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04/11/2016 Orthodontics for Children ­ Template dentaire

Sherbrooke, QC J1H 4M6

Orthodontics for Children

Children and orthodontics: When to see a dentist or an orthodontist?

An initial orthodontic consultation is recommended around the age of 7 or 8 years old to assess if there is enough
space for the eruption of the permanent teeth.

We also evaluate how the teeth close together (contact between teeth). At this age, treatments are normally of
short duration and are rarely invasive. An assessment at an early age allows treatments with braces that are both
simpler and shorter.

It happens that no treatment is necessary at this age. If this is the case, we will examine your child every year to keep
track of the teeth eruption and the growth of the jaws. We can, therefore, intervene at the most opportune time for
your child.­for­children/ 1/1

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