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ISSN: 2309-7892, Volume: 5, Issue: 1, Page: 7-11, October-December 2016

Invited Paper


*Chidratul Muntaha 1, Quock San1, 2, Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain3

[Citation: Chidratul Muntaha, Quock San, Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain (2016). Quality Parameters of Tube-Well Water of
Ramu Upazila in Cox’s Bazar District of Bangladesh. Int. J. Bus. Soc. Sci. Res. 5(1): 7-11. Retrieve from]

Received Date: 20/06/2016 Acceptance Date: 09/10/2016 Published Date: 09/10/2016

An investigation was carried out in Ramu during the period of 2013 to assess the magnitude of
important quality parameters including pH, As, Fe, EC, DO, Cl-, SO4-, NO3-, HCO3-, Fe and
Turbidity which influence the ground water quality. This is a qualitative study and this study also
find out the correlation among As and other important quality parameters. The study revealed
that the As concentration was found ranging from nil to <0.01mg/l which is far below the
Bangladesh (0.05mg/l) and WHO (0.01mg/l) standard, Mean Fe concentration showed highest
value 30.8mg/l in low depth between 20-50ft depth classes. As concentration of the ground water
was a negative correlation with depth, Fe, Turbidity, EC, NO3-, Cl- while the correlation was
positive for age, HCO3-, SO4-, pH and DO at 5% and 1% level. The study showed that ground
water quality containing these parameters in terms of depth and age is significantly different
from the union to union.
Key words: Arsenic, Correlation, Cox’s Bazar, Ground Water, Ramu.
Water is the prime and indispensable to all forms of life and it is one of the most delicate substances of
life on earth surface. To meet our basic needs for drinking, cooking, washing, irrigation, farming, etc.
water is inevitable for life on earth. It is abundant in quantity, but about 97% of the earth’s water supply
is in the sea which is salty and does not permit its use for human consumption and from the remaining
3% about 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers while the remaining only 1% is available as fresh water
both surface fresh water and ground fresh water for human consumption and other uses (Halim, 2003).
Ground water does not remain stationary but moves into various direction, water moves up above water
table by capillary action and thereby maintains a continuous supply of water to the surface layer of soil
(De, 1992). Water resources are one of the most critical and valuable components of the resources of a
nation (Siddiqui, 1992). With a marked rise in population, the demand for pure water is gradually
increasing. Still now; nearly two-thirds of the population does not have reasonable access to safe and
ample water supply (Ahmed, 1999). Wholesome water-water that is free from disease organisms,
poisonous substances and excessive amounts of mineral and organic matter and palatable water—water
that is free from color, turbidity, taste and odor and well aerated is desirable for human consumption.
Safe water is an important national issue for Bangladesh-a country with an approximate population
density of 900/km, like other countries. Bangladesh extends between 880 10΄ and 920 40΄ East longitudes
and 200 25΄ and 260΄ 38΄ North latitudes and this is the largest delta in the world. Before two decades,
surface water was the only freshwater source for Bangladesh (Rahman, et al., 2011).
In many areas of Bangladesh, the ground water also has a higher concentration of Iron (Fe), which have
also severe effects on human health and another biosphere like vegetation. The regular investigation on
water quality parameters of ground water is necessary to prevent any health hazards due to the
consumption this water. For this, the study is conducted about the quality parameters of tube-well water
from different unions of Ramu Upazila. In this study, also show the overall situations of quantitative
parameters with respect to different five unions of Ramu Upazila and spatial distributions of water
quality parameters in terms of location and depth, temporal aspect of tube-wells in relation to water
quality parameter.

