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foul breath = bad breath = an unpleasant odor of the breath

plaque = a soft thin film of food debris, mucin, and dead epithelial cells on the teeth, providing the
medium for bacterial growth. It contains calcium, phosphorus, and other salts, polysaccharides, proteins,
carbohydrates, and lipids, and plays a role in the development of caries, dental calculus, and periodontal
and gingival diseases.

(tooth) brushing= is a form of hygiene, in which a person cleans their teeth with a toothbrush.

adequate = sufficient, enough

oral hygiene = is the practice of keeping the mouth and teeth clean to prevent dental problems, most
commonly, dental cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath

gingivitis( pl. gingivitises) = inflammation of the gums, characterized by redness, swelling and painless
bleeding during brushing and flossing ("gingiva" + "-itis"), is an early form of periodontal disease

periodontal disease = periodontitis = a disease that attacks the gum and bone and around the teeth

inflammation = the reaction of living tissue to injury or infection, characterized by heat, redness,
swelling, and pain

gum (pl. gums) = gingiva( pl. gingivae) = the firm connective tissue covered by mucous membrane that
envelops the alveolar arches of the jaw and surrounds the bases of the teeth

painless = without pain ( ≠ painful)

bleeding = haemorrhage, hemorrhage = the flow of blood from a ruptured blood vessel

condition = illness, sickness, unwellness, malady = an illness, disease, or other medical problem

proper = right, suitable, appropriate

untreated = not given medical care or treatment (≠treated)

progress = develop, advance, increase, grow

periodontitis = gingivitis progresses to periodontitis, is a gum disease that destroys the structures
supporting the teeth, including bone

bone = osseous tissue

support = hold up, sustain, hold

tooth decay = caries, dental caries, cavity = decay in teeth caused by bacteria that form acids in the
presence of sucrose

plaque bacteria = dental plaque is formed by colonizing bacteria trying to attach themselves to the
tooth's smooth surface

fill a cavity = is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape

appropriate = right, suitable, proper

dental material = Materials used in the production of dental bases, restorations, impressions(an imprint
of the teeth and gums in wax or plaster), prostheses, etc.

restore = reconstruct = bring back into original existence, use, function, or position

expand = spread out, extend, enlarge

pain = suffering, discomfort, trouble, hurt, irritation, tenderness, soreness, aching

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