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e-Learning Programmes Division (eLPD)

Academic Session 2017-18


Class XI
Schedule of JEE(Main) Online Test series
Test Test Physics Chemistry
Date Name Maths

Introduc on To Chemistry(Basic
Sets, Rela on & Func on, Fundamentals of defini on : amu , GMM ,GAM, mole ,
Mathema cs-I (FOM-1) ( Number Avogadro's number,Mole-mass-number IUPAC-Nomenclature of Alkane &
1-Aug-17 PT-1 Mathema cal Tools system,Important formula, Componendo & conversion for Cyclo alkane with complex alkyl
Dividendo, Idea of polynomial,Factor atoms/molecules,Avg.molar mass,Units radical
theorem/Remainder theorem Idea of intervals) of P,T,V and interconversion,PV=nRT &
Ques on based on it, STP)

Introduc on to Chemistry,Atomic
Sets, Rela on and Func on, Fundamental of Structure (History of Atom- Proper es of
Mathema cs -I, (Number system, Important Cathode & Anode rays, Discovery of
formula, Componendo & Dividendo, Idea of Neutron,Charge and Mass of
IUPAC-Nomenclature of chain
polynomial, Factor theorem/Remainder theorem, Fundamental par cles, Thomson &
termina ng Func onal groups
8-Aug-17 CT-1 Mathema cal Tools, Rec linear Mo on Idea of intervals, Method of Interval , Logarithm : Rutherford's Model, Proper es of
(Aldehyde & Carboxylic acids,
Defini on, Iden ty, Proper es, Graph,Logarithm Charge,Atomic No. / Mass No., Isotopes,
(Amides, Oyl halide & Nitriles)
equa on, Logarithmic Inequali es,Characteris c Isobars, Isotones,
and man ssa : An log Log table Determinant Isoelectronics,Proper es of waves,
and expansion of determinant) Electronic wave radia on, Quantum
theory of Light)

Rec linear Mo on, Projec le Mo on,

Rela ve Mo on, Newton's Law of FOM-I, Quadra c Equa on, Sequence & series :
Mo on(NLM)(Basic force , NLM 1st, 2nd , (Introduc on (Finish sequence and infinite
IUPAC Nomenclature, Structural
3rd Law (Ac on Reac on),Tension,Normal sequence) A.P. : General form, sum, Proper es
14-Aug-17 PT-2 Introduc on to Chemistry & Isomerism, All basic concepts of
System F.B.D.,Problem of A.P., Arithme c mean (A.M.), G.P. ® General Atomic Structure Organic chemistry (ABC-1)
equilibrium,Problem of term, sum, Proper es of G.P. Geometric mean,
accelera on,Constrained mo on Harmonic progression, Harmonic Mean).
(string),Constrained mo on (wedge))

Sets, Rela on and Func on, FOM-I,Quadra c

Introduc on to Chemistry,Atomic
Equa on, Sequence & series, FOM-II (Modulus IUPAC Nomenclature ,Structural
Structure, Gaseous State-1(Boyle's law,
Mathema cal Tools, Rec linear Mo on, func on : Defini on, Equa ons, Graphs of Isomerism, All basic concepts of
Charle's law,Gay-lussac's law, Avogadro's
4-Sep-17 CT-2 Projec le Mo on, Rela ve Mo on, NLM, Modulus (Linear only), Equa ons involving Organic chemistry (ABC-1),
hypothesis,Ideal gas Equa on,
Fric on Modulus. , Inequali es involving modulus , Structural Iden fica on & Periodic
Connec ng vessels problems,Dalton's
Irra onal Inequali es, Signum Func on, Dirichlet Table
law and its applica ons)
Func on, Graphs related to modulus)

Sets, Rela on and Func on, FOM-I, Quadra c

Equa on, Sequence & Series, FOM-II,
Trigonometry : T-ra os of allied angles, Domain
and range, Graph of T-ra os, Sum or different of
two angles (Sine and Cosine), Transforma on of
ABC-I & Structural Iden fica on,
product into sum, Transforma on of product into
Periodic table, Basic Inorganic
product, T-ra o of sum or different of tan and cot,
Nomenclature( BIN) & Chemical
T-ra o of mul ple and sub mul ple, Condi onal
Rec linear Mo on, Projec le Mo on , Introduc on to Chemistry, Atomic Bonding (Types of bonding
iden ty, Product of cosine series, Maximum and
25-Sep-17 CT-3 Rela ve Mo on , NLM, Fric on, Unit and Structure, Gaseous state-1 (Defini ons of Ionic bond Covalent
Minimum of trigonometric expression, Sum of
dimension, Work, Power & Energy (WPE) bond and Metallic bond) and octet
sine and cosine series, Type of trigonometric
rule,Limita ons of octet rule,
equa on (a) Using factoriza on (b) Reducing them
VBT,Co-valant Bond forma on s & p
in quadra c equa on, (c) Using sum, diff. and
bond Formal charge )
product of trigonometric ra os (d) Equa on of
form a sin x + b cos x = c,(e) Equa on of form P(sin
x ± cos x, sin x cos x),(f) Use of boundness of
trigonometric ra os sin x and cos x Trigonometric
inequality, Height & distance

