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Flavoured Condoms

Author(s): Michael Lim Tan

Source: Reproductive Health Matters, Vol. 3, No. 6, Women's Health Policies: Organising
for Change (Nov., 1995), pp. 104-106
Published by: Taylor & Francis, Ltd.
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Accessed: 19-12-2017 06:06 UTC

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Reproductive Health Matters

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Michael Lim Tan

The controversy overI7avoured condoms firsthit the frontpages ofthe newspapers in the
Philippines earlyin July 1995. Out of nowhere, it seemed, the director of the Philippine Bureau of
Food and Drugs (BFAD) ordered an investigahon into theproduction and sale of flavoured
condoms in the country. Why, he asked, do we need Ravours when Wavours are added only 'to
somethingyou eat'? He received a coy answerfrom DR, one ofthe local distributors of
flavoured condoms. All this waspart of social marketing, they said. lshis is a term which few
people understand, however, and it was rehashed in the media as a 'marketing gimmick'. Only
after a few days didpeople finally get to the core ofthe issue: oral sex. Which in turn set offnew
reactions. One newspaper artcle reported that Wavoured condoms were for 'high-risk groups'
like 'homosexuals and sex workers.'

\-EWSPAPER coverage was tongue-in- Roman Catholic groups'. Finally, one television
\\ cheek. An editorial in the newspaper newscast showed the letter of complaint that had
\\ Today observed- been sent to BFAD. The letter came from Couples
for Christ, a Roman Catholic group.
'If the bishops can't bear to contemplate the pos- The flavoured condoms controversy erupted
sibiliDes of sex beyond the missionary position, during the transition period between Acting
that's no reason why they should seek to diminish Health Secretary Jaime Galvez Tan, who suc-
thepleasure ofthose who do.' ceeded the controversial 'pro-condom' Juan
Flavier (now a Senator), and a new appointee,
Another newspaper, the Philippine Daily In- Hilarion Ramiro Jr.
quirer, which had just featured a series of reports Tan was mum on the issue; Ramiro came into
questioning the safety of health foods, asked: offlce reiterating the question about flavours. On
the day he assumed office, Ramiro declared:
'But what is it to [him] whether condoms taste
sweet or sour? Why won'the leave these innocent 'It is not for eating so it should not be Wavoured.
r7lbbers alone and concentrate his investgaDve Besides it's dangerous -itmightbe eaten.'
talent on those toxic products passed off as health
foods?' He warned that flavoured condoms should not
be left around the house because children might
Even Nury Vittachi a columnist for the Hong accidentally eat them. The Manila Times reported
Kong-based magazine Far Eastern Economic Re- that Ramiro had ordered manufacturers to with-
viewpicked up on the story and wondered: draw the flavoured condoms from the market. A
veteran politician, Ramiro is well aware of the
'How any educated adult can grow up in the Roman Catholic bishops' displeasure over family
Philippines and know so little about sex worries planning and HIV programmes. One of Ramiro's
me.' first official courtesy calls as Health Secretary
was to the conservative Cardinal Jaime Sin. Fol-
People did start wondering, where was the lowing his meeting with Sin, Ramiro said: 'We
pressure coming from? The Philippine Star re- should have friendly relations. We cannot afford
ported in an article dated July 11 that 'certain to fight and fight.'
consumer groups' had asked for the investi- The media war continued, with editorials sup-
gation. A few days later, the Star said that gov- porting the retention of the flavoured condoms.
ernment agencies were 'under pressure from DKT submitted the results of a survey conducted

- - -

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Reproductive Health Matters, No 6, November 1995

