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Echocardiographic Assessment of Cardiovascular

Hemodynamics in Normal Pregnancy

Dushyant K. Desai, MBChB, FCP, Jagidesa Moodley, FRCOG, and D. P. Naidoo, FRCP

OBJECTIVE: The factors affecting cardiac output in normal higher cardiac output in the second trimester compared
pregnancy remain controversial. This study prospectively with the first and lower cardiac output in the third
evaluates maternal central hemodynamics and cardiac trimester compared with the second. This observation is
structure and function by echocardiography, together with supported by the Doppler echocardiographic study of
maternal stature correction and correlation of these vari-
Hennessy et al2 that demonstrated a peak cardiac output
ables in healthy pregnant women in the latter half of
at 32 weeks of gestation of 49% that declined to a value of
21% at term.
METHODS: One hundred sixty echocardiographic studies
Van Oppen et al1 also performed a meta-analysis of 6
were performed in 35 healthy pregnant women for longi-
longitudinal studies that had 2 or more cardiac output
tudinal evaluation from early second trimester until term
and 6 –12 weeks postpartum. measurements during pregnancy. The authors found
widely divergent changes in cardiac output between the
RESULTS: Cardiac output increased significantly at the
second and third trimesters, with 2 studies showing an
early to mid third trimester and was maintained until
term. It increased predominantly in the latter half of preg- increase, 2 with no change, and 2 with a decrease. Both
nancy, and peak cardiac output of 46 –51% occurred from a van Oppen et al3 and Duvekot and Peeters4 cited patient
15% increase in heart rate and 24% increase in stroke factors rather than technique as being responsible for the
volume. Maternal cardiac output measured in the early apparent divergent trends of cardiac output in the third
third trimester showed a good correlation with maternal trimester.
body surface area (r ⴝ 0.72; P < .001) and fetal birth weight Although Thornburg et al5 in their review reported
(r ⴝ 0.52; P ⴝ .008). Left ventricular systolic function was that cardiac output peaks in the mid third trimester by
preserved until term. approximately 50%, the peaking of cardiac output has
CONCLUSION: Maternal cardiac output peaks in the early been reported to occur at gestations varying from 24
to mid third trimester and is maintained until term. Signif- weeks to term. In addition, the relative contributions to
icant correlations were observed among maternal cardiac cardiac output made by increases in heart rate and stroke
output, maternal body surface area, and fetal birth weight. volume have not been well addressed. Furthermore,
(Obstet Gynecol 2004;104:20 –9. © 2004 by The Ameri-
most studies of maternal hemodynamics in normal preg-
can College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.)
nancy have reported measurement of cardiac output
LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2 rather than a stature-corrected measure of cardiac index.
This study evaluates echocardiographic maternal central
Normal pregnancy is accompanied by maternal cardio- hemodynamics, cardiac structure and function, and ma-
vascular adaptations that include an increase in cardiac ternal stature in healthy pregnant women.
output with a decline in blood pressure and systemic
vascular resistance. However, the precise changes of
cardiac output in normal pregnancy have remained con- MATERIALS AND METHODS
troversial. In a meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies by
This study was conducted at the Obstetric Unit, King
van Oppen et al1 to evaluate a trend, the authors showed
Edward VIII Hospital, Durban, South Africa. Partici-
large ranges in cardiac output across studies. Despite
pants included healthy normotensive women with a
numerous limitations of the above meta-analysis, pool-
singleton pregnancy. They were selected and enrolled at
ing data from each trimester showed a tendency to
the antenatal clinic. Women with a history of any med-
From the MRC/UKZN Pregnancy Hypertension Research Unit and Department ical disorder were excluded from the study. The Univer-
of Obstetrics and Department of Gynaecology and Cardiology, Nelson R. Mandela sity of Natal Ethics Committee granted ethical approval
School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. for the study, and all participants gave informed consent.

