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Written by C Z Dunn
Performed by John Banks, Steve Conlin, Jonathan Keeble, Toby Longworth and
Saul Reichlin.
Scripted by Reverend

List of characters:
 Vidarna – Captain of the Relictors;
 Asmodai - Dark Angels Chaplain;
 Assiah, Maximae, Bollwa, Fessek – battle brothers of the Relictors

(Asmodai making a slicing cut)

(enchained prisoner moaning from pain and mumbling)
Asmodai dropped the blade and stepped back to examine his work. The prisoner’s
body was a tapestry1 of pain. Deep incisions latticed2 the flesh in precise patterns. The
art of their creation had been handed down through the millennia by scores 3 of Dark
Angels Interrogator-Chaplains. Once the traitor Space Marine, suspended by chains
from the ceiling of the torture chamber, had been clad in black armor, not unlike
Asmodai’s. Now he hung naked, his skin awash with his own blood.
Prisoner (moaning): “What do you want from me, Dark Angel?”
(Asmodai approaching the prisoner)
Now sooner had the words left his mouth than Asmodai was upon him, gauntleted
fingers pushing deep into the open wounds.
Prisoner (wheezing from pain): “Oooooh”.
Asmodai (grimly): “All in good time, traitor”.
Asmodai relented4 shaking the blood from his hands as he stooped 5 to retrieve the
Asmodai (grimly taking the blade in his hands): “All in good time”.
* * *
(Relictors walking across the forest)
The five brothers of the Relictors Chapter quietly picked their way through the trees, alert
for any sign of enemy movement. At their head strode Captain Vidarna, a living study of
Space Marine military history, his grey armor a patchwork 6 of component parts
salvaged from the corpses of dead Relictors and brothers of other Chapters alike. In
his hands he carried a master-crafted bolter that dated back to the time of the
Scouring7, once wielded by the master of a Chapter long ago declared Excommunicate
Traitoris and hunted to extinction. Something in the distance caught Vidarna’s
Vidarna: “Hold, brothers”.
As one the five Relictors fanned out8 and dropped to one knee, taking cover behind the thick
trunks of the mighty redwoods9 that soared10 hundreds of meters towards the sky. They

затканная от руки материя; гобелен, декоративная ткань, имитирующая гобелен
ставить решётку; обносить решёткой, покрывать сеткой
множество, большое количество
уступать, сдаваться, ослабевать; уменьшаться; успокаиваться, смягчаться
наклонять, нагибать = stoop down наклоняться, нагибаться; склоняться
мешанина, ералаш; мозаика, пёстрая смесь, лоскутная работа; лоскутное шитьё, печворк
очистка; шлифовка, шабровка, наказание; избиение, битьё, критика, порицание; разгон, разнос
развёртываться как веер, расширяться на краю, на конце (о геометрической форме чего-л.)
красное дерево, древесина красного дерева, секвойя вечнозелёная, калифорнийское мамонтовое дерево
вздыматься; возвышаться (о зданиях, горах)

