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Ortodonticke foÂliove aparaÂty. Souborny referaÂt

Orthodontic clear plastic appliances. Systematic review

*MUDr. KlaÂra BeÏlõÂkovaÂ, **MUDr. Ivo Marek, Ph.D, *MUDr. Hana TycovaÂ
* Ortodonticke oddeÏlenõ UÂstavu klinicke a experimentaÂlnõ stomatologie 1. LF UK a VFN Praha,
*Department of Orthodontics of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Stomatology, 1st Medical Faculty of
Charles University and University Hospital, Prague
** Ortodonticke oddeÏlenõ Kliniky zubnõÂho leÂkarÏstvõÂ, LF UP Olomouc
**Department of Orthodontics, Institute of Dental Medicine, Medical Faculty of Palacky University, Olomouc

Jsou popsaÂny soucÏasne typy foliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ, jejich indikace a zpuÊsob praÂce s nimi. VyÂhody a nevyÂhody
teÏchto aparaÂtuÊ jsou podrobneÏ rozebraÂny. AparaÂty typu Essix jsou pouzÏÂõvaÂny jako retencÏnõÂ aparaÂty, k aktivnõÂmu
puÊsobenõÂ na zuby jsou tvarovaÂny HilliardovyÂmi termoklesÏteÏmi. PodrobneÏ je popsaÂn zpuÊsob praÂce se systeÂmem
Invisalign, jako zaÂstupcem techniky zalozÏene na tovaÂrneÏ vyraÂbeÏne sekvenci foÂliõ dle pocÏÂõtacÏove simulace leÂcÏeb-
neÂho postupu. Jsou uvedeny take systeÂm OrthoCaps a Simply5 (Ortodoncie 2013, 22, cÏ. 4, s. 225-235).

A survey of currently used clear plastic appliances is given; their indications and their effectiveness are descri-
bed. We discuss in detail pros and cons of the appliances. Essix appliances are preferred as retainers; to actively
affect dentition they are treated with Hilliard thermopliers. The Invisalign system is described in details, a represen-
tative technique based on sequence of factory-made aligners by computer simulation of the treatment procedure.
Another systems as OrthoCaps and Simply5 systems are described as well (Ortodoncie 2013, 22, No. 4, p. 225-235).

KlõÂcÏova slova: foliove aparaÂty, Essix, Invisalign

Key words: plastic appliances, Essix, Invisalign

UÂvod Introduction
CõÂlem kazÏde ortodonticke terapie je dosaÂhnout co Orthodontics aims to achieve the best esthetic as
nejlepsÏõÂho mozÏneÂho vyÂsledku jak po estetickeÂ, tak well as functional results. Treatment should avoid
i funkcÏnõÂ straÂnce. Nelze vsÏak opominout vlastnõÂ pruÊbeÏh unnecessary discomfort for a patient. Nowadays,
leÂcÏby, ktery by meÏl byÂt pro pacienta co nejmeÂneÏ zateÏ- there is a wide range of orthodontic materials making
zÏujõÂcõÂ. Modernõ ortodonticke materiaÂly naÂm v soucÏasne this aim achievable.
dobeÏ nabõÂzejõÂ jizÏ sÏirsÏõÂ spektrum prostrÏedkuÊ, se kteryÂmi In evaluating people, today the great emphasis is
lze tohoto cõÂle dosaÂhnout. put on their appearance the integral part of which is
V dnesÏnõÂ spolecÏnosti je prÏi hodnocenõÂ osob kladen smile. Some, especially adult patients, see a visible
velky duÊraz na jejich vzhled, jehozÏ nedõÂlnou soucÏaÂstõ orthodontic appliance correcting an esthetic problem
je i uÂsmeÏv. NeÏkterÏõÂ, hlavneÏ dospeÏlõÂ pacienti vsÏak pova- as a more significant handicap than the problem itself
zÏujõÂ za veÏtsÏõÂ handicap nosÏenõÂ viditelneÂho ortodontic- [1]. Therefore, they frequently refuse orthodontic treat-
keÂho aparaÂtu, ktery slouzÏõ ke korekci estetickeÂho pro- ment. The first step to change this attitude was the use
bleÂmu, oproti vlastnõ ortodonticke anomaÂlii, mnohdy of ceramic orthodontic brackets. Lingual fixed applian-
i vyÂrazneÏ rusÏive [1]. Z toho duÊvodu mohou ortodontic- ces and orthodontic plastic appliances represent ano-
kou terapii odmõÂtat. VylepsÏenõÂ estetickyÂch vlastnostõÂ ther step, and they meet demands for discreetness. e-mail: 225

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ortodontickyÂch aparaÂtuÊ prÏisÏlo s pouzÏõÂvaÂnõÂm keramic- Historical background

