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Environmental Risks External Risks Design Risks Right of Way Risks Construction Risks Project Management Risks Organizational Risks
Environmental analysis incomplete Landowners unwilling to sell Design incomplete Utility relocation requires more time Inaccurate contract time estimates Project purpose and need is not well- Inexperienced staff assigned
than planned defined
Availability of project data and mapping Local communities pose objections Unexpected geotechnical or Unforeseen railroad involvement Permit work window time is Project scope definition is incomplete Losing critical staff at crucial point of
at the beginning of the environmental groundwater issues insufficient the project
study is insufficient
New information after Environmental Unreasonably high expectations from Inaccurate assumptions on technical Resolving objections to Right of Way Change requests due to differing site Project scope, schedule, objectives, Insufficient time to plan
Document is completed may require re- stakeholders issues in planning stage appraisal takes more time and/or conditions cost, and deliverables are not clearly
evaluation or a new document (i.e. utility money defined or understood
relocation beyond document coverage)

New alternatives required to avoid, Political factors or support for project Surveys incomplete Right of Way datasheet incomplete Temporary excavation and shoring No control over staff priorities Unanticipated project manager
mitigate or minimize impact changes or underestimated system design is not adequate workload
Acquisition, creation or restoration of on Stakeholders request late changes Changes to Need for “Permits to Enter” not Falsework design is not adequate Consultant or contractor delays Internal “red tape” causes delay
or off-site mitigation materials/geotechnical/foundation considered in project schedule getting approvals, decisions
Environmental clearance for staging or New stakeholders emerge and Hazardous waste site analysis Condemnation process takes longer Unidentified utilities Estimating and/or scheduling errors Functional units not available,
borrow sites required request changes incomplete than anticipated overloaded
Historic site, endangered species, Threat of lawsuits Unforeseen design exceptions Acquisition of parcels controlled by a Buried man-made Unplanned work that must be Lack of understanding of complex
riparian areas, wetlands and/or public required State or Federal Agency may take objects/unidentified hazardous waste accommodated internal funding procedures
park present longer than anticipated
Design changes require additional Increase in material cost due to Consultant design not up to Discovery of hazardous waste in the Dewatering is required due to change Lack of coordination/communication Priorities change on existing program
Environmental analysis market forces Department standards right of way phase in water table
Water quality regulations change Unresolved constructability items Seasonal requirements during utility Temporary construction easements Underestimated support resources or Inconsistent cost, time, scope and
relocation expire overly optimistic delivery schedule quality objectives
New permits or additional information Complex hydraulic features Utility company workload, financial Electrical power lines not seen and in Scope creep Overlapping of one or more project
required condition or timeline conflict with construction limits, scope of work or schedule
Reviewing agency requires longer Unable to meet Americans with Expired temporary construction Street or ramp closures not Unresolved project conflicts not Funding changes for fiscal year
than expected review time Disabilities Act requirements easements coordinated with local community escalated in a timely manner
Changes to storm-water Project in a critical water shortage Inadequate pool of expert witnesses Insufficient or limited construction or Unanticipated escalation in right of way Lack of specialized staff (biology,
requirements area and a water source agreement or qualified appraisers staging areas values or construction cost anthropology, geotechnical,
required archeology, etc.)
Permits or agency actions delayed or Incomplete quantity estimates Changes during construction require Delay in earlier project phases Capital funding unavailable for right
take longer than expected additional coordination with resource jeopardizes ability to meet programmed of way or construction
agencies delivery commitment
New information required for permits Unforeseen construction window Late discovery of aerially deposited Added workload or time requirements
and/or rainy season requirements lead because of new direction, policy, or
Environmental regulations change New or revised design standard Experimental or research features Local agency support not attained
Controversy on environmental Unexpected paleontology findings Public awareness/campaign not planned
grounds expected
Pressure to deliver project on an Delay in demolition due to sensitive Unforeseen agreements required
accelerated schedule habitat requirements or other
Labor shortage or strike Long lead time for utilities caused by Priorities change on existing program
design and manufacture of special
components (steel towers or special
Construction or pile driving noise and Inconsistent cost, time, scope, and
vibration impacting adjacent quality objectives
businesses or residents

1/1 May 5, 2007

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