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Prepared by S.Kuncoro DSM

Session 3: Syntactic Structures (Structural Approach)

There are four groups of syntactic structures in English,the structures are classified int o four on
the basis of its structural meaning. _structure of modification, structure of predication, structure of
complementation, and structure of coordination. To analyze these structures uses symbols :
, => , P , C, . Words that construct a structure is put into the box, and the relation of each word
is marked with the related symbol.
Example : 1. happy => people --------Structure of Modification

2. she P talks ----- Structure of Predication

3. uphold C pluralism --------Structure of Complementation

4. pray and do -------Structure of Coordination

This system analysis is named binary system, and the using of box and symbol in this system is named
chinese boxes. The elements/units that build a structure is named immediate constituents.

A. Structure of modification:
Its immediate constituent : Head and Modifier, symbol => points to Head.
land => lady
Modifier Head

come <= home

Head Modifier

B. Structure of predication :
Its immediate constituent : Subject and Predicate., symbol ‘P’ always points to Predicate.
students P study

The refugees P have been evacuated

The deer P keep running

Will q they P arrive

C. Structure of Complementation
Its immediate constituent: Verbal element and Complement, symbol ‘C’ points to complement.
be C honest

advocate C democracy

share C experience

D. Structure of Coordination
The immediate constituents of this structure are equivalent grammatical units, and coordinate
conjunctions such as and, but, or, either…..or, neither…….or functions as the
good and bad

either Lee or Basuki

not only calm but wise as well

Exercises: Analyze the following structures by using binary system (structures of: modification, predication,
complementation, and coordination)

1. very good
2. good enough
3. The boys are playing.
4. Few teachers from this college will retire
5. … fast
6. …..are happy
7. …..studying English
8. rain and wind
9. read, write, and publish
10. She likes papaya but she can not eat it.

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