kyÂch ortodontickyÂch zaÂmkuÊ. ZvyÂsÏenyÂm naÂrokuÊm na The first plastic orthodontic appliance covering the
nenaÂpadnost vyhovujõÂ jesÏteÏ võÂce lingvaÂlnõÂ fixnõÂ aparaÂty entire surface of teeth was introduced by Remensny-
a ortodonticke foÂlie. der [2] in 1926. It was Flex-O-Lite gum-massaging ap-
pliance through which minor tooth movements were
Historie possible. Since that different types of plastic applian-
Prvnõ foÂliovy ortodonticky aparaÂt pokryÂvajõÂcõ cely ces were used, preferably as retainers. In 1945 Kesling
povrch zubuÊ prÏedstavil v roce 1926 Remensnyder [2]. [3] presented the use of an elastic vulcanite appliance
Byl to ¹Flex-O-Tite gum-massagingª aparaÂt, se kteryÂm to adjust precisely the position of teeth after a fixed ap-
bylo uÂdajneÏ mozÏne proveÂst mensÏõ posuny zubuÊ. Od te pliance is removed. Kesling's appliance was based on
doby se pouzÏõÂvaly ruÊzne druhy foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ, ktere the ideal teeth position made in a cast model. Kesling
vsÏak slouzÏily spõÂsÏe k zajisÏteÏnõÂ funkce retence. Posun reported major tooth movements with a consecutive
zubuÊ pomocõ aparaÂtuÊ pokryÂvajõÂcõÂch cely povrch zubuÊ set-up and a series of appliances. In 1971 Ponitz [4] in-
popularizoval Kesling [3], ktery v roce 1945 prezento- troduced his thermoformed active plastic appliance,
val pouzÏitõÂ pruzÏneÂho gumoveÂho aparaÂtu upravujõÂcõÂho the so called invisible retainer. Sheridan [5] connected
detailneÏ polohu zubuÊ po sejmutõÂ fixnõÂho aparaÂtu. Ke- the use of active plastic appliances formed in models
slinguÊv aparaÂt byl zhotoven na zaÂkladeÏ prÏestavby zubuÊ with grinding of approximal tooth surfaces, and pres-
do ideaÂlnõÂho postavenõÂ na saÂdroveÂm modelu. Autor ented his Essix retainer in 1993. Therapeutic methods
popisuje i realizaci veÏtsÏõÂch pohybuÊ zubuÊ pomocõÂ po- using plastic orthodontic appliances became more wi-
stupneÂho setupu a seÂrie aparaÂtuÊ. Ponitz [4] svuÊj te- despread after Sheridan and Hilliard used thermopliers
pelneÏ tvarovany aktivnõ plastovy aparaÂt ¹invisible retai- that made specific activation of thermoplastic trays
nerª prÏedstavil v roce 1971. NaÂsledneÏ Sheridan [5] possible (Fig.1).
spojil pouzÏitõÂ aktivnõÂch foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ tvarovanyÂch Invisalign system [6] represents a state-of-the-art
na modelech se zaÂbrusem aproximaÂlnõÂch zubnõÂch approach. The system was developed by Kesley Wirth
ploch a v roce 1993 prÏedstavil techniku Essix. K dal- and Zia Chishti in 1997. The new generation of esthetic
sÏõÂmu rozsÏõÂrÏenõÂ mozÏnostõÂ terapie pomocõÂ plastovyÂch orthodontic appliances was thus created. The ap-
ortodontickyÂch aparaÂtuÊ dosÏlo poteÂ, co Sheridan a Hil- proach combines orthodontic principles with 3D com-
liard pouzÏili termoklesÏteÏ, ktere umozÏnÏovaly specific- puter technologies (CAD/CAM). The advancement of
kou aktivaci foÂliõÂ (Obr. 1). the 3D technologies and related software resulted in
Mezi nejnoveÏjsÏõ technologicke postupy v ortodoncii the progress of Invisalign system.
patrÏõ systeÂm Invisalign, ktery v roce 1997 vyvinuli Ke-
sley Wirth a Zia Chishti [6]. VytvorÏili tak novou generaci Characteristic features of plastic material used
estetickyÂch ortodontickyÂch aparaÂtuÊ. Tento prÏõÂstup A wide range of plastic materials are at disposal to-
kombinuje ortodonticke principy s trojrozmeÏrnyÂmi po- day, however, they have very different parameters.
cÏõÂtacÏovyÂmi technologiemi (CAD/CAM). S dalsÏõÂm roz- When deciding about the appropriate material for pla-
vojem teÏchto 3D technologiõÂ a ovlaÂdacõÂch software stic appliances, the important role is played by factors
programuÊ se posunula i uÂrovenÏ systeÂmu Invisalign. like e.g. the period and aims for which the appliance is
used, as well as the material thickness. The material
Vlastnosti plastoveÂho materiaÂlu foÂliõÂ must be inert, non-toxic, without taste and odor, che-
mically stable. In orthodontics, thermoplasts resistant
V dnesÏnõ dobeÏ je k dispozici neprÏeberne mnozÏstvõÂ
to rupture and linear form of elastic phase are prefer-
plastuÊ, ktere se velice lisÏõ svyÂmi parametry. VyÂbeÏr ma-
red. Modulus of elasticity, or Young module, of plastic
teriaÂlu pro vyÂrobu foÂliovyÂch zubnõÂch aparaÂtuÊ zaÂlezÏõÂ na
takovyÂch faktorech, jako je naprÏõÂklad doba, po kterou
bude aparaÂt pouzÏõÂvaÂn, jeho uÂcÏel a potrÏebna tlousÏt'ka
materiaÂlu. V kazÏdeÂm prÏõÂpadeÏ musõ byÂt pouzÏity materiaÂl
inertnõÂ, netoxickyÂ, bez chuti a bez zaÂpachu a musõÂ byÂt
chemicky staÂlyÂ. Pro ortodonticke pouzÏitõ jsou vyÂhodneÂ
termoplasticke hmoty s vysokou pevnostõ v lomu a li-
neaÂrnõÂm pruÊbeÏhem elasticke faÂze. Modul pruzÏnosti
v tahu neboli YounguÊv modul plastoveÂho materiaÂlu
k vyÂrobeÏ ortodontickyÂch foÂliõÂ by nemeÏl byÂt prÏõÂlisÏ vy-
sokyÂ, aby bylo mozÏne foÂlie snadno nasadit a sejmout
a ani prÏõÂlisÏ nõÂzkyÂ, aby byla foÂlie schopna vyvinout tlak Obr. 1. Hilliardovy termoklesÏteÏ
na zuby vedoucõÂ k jejich pohybu. BeÏhem nosÏenõÂ jsou Fig. 1. Hilliard Thermopliers

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foÂlie vystaveny puÊsobenõÂ tekutin dutiny uÂstnõÂ, tedy slin material used for orthodontic plastic appliances
a sulkulaÂrnõ tekutiny o teÏlesne teploteÏ (prÏiblizÏneÏ 37 °C). should not be too high (they are easy to adjust and re-
Plasty pouzÏite k vyÂrobeÏ tedy nesmõ podleÂhat hydroly- move) or too low (they can exert the pressure on teeth
tickyÂm zmeÏnaÂm vedoucõÂm k jejich znehodnocenõÂ [7]. to move them). The trays are exposed to mouth cavity
FoÂliove aparaÂty systeÂmu Invisalign jsou zhotovovaÂny fluids, i.e. saliva and sulcus fluid, of body temperature
z polyurethanovyÂch foÂliõÂ o sÏõÂrÏce 0,75 a 1 mm (0,03ª (approx. 37 °C). Therefore, the plastic materials should
a 0,04ª). AparaÂty typu Essix se vyraÂbeÏjõÂ z foÂliõÂ na baÂzi not be affected by hydrolytic changes which would re-
polypropylenu o sÏõÂrÏce 0,75 mm, 1 mm a 2 mm. SõÂla foÂlie sult in their impairment [7]. Invisalign system applian-
se volõÂ podle vyuzÏitõÂ. ces are made of polyurethane sheets, the width of
0.75 and 1.0 mm (0.03ª and 0.04ª). Essix appliances
Indikace foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ are made of polypropylene sheets, the width of 0.75,
RozhodnutõÂ, zda je u pacienta indikovaÂna aktivnõÂ te- 1.0 and 2.0 mm. The thickness of a sheet is chosen ac-
rapie ortodonticke vady pomocõ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ, je cording to the use.
v rukou osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂho leÂkarÏe a zaÂvisõ do urcÏite mõÂry i na
jeho zkusÏenostech s tõÂmto systeÂmem. Studie, ktera Indications of plastic appliances
zkoumala rozhodnutõ leÂkarÏuÊ o indikaci ortodonticke te- Orthodontic professional is responsible for the indi-
rapie pomocõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ, potvrdila zaÂvislost cation of the active treatment for a malocclusion with
rozhodnutõÂ o terapii slozÏiteÏjsÏõÂch prÏõÂpaduÊ touto techni- plastic aligners. The decision depends to some extent
kou na zkusÏenostech osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂho leÂkarÏe. Specialiste on his experience with the system as was proved by
v oboru ortodoncie dle pruÊzkumu leÂcÏõÂ pomocõÂ foÂliovyÂch the study [8]. The study revealed that orthodontists
aparaÂtuÊ slozÏiteÏjsÏõÂ vady, nezÏ prakticÏtõÂ zubnõÂ leÂkarÏi, kterÏõÂ use the system to solve more complex anomalies,
v neÏkteryÂch staÂtech mohou tuto techniku pouzÏõÂvat [8]. unlike general dentists (who can use this technique in
PouzÏitõÂ aparaÂtuÊ typu Essix s aktivacõÂ pomocõÂ Hilliar- some countries).
dovyÂch termoklesÏtõÂ se doporucÏuje ke korekci mõÂrnyÂch Essix system appliances activated with Hilliard's
vad. Jde hlavneÏ o uÂpravu polohy jednotlivyÂch zubuÊ thermopliers are recommended for minor malocclu-
nebo maleÂho steÏsnaÂnõÂ, ktere cÏasto vznikajõ jako reci- sions, e.g. alignment of the position of individual teeth
diva po sejmutõÂ fixnõÂch aparaÂtuÊ [9]. Naproti tomu sy- or moderate crowding, which often occur as relapse
steÂm pocÏõÂtacÏem rÏõÂzeneÂho plaÂnovaÂnõÂ ortodontickyÂch after fixed appliance removal [9]. The system of com-
posunuÊ pomocõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ spolu s vyÂvojem puter aided planning of orthodontic movements with
kompozitnõÂch attachmentuÊ rozsÏõÂrÏil mozÏnosti pouzÏitõÂ to- plastic appliances and the development of composite
hoto systeÂmu i na vady slozÏiteÏjsÏõÂ. attachments made it possible to use this system for
Jsou ale urcÏite podmõÂnky, ktere musõ pacient vhodny more severe anomalies.
pro leÂcÏbu foÂliovyÂmi aparaÂty splnit. AbsolutnõÂ kontraindi- Nevertheless, a patient has to meet several condi-
kacõÂ terapie je stejneÏ, jako prÏi praÂci s fixnõÂmi aparaÂty, prÏõÂ- tions for the treatment with plastic appliances. Acute
tomnost akutnõÂho zaÂneÏtu parodontu [10]. ZahaÂjenõÂ leÂcÏby periodontitis is the absolute contraindication (the
se doporucÏuje u pacientuÊ s ukoncÏenou vyÂmeÏnou same holds true for the treatment with fixed appliance)
chrupu, tedy s plneÏ prorÏezanyÂmi druhyÂmi molaÂry, i kdyzÏ [10]. The approach is recommended in patients with fi-
i toto omezenõ se staÂva dnes minulostõÂ. PrÏõÂkladem muÊzÏe nished change of dentition, i.e. with fully erupted se-
byÂt produkt firmy Align Technology - ¹Invisalign Teenª cond molars, though even this restriction is gradually
[10], ktery je urcÏen pro pacienty se smõÂsÏenou denticõÂ. abandoned. The product of Align Technology com-
LeÂcÏba vaÂzÏnyÂch skeletaÂlnõÂch vad obecneÏ nenõ rÏesÏitelna pany - Invisalign Teen [10] is intended for patients with
zÏaÂdnyÂm ortodontickyÂm aparaÂtem a v teÏchto prÏõÂpadech mixed dentition. In general, severe skeletal deformities
je trÏeba zvolit kombinovany ortodonticko-chirurgicky leÂ- are not solved with orthodontic appliance but through
cÏebny plaÂn. Pomocõ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ nenõ mozÏne v je- a combined orthodontic-surgical therapy. Plastic ap-
jich soucÏasne podobeÏ proveÂst neÏktere ortodonticke po- pliances cannot be used for some orthodontic move-
hyby (viz nevyÂhody foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ). ments (see Disadvantages).
FoÂliove ortodonticke aparaÂty pokud jsou nasazeny Plastic orthodontic appliances, when adjusted to
soucÏasneÏ na hornõÂ a dolnõÂ zubnõÂ oblouk, lze vyuzÏõÂt i k uÂ- both upper and lower dental arch, may be used to ad-
praveÏ sagitaÂlnõÂho vztahu cÏelistõÂ za pomocõÂ elastickyÂch just sagittal relationship of jaws with Class II or III ela-
tahuÊ II. cÏi III. trÏõÂdy. stics.

