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wre «5 uitment .guru CDS Exam(I}:2016 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. : B-ABPA-P-JRW Test Booklet Series TEST BOOKLET ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS ‘Time Allowed ; Two Hours Maximum Marks ; 100 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THAT THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEMS, ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at the appropriate places in the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will rendet the Answer Sheet liable for rejection. 4. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside, DO. NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4. This Test Booklet contains 100 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and Each item comprises four responacs (answers), You will select the response which you want to mark on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider the Best. In any case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item 5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directiona in the Answer Sheet, 6. All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Bookle’, you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you ‘with your Admission Certificate, &. After you have completed filing in all your responses on the Anawer Sheet and the examination has concluded, you showld hand over to the Invigllator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted to take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet 10. Penalty for wrong anawera i THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN THE OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. {@) There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty. {i Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even ifone of the given answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (ii) Ife question is left blank, i.¢., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be ne penalty for that question. the end, DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO 50 wart: sept oot warm wa yn & Fro’ go wat ess 4 es eecuae 4s cth yeiesy. etat L. ‘The information peovided Here www. recruitment .guru if the roots of the equation te? +mx+m-=0 are in the ratio p:q, then EEE a \p Vi is equal to fa) 0 1 (ce) 2 @s3 1 3x? —7x-30 - Vax? -~7x-Sx-5 has «and Pas its roots, then the value of of is (a) -15 b) -S wo iy 5 i 244em and 242=n, then what xy xy is ~ equal to? zea fay MAM — gy NB mg mp tng mpg fg M2 gy MP= mp—nq mp+ng If a?-by-cz=0, ax-b?+c2=0 and ax+ bye? = 0, then the value of +12 atx bry ore will be fa atb+e =) 3 cal a) 0 If the equations x?-px+q=0 and x74qe-p=0 have a common root, then which one of the following is correct? (aq) p-q=0 @) ptq-2=0 fe) ptq-1=0 id) p-q-1=0 B-ABPA-P-JRW/S4A only reference: It 6. if x=2k+2°4, then the value of 2x4-6x-5 is equal to fa) 0 @ 2 fa) 3 7. The sum and difference of two expressions are Sx*-x-4 and x740x-10 respectively. The HCF of the two expressions will be fa) (x+1) (O) (x1) (6) (3x+7) (dj (2x ~3) B. If (s-a)+(s-b)+(s-c)=s, then the value of (s—a)? +(s—b)? +4 a? sbi set oj? +37 will be fa) 3 fy 0 (dj -1 If the polynomial x84 pxS gut x? 4-3 divisible by (x* - 1), then the value of preg? fe) 1 fo) 9 10 (a) 13 10. Let p and g be non-zero integers, Consider the polynomial A(xp= x preg It ig given that (x —/m) and (x—-km) are ple factors of A(x), where m non-zero integer and k is a positive integer, k 22. Which one of the following is correct? fa) (+1)? p? = bq