Fi 1

Demonstration, San Francisco 1987

by the Health Department's Field Epidemiology Health Secretary Ramiro, in a press interview,
Training Unit among 304 women sex workers in said he was not aware of such plans.
Pasay. The survey found that 'of the 136 who do Unfortunately, the event did little to raise
oral sex, 55 do not use condoms' and 21 cited the public awareness about other, more substantive
bad taste and smell of latex condoms as their issues. The old stereotypes remain or probably
reason for not using them during oral sex. have been reinforced: that you need condoms,
Then, surprise, surprise, on July 20 the dir- flavoured or not, 'only' if you are a homosexual
ector of the Bureau of Food and Drugs an- or a sex worker because, after all, everyone else
nounced that, well, the flavoured condoms were is doing'normal''AIDS-free' sex.
safe and effective after all. He cited the Health Unaddressed, too, is the issue of what exactly
Department study and the observation that the condoms can do. Simply distributing condoms is
use of flavoured condoms could 'potentially in- not enough: the correct use of condoms still
crease acceptance of condoms among those who needs to be explained and this is often not
engage in oral sex.' He said that flavoured con- possible, given the moralistic environment we
doms did not pose a threat to public health but have. (The Health Action Information Network,
that their use 'is a question of propriety.' The for example, has not been able to include Roman
move was, to say the least, anti-climactic. But is it Catholic schools in its HIV prevention campaigns
a happy ending? because administrators do not allow us to speak
If any good came out of this, it was free pub- about condom use.)
licity for DK7r and their condoms. Many people Flavoured condoms in fact raise biomedical
were unaware that flavoured condoms were concerns about efficacy: biting and nibbling
available. As July came to an end, rumours began (sorry if that sounds explicit) can damage the
to circulate that condom manufacturers were condoms. Discussing these possibilities reqiires
going to start producing new flavours: chicken, an environment in which people can be candid
shrimp and beef (nope, nothing for vegetarians). about sexual practices and behaviour.

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One final issue: even if one partner is anti- Note

condom use, often for non-religious reasons, This article is reprinted with kindpermission from
then even the tastiest condoms will be useless. Health Alert, July 16-31, 1995.
And that, unfortunately, is the situation for many

La controverse au sujet des preservatifs La controversia sobre los condones con sabores
aromatises a fait la une des journaux philippins recibio cobertura de primera plana en julio de
en juillet 1995, quand une enquete sur leur 1995 en las Filipinas, cuando el director de la
fabrication et leur vente a ete ordonnee par le Oficina de Alimentos y Medicamentos ordeno
. . ., .

Directeur du Bureau des produits alimentaires et una mvestlgaclon so Dre su producclon y venta.
pharmaceutiques. Un distributeur local a declare Un distribuidor local dijo que los sabores
que l'aromatisation faisait partie du marketing formaban parte del mercadeo social, dirigido a
social, a l'intention de ceux qui pratiquent la aquellos que practican el sexo oral, a partir de lo
sexualite orale - et cela a donne lieu a nombre de cual se desencadeno una oleada de humor. Lo
plaisanteries, sans pour autant apporter au sucedido no contribuyo precisamente a elevar el
grand public des informations sur des questions nivel de conocimientos de la gente con respecto a
plus importantes, en renforc,ant les idees re,cues otros temas mas importantes y reforzo los
sur les categories de personnes exposees au VIH. estereotipos con respecto a quienes se hallan
On nta pas non plus profite de ltoccasion pour bajo riesgo de contraer el VIH. Tampoco fue
enseigner a la population ce que peuvent ou ne atendido el tema de ensenarle a la poblacion lo
peuvent pas faire les preservatifs, et la fac,on de que pueden hacer exactamente los condones y
les utiliser correctement - ce qui ne fait pas partie como utilizarlos correctamente, lo cual no forma
du marketing social. L'efficacite des preservatifs parte del mercadeo social. Los condones con
aromatises pose une question d'ordre biomedi- sabores, de hecho, son causa de preocupacion a
cal, du fait que les dents risquent de dechirer le nivel biomedico en relacion a su eficacia: el
preservatif. Il faut, pour discuter de ces possi- morderlos y mordisquearlos puede danarlos.
bilites, un environnement ou les individus Para discutir dichas posibilidades hace falta un
peuvent en toute liberte parler de leurs pratiques ambiente en el que la gente sea honesta con
sexuelles. Enfin, si l'un des deux partenaires est respecto a sus practicas sexuales. Finalmente,
contre le preservatif, celui-ci, quel que soit son solo con que un miembro de la pareja este en
gout, ne servira a rien - et ctest malheureusement contra del condon, incluso el mas apetitoso de
la situation pour beaucoup de gens. ellos resultara inutil, y desafortunadamente, ese
es el caso para mucha gente.

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