VyÂhody praÂce s foÂliovyÂmi aparaÂty Advantages

Ortodonticke foÂliove aparaÂty splnÏujõ vysoke este- Plastic orthodontic appliances meet high esthetic
ticke naÂroky. Vzhledem k jejich pruÊhlednosti jsou na demands. Due to their transparency they are virtually e-mail: 227

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vzdaÂlenost veÏtsÏõÂ nezÏ puÊl metru prakticky neviditelneÂ

[11]. KritickyÂm bodem v tomto ohledu mohou byÂt neÏ-
ktere meÂneÏ zaoblene attachmenty, ktere nenaÂpadnost
aparaÂtuÊ mõÂrneÏ zhorsÏujõÂ (Obr. 2). I prÏesto jsou foÂlioveÂ
aparaÂty nejmeÂneÏ viditelnou variantou ortodontickyÂch
aparaÂtuÊ. Vlaskalic a Boyd [12] ve sve studii popisujõÂ,
zÏe prÏi vyÂbeÏru ortodontickyÂch aparaÂtuÊ by celyÂch
100 % taÂzanyÂch ortodontickyÂch pacientuÊ volilo, kdyby
to bylo v jejich prÏõÂpadeÏ mozÏneÂ, pruÊhledne foÂliove apa-
raÂty. V podobne studii Rosvalla [13] byli taÂzaÂni jen do-
speÏlõÂ jedinci, u kteryÂch nebyla plaÂnovaÂna ortodontickaÂ
terapie. 90 % z nich by bylo ochotno podstoupit orto-
dontickou terapii pomocõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ v porovnaÂnõÂ
Obr. 2. FoÂlie Invisalign nasazena na zubech s attachementy
s 58 % teÏch, kterÏõÂ by prÏistoupili na leÂcÏbu pomocõÂ klasic- Fig. 2. Invisalign tray adjusted on teeth with attachments
kyÂch fixnõÂch aparaÂtuÊ.
Jednou z nejveÏtsÏõÂch vyÂhod, ale v urcÏiteÂm smeÏru zaÂro- invisible from the distance over 50 cm [11]. The only
venÏ nevyÂhodou ortodontickyÂch foÂliõÂ je jejich snõÂmatel- exceptions may be some less rounded attachments
nost, zejmeÂna prÏi konzumaci jõÂdla, nebo zubnõÂ hygieneÏ. (Fig.2). In spite of that, plastic aligners are the least vi-
NevyÂhodou je, zÏe uÂspeÏsÏnost leÂcÏby je v zaÂsadeÏ urcÏena sible type of orthodontic appliances. In their study, Vla-
prÏõÂstupem pacienta k leÂcÏbeÏ, jeho sveÏdomitostõÂ a disciplõÂ- skalic and Boyd [12] report that 100% of orthodontic
nou. NicmeÂneÏ faktem je, zÏe foÂliove aparaÂty umozÏnÏujõ patients that were addressed would opt for transpa-
provaÂdeÏnõ dentaÂlnõ hygieny bez omezenõÂ, ktera souvisõ rent aligners. Rosvall [13] questioned adults in whom
s pevnyÂmi ortodontickyÂmi aparaÂty. PrÏi dobryÂch hygie- no orthodontic therapy was planned: 90% would be
nickyÂch naÂvycõÂch pacienta se vyÂrazneÏ snizÏuje riziko willing to undergo orthodontic treatment with plastic
vzniku dekalcifikacõÂ zubnõÂ skloviny a zaÂneÏtuÊ daÂsnõÂ [11]. aligners, while only 58% would accept the treatment
VyÂskyt teÏchto komplikacõÂ je nizÏsÏõÂ v porovnaÂnõÂ s terapiõÂ with traditional fixed appliance.
pomocõÂ fixnõÂ vestibulaÂrnõÂ [14], ale i lingvaÂlnõÂ techniky
[15]. Neplatõ vsÏak, zÏe foÂliove aparaÂty jsou rÏesÏenõÂm pro One of the greatest advantages (and at the same
leÂcÏbu pacientuÊ s malhygienou. Ta je vzhledem k zaÂneÏtli- time disadvantages) of plastic orthodontic aligners is
veÂmu prostrÏedõÂ v okolõÂ zubuÊ, se kteryÂmi chceme pohy- the possibility to remove them, especially when eating
bovat, kontraindikacõ ortodonticke terapie obecneÏ. or performing dental hygiene. Treatment results de-
pend on patients' attitude, conscientiousness, and
FoÂliove aparaÂty mohou rÏesÏit komplikovanou situaci
self-discipline. Plastic aligners make oral hygiene
ortodonticke terapie, ktera nastaÂva u pacientuÊ s vroze-
easier to maintain than during the treatment with fixed
nou poruchou mineralizace zubnõÂch tkaÂnõÂ jakou je na-
orthodontic appliances. Good hygiene habits reduce
prÏõÂklad amelogenesis imperfecta. U teÂto skupiny je ob-
significantly the risk of enamel decalcification and gin-
tõÂzÏne nasadit fixnõ ortodonticky aparaÂt a bez posÏkozenõÂ
givitis [11]. The incidence of these complications is lo-
zubuÊ ho i sejmout [11].
wer than in the treatment with fixed vestibular [14] as
DõÂky hladkeÂmu povrchu jsou foÂlie na rozdõÂl od fix-
well as lingual [15] approach. However, plastic aligners
nõÂch aparaÂtuÊ pacienty velmi dobrÏe prÏijõÂmaÂny. NezpuÊso-
are not the solution for the patient with bad dental hy-
bujõÂ draÂzÏdeÏnõÂ a otlaky sliznice dutiny uÂstnõÂ. NavõÂc pa-
giene. With regard to a potential inflammatory re-
cienti popisujõÂ v prvnõÂch dnech po zahaÂjenõÂ leÂcÏby vyÂra-
sponse in the area adjacent to the teeth to be moved,
zneÏ mensÏõÂ a kratsÏõÂ dobu trvajõÂcõÂ bolestivost zubuÊ ve
bad hygiene habits are the contraindication of ortho-
srovnaÂnõÂ se stavem po nasazenõÂ fixnõÂho aparaÂtu [16].
dontic treatment in general.
OrdinacÏnõÂ doba ve faÂzi plaÂnovaÂnõÂ leÂcÏebneÂho po-
stupu a hodnocenõÂ Clinchecku je delsÏõÂ, to je ale vyvaÂ- Plastic aligners may represent the solution in com-
zÏeno kratsÏõÂm cÏasem, ktery pacient straÂvõ na krÏesle prÏi plex situation of orthodontic therapy that occurs in pa-
kontrolaÂch. PrÏi nich je rovneÏzÏ potrÏebny mensÏõ rozsah tients with congenital defect of dental tissues minera-
instrumentaÂria, nezÏ prÏi kontrolaÂch fixnõÂho aparaÂtu. lization, e.g. amelogenesis imperfecta. In these pa-
Frekvence naÂvsÏteÏv je take snõÂzÏena, meÂneÏ cÏaste jsou tients it is difficult to adjust fixed appliance and
i nutne prvnõ pomoci [11]. remove it without harm done to the teeth [11].
Unlike fixed appliances, thanks to their smooth sur-
NevyÂhody praÂce s foÂliovyÂmi aparaÂty face, plastic aligners are well accepted by patients.
FoÂliove aparaÂty a praÂce s nimi ma vsÏak i neÏktere ne- They do not cause irritation and pressure sores of oral
vyÂhody. Tou nejzaÂsadneÏjsÏõ je nutnost vyÂborne spolu- cavity mucosa. Patients also report less pain for much

