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De cat timp ma astepti?

How long have you been expecting for me ?

Cat iti ia sa ajungi la aeroport in weekend?

How long does it take to you to get to the airport on weekends?

De cat timp citesti cartea asta?

How long have you been reading this book ?

De cat timp va stiati inainte de a porni acest proiect?

How long have HAD you known before starting this project?

Cat timp ai locuit in Brasov?

How long did you lived in Brasov?

Cat timp va sta in Romania acest manager?

How long this manager will stay/will be staying in Romania?

Cat dureaza sa ajungi la serviciu in fiecare zi?

How long does it take to get to work every day?

10.2/pg 26
3B. Yes she has been married for ten years
4B Yes, I have been waiting for the last half hour.
5B Yes we have been known each other for ages
6B No, I haven’t played tennis for years (?)
7B Yes, he has been watching TV all evening
8B No, I didn’t watch TV for very long
9B. Yes, I have got a headache all morning.
10B. No, he has not been ill since I’ve known him. (?)
11B. Yes, I have been feeling ill since I got up (? – I’m feeling ill)
12B. Yes, she has been living in London for the last years
13B. No, I didn’t go have not gone to cinema for ages.
14B. Yes, I HAVE always wanted to go to New York.

10.4/pg 27
How long did it take you to walk the station?
How long did it take you to paint the bathroom?
How long did it take you to learn to ski?
How long did it take them to repair the computer?

She went to bed ( WHEN?) She has gone to…
The temperature has decreased 8 degree.
Somebody has turned it on.
The tree has raised 1m.
The plane has took TAKEN off.
3. went has gone
4. he HAS GONE is out
5. have forgotten
6. I forgot
7. had
8. was ( WHEN?) HAS BEEN
9. They didn’t finish HAVEN’T FINISHED

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