fb) (+1)? q= kp? fo) R3q=(k+1)p? fd) k?p? =(k+1)?q ys wane oriotnel: www. recruitment .guru LR whew bt mem =0 % BW pig * atm (E+ /a. fF me am q’\p "Vt ame Re fa) 0 fe) 1 2 (a) 3 2. ufe Vax? —9x— 30 - 12x? -7x-5 =x-5 Sama tne tape Te fa) -15 fe) -5 ‘J 0 @ 5 aR 242am ame L+2an % at = = y xy y ‘fea wren $7 @) np+mq ®) net mp tng mp=nq e pom (a) aay me mp+ng 4. WR a2 -by-c2=0, ax-b?sce=0 she ax + by-c? 08, 2 4 poe gee beg! ore. ara en een? fy atbte =m) a ciel i) 0 5.9% whem x7-pxrrg=0 | mh ige-p-0 w ww sie gt, a ‘frafettrs #8 whan em we 87 (a) p-q-0 =) p+q-2=0 fe) B-ABPA-P-JRW/54A, Wises: Perak do pense teed lec decode ceterentes: Tks wank 6. eR xa2hs0°) 4 far? 6x-s mM feet aon t? fa) 0 1 2 3 7. ft mime. wey sits she sit wT: Sx? - x-4 ae xt+ox-10 41 2 ae aT Wo Wo (HCH) am wien? far (x+1) ®) (x-1) fe) (3e+7) (a) (2-3) 8. AR (s—a)+{s—b)+(s-c)= 0%, a (s-a)? +(s~b)? +(s-c)? +5? wer ee een? fa) 3 1 fe) 0 (dy -1 9. aeagr x4 pxS eget x? —x-3 (x4-1) 8 fed 2, @ p2eq? AR wma? fa 9 for 10 (ay 13 to. a4 wife p at g Ta pis Fi ER Ala) = 2 + pe gt Bran Af ae flee mn BF (x—m) HK (2k), AL x) we qpacs &, wel m we ate wate 8, ke ep wes pots tk 22 by Petite a ea-w oe we te fa) (k+1)? p? =kq (0) (k+1)?q= kp? () k2q=tk+ lp? fa) Ap? =(k+)%q [P.T.0. fiatat www. recruitment .guru 11. Let m be a non-zero integer and n be a positive integer, Let & be the remainder obtained on dividing the polynomial x" +m" by (x=m). Then (a) Ris a non-zero even integer [b) Ris odd, if m is odd R=s? for some integer s, if n even R=1* for some integer t, if 3 divides n 12, 1f4*24 = 128 and 3°*32¥- 9% - 0, then the value of x+y can be equal to (a) 7 os 9 3 (ay 13, If the linear factors of ax? ~(a? + 1)x+a are p and q then p+q is equal to fa) (x-1)(a41) (O) (x+IMa+1) fo) (x-1)(a-1) fa) (x+1Y(a~1) 14, If fay3b + a= Jara — Jab then bx?—ax +b is equal to (given that beo) fay 0 oy (ab (a) 2ab 48. Ma? =117+b9 and a-3+b, then the value of a+b is (given that a>0 and x b>o} fa) 7 9 @ 1 ia) 13 B-ABPA-P-JRW/S4A ‘The information peavided hece-in-only reference: 16. If the sum of the roots of ax?+bx+c=0 ‘is equal to the sum of the squares of their reciprocals, then whieh one of the following relations is correct? (a) ab? + be? = 2a%e (b) a0 + be? = ab4 (e} ab? + be? = ae (a) a®eb24c%=1 17. Consider the following statements in respect of the expression nine) Sere where n is an integer : 1, There are exactly (wo values of nfor which S, = B61. 2 Si=Sinsyy and hence for any integer m, we have two values of nfor which S, =m. Which of the above statements is/are correct? fa) 1 only (®) 2 ony fe} Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 18. Consider the following statements in respect of two different non-zero integers p and q: 1, For (p+4} to be tess than (p~), q must be negative, 2, For(p +a) to be greater than (p—a), both p and q must be positive. Which of the above statements is/are correct? (a) 1 only () 2 only (Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 tt-may- wary the: oriotnal: www. recruitment .guru 11, wa Sra im ew Rt ee ohn wame gis ti FR die REE xP em® TB (xm) 8 veer A TCH dese Bie fa Rw a aH oR fo) R Fam B, Pe m Fare fo Pel wots s fy Rs? 8 a nwak fa) fret quite ¢% fore R=t* %, wR 3, n@ fnfea een 12, af 4*24 = 128 at 3°*37¥-9F = 08, @ ace y Bae foe wee A em 8? 7 fo) 5 3 fa) 1 13. oR ax? -(a?+1)x+a % Yow ques pat gt, & p+g fare watt? fq) (x-1y(ae) ) (x+1)(a+1) fe} (x-1)la-1) (@) (x+1)a-1) 14, a yp LEED = a+b -Ja-2b 9, ft bx? ax +b Rare em tf (fn aT tipo.) fa) 0 wb) 1 fe) ab (a) 2ab 1s. a a =117+b? at anath BA a+b aa att (art Pea> ok bro) fa) 7 m9 fe) 1 (dj 13 B-ABPA-P-JRW/S4A, 16. ® ax?