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praÂce pacienta, bez ktere nelze dosaÂhnout dobreÂho shorter time at the beginning of the treatment in com-
vyÂsledku. I kdyzÏ pacient spolupracuje, muÊzÏe vzhledem parison with fixed appliance [16].
k nenaÂpadnosti a krÏehkosti aparaÂtuÊ snadno dojõÂt k je- The treatment planning and evaluation of Clincheck
jich ztraÂteÏ nebo posÏkozenõÂ ve chvõÂli, kdy je pacient kvuÊli takes more time, however, patient then spends less
jõÂdlu nebo cÏisÏteÏnõÂ zubuÊ docÏasneÏ sejmul [17]. time on check-ups in a practice. The number of instru-
DuÊlezÏityÂm nedostatkem foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ je ome- ments needed is lower than in case of fixed appliance.
zenõÂ jejich indikace ve vztahu k pozÏadovanyÂm uÂpravaÂm The need for urgent aid is also less frequent [11].
zubnõÂch obloukuÊ. Nelze s nimi pracovat u veÏtsÏiny
extrakcÏnõÂch prÏõÂpaduÊ ani prÏi zarÏazovaÂnõÂ retinovanyÂch Disadvantages
zubuÊ. I prÏes znacÏny vyÂvoj teÏchto technologiõ a novyÂch Plastic appliances and working with them bring
attachmentuÊ je staÂle obtõÂzÏne dosaÂhnout uzavrÏenõ about also some disadvantages. For good results the
extrakcÏnõÂch mezer bodily posunem bez nekontrolova- extraordinary cooperation of a patient is a must. Due
telneÂho sklonu zubuÊ [18]. UzaÂveÏr mezer po extrakci to the discreet and fragile character of the appliance, it
premolaÂruÊ foÂliovyÂm aparaÂtem se tak neobejde bez may be easily damaged or even lost when it is removed
sklonu okolnõÂch zubuÊ a mozÏne perzistence tremat. by a patient before eating or during dental hygiene [17].
Pro naprÏõÂmenõÂ skloneÏnyÂch zubuÊ je trÏeba pouzÏõÂt fixnõÂ The indication of plastic appliances is limited when
aparaÂt. Mezi obtõÂzÏneÏ proveditelne pohyby zubuÊ po- it comes to correction of dental arches. They cannot be
mocõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ patrÏõÂ daÂle uÂprava vyÂraznyÂch ro- used in cases involving extraction or treatment of im-
tacõÂ nad 45 °, a to hlavneÏ zubuÊ s cylindrickyÂm tvarem pacted teeth. In spite of the fast development of these
korunky, a sklonuÊ zubuÊ veÏtsÏõÂch nezÏ 45 °. Velmi proble- technologies and new attachments, it is still difficult to
matickyÂm pohybem je extruze jednotlivyÂch zubuÊ nebo close spaces after extractions with bodily movement
jejich skupin, zvlaÂsÏteÏ pokud majõ kraÂtke klinicke ko- without uncontrolled inclination of teeth [18]. The use
runky [19]. ProvedenõÂ uÂspeÏsÏnyÂch derotacõÂ a extruzõÂ na- of plastic appliance in closing the spaces is accompa-
pomohlo zavedenõ a postupne vylepsÏovaÂnõ ruÊznyÂch nied with the adjacent teeth inclination, and the spaces
typuÊ attachmentuÊ. PrÏi porovnaÂnõÂ vyÂsledkuÊ terapie foÂ- may persist. To upright the inclined teeth a fixed ap-
liovyÂmi ortodontickyÂmi aparaÂty s klasickyÂmi fixnõÂmi pliance is required.
aparaÂty pomocõÂ ABO systeÂmu [20, 21] byly zjisÏteÏny
Another difficult tooth movement is represented by
u foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ horsÏõÂ vyÂsledky prÏi hodnocenõÂ oklu-
the adjustment of profound rotations over 45°, espe-
znõÂho kontaktu v lateraÂlnõÂm uÂseku chrupu. PrÏõÂcÏinou to-
cially in teeth with cylindrical crown, and teeth inclina-
hoto nezÏaÂdoucõÂho vedlejsÏõÂho efektu foÂliõÂ je prÏekrytõÂ
tions over 45°. Extrusion of individual teeth or se-
okluznõÂch ploch zubuÊ beÏhem terapie. Jako dalsÏõÂ nedo-
gments of teeth, especially in case of short clinical
statek foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ vychaÂzõÂ z obdobneÂho meÏrÏenõÂ
crowns, is also very difficult [19]. Introduction and gra-
uÂprava torze zubuÊ lateraÂlnõÂho uÂseku chrupu [21], nic-
dual improvement of various types of attachments
meÂneÏ z klinicke praxe võÂme, zÏe toteÂzÏ platõ pro zuby fron-
have helped in performance of successful derotations
taÂlnõÂho segmentu, prÏedevsÏõÂm rÏezaÂky.
and extrusions. Comparison of the results of the treat-
Posun molaÂruÊ je vzhledem k pomeÏru velikosti po- ment with plastic orthodontic appliance and with tradi-
vrchu korÏenuÊ a puÊsobõÂcõÂ sõÂly nejobtõÂzÏneÏjsÏõÂ. PrÏi jejich po- tional fixed appliance with ABO system [20, 21] revea-
sunu dochaÂzõÂ vzÏdy k vyÂrazneÂmu meziaÂlnõÂmu sklonu led worse condition of occlusion in the lateral segment
s cÏastou cÏaÂstecÏnou perzistencõÂ extrakcÏnõÂ mezery [22]. of dentition in case of plastic appliances. The adverse
effect is probably the result of imposition of occlusal
Typy foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ teeth surfaces during the treatment. Another problem
Ortodonticke foÂliove aparaÂty deÏlõÂme podle jejich puÊ- was indicated for tooth torque in the lateral segment
sobenõÂ do dvou skupin: of dentition [21], however, from clinical practice we
- Zuby se rovnajõÂ dle aktivace jednotlivyÂch foÂliõÂ vyÂ- know that the same holds true also for anterior se-
stupky, ktere tvorÏõ leÂkarÏ prÏõÂmo v ordinaci. Do teÂto kate- gment of dentition, incisors in particular.
gorie patrÏõÂ naprÏõÂklad Smile-Aligner system. With regard to the proportion of root surface area
- SysteÂm tovaÂrneÏ vyraÂbeÏnyÂch seÂriõÂ foÂliõÂ s aktivacõÂ and the active force, the movement of molars is the
pohybuÊ do jednotlivyÂch aparaÂtuÊ dle prÏedem stanove- most difficult. We always witness profound mesial in-
neÂho leÂcÏebneÂho plaÂnu. PrÏõÂkladem teÂto skupiny je Invi- clination and frequent partially persisting spaces after
salign. the extraction [22].

