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AAVARTAN 2K’17 a Grand Beginning

Media cell|NITRR

With huge surge of participants, vibrant students and exuberant organizers,

NIT Raipur yesterday inaugurated their two day annual technical fest-
AAVARTAN 2K17, central India’s largest technical fest. Aavartan is organized by
the Technocracy team of NIT Raipur. Indeed, the committee members months of
hard work and preparation was truly visible. The inauguration was done by chief
guest Prof. Bharat Bhaskar, Director IIM Raipur and guest of honor Prof. Rajat
Moona, Director IIT Bhilai. “…No solo player have succeeded, it’s a team
play…”…”if you solve poor people’s problem your idea will hit..” with these
inspiring words Bharat Bhaskar sir encouraged the students. Rajat Moona sir
talked about the transformation in technologies from one generation to other,
technical innovations and scope of innovations which can be implemented and
boosted the moral of students with his inspiring demeanor. Also, they all
congratulated all the students and staff for conducting such a huge fest with such

Aavartan 2k17 was a perfect package. People were brought with varieties of
events which included technical, managerial, robotics and fun events. Vigyaan was
amongst the most attracting events. With the aim to nurture the scientific
temperament of the students beyond their natural limits, it tested the scientific and
technical abilities of an engineer. Each branch is provided with a set of problem
statements, participants have to pick one and design an innovative model to solve
the problem. Vigyaan is a three level competition with the first level being abstract
submission, second being the power point presentation round and the final level
being the model presentation. A total of 46 teams were found presenting their
models. The branches which were found presenting their models were Electronics
, Civil, Computer Science, Mechanical, IT, Electrical, Metallurgy , Mining, Bio-
tech,Bio-med . To improve the architecture of the college, Architecture department
too presented appreciable models. One of the team of Architecture department
presented the model of temporary toilets on which the Director of IIM Raipur
complimented that, if found economical, the project will be implemented for the
use laid to public in future. Go Green committee also presented models for the
protection, conservation and better utilization of natural resources. The scientific
rendezvous indeed gave a spine tingling effect on students. Prizes include branch
wise award and people choice award. Branch wise award is totally based on the
judgement of faculty and people choice award will be based on the votes given by
the visitors.

Other than Vigyaan , rush of students were found participating in technical

events which include Electronica- in which electrical circuit concepts of
participants was tested, October Sky- which gave the students a chance to
showcase their talents in the field of rocket science, fluid mechanics and projectile
motion where students had to prepare a rocket with the help of water bottle and had
to launch it with a launcher to hit the required target, CAD-ALYST- in which
students were given dimensions of object and they had to design a 3D model of the
object, Co- Structor – in this event participants have to construct a G+2 frame with
the help of cardboards, wooden sticks, popsicle sticks and glue only. Their
structures will be tested for load bearing and seismic resistance. The team whose
structure gets maximum points for both tests will be the winner. Thermo- Khalifa –
in this participants have to build a structure out of a thermocol sheet to flaunt its
unmatched height and strength. A quizing event technomic quotient was organized
as well as a grand programming event was organized in association with codechef
named ‘Codenesia’.

For Robotics enthusiast, various robotics events were organised which

included Maze runner - in which participants were required to build autonomous
line follower robot to follow a given path, Terrain Trader - where participants had
to build a manually controlled WIRED/WIRELESS robot which is capable of
grabbing different objects and crossing different types of terrain by reconstructing
its path and broken bridge, Robo Shot - which required the students to build
manually controlled wired or wireless bots capable of playing soccer on an arena
specially designed for the robotic soccer match.

The fest also included fun events like rush hour and snake and ladders for the
entertainment of visitors. It also included various adventure events like archery,
trampoline, darts, hill climbing, bungee jumping and zorb ball were organized to
entertain the crowd.
The first day of Aavartan culminated with a grand laser show. The
results of all the competition will be decleared tomorrow in the closing cermony.

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