+beoc-0 % Ew We, TE ayaa & a stg are 8, oh Peferfia ‘aba 3 A aaa oe ae te fa) ab? + be? = 2070 (b) ac + be*=2b7a fe) ab? +be= ae (ay a8 +b? 4e%—=1 17, aie g, = UM at n oe te b, & WR Poe wart Ren aR: 1 on & emer Bow t, fe ee 5, = 861%) Sa = Stneay & ahr wa Pea te ine Receak wet nF, A frs,< mb! ‘safe wer 8 @ stean/8 wh A/8? (a) Baa (e) FAG 2 fo} 1 te 2 et (j Thiseaae 18. 2 Bits aie wh p ok g BRA ofa apart we Pear AAPA: 1. (p+q) ® (p-q) a HR fee q eres Ga A aIfee 2 (p+a)® (p—a A aifies OA % fem pate q dal wares 88 wre) ave wed 48 teal wd 8/7 (a) a1 (b) Fat 2 fg) 1323 @ ahi sate IP.7.0. ‘The information peavided here-is-only reference: It-mey:-vare- the: original: www. recruitment .guru abe i i 2 2 39, EF S then which of the following 23 (23) -(3) 42ain 30° is equal is/are correct? ie 1 Betta a eee fa) -1 og tbr @ 0 " bected? fot Select the correct answer using the cade given below. (a) 2 a) 1 only (®) 2 only 24. A cyclist moves non-stop from A to Ba distance of 14 km, at a certain average G) “Botti 14042 speed. If his average speed reduces by (@) Neither 1 nor 2 1km per hour, he takes 20 minutes 20, 7° sI0 ip “ more to cover the same distance. The 7O— SP ie divieible by original average speed of the cyclist is ia) 5 on (a) § km/hour @ @) 6 km/bour @u (97 km/bour 21, Let a two-digit number be k times the sum of its digits. If the number formed (4) None of the above by interchanging the digits is m times the sum th et he Gigs, then the waite: of ey wsgum of maney iat w certain rate of mis een simple interest per year doubles. in (@) 9-k 5 years and at a different rate of simple () 10-% interest per year becomes three times in ce 12 years, then the difference in the two ae es of simple int + year i hea ra imp. t per year is 22. A man walking at 5 km/hour noticed fa) 2% that a 225m long train coming in the opposite direction crossed him in (op 30% 9 seconds. The speed of the train is 78 km/hot oo fo 34% fo) 80 km/hour fo} 85 km/hour (a) 90 km/hour @ 45% B-ABPA-P-JRW/54A 6 ot ec. ‘The information peavided here -is-only reference: It-mey:-vare-the. orioinel: www. recruitment .guru 19. men? @ Petataa 48 aa-a/3 wl 8/87 1 Bict+a’ ” a sbte! ateb?ec? a ® Wied a Aa foe re qe ar win ax ae ao ACH fq) a1 (o) eae 2 ) ishacd @ vaiisate 20. 7!°_ 510 fied fires 8? (a 5 (7 fe} 10 (fay 11 a1. af ohfag & sist oe en an sat pret) ker 8) aft ee & sist a sir Age a ei den a sat & aes A mint 8, af mow ae en te fa) 9-k fb) 10-k fo) LI-k (a) k-1 22, we are’ § fie Me iar A ara a ae ‘en fe favita fem & ard gi 225 the wat Um temmgl zh o Ges A an wee 8) eure Area en bP fa) 75-Fbe Hho feet (0) 80: Pe Hho fiat fe) 85 Pe tie friar fd) 90 Pee Ho fier B-ABPA-P-IRW/S4A, ‘The information peavided hece-in-only reference: J (e282) v2sinse td) 2 24, UH unfit se AR BAH 14 fo Me af fen oe Pra shea sre 2 we wee 81 aR seem shea are 1 fie afew Sar wr ttt, de ah OA ee 20 frre afte am 8) ae arf sere retire stea aret en 8? fa) 5 fio Mo fa (b) 6 Fe Roja fe) 7 Pee she fiat (a) wes a aaa 2s. af a8 woth mere ara At fief Flea aifte cB 5 od AA ph A ak Bote arenes sara A eat aa male: ze 812 FE Ade pf a wt, dae ae Sea atts et ar sic 87 (a) 2% fo} 3% fa 34% (a 44% [P.T.0. tt-may- wary the: oriotnel: www. recruitment .guru 26. Let ABC and A’B‘C’ be two triangles 28. Let S be a set of first fourteen natural in which AB>A'B', BC> BC and numbers. The possible number of pairs CA>C’A’, Let D, E and F be the mid- (a, b), where a, beS and a#b such Paints of the sides BC, CA and AB that @b leaves remainder 1 when respectively. Let D’, B’ and F* be the