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Introduction: An overview Origin and purpose of the system, 1-2

Lineage and history from Ving Tsun to Moy Tung, 1-2 minutes Lineage from
Moy Tung to the local sifu and branch school, brief About the local sifu and branch
school, brief

Siu Nim Tao: “OK, now I'm going to demonstrate the Siu Nim Tao form, which is the
foundation of the Ving Tsun system. This form develops the most basic and adavnced
principles and techniques of the system. We play this form at the beginning and end of
each training session, and we'll play it a lot in class, too, to relax, to study the form and
develop our kung fu. Today, you're just going to learn the first part. I'll demonstrate it
once, then we'll play it together. Watch.” [Play SNT once, then play it with them three
times, explaining one of the following concepts after each SNT, and closing with one
more SNT.]

Centerline: Center of body head to toe, and extending out from the center of the body.
Most efficient for fighting; enables simultaneous attack and defense.
Relaxation: The
way to develop the most power, sensitivity and control.
Forward energy and horse
stance – Yee Gee Kim Yeung Ma. Detail for working the horse: Hips forward and
upward, energy in knees pointing to opposite toe, sink down in the horse gripping the
ground with the toes.

Chung Choi: “Next, you're going to learn a punch that's also a block.” Demonstrate
the single Chung Choi center punch from SNT. Demonstrate and explain centerline and
simultaneous attack and defense. Punch comes from the heart, root the horse, elbow
behind the technique.

Tan Sao: Demonstrate Tan Sao blocking technique and explain how SNT develops
this; wrist on center, chambered fist tight, shoulders relaxed and back, elbows stretching
toward centerline.

Chain punch: Technique and drill. Demonstrate, then do three sets of 100 punches,
with a brief rest in between. At the first rest, explain how the drill develops power,
relaxation, horse and centerline control. At the second rest, demonstrate and explain how
the technique works in a fight. “OK, lets do one more set of chain punches.”

Pak Sao: “Next, we're going to work on Pak Sao, which is the name of a blocking
technique, and a two-person exercise. The Pak Sao block is introduced and developed in
the Siu Nim Tao form.” [Demonstrate]. “In the two- person exercise, you're going to
practice Pak-king on center, like this [Demonstrate], while the other person does the
chain punch. When your shoulders or legs start to burn, take a break, then switch roles.
This develops the ability to punch and block on center, and greater power, relaxation,
horse, sensitivity and centerline control."

Summary: Briefly summarize what was learned about the history, system, basic
principles and techniques. “All of this is in the Siu Nim Tao form.”
Close with Siu Nim Tao

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