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Kurniawan, Faizal R. 2010. Identification of Competencies Needed by Bayonets

Industries UD. Nisoku Blitar as Material Input Curriculum
Development of Vocational Schools Production Engineering
Expertise. Thesis, S-1 Education of Mechanical Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, State
University of Malang. Advisors: (1) Dr. Mardi Wiyono, S.T, M. Pd,
(II), Drs. H. Suwarno, M. Pd
Keywords: competence, bayonets industry, curriculum development
There are three things that are the focus of research, namely (1) profile of
bayonet industry in UD. Nisoku Blitar, (2) the process of making bayonets at UD.
Nisoku Blitar starting from selecting raw materials until completion (finishing),
and (3) competencies required as input bayonet industries curriculum
development in vocational skills of production.
This study uses qualitative methods to generate local content syllabus as
input vocational curriculum development and teacher will be verified with CMS.
Informants in this study are industrial workers and business leaders using the
snowball sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is the technique of
data analysis triangulation.
First, the conclusions of this study is the industry UD bayonet. Blitar
Nisoku Java language acronym derived from "Niki Isoku" which means "This
ability to Me" stood on September 26, 1999 and represents companies engaged in
handicraft industry to the needs of various military knife (bayonet), government
offices, souvenir, housing needs ladder and cut cattle. UD. Nisoku produce more
than 1000 per month with the blade of turnover of 25-30 million / month or 360
million / year. Second, the process of making bayonet through the ten stages,
namely (1) selection of raw materials, (2) forging, (third) initial grinding
(gerabak), (4) the making of accessories, (5) letter, (6) hardening steel, (7 )
making the handle, (8) polishing, (9), sharpening, and (10) sheath knife. Third, the
competencies needed UD bayonet industry. Nisoku Blitar as input vocational
curriculum development expertise is the production of forging, casting (aluminum
and plastic), and metal plating. Of the three job types such as inputs prepared
syllabus and curriculum development will be verified by the vocational school
Based on the findings of the research proposed the following suggestions.
First, UD. Blitar Nisoku to consider aspects of K3 and make employees'
competence relevant to Indonesia's National Work Competence Standards
(SKKNI) Metals Sector. Second, for vocational curriculum development teams in
industrial areas and wherever Nisoku bayonet UD, whose land has the potential of
the metal industry for recommending this research input into the local content to
fill the existing occupational metals sector. Third, for the education of students
who conduct qualitative research on curriculum development for the attention of
SBC, which used SMK SKL, SKKNI field, and competence that existed at the
types of jobs in industries that have potential in the area of research.

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