waited in silence for several moments before Vidarna identified the source of his concern - a
small native quadruped11, scurrying12 around in the undergrowth six kilometers away.
Vidarna: “Move on!”
Vidarna approached Maximae. His brother’s suit of Mark IV armor was tarnished 13
through millennia of use, the last two hundred years of which were his own.
Vidarna: “Stay alert, Maximae”.
Maximae (over vox): “Aye, Captain”.
Vidarna: “I have the strangest feeling that we are being followed”.
They had been on Sesabo, third moon of Corollis V for almost a month, operating
alongside Astra Militarum forces to quell 14 an uprising amongst the indigenous
population. A charismatic traitor Space Marine had rallied them to action and
convinced them to throw off the yoke 15 of Imperial rule. Though the wood the moon
supplied to make the stocks of rifles was bountiful 16, in truth the local manufactorum
worlds could have easily replaced their supply lines from elsewhere in the sub-sector.
The reaction from the Imperial war machine had been swift and decisive. If the seed
of rebellion took root on Sesabo, then other nearby worlds would follow suit denying
the weapons factories of the Corollis subsector other vital materials for the lasrifles
they manufactured for almost a dozen Imperial Guard regiments.
The Relictors’ presence while fortuitous17 was not part of the Imperium’s plan. As
long as the Space Marines goals aligned with those of the local commanders, then
they would bring the Emperor’s might to bear without mercy. But as soon as their
own agenda was met, they would leave this world with what they had come here to
(several distant explosions, local birds flying into the sky with chirping voices)
Vidarna: “Ambush!”
At the very edge of their field of vision hundreds of rebels emerged from behind the
trees, dodging and weaving18 behind the trunks to avoid the barrage 19 of fire from the
Relictors. Though they were still several kilometers away, they were eating up 20 the
ground quickly and would soon be in weapon’s range to pose a threat to the Space
Marines closed in on three sides by the felled redwoods.
Maximae (over vox): “They’ve got us aimed in”.
Vidarna: “I almost admire this traitor bastards’ tactics. Break out, don’t get pinned
четвероногое животное (обычно млекопитающее)
бежать стремглав; нестись, сновать, суетливо двигаться; метаться
лишаться блеска, тускнеть, лишать блеска, делать тусклым
подавлять (чьи-л. враждебные действия)
ярмо; хомут, ист. колодка (на шее преступника), рабство, гнёт, притеснение, бремя, тяжесть,
имеющийся в изобилии, богатый, обильный, добрый, щедрый (о людях)
случайный, случающийся неожиданно или по неизвестной причине
качаться; волноваться; колебаться, сливаться, соединяться, сплетаться
заградительный огонь, огневой вал
быстро покрывать какое-л. расстояние

The five Space Marines rushed forwards in an attempt to escape their confines before
it became a slaughtering, but the oncoming rebels brought their big guns to bear:
autocannon and heavy bolter fire driving them back into the sparse cover they could
find. Brother Assiah took a direct hit to his left pauldron, the ancient armor
preventing him from losing his arm, but the skull icon emblazed upon the black
background was obliterated forever.
Vidarna: “Are you wounded, brother?”
Assiah (over vox): “I am unharmed, Captain, though I fear the master of the forge
may have a penance21 to offer me once he sees what poor care I have taken of my
The first tranche of rebels reached the open end of the trap, only to be cut down by
the Relictors withering22 onslaught. Before the next, much larger wave could reach
them Vidarna reached to his belt and retrieved a grenade.
Vidarna (tossing a grenade): “Cover!”
(explosion killing or wounding several screaming rebels)
Vidarna: “Bollwa! Fessek! Take up the front! Maximae! Assiah! Cover them with me!
Move! Now!”
Bollwa and Fessek moved up into the crater left by the blast.
Fessek (over vox): “This is relentless23, Bollwa! Where do they keep coming from?”
Bollwa (over vox): “There is too many of them. One has to abandon cover”.
Even the trees that penned24 the Relictors in no longer offered protection to their side
and rear flanks. Rebel troops scaled the thick trunks in an effort to catch the Relictors
(another side joining the battle)
Vidarna: “Reinforcements, brothers!”
Panic began to spread among the enemy ranks, many of them turning away from the
ambushed Space Marines to concentrate their fire on the as yet unseen newcomers.
In the space of seconds the tide of battle turned completely. Any rebels not gunned
down by the Relictors or their mysterious saviors fled into the forest.
Vidarna: “Leave cover!”
The five grey-armored Space Marines pressed home 25 the advantage scything down
any retreating woodsman the instant he entered their sights.
Vidarna: “Keep vigilance, brothers. Any of these rebels still inclined to fight, execute

покаяние, епитимья, раскаяние, искупление, наказание
испепелять, вянуть, сохнуть; блёкнуть, , чахнуть, ослабевать, слабеть, уменьшаться
безжалостный, жестокий, непреклонный, неослабевающий, беспрестанный
запирать, заключать, загонять (скот) в загон
выжать до конца, до отказа