SysteÂm Smile-Aligner Types of plastic appliances

SysteÂm Smile-Aligner byl vytvorÏen Keithem Hilliar- Orthodontic plastic appliances may be subdivided
dem [23]. Je to ekonomicÏteÏjsÏõÂ varianta pocÏõÂtacÏem rÏõÂ- into two groups according to their function: e-mail: 229

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zene vyÂroby ortodontickyÂch foÂliõÂ, pomocõ ktere je mo- - Teeth are aligned according to the activation of in-
zÏne rÏesÏit urcÏite ortodonticke vady od pocÏaÂtku nebo dividual trays with the help of protrusions created by
proveÂst korekce recidivy prÏedesÏle ortodonticke tera- professionals in their practice. An example is Smile-
pie. Na rozdõÂl od systeÂmuÊ sekvence foÂliõ se beÏhem cele Aligner system.
terapie pouzÏõÂva jen jeden aparaÂt typu Essix na zubnõ - System of fabricated trays with activation of mo-
oblouk, prÏõÂpadneÏ i võÂce, ale vzÏdy po nove diagnosticke vements into individual appliances according to the
prÏestavbeÏ na saÂdroveÂm modelu. treatment plan prepared before. An example is Invisa-
AparaÂty typu Essix se nejcÏasteÏji pouzÏõÂvajõÂ v retencÏnõÂ lign.
faÂzi. V tu dobu je jejich uÂkolem pasivneÏ udrzÏet zuby
v zubnõÂch obloucõÂch ve shodneÂm postavenõÂ, jako prÏi Smile-Aligner system
ukoncÏenõÂ terapie pomocõÂ fixnõÂho aparaÂtu. Pro retencÏnõÂ Smile-Aligner system was developed by Keith Hil-
uÂcÏely postacÏõÂ nocÏnõÂ nosÏenõÂ aparaÂtuÊ. liard [23]. It is a more economic version of computer ai-
JestlizÏe je Essix foÂlie pouzÏita jako aktivnõÂ aparaÂt, pak ded manufacturing of orthodontic trays, and may be
je opakovaneÏ tvarovaÂna pomocõÂ termoklesÏtõÂ. Aktivaci used to solve a malocclusion from the beginning, or
aparaÂtuÊ HilliardovyÂmi termoklesÏteÏmi lze teÂzÏ pouzÏõÂt ve correct the relapse. Unlike the sequence of aligners,
faÂzi finishingu leÂcÏby pomocõÂ jinyÂch ortodontickyÂch foÂliõÂ during the whole treatment only one Essix appliance
(Invisalign). Na tento typ foÂliõ lze umõÂstit i ruÊzna po- is used for a dental arch, sometimes more, however,
mocna zarÏõÂzenõ (Obr. 3). always after a new diagnostic set-up on the cast mo-
TvarovaÂnõ foÂliõ se provaÂdõ beÏhem kazÏde kontroly. del.
Aby bylo mozÏne pomocõ klesÏtõ ve foÂlii vytvorÏit ohyby, Essix appliances are most frequently used for reten-
je trÏeba je nejprve zahrÏaÂt na teplotu 83-94 °C v zaÂvi- tion to passively hold teeth in dental arches in the de-
slosti na typu pouzÏite foÂlie [9]. Po nahrÏaÂtõ se klesÏteÏ prÏi- sirable position that was achieved during the treatment
lozÏõ na pozÏadovane mõÂsto aparaÂtu a jemnyÂm stiskem with fixed appliance. For retention it is enough to wear
rukojetõ se do plastu vytvorÏõ pozÏadovany vyÂstupek the aligner at night.
[23, 24]. SysteÂm HilliardovyÂch termoklesÏtõÂ obsahuje In case Essix plastic aligner is used as an active ap-
dohromady cÏtyrÏicet ruÊznyÂch druhuÊ klesÏtõÂ k provedenõÂ pliance, it is repeatedly treated with thermopliers. Acti-
odlisÏne aktivace aparaÂtu, nicmeÂneÏ sada zaÂkladnõÂch sÏe- vation with Hilliard thermopliers may be also used in
sti typuÊ klesÏtõÂ je dostacÏujõÂcõÂ. the finishing phase of the treatment with other ortho-
dontic appliances (Invisalign). Auxilliary equipment
SysteÂm Invisalign may be adjusted to this type of plastic trays (Fig.3).
Metoda praÂce se systeÂmem Invisalign je rozdeÏlena Trays are reshaped during every visit. To fold the pla-
do neÏkolika faÂzõÂ. PrvnõÂ krokem je zõÂskaÂnõÂ kompletnõÂ pa- stic tray, thermopliers must be heated at 83-94 °C,
cientovy dokumentace osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂm leÂkarÏem. Ta obsa- depending on the type of the material used [9]. Heated
huje vyplneÏny anamnesticky formulaÂrÏ s detailnõÂm popi- thermopliers are then applied to the chosen place of
sem leÂcÏebneÂho plaÂnu, silikonove zubnõ otisky nebo zaÂ- the appliance, and the required overhang is then crea-
znam z inraoraÂlnõÂho skeneru, rentgenovou ted in the material [23, 24]. Hilliard thermoplier system
a fotografickou dokumentaci. ZhotovenõÂ naprosto comprises forty different types of pliers for different ty-
prÏesnyÂch otiskuÊ zubuÊ je nezbytnou soucÏaÂstõÂ metody pes of appliance activation; however, the basic set of
six pliers is sufficient.

Invisalign system
Work with Invisalign system includes several steps.
Complete patient's documentation is always required.
The written materials include anamnesis with a detailed
treatment plan, silicon dental impression or intraoral
scans, radiological and photographic records. Precise
dentition impression is a necessary part of treatment
with Invisalign. Impressions made of polyvinyl siloxane
are considered the most precise and stable. A good
quality impression is essential for subsequent treat-
ment. Centric occlusion and maximum intercuspation
Obr. 3. Plastove zaÂmky na Essix foÂlii k intruzi molaÂru pomocõ elastic-
keÂho tahu are required. The next step involves CT scanning of the
Fig. 3. Plastic brackets on Essix aligner for molar intrusion with ela- impression. In principle, scanning is translation of solid
stic traction objects to 3D electronic data. The most frequently