divided by 15, is midpoints of the sides B°C, C’A' and AE’ respectively. Consider the following 3 statements ‘Statement 1 os AD>A'D’, BE> EE’ and CF> CP’ fare always. true. @ 6 Statement Il : ay Nasser tie anaes AB? + BC+ ca? AD? + BE? + CFF 29. A.clack strikes once at 1 o'clock, twice at ABE ea o'clock and thrice at 3 o'clock, and AD? REAL OR so on. If it takes & seconds to strike at Which one of the following is correct in Cees ee ‘respect of the above statements? ABI BCAA? (a) Both Statement I and Statement If fa) 14 seconds are true and Statement II is the correct explanation of Statement I @ (o) Both Statement I and Statement I are true but Statement Il is not the (18 seconds correct explanation of Statement 1 16 seconds (e) Statement I is true but Statement I (@) None of the above is false (2) Statement in false but Statement I 30. In a circle of radius 2 units, a diameter I SES AB intersects a chord of length 2 units 27. The annual incomes of two persons are perpendicularly at P. if AP > SP, then in the ratio 9 : 7 and their expenses are AP is equal to in the ratio 4:3. If'each of them saves 2,000 per year, what is the difference fa) (2+¥5) units in their annual incomes? fa) © 4,000 (b} (2+W3) units ¥ 4,500 & fo) (2+-/3) unite fe) ® 5,000 fa) * 5,500 (a) 3 units B-ABPA-P-JRW/54A 8 Hot er ‘The information peavided Hece-is-only reference: It-my:-vare-the: ocioinel: ater ‘The information preavided he: www. recruitment .guru 26. 9m ifr ABC 3th ABC’ a ings , fet AB> A'B’, BC> BIC’ ah CA> CA’ HL am cif D, & a Fame: yar BC, CA ah aB% 7a-g fiom sie DY, Bahk Porm pel rc, ca ak ae ® cyoa-fig By Pram soe Pere tim ¢ wal: AD> A'D', BE> BE’ Hh CF > CF am wat we I ABt4 B24 ca? AD? + BE? + CF? _awtec?sca? AD? + BE? + COP? raf wet & fore aaa a asa we A? fa) 1 st RR MSA were at He Hae 1 A a BET fo ee a ae noel aa 8 af eH 1, eH 141 ae aren ae fo) 1 wea Beier wes 11 sree t (a) ws rea 8 A a TT a7. 2 afin 8 afte ammo: 7m agra aE shew om 4 3% aga AB ae BAe sete watts ¢ 2,000 wa al aan 8 dt set afi ara He sie 87 (a) © 4,000 ) © 4,500 fo) © 5,000 (@) * 5,500 B-ABPA-PURW/S4A, a8, sa dif sw she 8 eis a oT 29. ‘es -OnlY reference: 81 yal (a, ) A ana den ent, et @, be Sh ae bw WAR Fe ab 15H ‘Fernfirg 3 reer 1 cect BY (a) 3 5 @ 6 (ay ards 8A Ee we wel 1 ae an aa 8, 2 HH a wart ®, 3 atm da an aah 8 a et wr 4 aah wet 81 a sa ae ae a 8 ie Sh 8, th 10 wa ea aa A fen ama een BY (a) 14 he fb) 16 Bee fc) 18 ee tay aed 3B eae ae 2 wad fren wa ws ga A ara AB, 2 owt ‘caf tar A Pe sete afeedfer som 8) af AP > BP, # AP fra ace 87 fa) (+5) emt fb) (2+V3) emt fe) (242) oe @) 3H [P.7.0. tt-may wary the: oriotnel: www. recruitment .guru 31, Under what condition on pand gone of 84, Consider the following statements the roots of the equation x?+ px+q=0 2;, oRveny® sattaral uniter teal real fs the square of the other? number, fe) 1+q+q? = 3pq Si fe eal mame amg 3. Every integer is a real number, 4, Every rational number is a real fb) 1+ p+p? =3pq Fico Glen number. a ae ae Which of the above statements are correct? @) @+p+p? =3pq fa) 1,2 and 3 fb) 1,3 and 4 32. What is the maximum value of m, if the number N= 90%42%924%55 is (} 2 and 3 only divisible by 3"? (a) 3 and 4 only fa) 8 ‘35. For what value of k is (x +1) a factor of oT xheket x42? ae ae (a) 8 3 83. A bike consumes 20 mL of petrol per it kilometre, if it is driven ata speed in the ta) -2 range of 25-50 km/hour and consumes 40 mL of petrol per kilometre at any 36. Consider the following statements other speed, How much petrol is consumed by the bike in travelling a 1. There exists 8 positive seal