The air was thick with misted blood, such was the ferocity of the Space Marine
onslaught and the unmistakable stink of plasma discharge lingered26.
Maximae (over vox): “Captain, dead ahead”.
As one the Relictors’ bolters swung around to target three figures moving through the
trees. Two of them had the lumbering27 gait28 of heavy weapons’ servitors: one armed
with a plasma cannon, its counterpart fitted with a heavy bolter. Between them was
slung a heavy metal crate. The third figure was something else entirely. As he moved
closer Vidarna could make out the stranger’s black power armor over which was
draped a bone-white robe.
Vidarna: “Those markings. Lower your weapons, brothers. He is no enemy of ours”.
(Relictors lowering their weapons)
Vidarna: “Well met, Dark Angel. Your intervention is as welcome as it is unexpected.
Where is the rest of your squad?”
The Dark Angel halted no more than two meters from Vidarna and looked at each of
the Relictors in turn as if appraising29 them.
Asmodai: “I am here alone on a mission of vital import to my Chapter. A similar
mission to the one I believe you are on”.
The Dark Angels’ reputation for clandestineness30 was well earned, but almost
matched by their ability to uncover secrets.
Vidarna’s bolter rose by just a fraction.
Vidarna: “And are you here to stop us, Chaplain?”
Asmodai: “On the contrary, brother Relictor. I am here to assist you or, more
accurately, you are here to assist me”.
Vidarna: “I don’t understand. If you seek the same… object… as we do, then you must
realize why we could never allow it to fall into hands of another Chapter”.
Once again all five bolters trained on the Dark Angel.
Asmodai: “Too late for that, Captain. You quarry 31 is no longer in possession of the
object as you called it, and hasn’t been for quite some time”.
Vidarna: “And how do you know this?”
Asmodai: “Because I have it”.
The Dark Angel did not allow his gaze to fall from the Relictors’ Captain as he
gestured to the metal crate being held by the servitors.
Asmodai: “Right here”.
сохраняться, не полностью исчезать
двигающийся тяжело, шумно; неуклюжий, громыхающий
походка; поступь
оценивать, расценивать, производить оценку; устанавливать цену
тайный, скрытый, секретный; нелегальный
добыча; преследуемый зверь, намеченная жертва

Vidarna: “If you already have it, why do you need our aid?”
Asmodai: “The traitor who leads the rebellion… He wears black armor?”
Vidarna: “We have yet to see him with our own eyes, but the Astra Militarum field
reports indicate that the rebels are led by a figure in dark power armor”.
Asmodai: “And that armor bears the markings of one the Legions of old?”
Vidarna: “It would appear that you already know the answer to that, brother
Chaplain. But yes, it does”.
Asmodai: “Then I require your aid in capturing him, so that I may deliver him to my
Chapter for interrogation. In return I shall give you what you desire”.
Vidarna: “And how do we know that you will keep your end of the bargain? How do
we even know that the box contains what you say it does?”
Asmodai: “You don’t. You’ll just have to trust me. The traitor must be taken alive at all
costs even if that means laying down your own lives to ensure that. Do that for me
and you will have the object along with the gratitude of the Dark Angels. What say
you, Relictor? Do we have a deal?”
Vidarna: “Aye, Chaplain. We have a deal”.
* * *
(Asmodai drilling prisoner’s body)
Asmodai had been about his bloody business for days, inflicting pain to his prisoner
unlike any he had felt during his near ten thousand years of existence.
(prisoner moaning from pain)
In that time wounds had been opened, healed and reopened. Bones had been
shattered and twisted, the traitor Space Marine’s physiology rapidly repairing them,
so that Asmodai could break them again and again. For the first time in hours the
Dark Angel granted the prisoner some respite 32, turning his back on the shackled
figure to select his next implement of torment from the array within the chamber.
Prisoner (moaning): “What… What is it that you want from me?”
Asmodai picked up a long thin blade and took three large strides across the room.
With his free hand he clasped the back of the traitor’s neck at the top of the spine
digging his fingers into a nerve cluster that completely numbed the right side of his
body, but magnified the sensation of pain on the left side tenfold.
Asmodai: “When the time comes I will ask you one question and one question only”.
The Chaplain took the blade and inserted it between the thumb and forefinger of the
prisoner’s left hand, slowly sliding it deeper.
(prisoner moaning from pain)