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Invisalign. Za nejprÏesneÏjsÏõÂ a dlouhodobeÏ stabilnõÂ jsou used method is computer tomography in which the ob-
povazÏovaÂny otisky z polyvinylsiloxanu. Kvalita otisku jects are scanned with x-rays. The x-rays pass through
je pro dalsÏõÂ pracovnõÂ postup naprosto zaÂsadnõÂ. Skus the impression and are recorded by the detector be-
se zachycuje v centraÂlnõÂ okluzi a maximaÂlnõÂ interkuspi- hind the impression. The advantage of CT is seen in
daci. NaÂsledujõÂcõÂm krokem je CT skenovaÂnõÂ otiskuÊ. the elimination of the need to pour plaster model [25].
SkenovaÂnõÂ je proces prÏevedenõÂ fyzickeÂho prÏedmeÏtu In case a dentist can work with an intraoral scanner,
na trojrozmeÏrna elektronicka data. V soucÏasne dobeÏ CT scanning is not required. The recording with a mo-
je nejpouzÏõÂvaneÏjsÏõ metodou skenovaÂnõ pocÏõÂtacÏova to- dern intraoral scanner takes up to 15 minutes [26];
mografie, kde se pouzÏõÂvajõÂ ke skenovaÂnõÂ objektuÊ rent- some authors report 2 minutes or less in case of the la-
genove paprsky. Ty prochaÂzejõÂcõ skrz otisky a jsou za- test scanners [27].
chyceny detektorem umõÂsteÏnyÂm za nimi. VyÂhodou CT Virtual models are constructed in centric occlusion
skenovaÂnõÂ je eliminace faÂze odleÂvaÂnõÂ saÂdroveÂho mo- according to the shape of occlusal surface of teeth.
delu [25]. FaÂze CT skenovaÂnõÂ otiskuÊ zcela odpadaÂ, po- Automatic algorithmic assembling of corresponding
kud leÂkarÏ na mõÂsto otiskovaÂnõÂ zubuÊ pracuje s intraoraÂl- surfaces of antagonist teeth in both dental arches re-
nõÂm skenerem. Cely proces zaÂznamu s pomocõ moder- sults in maximum intercuspation [28]. The originally in-
nõÂch intraoraÂlnõÂch skeneruÊ trva u jednoho pacienta dependent 3D virtual models of dental arches are thus
meÂneÏ nezÏ 15 minut [26] a neÏkterÏõÂ autorÏi udaÂvajõÂ u nejno- assembled in centric occlusion. Precise configuration
veÏjsÏõÂch prÏõÂstrojuÊ pracovnõÂ dobu uzÏ do dvou minut [27]. of dental arches is the key to successful results of
VirtuaÂlnõÂ modely jsou sestavovaÂny do centraÂlnõÂ treatment with Invisalign. Then the visualization of de-
okluze na zaÂkladeÏ tvaru kousacõÂch plosÏek zubuÊ. Po- tailed treatment plan is prepared and sent to the den-
mocõÂ softwaru dochaÂzõÂ automaticky algoritmickyÂm tist who will evaluate the plan with the help of Clin-
spojovaÂnõÂm odpovõÂdajõÂcõÂch ploch na antagonistickyÂch Check application (Clinical Checking). ClinCheck is
zubech zubnõÂch obloukuÊ ke vzniku maximaÂlnõÂ inter- a 3D virtual visualization of the treatment process with
kuspidace [28]. TõÂmto procesem jsou puÊvodneÏ na sobeÏ Invisalign system according to the treatment plan
nezaÂvisle 3D virtuaÂlnõ modely obou zubnõÂch obloukuÊ made by the dentist. The changes in dental arches re-
sestaveny v centraÂlnõ okluzi. PrÏesne sestavenõ zubnõÂch lated to sequence of trays are described [10].
obloukuÊ je klõÂcÏem k dobreÂmu vyÂsledku leÂcÏby pomocõÂ The process of virtual planning of teeth movements
Invisalign. NaÂsleduje prÏõÂprava a vizualizace detailnõÂho is finished by dentist's approval to the ClinCheck pro-
leÂcÏebneÂho postupu a ten je pak odeslaÂn zpeÏt leÂkarÏi, posal (Fig. 4, 5). Transfer, approval or modificatons of
ktery provede jeho posouzenõ prostrÏednictvõÂm apli- ClinCheck are made with VIP programme (Virtual Invi-
kace ClinCheck (Clinical Checking). ClinCheck je 3D salign Practice) providing the communication between
virtuaÂlnõÂ zobrazenõÂ pruÊbeÏhu terapie pomocõÂ systeÂmu the dentist and Align Technology Company [28].
Invisalign, zhotovene na zaÂkladeÏ leÂcÏebneÂho plaÂnu Align company technicians precisely plan and
osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂho leÂkarÏe. Popisuje zmeÏny v zubnõÂch oblou- describe individual stages of tooth movement, from
cõÂch v zaÂvislosti na sekvenci pouzÏityÂch foÂliõÂ [10]. the initial to final position. It is necessary to consider
Proces virtuaÂlnõÂho plaÂnovaÂnõÂ pohybuÊ zubuÊ je do- biology and biomechanics of tooth movement with
koncÏen ve chvõÂli, kdy leÂkarÏ schvaÂlõÂ v ClinChecku naÂvrh plastic appliance, and remember that this part of the
terapie (Obr. 4, 5). ZasõÂlaÂnõÂ, schvalovaÂnõÂ nebo uÂpravy process is performed by software engineers, not den-

Obr. 4. ClinCheck s vyobrazenõÂm zubnõÂch obloukuÊ na pocÏaÂtku orto- Obr. 5. ClinCheck s vyobrazenõÂm zubnõÂch obloukuÊ na konci orto-
donticke leÂcÏby donticke leÂcÏby
Fig. 4. ClinCheck - visualization of dental arches at the beginning of Fig. 5. ClinCheck - visualization of dental arches at the end of ortho-
orthodontic treatment dontic treatment e-mail: 231

