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B R I T I S H J O U R N A L O F P S YC H I AT RY ( 2 0 0 2 ) , 1 8 1 , 1 8 4 ^ 1 8 7 E D I TOR I A L

Clozapine-resistant schizophrenia: Mood stabilisers

Valproate is suggested as the anticonvul-
a positive approach sant of choice for clozapine-induced
seizures (Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK
GR AHAM NE W TON, KATHRYN ROBERTS, Ltd, 1998). Valproate may be effective in
SAR A FINLAYSON and CLARE BR ABBINS managing refractory psychotic or manic
symptoms in addition to seizure prophy-
laxis, although combination with clozapine
is not specifically mentioned (Kando et al,
Both carbamazepine and lamotrigine
have been used in combination with cloza-
Clozapine is widely regarded as the ‘gold improvement using pimozide (Friedman et pine but are not recommended because
standard’ treatment for treatment-resistant al,
al, 1997) or loxapine (Mowerman & Siris, both drugs have the potential to depress
schizophrenia, after failure of two anti- 1996) in conjunction with clozapine. bone marrow function. However, despite
psychotics at adequate doses for an Atypical antipsychotic drugs also have these risks, Dursan et al (1999) describe
adequate duration of time. However, even been used for augmentation, although all some benefits following the addition of
after 1 year, a number of patients fail to the reports to date are case reports or small, lamotrigine to clozapine.
respond to clozapine alone. We question open studies. Gupta et al (1998) reported
the term ‘treatment-resistant’, which two cases of patients who made good pro-
implies that little further can be done and gress after olanzapine was added. Further Electroconvulsive therapy
generates therapeutic nihilism, and instead studies have reported good responses when Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been
suggest the term ‘neuroleptic-resistant risperidone was added to clozapine used in combination with clozapine and
schizophrenia’ as a more positive alter- (Morera et al,
al, 1999; Raskin et al,
al, 2000). has been found to be safe and clinically
native. In this editorial we suggest a Although some authors have attempted to beneficial (Bonator et al,
al, 1996; Bhatia et
number of treatment options for patients use other atypical antipsychotics after al,
al, 1998). Combining ECT and clozapine
resistant to clozapine monotherapy, and clozapine has failed, because of either also has been described for achieving rapid
hope to generate a fresh and positive non-response or intolerance (Weiss et al, al, control of disturbed behaviour, when time
approach. 1999; Dossenbach et al, al, 2000; Wahlbeck would not allow for dose titration with
et al,
al, 2000), it appears that such ap- clozapine as monotherapy (James & Gray,
proaches may be unjustified (Chakos et al, al, 1999). However, the improvement with
Confirming neuroleptic-resistant
2001; Tuunainen et al,al, 2001). this combination may not be sustained after
ECT is discontinued (Kales et al,
al, 1999).
Before discussing possible treatment op-
tions, the importance of a thorough assess-
ment and review of the diagnosis must be Antidepressants TREATMENT STRATEGIES
emphasised. In addition, the identification PSYCHOSOCIAL
There have been several reports describing
of perpetuating factors such as comorbid APPROACHES
the augmentation of clozapine with a selec-
drug use or non-compliance should be tive serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). There is a growing body of evidence for the
addressed. Clozapine plasma concentration Evidence is unconvincing except as a result effectiveness of psychosocial treatment
monitoring should be performed to investi- of the increased clozapine serum level using approaches in psychosis. The majority of
gate the latter, and should be used the SSRI–clozapine interaction. Buchanan studies are not specific to clozapine
frequently as a guide to assessing outcome et al (1996) found no effect on positive or resistance but may be useful in guiding
of interventions where a sub-therapeutic
sub-therapeutic negative symptoms with the addition of strategies for such patients. However, Pinto
clozapine concentration is recognised. fluoxetine to clozapine. Therapeutic use of et al (1999) have conducted a small
this interaction should be considered only randomised controlled trial demonstrating
ATEGIES : when compliance is assured, maximal that clozapine plus cognitive–behavioural
MEDICATION dosing has been achieved and the serum therapy was superior to clozapine plus
level is below 350 ng/ml. It should be supportive psychotherapy.
Antipsychotics attempted cautiously and with regular
When antipsychotic monotherapy with monitoring of plasma levels. When adding
clozapine fails, combination strategies to an SSRI, the dose of clozapine should be Working with systems
enhance the antipsychotic effect of cloza- reduced in anticipation of the likely rise in Knowing that some patients continue to
pine can be considered. Shiloh et al (1997) plasma concentrations. Five- to tenfold for suffer enduring symptoms, in spite of
have conducted the only randomised con- fluvoxamine (Koponen et al, al, 1996) and treatments such as clozapine, challenges
trolled trial to date. They showed that, approximately twofold for fluoxetine and mental health service providers. Effective
compared with placebo, sulpiride augmen- paroxetine (Centorrino et al,al, 1994). This treatment relies on a diversity of ap-
tation of clozapine produced a reduction interaction may be useful clinically, but proaches, delivered by a multi-disciplinary
in psychotic symptoms at 10 weeks. Other use of it to reduce drug costs is not team as a clearly defined care package.
smaller, open studies have shown clinical advisable (Markowitz et al,al, 1996). The increased awareness of the importance