VOL. 104, NO. 1, JULY 2004

20 © 2004 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 0029-7844/04/$30.00
Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. doi:10.1097/01.AOG.0000128170.15161.1d
At enrollment, the attending obstetrician performed Ihlen et al.7 Three estimates of the aortic annulus diam-
an obstetric assessment together with clinical assessment eter were made in the parasternal long axis plane, and
of gestational age. Obstetric ultrasound examination was the average was accepted as the representative cross-
performed to obtain accurate fetal gestation, to exclude fetal sectional area at the aortic annulus. The velocity time
abnormalities, and to confirm a singleton pregnancy. integral Doppler measurement was performed in the
All participants had a clinical examination by 1 of the apical—5— chamber view at the level of the aortic valve
authors (D.K.D.) to rule out preexisting heart disease. using pulsed Doppler. The best profile of 3 measure-
Enrolled women rested in the left lateral position with ments was selected and measured; the maximal velocity
assistance of a foam wedge for 10 minutes. Echocardio- time integral value was accepted. Calculation of LV
graphic studies were performed thereafter (by D.K.D.) stroke volume was done using the following formula:
using the Ultramark 9-HDI imaging system with a 2.5
MHz transducer (Scientific Medical Systems, Inc., New LV Doppler stroke volume (mL) ⫽ VTI aorta (m) ⫻
York, NY). Two-dimensional echocardiography facilitated aortic annular area (mm2)
accurate M-mode recordings and color flow mapping facil-
itated Doppler measurements according to standard crite- where VTI(m) ⫽ velocity time integral at the level of
ria.6 Ten normotensive participants at 32–36 weeks of aorta in meters.
gestation had repeat echocardiographic studies 2 hours The product of stroke volume and mean heart rate
apart to evaluate reproducibility; the mean percentage error (average of 5–7 measures) at echocardiography pro-
for cardiac output was measured at 2.0%. duced a measure of cardiac output. Cardiac output was
In brief, the procedure was carried out as follows: an corrected for stature by the standard DuBois and DuBois
initial 2-dimensional study in the standard parasternal formula8 that used weight and height to derive body
long axis and short axis planes followed by the apical surface area to obtain cardiac index (L · min⫺1 · m⫺2).
4-chamber plane view was performed to evaluate cardiac Systemic vascular resistance was computed from cardiac
structure and obtain a visual assessment of left ventricle output, and mean arterial blood pressure was obtained
(LV) contractile function. Two-dimensional-imaging– from the average of 5–7 measurements at echocardiog-
directed M-mode studies were then performed at the raphy; systemic vascular resistance index was derived by
level of aorta, left atrium, and left ventricle at mid correction for body surface area.
position between the tips of the mitral valve and papil- The LV contractility (systolic function) was measured
lary muscle. Frozen M-mode images on screen were used from M-mode recordings of the LV in the short axis view
to measure chamber size and ventricular wall thickness. at a level just beyond the tips of the mitral valve leaflets.
Pulsed Doppler flow across the mitral valve was re- On-screen measurements of the LV M-mode tracing
corded just beyond the tips of the mitral valve leaflets to were used to measure LV cavity dimensions in systole
obtain the LV diastolic filling pattern. and diastole, from which indices of LV contractile func-
Heart rate and blood pressure (BP) were measured tion (fractional shortening, ejection fraction, velocity of
during the echocardiographic study by an automated BP circumferential fiber shortening, and LV end systolic
measuring device (Critikon [SA], GE Medical Systems, wall stress) were computed. At least 2 M-mode tracings
Melville, NY) at 3-minute intervals. Blood pressure was of the LV were performed to ensure that cavity dimen-
measured in the dependent (left) arm. The average of sions were within 2 mm and that of ventricular wall
5–7 measurements obtained was accepted as representa- thickness to be within 1 mm of each other. A third trace
tive heart rate and blood pressure measurements at was performed if the first 2 M-mode traces did not
echocardiography. Mean blood pressure was computed provide satisfactory measurements, and representative
using the standard formula of mean BP (mm Hg) ⫽ values were obtained by consensus with a cardiology
diastolic BP ⫹ 1/3 (systolic BP ⫺ diastolic BP). These colleague.
values were used with echocardiographic-Doppler– de- The LV ejection time, measured from the aortic ve-
rived stroke volume to obtain cardiac output, and sys- locity time integral profile, was used to correct fractional
temic vascular resistance (SVR) was computed using the shortening to obtain the velocity of circumferential fiber
following formula: shortening, an index of LV contractile function.

LVID(d) ⫺ LVID(s)
SVR (dyn ⫻ sec/cm5) ⫽ mean blood pressure in mm Hg/ LV-fractional shortening (%) ⫽ ⫻ 100%
cardiac output (I/min) ⫻ 80
where LVID(d) is the left ventricle internal dimension in
Cardiac output derived from LV Doppler was ob- diastole and LVID(s) is the left ventricle internal dimen-
tained by the standard accepted method as described by sion in systole.

VOL. 104, NO. 1, JULY 2004 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy 21