cusiber, distance of 50 km, if the bike is driven ‘m such that casx=2"*?, at a speed of 40km/hour for the 2. maz men for all m, n belonging to first 10 km, at a speed of 60 km/hour set of natural numbers. for the next 30 km and at a speed of 30 km/hour for the last 10 km? Which of the above statements is/are correct? (qj 12 fa) 1 only WL a (6) 2 only fo aL fo) Both 1 and 2 fa) 16 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 B-ABPA-PJRW/S4A8 10 Hot er. ‘The information peavided Here -is-only reference: It-mey:-vare- the: ocioinel: www. recruitment .guru 31. wie Pe perg= OF IRA 34, Asia ee fem ifn: ari 8) fe p alt q fa situ ante Late a es ow aren sie A war 2, weiee areafans dion we tia dem teh fo) 1+qeq? =3pq a 3, sete gute ws arate dea ai bi 4. uate vitae den es aaias deen a @) 1+p+p*=3pq fe) pe+qta? = 3pq ul if id) @@+p+p? =3pq aege ea 8 ae -2 we 7 fq) 1,233 p 32. a den N= 90x42x924x55, a" 2 ) 1,334 fours 8, fl maa after oe ee RT @ mods BEB. (a Fag aa (o) 7 6 38. fem ae ® fim (xt 1), x8 eee x42 es wi we yee 8? fa 4 33. we Tizrmgee 1 25-50 fie Hes iz (bh) 3 caftat 8 fad ster 8 ere WAH 20 fte Fate fp 1 gre oft fancier Fh aya St atk Fall ta) -2 wala @ am a 40 fhe fae te wit Prehfict Si can ee $1 aR atecanfirs . Deen eisee et ciate: A, sr 30 Ro Hho F 60 fe tho fier A 1. Ge rene anaes et mH afer ‘art @ aft sift 10 fie He F 30 fie e/ Wa san 8 fh cose = 27") Bi wg 6 we 8 word art tah Het 2, md mon, TER m,n TT # wm 50 fe the gO aa ee 4 fen Ae gare acer) a " = sees wed 18 a8 wh tt , fy the (a) 1 h) 12 fe a ene fe 1-4 fe fe) tate et @) 16 fe @ atishate B-ABPA-PJRW/S4A, ey [P70 Hot aer ‘The information peavided bere-is-only reference: It-mey-vare-the:. original: waw. recruitment .guru 37. The solution of the inequation 41, Consider the following in respect of natural numbers @, Band c: 1, LOM{ab, ac) =a@ LOM(b, c} is (given that x #0) 2. HCF(ab, ac) aHOF(», ¢) (a) x>0 3. HCF(a b)< LCM (a, b) h) x20 4. HCP(a, b) divides LOM(a, b) Which of the above are correct? (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 3 and 4 only 1,2 and + 38. Which of the points P(5, ~ 1), Q(3, 2) fo) 1,2 and 4 only and R(1, 1} lic in the solution of the (dy) 1,2, 3 ana 4 system of inequations x+y<4 and x-y22? 42. There are three brothers, The sums of fa} Q and R only ages of two of them at a time are years, 6 years and 8 years. The age (o) P and & only difference between the eldest and the fe) P and Q only youngest is OP, Cand & (a) 3 years 39. A passenger train takes 1 hour less for (b) 4 years a journey of 120 km, if its speed is increased by 10 km/hour from its usual fq) 5 years speed. What is its usual speed? (a) 50 kem/hour 43. A person goes toa market between 40 Oe eae 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. When he comes back, the finds that the hour hand and (a) 6 years fe) 35 km/hour (@) 30 km/hour the minute hand of the clock have interchanged their positions. For how 40. The value of k, for which the system much time (approximately) was he out of 3x-ky-20=0 and of his house? 6x-10y+40= 0 has no solution, es eae (a) 55:38 minutes fa) 10 as. (e) 55-48 minutes ws fe) 5557 minutes @ 3 id) 5567 minutes B-ABPA-PLIRW/B4A 2 Pot et. ‘The information pecvided Here -in-only reference: It may: vare- the: ocioinel: ar. safer 1+ 4-12 0m wa er Rt (Ren xx ma 8 f% x40.) fg) x>0 bh) x<0 es welt 2 (a) waw. recruitment .guru eats ay ep ated 2 2 aa. gsi p(s, - 1, Qf3, -2) she RAI, 1) % Raed fig sate Bart xe ys4 ot x-y22% wattage fa) *aa Qa R h) tra Pate R te) Fa Pat Q @) PQwR a1. ae fal a, b ott o'% fem freferten far ‘Sfaem = LOM(ab, ac) = aLCM(b, ¢) HCF(ab, ac) =.aliCF(b, o HCF(q, b) to) 2 3 ae 65. Two observers are stationed due north of 8 tower (of height x metre) at a distance as metre from each other. The angles of elevation of the tower observed by them ‘ are 30° and 45° respectively, Then x /y @ > ‘equal to a Which of the following is correct fest in respect of the equation o & 3-tan?