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of psychosocial approaches in psychosis has to an understanding of why the person to be very effective for patients with
been accompanied by the development of has developed unusual beliefs; and provid- negative symptoms (Wing & Brown,
staff training courses. The Thorn Nursing ing credible alternative explanations. Speci- 1970). Other simple techniques include
Initiative (Gamble, 1995) was the first sys- fic techniques used to promote engagement activity-scheduling, rating mastery and
tematic training course for mental health include using the patient’s own words, pleasure, and social skills training (Hogg,
professionals working in the community. agreeing to disagree, avoidance of jargon 1996).
Good outcomes included reductions in and accepting the unlikely as possible but
positive symptoms and an improvement in unlikely, all of which supplement the Early warning signs
social functioning (Lancashire et al,
al, 1997). general techniques of warmth, empathy
Many individuals can identify their own
There is still a lack of such training in and unconditional positive regard. Tailor-
idiosyncratic, prodromal signs of relapse.
institutional settings, and recent concerns ing the therapy to the patient’s particular
It is useful to map the exacerbation of
have been expressed in The National Visit needs may include short, frequent sessions.
symptoms and correlate these with poten-
regarding the deficiencies of care within The use of a normalising rationale, which
tial personal and environmental stressors
in-patient settings (Sainsbury Centre for reframes a person’s psychotic experiences
that may precipitate deterioration. Birch-
Mental Health & Mental Health Act into understandable and explainable terms,
wood et al (1989) used early warning sign
Commission, 1997). reduces the anxiety and distress associated
questionnaires with patients and staff.
As a result of high expressed emotion with psychotic symptoms.
Patients can often link feeling worse, or
attitudes found in nurses working with
being more concerned about their psychotic
patients with chronic psychosis (Herzog,
Positive symptoms symptoms, with environmental factors.
1998), training within in-patient settings
has been undertaken. Finnema et al Treatment for positive symptoms is well
(1996) found that their programme led to researched and has been described else- Dealing with hopelessness
general changes in the ward atmosphere, where in detail (Chadwick et al, al, 1996; Clozapine-resistant patients generally have
such as a decrease in ‘ward rules’. We have Dickerson, 2000) and therefore will not long psychiatric histories. They have
used a combined psychoeducational and be covered in depth here. However, because received many psychotropic drugs and
therapeutic training approach, which negative symptoms and thought disorder often have lost faith in medication. Cloza-
produced positive results on levels of are often more problematic in this patient pine may be described as the last chance
knowledge and stress among staff (further group, their treatment has been described. of obtaining relief from psychotic symp-
details available from the author upon toms, and the patient may have high expec-
request). Therapy for thought disorder tations. If clozapine fails to ‘live up to
Working with patients with thought dis- expectations’, a sense of hopelessness may
order is challenging, but there are tech- be generated. Therefore, it is particularly
Working with individuals important to deal with such feelings in
niques that may be helpful, such as
General principles patients, families and carers, as well as with
keeping sessions short. Just spending time
In the past it was thought that psychological with the person is important, as he or she the negative impact on the person’s self-
therapies were contraindicated in psychosis, may have had many years of not being esteem.
but studies such as the London–East Anglia understood and being avoided by others.
study (Garety et al,al, 1997; Kuipers et al,al, Themes emerge in apparently unintelligible Compliance therapy
1997, 1998) have shown that this is not speech during regular sessions, and tape- Kemp et al (1998) conducted one of the few
the case, with good outcomes following recording can help. Once themes have been randomised controlled trials of compliance
9 months of therapy and at 18-month identified, the patient is helped to focus on therapy for patients with mental health
follow-up. In addition, for both positive them in a structured way before moving on problems. Although the intervention was
and negative symptoms of schizophrenia to problem-solving, reframing or reality- complex, it led to improvements in insight,
there is good evidence to support psycho- testing where appropriate. If able, the attitude to medication and compliance.
logical approaches, such as manualised person may get some control over his or However, there was little effect on func-
cognitive–behavioural therapy (Sensky her speech by writing the thoughts down. tioning. Important components include:
et al,
al, 2000). Usually, a lengthy assessment
conceptualising the problem, focusing on
period is required before a detailed formula-
Negative symptoms symptoms and side-effects, exploring bene-
tion can be developed. This should lead to
fits and drawbacks of treatment, exploring
specific interventions related directly to the Careful assessment of negative symptoms is
ambivalence, highlighting discrepancies
formulation. However, those patients who required, because they are likely to co-exist
between actions and beliefs, focusing on
are resistant to clozapine are among the with other problems, such as side-effects of
adaptive behaviours, encouraging self-
most severely disabled, both socially and medication, depression or institutional-
efficacy, and emphasising the value of stay-
emotionally, and any psychosocial strategy isation. The pace of the interview needs to
ing well and the importance of treatment.
undertaken will require a flexible approach. be slow, to give the patient time to respond.
Clear, simple, open questions will promote
the development of the therapeutic relation- Working with families
Engagement ship, and writing down key points can help Family interventions are effective in redu-
Kingdon & Turkington (1998) describe the patient to recall the sessions. Modifi- cing the likelihood of relapse in psychosis.
two components to engagement: coming cation of the environment has been shown Early work examined the association

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between high expressed emotion among patients who are resistant to clozapine Predictors of outcome. British Journal of Psychiatry,
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1976). Manualised approaches to family
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10, 113^115.
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Herzog, T. (1998) Nurses, patients and relatives: a
Tarrier, 1992). Key features of such inter-
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ventions include education, enhancing pro- None. Intervention in Schizophrenia: Experiences and Orientation
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vidual basis. It should be implemented (2000) The effectiveness of olanzapine in treatment-
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treatment strategies exist and may be used schizophrenia (letter). Archives of General Psychiatry,
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