LV-Ejection fraction (%) (Teicholz) ⫽ Table 1. Patients Studied at Indicated Gestational Periods
(n ⫽ 35)
LVV(d) ⫺ LVV(s) ⫻ 100%
Number of patients
Gestational period studied (%)
where LVV(d) is the left ventricle volume in diastole, Second trimester
LVV(s) is the left ventricle volume in systole, and where Early (14–19 wk of gestation) 6 (17)
LV volumes are calculated by the Teichholz formula: Mid (20–23 wk of gestation) 23 (66)
Late (24–27 wk of gestation) 29 (83)
(7) ⫻ 共D兲 3 Third trimester
LV Volume ⫽
2.4 ⫹ D Early (28–31 wk of gestation) 33 (94)
Mid (32–36 wk of gestation) 28 (80)
where D is the LV minor axis dimension (in centimeters) Late (37–40 wk of gestation) 14 (40)
in diastole. The LV septum and posterior wall thickness Postpartum (6–12 wk) 27 (77)
together with LV cavity size in diastole were used to
compute LV mass (in grams) according to the formula of
Devereux.6 The LV mass was corrected for maternal
size by dividing LV mass by body surface area (in square variables. Bivariate correlation and linear regression
meters) to obtain the LV mass index (in grams per analyses were used to estimate relationships among mea-
square meter). The LV mass was also corrected for sured cardiovascular variables.
height to obtain LV mass/height (in grams per meter).
The LV mass was derived using measurements of LV
septum, posterior wall thickness, and LV internal diam- RESULTS
eter. The formulae used to compute LV mass and LV The group consisted of 35 women, in whom a total of
mass index are listed below. 160 echocardiographic studies were performed, 58 in the
LV mass (g) ⫽ 1.04[(LVID(d) ⫹ LV septum(d) ⫹ second trimester, 75 in the third trimester, and 27 post-
partum as listed in Table 1. The baseline characteristics
LV pw(d)]3 ⫺ [(LVID(d)3] ⫺ 13.6 expressed as mean ⫾ 1 standard deviation at entry into
where LVID(d) is the left ventricle internal dimension the study were age 23 ⫾ 5 years; 63% (n ⫽ 22) were
(in centimeters) in diastole, LV septum(d) is left ventricle nulliparous, and 37% (n ⫽ 13) were multiparous; gesta-
septal thickness (in centimeters) in diastole, and LV pw tion at entry 21 ⫾ 5 weeks; height 157 ⫾ 5 cm; weight
(d) is left ventricle posterior wall thickness (in centime- 67 ⫾ 12 kg; and body surface area 1.68 ⫾ 0.15 m2.
ters) in diastole. Gestation at delivery was 38 ⫾ 2 weeks; birth weight was
LV mass (g)
2.9 ⫾ 0.6 kg, and 3 women (9%) had caesarian delivery.
LV mass index (g/m2) ⫽ Cardiac output in a subgroup of 10 women without
Body surface area (m2)
missing visits is compared with the full cohort in Table 3.
Left atrial size was assessed from the 2-dimensional- Table 2 details the hemodynamic changes in cardiac
view– directed M-mode measurements to obtain left output and systemic vascular resistance with corre-
atrial and aortic root diameters from which a measure of sponding changes in heart rate, stroke volume, and mean
the left atrial to aortic size ratio was computed. blood pressure. Cardiac output increased predominantly
The LV diastolic filling velocities across the mitral in the latter half of pregnancy and continued to increase
valve were obtained using pulsed Doppler in the apical and peak at term. However, statistically significant in-
4-chamber view; recordings were made at a position just creases (P ⬍ .05) were seen at the early third, late second,
distal to the mitral valve leaflets. The results were re- and mid second trimester periods. Using postpartum
corded as early filling velocity (in meters per second), value as baseline, a 46% increase in cardiac output was
late filling velocity, and the early/late diastolic filling ratio present. This maximal cardiac output occurred as a
was computed. result of a 15% increase in heart rate and a 24% increase
All statistical comparisons were performed using the in stroke volume. This 24% increase in stroke volume
SPSS 11.0 statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). was derived at Doppler echocardiography by a 9% in-
The primary comparative analyses of cardiovascular crease in velocity time integral at the aortic annulus and
hemodynamic and structural variables were made using a 15% increase in aortic annulus cross-sectional area.
paired-sample t tests. Where appropriate, comparisons Heart rate showed a statistically nonsignificant de-
of average values between periods were made either by crease at the late third trimester compared with the mid
independent samples t tests or 1-way analysis of vari- third trimester. Although stroke volume increased until
ance, and significance was set at P ⬍ .05. Cross tabula- term, statistically significant increases were noted only at
tion (␹2 test) was used for evaluation of noncontinuous the late third and late second trimester periods. A statis-