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ClinChecku probõÂhajõÂ prostrÏednictvõÂm VIP programu tists. The result of this process is establishing how
(Virtual Invisalign Practice), ktery zajisÏt'uje komunikaci many stages (and thus also how many trays) are ne-
mezi leÂkarÏem a spolecÏnostõÂ Align Technology [28]. cessary in individual dental arches to achieve the
Technici spolecÏnosti Align sice prÏesneÏ plaÂnujõÂ a po- aim, description of speed and extent of movements, ti-
pisujõ jednotlive faÂze posunu zubuÊ od vyÂchozõ polohy ming of individual teeth movement, and anchorage to
k finaÂlnõÂ, ale je trÏeba braÂt v uÂvahu biologicke a biome- be used. This information is recorded in Stage Editor
chanicke zaÂkonitosti pohybu zubuÊ pomocõ foÂlioveÂho [29]. The maximum permissible speed of the move-
aparaÂtu, stejneÏ jako fakt, zÏe se jedna o pocÏõÂtacÏove pro- ment during one stage is 0.25 mm.
gramaÂtory, nikoliv o leÂkarÏe. VyÂsledkem tohoto procesu ClinCheck is a good tool for patients allowing them
je vyhodnocenõÂ, kolik faÂzõÂ a tedy i foÂliõÂ bude v jednotli- to see the whole treatment process and understand it.
vyÂch zubnõÂch obloucõÂch trÏeba k dosazÏenõÂ vyÂsledku, po- A very important role in Invisalign treatment is
pis rychlosti a velikosti posunuÊ, jakozÏto i nacÏasovaÂnõÂ played by attachments, small formations made of
pohybu jednotlivyÂch zubuÊ a model kotvenõÂ, ktereÂho composite resin on tooth surface according to a speci-
bude vyuzÏito. VsÏechny tyto informace jsou zapsaÂny fic tray. They secure better retention of the tray on teeth
v tabulkoveÂm Stage Editoru [29]. Je zde znaÂzorneÏno, needed for their movement, they also help to achieve
ve ktere faÂzi bude probõÂhat pohyb kazÏdeÂho jednotli- more effective orthodontic movement in case when
veÂho zubu v daneÂm zubnõÂm oblouku. MaximaÂlnõÂ povo- the tray pressure on a tooth is not sufficient (e.g. in ro-
lena rychlost pohybu beÏhem jedne faÂze je 0,25 mm. tation of premolars and canines, extrusion of any
ClinCheck take slouzÏõ jako dobra pomuÊcka pro pa- tooth). New attachments allow for precise perfor-
cienta, ktery si muÊzÏe po jejõÂm zhleÂdnutõ naÂzorneÏ prÏed- mance of more complex tooth movements, and thus
stavit cely pruÊbeÏh leÂcÏby a snaÂze jõ tak porozumõÂ. extend the range of indications of orthodontic therapy
with plastic appliance [30].
Velmi duÊlezÏityÂm prvkem v technice Invisalign jsou
Light cured composite resin is considered the best
attachmenty, cozÏ jsou male uÂtvary z kompozitnõ pry-
material for attachments [31].
skyrÏice zhotovene na povrchu zubuÊ podle speciaÂlnõ foÂ-
lie. Jsou pouzÏõÂvaÂny k zajisÏteÏnõÂ lepsÏõÂ retence foÂlie na zu- Esthetic perception of attachments depends on
bech potrÏebne k jejich pohybu, ale take jako pomocny their size and shape. The color of composite resin is
prvek vedoucõÂ k veÏtsÏõÂ efektiviteÏ ortodontickyÂch po- very close to the color of dentition. When the plastic
hybuÊ, kde jen tlak foÂlie na zub nestacÏõÂ (platõÂ to prÏede- appliance is adjusted, the attachments become vir-
vsÏõÂm o rotaci premolaÂruÊ a sÏpicÏaÂkuÊ, extruzi ktereÂhokoliv tually invisible.
ze zubuÊ). S vyÂvojem novyÂch typuÊ attachmentuÊ se To secure sufficient space, Invisalign uses interpro-
vylepsÏujõÂ mozÏnosti prÏesneÂho provedenõÂ slozÏiteÏjsÏõÂch ximal stripping. The extent of stripping is usually bet-
pohybuÊ zubuÊ a rozsÏirÏujõ se tak indikace ortodonticke ween 0.2 and 0.5 mm; more extensive stripping is po-
terapie pomocõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ [30]. ssible only when required by the dentist [29]. Stripping,
its timing and the choice of the most suitable teeth, is
NejvhodneÏjsÏõÂm materiaÂlem ke zhotovenõÂ attachmentuÊ
planned during ClinCheck stage, and it is described
jsou sveÏtlem tuhnoucõÂ kompozitnõÂ pryskyrÏice [31].
along with the positions of attachments in a chart
Esteticke vnõÂmaÂnõ attachmentuÊ zaÂvisõ na jejich veli- enclosed to the set of plastic aligners. Enamel reduc-
kosti a tvaru. Barva kompozitnõ pryskyrÏice, ze ktere tion must always precede the adjustment of the given
jsou zhotovovaÂny, je velmi podobna barveÏ zubuÊ. Nasa- tray specified in the chart.
zenõÂm foÂlie se naÂpadnost attachmentuÊ zmõÂrnõÂ. The changes in teeth positions may be tracked also
SysteÂm Invisalign take vyÂznamneÏ pouzÏõÂva techniku with help of superimposition of the models of dentition
zõÂskaÂvaÂnõÂ mõÂsta pomocõÂ interproximaÂlnõÂho zaÂbrusu. made prior the treatment and after the treatment is fi-
NejmensÏõ mozÏny rozsah strippingu je 0,2 mm, nejveÏtsÏõ nished. Models have different colors, the initial one is
dle nastavenõÂ programu 0,5 mm a veÏtsÏõÂ muÊzÏe byÂt na- blue, and the final teeth position is in white (Fig.6).
plaÂnovaÂn pouze na prÏaÂnõÂ osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂho leÂkarÏe. [29] Roz- After the doctor's approval of ClinCheck, 3D com-
sah zaÂbrusu, jeho nacÏasovaÂnõÂ a vyÂbeÏr nejvyÂhodneÏjsÏõÂch puter models are converted into solid models made
zubuÊ byÂva plaÂnovaÂn ve faÂzi prÏõÂpravy ClinChecku a je of resin by the process of stereolithography (SLA).
rozepsaÂn spolu s umõÂsteÏnõÂm attachmentuÊ na scheÂ- 3D object is manufactured through gradual stratifica-
matu prÏilozÏeneÂm u sady foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ. VzÏdy je tion and curing of layers. Manufacturing of plastic alig-
trÏeba redukci skloviny proveÂst prÏed nasazenõÂm dane ners is the end of the whole process. Plastic aligner is
foÂlie, ktera je na naÂkresu oznacÏena. shaped according to SLA form, cut, removed from
V ClinChecku je take mozÏne sledovat zmeÏny polohy a mold, polished, packed and sent to the client [25].
zubuÊ prÏekrytõÂm digitaÂlnõÂch modeluÊ prÏed leÂcÏbou a po je- Align Technology company holds the patent for In-
jõÂm ukoncÏenõÂ (superimpozice). Modely jsou barevneÏ visalign technology as well as about 350 patents for

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odlisÏeny, vyÂchozõÂ situace modrou barvou, finaÂlnõÂ po-