Asmodai: “In the meantime I will ensure that when you answer nothing but the truth
shall pass your lips”.
* * *
The six Space Marines moved quietly through the trees, alert for lookouts 33 posted
high above them. The darkness of their armor helped them to blend in with the
benighted forest floor and their keen vision enabled them to spot the sentries long
before they themselves were detected, a swiftly and accurately thrown combat knife
ensuring that the alarm was never raised.
Since the agreement there had been little talk and the taciturn 34 Chaplain had
revealed nothing else about himself. Even his name remained a secret. The most the
Relictors had heard him speak was when they came across one of the rebel survivors
of the ambush slowly bleeding out through an abdomen35 wound. Despite being faced
by six genetically engineered warriors he had been reluctant to divulge 36 anything
useful, but after a few minutes with the Dark Angel he had not only revealed the
location of the rebels’ forest base and force disposition, but also confirmed that the
traitor Space Marine was hold up there.
Vidarna: “How much further, Dark Angel? The sun will rise soon and rob us of the
cover of darkness”
Asmodai: “The camp is nine kilometers to the east”.
The Chaplain pointed into the distance with his combat knife, its blade slick with the
blood of the rebel he had interrogated.
Asmodai: “Even at sprint we shall not beat the break of dawn, but the element of
surprise will still be ours”.
The closer they got to their target, the more the trees began to thin out. In place of
watchmen high up in the tree line foot patrols became their greatest threat of
detection, blades now employed to slit throats at close range to keep the advantage of
surprise on their side for as long as possible.
When they finally came upon the enemy base just as the first rays of morning light
filtered down through the trees, it was exactly as the interrogated prisoner had
described it; a former woodcutter’s camp. The compound 37 perimeter was reinforced
by hundreds of felled trees stacked to form thick walls more than ten meters high.
The sole point of entry to the prefabricated buildings within was a large metal gate
cobbled38 together from panels from the huge logging trucks that transported timber
to the moon’s space port. Gun nests sat atop either gate post. Las cannon teams
scanned the surrounding forest for signs of enemy assault.
Vidarna: “As we agreed”.
наблюдательный пункт, наблюдатель; дозорный; вахта, дозорное судно
молчаливый; неразговорчивый
брюшная полость; живот
разглашать, раскрывать, обнародовать
строение, структура, огороженная территория; лагерь для военнопленных
делать кое-как, на скорую руку