22 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Table 2. Longitudinal Changes in Normal Pregnancy
Systemic vascular
Heart rate Stroke volume Cardiac output Mean blood resistance
Gestation (wk) (bpm) (mL) (L/min) pressure (mm Hg) (dyn · s⫺1 · cm⫺5)
14–19 75 ⫾ 8 (10) 66 ⫾ 11 (⫺6) 4.96 ⫾ 0.5 (4) 74 ⫾ 9 (⫺5) 1,214 ⫾ 163 (⫺9)
20–23 76 ⫾ 9 (10) 74 ⫾ 11 (6) 5.60 ⫾ 0.8 (18) 71 ⫾ 6 (⫺9) 1,033 ⫾ 186 (⫺23)
P .054 .327 .295 .336 .497
24–27 80 ⫾ 8 (16) 75 ⫾ 11 (7) 5.94 ⫾ 0.9 (25) 70 ⫾ 8 (⫺10) 966 ⫾ 200 (⫺28)
P .010* .133 .009* .355 .024*
28–31 80 ⫾ 8 (16) 77 ⫾ 11 (10) 6.18 ⫾ 0.9 (30) 70 ⫾ 7 (⫺10) 923 ⫾ 140 (⫺31)
P .489 ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* .317 .014*
32–36 81 ⫾ 8 (17) 80 ⫾ 13 (14) 6.42 ⫾ 0.9 (35) 72 ⫾ 6 (⫺8) 917 ⫾ 139 (⫺31)
P .383 .202 .156 .010* .219
37–term 79 ⫾ 7 (15) 87 ⫾ 17 (24) 6.94 ⫾ 1.8 (46) 74 ⫾ 7 (⫺5) 902 ⫾ 202 (⫺32)
P .098 .048* .267 .024* .250
Postpartum 69 ⫾ 11 (0) 70 ⫾ 12 (0) 4.75 ⫾ 0.7 (0) 78 ⫾ 9 (0) 1,336 ⫾ 218 (0)
P .007* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* .008* .001*
Data are presented as absolute mean ⫾ 1 standard deviation (percent change from baseline).
Percent change from baseline is calculated by comparing mean value for the measured parameter with the postpartum value.
P values indicate statistical change from preceding gestational period.
* Statistically significant.

tically significant maximal decrease in systemic vascular validated conclusions drawn from the full study group
resistance was observed at the early third trimester, and members, who had missing visits. The P values for
mean blood pressure by comparison showed a statisti- cardiac output increases in the mid and late third trimes-
cally significant increase after the early third trimester. ter in the subgroup (P ⫽ .083 and P ⫽ .156, respectively)
Table 3 shows the stroke volume and cardiac output indicate that cardiac output probably peaks at a period
in a subgroup of women (n ⫽ 10) who had echocardio- between the early and mid third trimester and is main-
graphic studies at all periods from the mid second trimes- tained until term. A significant increase in stroke volume
ter and were compared with the full group. The stroke at term was also noted for both the subgroup and full
volume and cardiac output between these groups were group.
similar, without any statistically significant differences. Table 4 details changes in cardiac output and cardiac
Paired t tests showed similar trends and P values at the index together with weight and computed body surface
various periods in the subgroup and full group and thus area. It is noted that both cardiac output and cardiac

Table 3. Comparative Longitudinal Changes of Full Study Group (n ⫽ 35) and Subgroup (n ⫽ 10) Without Missing Visits
in Latter Half Of Pregnancy
Stroke volume (mL) Cardiac output (L/min)
Gestation (wk) Full group Subgroup Full group Subgroup
14–19 66 ⫾ 11 (⫺6) ... 4.96 ⫾ 0.5 (4) ...
20–23 74 ⫾ 11 (6) 70 ⫾ 13 (⫺3) 5.60 ⫾ 0.8 (18) 5.64 ⫾ 0.8 (12)
P .327 ... .295 ...
24–27 75 ⫾ 11 (7) 69 ⫾ 8 (⫺4) 5.94 ⫾ 0.9 (25) 5.68 ⫾ 0.8 (23)
P .133 .500 .009* .276
28–31 77 ⫾ 11 (10) 78 ⫾ 11 (8) 6.18 ⫾ 0.9 (30) 6.25 ⫾ 0.8 (36)
P ⬍ .001* .007* ⬍ .001* .024*
32–36 80 ⫾ 13 (14) 80 ⫾ 14 (11) 6.42 ⫾ 0.9 (35) 6.61 ⫾ 1.1 (43)
P .202 .253 .156 .083
37–term 87 ⫾ 17 (24) 88 ⫾ 17 (22) 6.94 ⫾ 1.8 (46) 6.97 ⫾ 1.8 (51)
P .048* .003* .267 .156
Postpartum 70 ⫾ 12 (0) 72 ⫾ 18 (0) 4.75 ⫾ 0.7 (0) 4.61 ⫾ 0.9 (0)
P ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001*
Data are presented as absolute mean ⫾ 1 standard deviation (percent change from baseline).
Percent change from baseline is calculated by comparing mean value for the measured parameter to the postpartum value.
P values indicate statistical change from preceding gestational period by using paired t tests.
t test comparison of means of stroke volume and cardiac output for full group vs subgroup at each time period were not significant.
* Statistically significant.

