
0.0518 12/04/2017 L7K0485-08
L22 11/28/2017 0.153 12/04/2017
10 1006040 Maron Ave 11/28/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.144 12/04/2017 L7K0485-10
11 10060 59 Birchwood Terr 11/28/2017 0.0042 12/04/2017 0.166 12/04/2017 L7K0485-11
12 1006036 State Road 11/29/2017 0.0013 12/04/2017 0.0889 12/04/2017 L7K04S5-1 2
13 10060 101 Marion Ave 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0,0678 12/04/2017 L7K0485-13
‘14 100601486. Church St. 11/30/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0221 12/04/2017 L7K0485’14
15 10060 1040 Mass Ave 11/27/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0164 12/04/2017 L7K0485-15
16 1006071 TremontSt, 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0500 12/04/2017 L7K0485-16
‘17 10060 170 BarlowAve 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0366 12/04/2017 L7K0485-17
,Jf 10060 146 CharleneSt. 11/29/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.250 12/04/2017 L7K0485-18

[ 19110060 210 PheipsAve 11/28/2017 0.0030 12/04/2017 0.0725 12/04/2017 L7K0485-19

I 2011006051 Edgewood Ave 11/28/2017

j <0.0010 12/04/2017 [ 0.0378 12/04/2017

Li. 10060 100 Bradley St. 11/29/2017 0.0012 1 2/04/2017 0.150 12/04/2017 L7K0485-21
10060 400 Barbour St.
22 11/29/2017 [ 0.0023
0.0707 12/04/2017 L7K0485-22
23 10060 505 White Oaks Road 11/29/2017 0.110 12/04/2017 L7K0485-23
24 10060 1036 Mass Ave 11/28/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0577 12/04/2017 L7K0485-24
25 10060 341 Ashland St. 11/29/2017 0.0015 12/04/2017 0.457 12/04/2017 L7K0485-25
26 10060 138 EastAve 11/28/2017 0.0015 12/04/2017 0.102 12/04/2017 L7K0485-26
27 10060 131 Charlene St. [ 11/28/2017 0.0010
0.176 12/04/2017 L7K0485-27
28) 10060 139 Charlene St. 11/29/2017 0.103 12/04/2017

I 29110060 1130 Reservoir Road 11/29/2017 <0.0010

0.0120 12/04/2017 j L7K0485-29
30110060 111 Charlene St. 11/29/2017 j 0.113 12/04/2017 j
1006048 College Ave 11/27/2017 <0.0010 12/04/2017 0.0374 1 2/04/2017 L7K0485-31

I •—%_

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