The Dark Angel and Relictors nodded. The Captain had formulated a plan of attack
based on the information gleaned39 from the rebel.
(Relictors opening fire)
Assiah and Fessek sprinted from out of cover whilst the other Space Marines raped
the gatepost’s turrets with a storm of bolt shells. Neither las cannon returned fire,
their operators reduced to nothing more than ruined corpses in the wake of such a
sudden and ferocious assault. The other gun nests reacted, but too late. The pair of
Relictors reached the gates and scaled them, punching through the salvaged metal to
form handholds. Quickly reaching the top of the wall they too opened up with their
own bolters, nullifying the next closest turrets, allowing the other three Relictors and
the Dark Angel Chaplain safe passage.
While Assiah and Fessek took care of the threat atop the wall, the others climbed the
gate dropping down into the compound below, where rebels swarmed from their
billets40 roused by the noise of combat. Their numbers already diminished from the
failed ambush, the rebels were unable to mount any kind of serious defense. With the
outer wall breached the thin metal huts provided no protection at all. Those too
cowardly come out and face their aggressors were slaughtered where they were.
Vidarna: “Brother Maximae!”
Maximae (over vox): “Over there… The traitor!”
An armored figure ducked back behind the building it was using as cover. The Dark
Angel and the Relictors found their own sanctuary taking up position behind
surrounding structures.
Vidarna: “Maximae!”
Maximae (moaning): “Thigh wound… I may lose the leg, but it won’t kill me (after a
pause). Can you see him, Captain?”
Vidarna: “No, brother”.
Maximae: “Leave me behind, complete the mission!”
The Relictor Captain ran to the shelter of the next building. The shots came as if from
nowhere catching Vidarna out in the open. The first two passed by, the third caught
him square on the pauldron spinning him into the side of the hut he was heading to.
The Dark Angel taking cover behind the opposite building looked over at Vidarna, left
arm hanging limply at his side.
Vidarna: “I am fine. The other took the front of it”.
Up ahead a dark shape darted41 between buildings before he had time to react.
Vidarna (over vox): “Assiah, Fessek! Can you see him?”
The two Relictors had remained on top of the wall to cover the attack on the base.
тщательно подбирать, собирать; раздобывать (сведения)
помещение для постоя
рвануться, кинуться, помчаться стрелой

Assiah (over vox): “No, Captain!”

Fessek (over vox): “No, Captain!”
Vidarna (over vox): “It’s no good. He is using the cover to his advantage. He can wait
for us to show ourselves and take pick us off one by one”.
Asmodai (over vox): “Than let us remove that advantage, Captain”.
In one smooth motion the Chaplain took the Crozius Arcanum from where it was
hanging at his waist, powered it up and swung it through the walls of the hut he was
using as cover, collapsing one end of the structure before advancing and doing the
same at the other end. Quickly realizing the Dark Angel’s strategy Vidarna and Bollwa
did likewise, the Captain readying up his ancient chainsword, the larger Relictor
simply using his bare hands to tear down the flimsy 42 booths43.
Fessek (over vox): “He is on the move! To your left, Captain!”
Fessek followed up his warning with shots to pinpoint the traitor’s position to his
brothers and the Dark Angel down below. Sprinting along one of the alleys that ran
between the huts Vidarna emerged into the junction at the exact same moment as the
black-armored heretic. Grimacing through the pain he dropped the shoulder that had
been hit earlier and thrust it into the onrushing traitor’s midriff 44, bringing himself
upright and using his enemy’s own momentum against him. Spinning on his heel
Vidarna thrust downwards with his chainsword to where he expected his prone 45
opponent’s chest to be, but the traitor had already rolled clear and was rising to his
(traitor roaring and charging Vidarna)
The traitor lunged at Vidarna gripping his throat with one hand while holding the
chainsword at bay with the other.
Traitor (growling): “Give my regards to your corpse Emperor, when you join his side”.
The heretic was at least a head taller than the Relictor though he was eye to eye with
Vidarna as the Captain’s feet were off the ground. Swinging his body from side to side
like a child’s plaything, the life being choked from him whilst being used as a
transhuman shield.
Vidarna (barely able to speak): “Today… is not… that day, heretic filth”.
Just as Vidarna could feel himself slipping away, the hulking traitor suddenly
relinquished46 his grip, falling to the ground alongside the Relictor Captain. Quickly
regaining his senses Vidarna accepted the proffered hand from his savior and rose to
his feet.
Vidarna: “You have my gratitude, Dark Angel”.

ломкий, непрочный, хрупкий; тонкий, необоснованный, неосновательный, шаткий
киоск; палатка, будка; кабина
диафрагма, грудобрюшная преграда
(лежащий) ничком, лицом вниз
ослаблять (хватку), разжимать (руки), выпускать (из рук)

Asmodai: “No, Captain. It is you who has my gratitude”.