VOL. 104, NO. 1, JULY 2004 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy 23

Table 4. Longitudinal Changes in Normal Pregnancy
Body surface Cardiac output Cardiac index
Gestation (wk) Weight (kg) area (m2) (L/min) (L · min⫺1 · m⫺2)
14–19 62 ⫾12 (2) 1.62 ⫾ 0.14 4.96 ⫾ 0.5 (4) 3.09 ⫾ 0.39 (4)
20–23 64 ⫾ 11 (5) 1.65 ⫾ 0.13 5.60 ⫾ 0.8 (18) 3.40 ⫾ 0.46 (15)
P .069 .054 .295 .395
24–27 65 ⫾ 11 (7) 1.65 ⫾ 0.14 5.94 ⫾ 0.9 (25) 3.63 ⫾ 0.50 (22)
P ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* .009* .011*
28–31 67 ⫾ 12 (10) 1.68 ⫾ 0.15 6.18 ⫾ 0.9 (30) 3.67 ⫾ 0.35 (24)
P ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* .023*
32–36 69 ⫾ 12 (13) 1.70 ⫾ 0.14 6.42 ⫾ 0.9 (35) 3.77 ⫾ 0.41 (27)
P .003* .004* .156 .247
37–term 72 ⫾ 14 (18) 1.72 ⫾ 0.17 6.94 ⫾ 1.8 (46) 4.00 ⫾ 0.76 (35)
P ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* .267 .388
Postpartum 61 ⫾ 13 (0) 1.61 ⫾ 0.17 4.75 ⫾ 0.7 (0) 2.97 ⫾ 0.46 (0)
P ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001* ⬍ .001*
Data are presented as absolute mean ⫾ 1 standard deviation (percent change from baseline).
Percent change from baseline is calculated by comparing mean value for the measured parameter to the postpartum value.
P values indicate statistical change from preceding gestational period.
* Statistically significant.

index show similar statistical increases at the indicated crease at term, followed by a significant reduction in size
periods. Table 5 estimates relationships among cardiac postpartum. The LV diastolic filling of early/atrial filling
output, cardiac index, and maternal stature variables in ratio showed a nonsignificant decrease in the third tri-
the early and mid third trimester and fetal birth weight. mester.
Significant correlations were noted between cardiac out- Table 6 also shows significant increases in LV mass
put and fetal birth weight and maternal stature variables and LV mass index that are maximal at term. The mean
as indicated. Linear regression analysis showed that in LV mass index remained well below the arbitrary cutoff
the early and mid third trimesters, weight best predicted level of 110 g/m2 to diagnose LV hypertrophy. The
maternal cardiac output (r2 ⫽ 0.56 and 0.50, respectively). study also showed good correlation of LV mass with
Table 6 shows changes in cardiac structure and func- stature-corrected indices of LV mass index (r ⫽ 0.93),
tion variables of left atrial size together with left atrial to LV mass/height (r ⫽ 0.99), and LV mass/height1.7 (r ⫽
aorta size ratio, LV early/atrial diastolic filling ratio, LV 0.99). A lower LV mass index at 14 –19 weeks of gesta-
mass, LV mass index, and LV systolic function reflected tion compared with postpartum value (6 –12 weeks) is
by fractional shortening percentage. Both left atrial size noted and probably reflects that LV mass measured
and left atrial/aorta size ratio showed a significant in- 6 –12 weeks postpartum had not returned to normal

Table 5. Correlation of Indices in Normal Pregnant Women

Cardiac output Cardiac index Fetal birth weight
Fetal birth weight
Early 3rd 0.52 (.008)* 0.16 (.438) ...
Mid 3rd 0.60 (.004)* 0.33 (.151) ...
Body surface area
Early 3rd 0.72 (.000)* 0.04 (.816) 0.60 (.002)*
Mid 3rd 0.64 (⬍ .001)* 0.13 (.523) 0.63 (.002)*
Early 3rd 0.73 (.000)* 0.08 (.654) 0.62 (.001)*
Mid 3rd 0.66 (⬍ .001)* 0.17 (.397) 0.60 (.004)*
Early 3rd 0.34 (.061)* ⫺0.16 (.383) 0.45 (.023)*
Mid 3rd 0.24 (.233) ⫺0.08 (.694) 0.53 (.014)*
Body mass index
Early 3rd 0.69 (.000)* 0.15 (.424) 0.52 (.008)*
Mid 3rd 0.52 (.006)* 0.09 (.642) 0.35 (.124)
Early 3rd ⫽ early third trimester (28 –31 weeks of gestation); mid 3rd ⫽ mid third trimester (32–36 weeks of gestation).
Data are presented as r values (P values).
* Statistically significant.