loha zubuÊ bõÂlou (Obr. 6).
Jakmile leÂkarÏ schvaÂlõÂ ClinCheck, prÏevedou se trojro-
zmeÏrne pocÏõÂtacÏove modely na fyzicke pryskyrÏicÏne mo-
dely prÏi procesu stereolitografie (SLA), cozÏ je proces
rychle vyÂroby forem. PrÏi SLA metodeÏ se trojrozmeÏrnyÂ
prÏedmeÏt vyrobõÂ postupnyÂm vrstvenõÂm a tvrzenõÂm. VyÂ-
roba foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ prÏedstavuje uÂplny zaÂveÏr celeÂho
procesu, kdy se plastove foÂlie vytvarujõ podle SLA
formy, zastrÏihnou, odstranõÂ z formy, vylesÏtõÂ, zabalõÂ
a odesÏlou [25].
SpolecÏnost Align Technology si nechala patentovat
technologii Invisalign a vlastnõÂ prÏiblizÏneÏ 350 patentuÊ
zahrnujõÂcõÂch sÏiroke spektrum technik pro skenovaÂnõÂ
zubuÊ a navrhovaÂnõÂ a vyraÂbeÏnõÂ snõÂmacõÂch foÂliovyÂch se- Obr. 6. Superimpozice posunu zubuÊ v ClinChecku
kvencÏnõÂch systeÂmuÊ. Patenty se take tyÂkajõ pocÏõÂtacÏove Fig. 6. Superimposition of teeth movement
techniky 3D modelace zubnõÂch obloukuÊ a prÏenosu dat
do praxe osÏetrÏujõÂcõÂho leÂkarÏe skrze ClinCheck. Po vy- a wide variety of methods of dentition scanning, plan-
prsÏenõÂ platnosti patentuÊ Align Technology lze ocÏekaÂvat ning and manufacturing of removable plastic sequen-
rychly naÂstup konkurencÏnõÂch systeÂmuÊ foÂliovyÂch apa- tial systems, 3D modelling of dental arches, and trans-
raÂtuÊ se snõÂzÏenõÂm jejich porÏizovacõÂ ceny [32]. fer of data via ClinCheck. After Align Technology pa-
tents expire, we can expect the launch of competing
NosÏenõÂ foÂliõÂ, retence systems of plastic aligners with lower costs and price
K docõÂlenõÂ plaÂnovaneÂho vyÂsledku terapie je ne- [32].
zbytna dobra spolupraÂce pacienta. UÂspeÏsÏneÂho po-
sunu zubuÊ dosaÂhneme prÏi nosÏenõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ mi- Wearing aligners, retention
nimaÂlneÏ 16-20 hodin denneÏ. K dosazÏenõÂ maximaÂlnõÂ To achieve the desired result of the treatment, the
efektivity je ideaÂlnõÂ pouzÏõÂvaÂnõÂ 22 hodin denneÏ. [19] VyÂ- cooperation of a patient is essential. Plastic aligners
meÏna foÂliõ se provaÂdõ zpravidla kazÏde dva tyÂdny. Jedna should be worn for at least 16 to 20 hours a day, ideally
foÂlie by tak meÏla byÂt nosÏena 300 azÏ 400 hodin [19]. for 22 hours a day [19]. The trays are exchanged
Reakce zubuÊ na puÊsobenõÂ sõÂly jsou individuaÂlnõÂ. U neÏ- usually once in a fortnight, i.e. one appliance should
kteryÂch pacientuÊ je mozÏne aparaÂt vymeÏnit drÏõÂve a na- be worn for 300 - 400 hours [19]. Response of teeth
opak u jinyÂch muÊzÏe byÂt i po dvou tyÂdnech foÂlie staÂle ak- to the force applied is individual. In some patients it
tivnõÂ [33]. Pacient by se meÏl prÏi urcÏovaÂnõÂ doby vyÂmeÏny is possible to adjust a new appliance sooner; in other
rÏõÂdit postupnou volnostõÂ foÂlie, kterou lze v dobeÏ vyÂmeÏny patients the appliance may be still active even after
na zuby lehce nasadit a sejmout. two weeks [33].
Je-li po ukoncÏenõ poslednõ faÂze jesÏteÏ nutna uÂprava In case the last stage is finished and there are still
postavenõ neÏkteryÂch zubuÊ, je mozÏne tvar poslednõ foÂlie some teeth requiring adjustment of their position, the
upravit a tõÂm ji aktivovat k posunu zubuÊ pomocõÂ termo- shape of the last appliance may be altered and thus ac-
klesÏtõÂ. Pokud je pozÏadovana korekce veÏtsÏõÂho rozsahu tivated with thermopliers. In case of a more extensive
je nezbytne zhotovit nove otisky a odeslat je ke zpraco- correction, it is necessary to make new impressions
vaÂnõ a zhotovenõ naÂslednyÂch foÂliõÂ. Jedna se o tzv. refi- and manufacture new set of trays. This is the so called
nement [33]. refinement [33].
Pro zhotovovaÂnõ retencÏnõÂch aparaÂtuÊ platõ stejna pra- For manufacturing of retainers the same rules apply
vidla jako prÏi praÂci s fixnõÂmi aparaÂty. Podle vyÂchozõÂ a vyÂ- as for the work with fixed appliances. Based on the ini-
sledne situace zhotovõÂme deskove retencÏnõ aparaÂty, tial and final condition we produce retention plates, fi-
fixnõ retainery nebo foÂliove aparaÂty ze silneÏjsÏõÂho mate- xed retainers, or plastic aligners made of thicker mate-
riaÂlu odolneÂho vuÊcÏi abrazi. rial resistant to abrasion.

DalsÏõ foÂliove systeÂmy Other systems

OrthoCaps (The TwinAligner) OrthoCaps (The TwinAligner)
JednõÂm z dalsÏõÂch zaÂstupcuÊ systeÂmu pocÏõÂtacÏem rÏõÂ- Another representative of the system of computer
zene vyÂroby foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ je neÏmecky systeÂm aided manufacture of plastic aligners is German sy-
OrthoCaps [34]. V principu se vyÂrazneÏ shoduje se sy- stem OrthoCaps [34]. In principle, it is very similar to In- e-mail: 233

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cÏ. 4. 2013 Odborna praÂce ORTODONCIE

steÂmem Invisalign. I zde ma leÂkarÏ mozÏnost ovlivnÏovat visalign system. The doctor is directly involved in mo-
pruÊbeÏh terapie. PlaÂnovaÂnõ terapie vsÏak probõÂha vzÏdy difications of treatment. However, the treatment is al-
jen na dobu seÂrie osmi foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ. Po jejich ways planned only for the sequence of eight plastic ap-
ukoncÏenõ je trÏeba zhotovit nove otisky, ktere se ode- pliances. After the therapy is finished, it is necessary to
sÏlou k naplaÂnovaÂnõÂ naÂsledneÂho postupu a zhotovenõÂ make new impressions, plan the following phase of the
dalsÏõÂch osmi seÂriõÂ foÂliõÂ. Druhou odlisÏnostõÂ od systeÂmu treatment, and manufacture another set of eight ap-
Invisalign je rezÏim nosÏenõÂ foÂliovyÂch aparaÂtuÊ. V seÂrii jsou pliances. There are two trays for one dental arch: a thin-
dodaÂny vzÏdy dveÏ foÂlie pro jeden zubnõÂ oblouk. TencÏõÂ ner and less flexible to be worn during a day, and thic-
a meÂneÏ pruzÏna na dennõ nosÏenõÂ, silneÏjsÏõ a võÂce elasticka ker and more flexible to be worn at night. The set is
na nocÏnõ pouzÏitõÂ. VyÂmeÏna seÂrie probõÂha vzÏdy po trÏech exchanged after three weeks.
tyÂdnech nosÏenõÂ.
Simply5 Simply5 [35] by Ormco is another system with indi-
Simply5 [35] od spolecÏnosti Ormco, je dalsÏõÂm sy- cation, manufacturing process and characteristic fea-
steÂmem shodujõÂcõÂm se v principu v indikaci, vyÂrobnõÂch tures similar to Invisalign. The treatment plan is prepa-
postupech i vlastnostech se systeÂmem Invisalign. LeÂ- red, after impressions or cast models of teeth are sent
cÏebny plaÂn je zhotoven na zaÂkladeÏ odeslanyÂch PVS to the company, together with the filled-in form and re-
otiskuÊ zubuÊ nebo saÂdrovyÂch modeluÊ a vyplneÏneÂho for- commendation by the doctor [35].
mulaÂrÏe s prÏedpisem leÂkarÏe [35].
ZaÂveÏr Plastic aligners are only one among the many types
FoÂliove aparaÂty jsou jen jednou variantou ortodontic- of orthodontic appliances. We have to emphasize the
kyÂch aparaÂtuÊ. Je trÏeba zduÊraznit, zÏe ve sve soucÏasne fact that today they still cannot fully substitute fixed ap-
podobeÏ nemohou plneÏ nahradit fixnõÂ aparaÂty ve vsÏech pliances in all the indications. Even the inventors of
indikacõÂch. I jejich struÊjci prÏiznaÂvajõÂ, zÏe se sami ve svyÂch plastic aligners combine and use several types of ap-
praxõÂch neomezujõÂ na pouzÏõÂvaÂnõÂ pouze jednoho typu pliances to achieve the most effective and precise re-
aparaÂtuÊ, ale kombinujõÂ jejich pouzÏitõÂ tak, aby leÂcÏba byla sults by the treatment that is as comfortable for a pa-
co nejefektivneÏjsÏõÂ, zaÂrovenÏ vsÏak preciznõÂ a pro pacienty tient as possible [9]. In cases of minor corrections
prÏõÂjemna [9]. NicmeÂneÏ prÏi korekci lehcÏõÂch a hlavneÏ neex- and treatment without teeth extraction, plastic ap-
trakcÏnõÂch prÏõÂpaduÊ se staÂvajõ foÂliove aparaÂty vyÂznamnou pliances have already become a significant esthetic al-
estetickou variantou ortodonticke terapie. ternative of traditional orthodontic therapy.

AutorÏi nemajõ komercÏnõÂ, vlastnicke nebo financÏnõ zaÂjmy na pro- Authors have no commercial, proprietary or financial interest in
duktech nebo spolecÏnostech popsanyÂch v tomto cÏlaÂnku. products or companies mentioned in the article.

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MUDr. KlaÂra BeÏlõÂkovaÂ

UÂstav klinicke a experimentaÂlnõ stomatologie
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