The Dark Angel Chaplain placed his armored boot onto the unconscious traitor’s back
and rolled him over. There emblazoned47 on the left pauldron was the symbol he had
been expecting to find on the black-armored traitor: an eight-pointed golden star
with an eye at its center. The unmistakable icon of the dreaded Black Legion.
* * *
Asmodai: “You kept your end of the bargain, Captain. Now I shall keep mine”.
The Chaplain and the Captain stood apart from the rest of the Relictors. Bollwa and
Assiah tending to Maximae’s wounded thigh, Fessek standing guard over the
armorless and bound traitor Space Marine.
(servitors bringing the crate to Vidarna and Asmodai)
Vidarna: “Can I ask how you came to obtain it?”
Asmodai: “You can ask but I will not answer. Suffice 48 to say that it is rightfully mine
to give and rightfully yours to protect. If you know as much about this object as I
think you do, then you know how dangerous it is. Do not let it fall into the wrong
hands. Am I clear?”
Vidarna nodded his assent49 before crouching down in front of the box. He ran his
hands over it as if it was the most fragile, most precious thing in the entire Imperium.
Asmodai: “The lock is keyed to specific genetic markers. It will open for you just as it
did for me”.
The Relictor flipped up50 a panel on the lid51 of the box to reveal a smooth black
square. He removed his right gauntlet and placed his hand upon it, the multiple locks
releasing instantly. Vidarna very carefully lifted the lid from the box, his face bathed
in the cool blue glow of cryonics, frost riming 52 his lips and lower jaw. He stared in
wonder for what seemed like an aeon 53. When he finally snapped out of it, the Dark
Angel and the pair of servitors were already making their way through the forest. Just
before he disappeared from view the Chaplain turned back.
Asmodai: “Remember, Relictor, you are its guardian now. Under no circumstance is it
to be used”.
* * *
It had been weeks since Asmodai had visited the prisoner, but the marks of the last
interrogation were still evident. After months of being held captive the Black
Legionary’s flesh was almost entirely scar tissue, his limbs distorted54 from where his

украшать геральдическими символами, эмблемами, расписывать
быть достаточным, хватать; удовлетворять
согласие, одобрение, утверждение, разрешение
подбрасывать в воздухе; метать, переворачивать; перекидывать (резким движением)
покрывать инеем, изморозью; обледеневать
бесконечность, вечность
кривой, перекошенный, искажённый, искривлённый, деформированный; покоробленный

captor had allowed them to reset at awkward angles. Even if the prisoner was capable
of escape, his own body would not allow him to get far.
(Asmodai slowly approaching the prisoner)
Asmodai approached the traitor to inspect him, crushing the teeth he had removed to
prevent him from biting off his own tongue under interrogation. He lifted the traitor’s
chin and took a good look at his face. The traitor stared blankly back through
swollen55 eyes. Asmodai turned his attention to the container of fluid being pumped
intravenously into the traitor’s spinal column 56, inhibiting57 the Catalepsean Node and
denying him the ability to sleep or rest.
Satisfied that everything was in order Asmodai made to leave.
Prisoner (moaning): “Ask… me… the question”.
Asmodai (returning back to the prisoner): “Repeat!”
Prisoner: “Ask… me… the question”.
Asmodai: “And you will answer truthfully? If you lie to me, I will keep you in this
state forever”.
Prisoner: “I will tell you the truth and then you will kill me?”
Asmodai: “Very well. My question is a simple one: where is Epimetheus?”
Prisoner (laughing): “Ahahahaha…”
Asmodai: “Very well. Rot here for all eternity”.
(Prisoner mumbling incomprehensively)
Asmodai: “What was that? I couldn’t hear you”.
(Prisoner mumbling incomprehensively)
(Asmodai taking his leave)
Prisoner (moaning): “You said you would kill me”.
(door closing behind Asmodai)
Prisoner (screaming): “Kill me! Kill me! KILL ME!”

вздутый, раздутый; опухший
позвоночник, позвоночный столб
задерживать, сдерживать, препятствовать, подавлять;

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