24 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Table 6. Longitudinal Echocardiographic Structural and Function Changes in Pregnancy
Left ventricle
Left Left Left ventricle L ventricle Left ventricle systolic †
Gestation (wk) atrium atrium/aorta filling* mass (g) mass index (g/m2) function (%)
14–19 3.0 ⫾ 0.2 1.18 ⫾ 0.12 2.1 ⫾ 0.6 102 ⫾ 16 (⫺15) 63 ⫾ 10 (⫺15) 32 ⫾ 4
20–23 3.1 ⫾ 0.6 1.34 ⫾ 0.28 2.1 ⫾ 0.4 127 ⫾ 18 (6) 77 ⫾ 11 (4) 34 ⫾ 4
P .391 .428 .495 .038‡ .099 .014‡
24–27 3.2 ⫾ 0.5 1.38 ⫾ 0.23 2.1 ⫾ 0.5 124 ⫾ 23 (3) 75 ⫾ 12 (1) 34 ⫾ 4
P .088 .431 .303 .096 .089 .277
28–31 3.2 ⫾ 0.5 1.35 ⫾ 0.23 2.0 ⫾ 0.6 131 ⫾ 24 (9) 78 ⫾ 11 (5) 34 ⫾ 4
P .171 .335 .067 .210 .376 .032‡
32–36 3.2 ⫾ 0.5 1.37 ⫾ 0.23 1.8 ⫾ 0.3 139 ⫾ 30(16) 81 ⫾ 13 (9) 33 ⫾ 4
P .457 .244 .208 .052‡ .072 0.074
37–term 3.5 ⫾ 0.4 1.46 ⫾ 0.17 1.8 ⫾ 0.3 151 ⫾ 35(26) 87 ⫾ 15 (18) 35 ⫾ 4
P .016‡ .006‡ .309 .027‡ .048‡ .369
Postpartum 3.0 ⫾ 0.5 1.27 ⫾ 0.21 2.0 ⫾ 0.5 120 ⫾ 31 (0) 74 ⫾ 16 (0) 32 ⫾ 4
P .002‡ .005‡ .048‡ .001‡ .006‡ .130
Data are presented as absolute mean ⫾ 1 standard deviation (percent change from baseline).
Percent change from baseline is calculated by comparing mean value for the measured parameter to the postpartum value.
P values indicate statistical change from preceding gestational period.
* Reflected by early diastolic to atrial filling ratio.

Expressed as fractional shortening.

Statistically significant.

prepregnant values; this limits an accurate assessment of parable techniques still showed striking differences in the
the extent of LV mass increase in our study. course of cardiac output in the third trimester, with
Duvekot et al12 showing a decrease of 11.5%, no change
DISCUSSION by Robson et al,13 and increases of 9.3% by Mabie et al14
and 16.4% by Thomsen et al.15
Using 6 –12 weeks postpartum as baseline, our study
Although design differences and measurement tech-
shows the expected increase in cardiac output in normal
niques among studies can explain some of the reported
pregnancy of 46 –51%. Approximately half of this in-
differences in maternal hemodynamics in normal preg-
crease occurred by 28 weeks of gestation. Although we
nancy, most researchers concur that patient factors
show a significantly higher cardiac output in the third
rather than measurement error are largely responsible
trimester compared with the second, the observed in-
for discrepancies in reported studies. The longitudinal
creases of cardiac output among early, mid, and late
third trimesters were not statistically significant. A large study by Robson et al13 of 13 patients, cited as the only
variability in measured cardiac output at the late third true longitudinal study in the van Oppen meta-analysis,1
trimester, probably occurring from patient factors, did surprisingly showed a significant increase in cardiac out-
not allow for confident conclusions to be made about the put of 75% of peak value by 12 weeks of gestation that
precise changes in the late third trimester. However, was followed by a very gradual rise to peak cardiac
the data do show that cardiac output certainly peaks in output occurring at 24 –36 weeks and cardiac output
the early to mid third trimester and thereafter is either being maintained thereafter until term. It is to be noted
maintained or possibly undergoes a minimal nonstatisti- that after 16 weeks of gestation, the Robson study data
cal increase until term. did not show any statistically significant increase in
The literature has conflicting data on cardiac output cardiac output at any of the defined 4-week periods.
changes during pregnancy, particularly in the third tri- Our study shows a similar increase in mean cardiac
mester.3,4,9 –11 Although the meta-analysis of cross-sec- output until term as described by Mabie et al14 in their
tional studies by van Oppen et al1 showed a trend to a longitudinal study of 18 normotensive women. How-
lower cardiac output in the third trimester compared ever, although the Mabie study showed a peak cardiac
with the second, the authors observed large ranges in output at term, none of the increases in the comparative
cardiac output among the different studies that did not periods (4 weeks) were significant. In addition, a similar
allow for any firm conclusions. In evaluating 6 longitu- wide variation in measured cardiac output at the mid and
dinal studies, van Oppen et al1 found that cardiac output late third trimester was also noted. Our study, by con-
between the second and third trimesters plateaued, de- trast, shows a statistically significant increase in cardiac
creased, or increased. Of these, the 4 studies with com- output in the early third trimester over the late second