Rec linear Mo on, Projec le Mo on , Sets, Rela on & Func on, FOM-I,FOM-II, Introduc on to Chemistry, Atomic
Periodic table, BIN,Chemical
Rela ve Mo on, NLM, Fric on, Unit and Quadra c Equa on, Sequence and Series Structure, Mole Concept, Gaseous State-
4-Dec-17 CT-4 Bonding, ABC-II(ABC-Phenol,ABC-
dimension, WPE, Circular mo on, Centre of ,Trigonometry ,Solu on of Triangle (SOT), 1, Chemical Equilibrium, Gaseous State-2
Mass (COM), Rigid Body Dynamics (RBD). Binomial Theorem, Sta s cs, Stright Line. (Introduc on of Real gas)

Gaseous State-2, Chemical

ABC-II, General Organic Chemistry
Equilibrium,Thermodynamics &
(GOC-1) (Induc ve effect
Thermochemistry(Introduc on &
RBD, Simple Harmonic Mo on (SHM), Fluid Sta s cs, Principle of Mathema cal Induc on, Resonance,Resonance (Drawing
25-Dec-17 PT-3 Defini ons,Reversible & Irreversible
mechanics, Surface tension. Straight Line, Circle. Structure),Stability of Resona ng
Process,Introduc on of First Law,Heat &
Internal Energy,Calcula on of Work -
effect,Hyperconjuga on)
Isothermal, Isochoric & Isobaric)

Introduc on to Chemistry, Atomic

Structure, Gaseous state-1 , Mole
Concept, Chemical Equilibrium, Gaseous
State-2,Thermodynamics &
ABC-II,GOC-I (Induc ve effect
Thermochemistry (Introduc on &
Sets, Rela on & Func on, FOM-I,FOM-II, Resonance,Resonance (Drawing
Defini ons ,Reversible & Irreversible
Quadra c Equa on, Sequence & Series, Structure),Stability of Resona ng
Rec linear mo on,Projec le mo on, Process,Introduc on of First Law ,Heat &
Trigonometry, SOT, Binomial Theorem, Sta s cs, structure,Mesomeric
Rela ve mo on, NLM, Fric on, WPE, Circular Internal Energy ,Calcula on of Work -
8-Jan-18 CT-5 Principle of Mathema cal Induc on, Stright Line, effect,Hyperconjuga on,Applica on
Mo on, COM, RBD, SHM,Fluid mechanics, Isothermal, Isochoric & Isobaric,C P & C V ,
Circle, Permuta on & Combina on( Fundamental of I.R.,M HC effects (Bond Length &
Surface tension, String wave g (gamma), enthalpy, Reversible
principle of coun ng, Permuta on and Electron density on benzene
Adiaba c, Graph based problems,
arrangements of objects) ring),Aroma city ), ABC-III (ABC-
Irreversible Adiaba c &
Carbonyl,ABC-Carboxylic acid)
Comparison,Phase transforma on &
work done during chemical
reac ons,Introduc on of second Law
and entropy,Entropy Calcula on)

Permuta on & Combina on,Mathema cal

Reasoning, Conic Sec on (Conic Sec on, Parabola, Chemical Equilibrium,Gaseous State-
Parametric equa on of parabola (Standard), 2,Thermodynamics &
Elas city and viscosity, String wave, sound Chord joining t1, t2 , Posi on of a point w.r.t. Thermochemistry,Ionic Equilibrium (Acid
wave, KTG and thermodynamics parabola, Posi on of a line w.r.t. parabola, base concept ,Ostwald dilu on
GOC-I, ABC-III,s-block elements, p-
(Assump ons, deriva on of pressure, Tangent, Normal, Length of tangent, Normal, law,Proper es of water,pH calcula on
block elements (Boron Family &
5-Feb-18 PT-4 Maxwell equa on, various speed, Mean Free Subtangent, Subnormal, Pair of Tangents, Director (SA, SB, mixture of SA, mixture of SB,
Compound of Boron,Aluminium,
Path,Degree of freedom, Internal Circle, Chord of contact, Chord with middle point, mixture of SA & SB, WA, WB),pH
Carbon family)
Energy,System, Ideal gas, Various laws, Important proper es of parabola, Defini on, calcula on (WA, WB, mixture of WA &
various process,Calcula on of work) Proper es i.e. focal property, General Ellipse, SA, Polypro c WA & SA),Salt hydrolysis
Auxillary Circle, Parametric Equa on, Equa on (WA + SB, WB + SA),Salt hydrolysis (WA
chord joining a,b, Posi on of a point, Posi on of a + WB)
line, Tangent, Normal)

26-Feb-18 MT Full syllabus Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full Syllabus

5-Mar-18 AIOT Full syllabus Full Syllabus Full Syllabus Full Syllabus

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