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Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

Introduction: Excerpted from The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T.
'Thoughts may change one thousand times a minute as they are only reflexes from the
subconscious mind. It is there that man has free will for he can induce the subconscious to
believe and store any thought put forth or that which he perceives or is told by another.
The subconscious is not a portion of the brain, but is a ganglia (congregation) of true
cells located just below the heart center. These cells know neither impurity nor imperfection.
They accept and store everything that is thought or spoken and they have no way of
discriminating. They also repeat what they have stored and man soon begins to believe what is
repeated as truth. Soon he is unable to discern truth from falsehood. This group of cells,
however, may be influenced to let go of all false statements or falsehoods and accept or register
true and absolute statements simply by talking directly to them.
Suggest that they let go of all false and negative qualities, thoughts, and statements and
you will soon be aware that only true and constructive statements are registered in your world,
which in turn reflects to you and through you. These cells have no way of discriminating
except as they are taught. You will find that they are very tractable and most willing to be led
or influenced by the truth. Hundreds of billions of cells are impelled to do the right thing at the
right time and in the right place and verily (or truly) they are obedient at all times as long as
the individual is sincere and persistent.
Then let us think or suppose, just for a moment that we had never heard or been taught
these words of untruth and that they had never been lodged into our vocabulary. We would
never have known them or accepted or believed them. If we are capable of learning them and
believing them, we are far more capable of unlearning them by demanding that they leave
every time they come up or are repeated to us from the subconscious mind.'

The way I like to look at this is like reprogramming a computer to meet your needs or as
an outline of what you want your life to be. What made it powerful for me was seeing the
subconscious as a different function from the mind, being located below the heart center where
the ribs come together in a 'V', or the solar plexus. This is the area that you actually speak to
when, with clarity you tell any thoughts of untruth to be released and replace them with
thoughts of truth.
What I found is that there was another step to this. That all thoughts, emotions, pains
and sickness are untrue energies that have to be released from the body in some way. There are
different ways of doing this, and by experimenting you can find what methods work best for
you. The best ways that I have found is through the grace of God and the Angels, Saints or
Holy Men and using either the five elements or any natural black stones, like river rocks.
These can be found at rock stores or even at craft stores. I use black basalt massage stones
which I have found to be much stronger at pulling negative energies than other stones. The
nature of a black rock is to absorb negative and untrue energies.
Methods for Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
1. Get quiet and calm. Connect to God, Divine Guides or Angels. Ask for help from the
Divine to release any untrue thoughts and energies and to replace them with truth.
2. The very first thing you need to program into your subconscious mind is to erase and let
go of all untrue or false and negative qualities thoughts feelings and statements. only
except the truth as I set it forth. VERY IMPORTANT: Placing your hand at the solar
plexus say “All energies that are untrue I can release from this body instantly. This is
truth, accept it and record it.”
3. Get very clear what is the truth that you are putting in place. The intention isn't to
delude ourselves by replacing one untruth with another. It is to put in place absolute
truth. Always be positive and take time to think about what the truth is that you are
wanting to implement in your life.
4. Pay attention to your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Change a negative or untrue
thought to a positive or true thought or feeling.
5. Bring your attention to the location of the subconscious mind at the area of the solar
plexus, placing your right hand there. With your left hand use one of the methods below
to release negative energy.
6. Still holding your hand at the solar plexus, pay attention to your thoughts (how you are
thinking or feeling). When negative thoughts or feelings of untruth come up say with
authority “This thought (of lack, weakness, disease...etc.) is untrue. I forgive it and tell
it to completely leave this body and never to return. Now tell your subconscious the
truth is (Iam strong...etc.) to except only the truth as you set if forth: “I have perfect
health (prosperity, strength...etc.) This is truth-accept it”. This can be re-worded to fit
your needs, but be sure to use only positive verbage-ie you would not want to say as
your truth “I am not fearful”, rather you would say something like “I have strength and
courage in all situations, this is truth-accept it”.
Let's say a thought or feeling of fear comes up to teach or do healings. Bring your attention to
your subconscious mind and think to yourself, “This thought or feeling of fear to teach or do
healings is untrue. This is untrue, you (the thought or feeling), is completely forgiven so leave
this body and never return. “The truth is I am fearless in teaching and doing healings. The
truth always flows through me. This is truth, accept and record it.”

Some truths:
You are a child of God. What God is, You are. God is love and light. God is peace. God is kind.
God is healthy. God is prosperous. God is abundant. God is truth. Because God is all of these
things, so am I. What God has, he has given to us.

If there is negative in your life it is from wrong thinking. Your thoughts create.

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