VOL. 104, NO. 1, JULY 2004 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy 25

trimester, data that clearly indicate that cardiac output at cedes and probably triggers blood volume and cardiac
the very least peaks in the early to mid third trimester. output increase.
The increase in cardiac output thereafter in the mid and Noting a satisfactory association between maternal
late third trimester in our study, although not statistically cardiac output and maternal body size in our study,
significant, does indicate that at the very least, cardiac some of the variations in cardiac output in normotensive
output in the mid and late third trimester is maintained. pregnant women can be explained by differences in
The ability of our study to show a statistically signifi- maternal stature and its surrogate marker of fetal birth
cant increase in cardiac output at the early to mid third weight. Despite earlier reports of a poor correlation
trimester compared with the Robson and Mabie studies between maternal cardiac output and body surface area
described above probably reflects differences in ob- by van Oppen et al17, our study, together with reported
served cardiac output increase in the first half of preg- cardiovascular studies outside pregnancy in children and
nancy. We did not directly measure cardiac output in obese adult participants by de Simone et al,18 indicate
early pregnancy, but using postpartum values as base- that variables such as cardiac output need correction for
line, our data show that 40% of peak cardiac output participants’ body stature for appropriate comparison
occurred at 24 weeks compared with the Robson and between groups. The need for correction of cardiovas-
Mabie studies described above, where more than 75% of cular variables for maternal size is highlighted in some
peak cardiac output occurred by 24 weeks. These differ- early studies. Rosso et al19 found that underweight
ences of a “predominantly early” versus a “ predomi- mothers had lower birth weight babies compared with
nantly late” increase in cardiac output in normal preg- normal weight mothers, which corresponded with lower
nancy are not easily explained. Although maternal body maternal plasma volume and cardiac output. Similarly,
Carpenter et al20 found differences in maximal oxygen
surface area and cardiac output increase expressed as a
uptake when evaluating effects of maternal weight on
percentage in our study are similar to the study by Mabie
exercise during pregnancy, differences that were not
et al,14 the peak cardiac index of 4.8 ⫾ 0.8 L · min⫺1 ·
present when oxygen uptake measurements were cor-
m⫺2 in the Mabie study is higher than 4.0 ⫾ 0.8 L ·
rected for maternal weight.
min⫺1 · m⫺2 in our study. In addition, the mean birth
The poor correlation between cardiac output and
weight in our study was 2.9 ⫾ 0.6 kg compared with
body surface area in the van Oppen et al17 study are not
3.4 ⫾ 0.6 kg in the Mabie study. Despite comment in the
easily explained; possible reasons include a bias from
Mabie study of having cardiac output measurements
including more women (n ⫽ 78) who had cardiac output
that are higher than most reported studies, the above measured by thoracic electrical bioimpedance technique
observations provide supportive evidence for a positive than the 10 women from a cohort in a subfertility clinic
association between maternal cardiac output and fetal whose cardiac output was measured by the Doppler
birth weight. In addition, they generate hypotheses, es- technique (in whom 3 of the 5 antenatal evaluations were
pecially for comparative studies in different population in the first trimester). Both the Doppler and bioimped-
groups where apparent normal maternal health and ance groups in the van Oppen study had cardiac output
accepted normal fetal birth weights may not be so increases of 88% and 92% of peak values by the fifth and
and simultaneous uteroplacental evaluation may pro- eighth weeks of gestation, respectively, observations that
vide a more precise research definition of normal healthy do not make physiologic sense. Duvekot et al12 sug-
pregnancy. gested that this increase of cardiac output in the early and
Most of the heart rate increase in our study (60%) mid first trimester is probably mediated by an endocrine
probably occurred in the first trimester and that of stroke stimulus and hence, not surprisingly, poorly related to
volume in the third trimester, because changes in heart maternal body surface area at this stage. It is also to be
rate in the second and third trimester were not signifi- noted that the correlation of maternal cardiac output
cant. It therefore appears that the mild increase in cardiac with maternal stature variables reported in our study
output in early pregnancy is largely accounted for by an were made, albeit more appropriately, only in the third
increase in heart rate, and the progressive increase in trimester. Finally, despite criticism, the use of body sur-
cardiac output thereafter in the latter half of pregnancy is face area computed by using the formula described by
due to an increase in stroke volume. The apparent DuBois and DuBois8 to standardize maternal cardiovas-
bimodal peaking of stroke volume occurring initially in cular variables seems justified, because Wang et al21 in
the second trimester probably occurs as a result of their study evaluating predictors of body surface area
changes in heart rate described above. These observa- that included 60 women at gestation between 34 – 40
tions are supported by the hypothesis of Carbillon et al16 weeks concluded that several body surface area formu-
that adaptation of vascular tone in early pregnancy pre- las, including the DuBois formulas, adequately predict