@=a(1-3tan?9)? (Given that aes aig a real number) a ae[2,3] + ia) 1 66. Ir (b) ac(- a ‘oh ae ~ following statements is/are correct? (9 Tohe'et thee 1, There are two values of 6 satisfying + the above equation, 69, There are five lines in @ plane, no two 2. @=60° is satisfied by the above of which are parallel. The maximum equation. number of points in which they can Select the correct answer using the cade segs prea bees fa) 4 fa) 1 only a's (b) 2 only fe) Both 1 and 2 @ 10 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 (a) None of the above B-ABPA-PJRW/S4A a2 at at: SheinSocmal don: messy isin’ deew-da-onde ceterence: Teme ware oriotnel: waw. recruitment .guru 64, 48 p=cot®+tan@ a g=sec8-cos8 &, Ah (ptt! ~(q2p) Rat wom BF fa) 0 m1 fo) 2 a3 65. & dee wh oR (x fee Soh) & de om a RGR Gy Hee A eH wf te a Hts ae & sae i gar: go" she : 45° EL x /y few acre 8? w2-1 2 va-1 2 M301 2 (a) @) r) @ 1 66. af cas? 6-Scos6+2 | sin? 6 waft 0<0<% % ot fiafaan wed 4a aaa wa 8? 1, Bees aterm A rig Fa wa, oe a wr 2. 8 = 6or safe eee a ge 1 48 from gg ae a wo gre (a) a1 b) Fara fe) ise 2a @ aaishahe B-ABPA-P-JRW/54A, eter ‘The -information peavided here -in-only reference: 67. wi fiys ABC 4 aft A-B ‘fea arn 8? ® pe hcran fa) oP 0 a8 on ® ams Ce a 3-tan?4=0(1-3tan?6) % wt 8 we ¢ (Pear 8 Pe ce ares sie) (a) ae[d, 3] @) ac(-, Sura, =) @ ae(-=, Z)uIa, «1 (ay) seden 38 we a 69. oe mae Hote ten #, ad 2 AB varia 78 1 oa fagat A, far wc 8 wircde we reef 8, sftewrart teen ear 87 fa) 4 m6 fe) 10 det) Seder 8a aE ae IP.T.0, tty wary the: oriotnal: Wise: infocmat ton meswieed www. recruitment .guru 70. Consider a circle with centre at O and radius 7 cm, Let QR be a chord of length 2em and let P be the midpoint of GR Let CD be another chord of this circle passing through P such that 2CPQ is acute. If M is the midpoint of CD and MP = 24 cm, then which of the follawing statements are correct? 1. ZQPD= 135" 2. CP =mem and #D=ncm, thenm ‘and nare the roots of the quadratic ‘equation x?=10x+1=0. 3, The ratio of the area of triangle OPR to the area of triangle OMP is 1: 2V2. Select the correct answer using the code given below. fa) 1 and 2 only fb} 2 and 3 only fo} Vand 3 only (4) 1,2 and 3 71. Let ABC be a triangle in which AB = AC. Let L be the locus of points X inside or on the triangle such that BX =CX. Which of the following statements are correct? 1, Lisa straight line passing through A and in-centre of triangle ABC is ‘9M f 2, Lisa straight line passing through Aaand orthocentre of triangle ABC ‘is a point on i. 3. Lis a straight line passing through Aand centroid of triangle ABCis a ‘point on L. Sclect the correct answer using the code given below, fa} 1 and 2 only fo) 2 and 3 only (} Land 3 only fd) 1,2 anda B-ABPA-P-JRW/S4A, a4 a er tetevence: 72, Consider a circle with centre at Let OP, OQ denote respectively the tangents to the circle drawn from a point O outside the circle, Let R’be a point on OP and S be a point on GQ such that ORxSQ=OSxRP, Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1, If X is the circle with centre at O and radius OR, and ¥ is the circle with centre at © and radius OS, then X=, 2. £POC+

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