26 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

measured body surface area over a wide range of patient bioimpedance, the authors found a significant difference
populations. in mean cardiac output between nulliparous and multip-
Differences in LV systolic function among studies can arous women. The number of participants in our study
explain some of the observed variation in measured did not allow for any confident conclusions on differ-
cardiac output and hence heart rate and stroke volume. ences in hemodynamics between primiparous and mul-
Normal pregnancy is associated with a significant drop in tiparous normotensive pregnant women. Despite limita-
blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance index, a tions of measuring cardiac output in pregnancy by
reflection of the reduced cardiovascular afterload and fall M-mode echocardiographic and thoracic electrical bio-
in uterine vascular resistance. Physiologically, an in- impedance techniques, the above observations suggest
crease in preload and reduced afterload is often accom- that some of the reported differences in reported cardiac
panied by an increase in left ventricular systolic function. output among studies may be related to parity differ-
Our study demonstrates that LV fractional shortening ences of study participants.
during pregnancy is preserved, findings that are similar The variability of echocardiographic-Doppler– deter-
to data of Robson et al13 and Mabie et al.14 However, mined stroke volume and hence cardiac output depends
these observations are at variance with studies by Mone largely on measurement of aortic annulus diameter and
et al,10 who showed a transient fall in LV fractional the computed aortic annulus cross-sectional area. Data
shortening during the third trimester, and that of on appropriate and accurate aortic annulus measure-
Schannwell et al,22 who also showed a reduction in left ments are conflicting.5,7,14 In our study, using a single
ventricular systolic function values of fractional shorten- operator, obtaining 3 measurements, and using the aver-
ing and velocity of circumferential fiber shortening that age as representative measurement, the aortic annular
had a nadir at the first postpartum visit. These differ- measurement accounted for only 1.8% of the variation in
ences are not easily explained; the very plausible postu- measured cardiac output. Robson et al26 have reported
late both by Mone et al10 and Schannwell et al22 is that a within-subject, intraobserver, and temporal variation for
reduced preload in the latter part of the third trimester Doppler-derived cardiac output in pregnancy at less than
contributes to a reversible fall in LV systolic function. 5%. Although a smaller number of subjects having echo-
The study by Poppas et al23 is of particular interest, in cardiographic evaluation in the late third trimester did
that they report a steady increase in cardiac output until not significantly affect comparative observations, it prob-
term but without any change in LV contractility, mea- ably limited a more precise and confident measure of
sured both by the load-dependent index of fractional changes between mid and latter portions of the third
shortening and also by load-independent indices of LV trimester where expected absolute changes are smaller.
velocity of circumferential fiber shortening and LV sys- However, a limitation in our study is that reproducibility
tolic wall stress. As indicated, a limitation of LV frac- was tested only at 32–26 weeks of gestation; this could
tional shortening and echocardiography-derived ejection potentially be different at other gestational periods.
fraction is that they are sensitive to loading conditions, Our study shows a significant increase in LV mass and
particularly preload and, to a lesser extent, afterload. LV mass index of 26% and 18%, respectively, using
Noting this limitation, future studies evaluating maternal 6 –12 weeks postpartum as baseline, observations that
LV contractility should focus more on the less load- are similar to data of Mabie et al.14 However, reported
dependent indices such as LV velocity of circumferential increases in LV mass in pregnancy have been variable,
shortening and LV systolic wall stress. Group ethnic being 10% in a study of 14 healthy pregnant women by
profile as a factor associated with LV contractility is also Poppas et al,23 16% in a study of 33 normotensive
noted, because all participants in our study were Black women by Mone et al,10 and a 34% increase in left
Africans. Desai et al24 had previously reported a very ventricular mass index by Schannwell et al.21 These
high prevalence of peripartum cardiomyopathy in the variations in percentage increase in LV mass probably
same population group. Such differences in LV systolic reflect differences in the precise timing of postpartum
function, although clinically small and transient, may measurements, because Mone et al10 have indicated that
explain some of the divergent trends in cardiac output in when evaluating LV structural changes, there is a lag
the third trimester. period of 1– 4 weeks to develop a compensatory increase
In addressing a possible effect of parity on cardiac in LV mass to offset an increase in LV wall stress.
output changes in pregnancy, Clapp et al25 in their This study also shows that in healthy pregnant
M-mode echocardiographic study suggested that cardio- women, there is an excellent correlation between LV
vascular adaptation is enhanced by a subsequent preg- mass and its stature-corrected variables of LV mass
nancy. In the study by van Oppen et al3 that evaluated index, LV mass/height, or LV mass/height.1.7 An echo-
cardiac output in the third trimester by thoracic electric cardiographic diagnosis of LV hypertrophy (LV mass

VOL. 104, NO. 1, JULY 2004 Desai et al Echocardiography in Pregnancy 27

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