*Corresponding Author’s Email:

MS in Environmental Science, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong,
Chittagong-4331, Bangladesh
Environmental Responsible, Technical Services Department (TSD), Interstoff Apparels Ltd., Chandra, Kaliakoir,
Gazipur-1751, Bangladesh
Professor, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong, Chittagong-4331,
Quality Parameters of Tube-Well Water 8

Materials and Methods

Study area
Ramu is an Upazila of Cox's
Bazar District in Bangladesh,
located at 21.4583° N 92.1000°
E, with an area of 391.71 sq.
km and the main River is
Bakkhali (Banglapeadia, 2004).
Out of the nine unions of the
Upazila, five unions, namely
Kawarkhup, Juarianala,
Fatekharkul, Rajarkul and
Kacchapiya were randomly
selected for detailed study. The
tube-wells were classified
based on the depths and sinking
age. A structured questionnaire
was used regarding the
information of tube-well age,
depth, uses, the number of
Figure 1: Map of the study area Ramu Upazila, Cox’s Bazar District
users and location of the tube-
well from the water body, filter type, motor connection and quantity of water taken daily. The
information was collected from the owner of the tube-well according to the structured questionnaire.
Secondary information like published text, scientific articles, books, magazines, journals, different
university studies, government documents, project and thesis papers on the related field were collected
from the Internet and different libraries.
Water sample collection and preservation
Ground water samples (500 ml) were randomly collected from shallow to deep tube-well of different
depth and ages in pre-washed plastic bottles to make sure that it was completely free from any
undesirable materials. The following procedures were followed for washing of bottles and collection of
the samples:
 The bottles were dipped into detergent solution overnight and then thoroughly washed with tap
 The bottles were then dried and
 The bottles were completely filled with water to the brim after pumping the tube-well for 3-4
Total 121 ground water samples, 19 from Kawarkhup, 14 fromJuarianala, 22 from Fatekharkul, 21 from
Rajarkul and 45 from Kacchapiya union Parishad area were randomly extracted. If the time elapses more
than 72-96 hours between the collection and analysis of the sample, the chemical nature of mentioned
parameters may be changed. So the preservation of the samples were essential for maintaining integrity
and stability of environmental water analysis. For proper assessment of water quality parameters and to
make the sample representative in natural pH, EC and DO were measured at the spot immediately after
collection. For chemical analysis, standard preservation techniques and methods of analysis (De, 1994;
Chatterjee, Das, &Chakraborty,1993; Chesceri, Greenberg, &Trassel,1989; Analytical Methods Manual,
1974) as listed in table 1 have been followed.
Table 1: Preservation Techniques and Methods of analysis of water samples
Parameters Preservation Techniques Methods of Analysis
pH was analyzed with the HACH® sensionTM378Multiparameters
pH No preservative
Electrical EC was analyzed with the HACH® sensionTM378Multiparameters
No preservative
Conductivity (EC) Meters
Dissolved oxygen DO was analyzed with the HACH® sensionTM378Multiparameters
No preservative
(DO) Meters
Chloride (Cl- ) Refrigerated at 4◦c Argentometric method (titration)
Sulphate (SO4-) Refrigerated at 4◦c Spectrophotometric Sulfa ver method (powder pillows)
Nitrate (NO3-) Refrigerated at 4◦c Spectrophotometric Cadmium reduction method (powder pillows)
Iron (Fe) Refrigerated at 4◦c UV-Visible spectrophotometry Phenanthroline method
Turbidity Refrigerated at 4◦c Turbidity is analyzed with the Lovibond turbidity meter
Arsenic (As) Refrigerated at 4◦c HACH Kit EZ Arsenic Test Method
Muntaha et al. 9

The samples were carefully transferred to the place of analysis with minimal and acceptable chemical
changes which was recommended for a better result. The analyses to be made were fixed, prior to
collection of samples. The water samples were tested in the Mohora Water Treatment Plant of
Chittagong water and sewerage authority (WASA) laboratory. The data of physical and chemical
properties of water were carefully recorded, compiled and finally processed in the data sheet. These data
were analyzed by using SPSS software and MS-Excel program. Statistical significance was also
considered valid at 5% and 1% level.
Mean value of water quality parameters in different unions of Ramu Upazila and Pearson correlation
coefficient of water quality parameters is given below –
Table 2: Mean value of water quality parameters in different unions of Ramu Upazila
Union Name pH EC DO Cl- SO4- NO3- HCO3- Fe Turbidity
Kawarkhup 5.90 215.96 3.99 59.01 15.21 1.02 218.89 9.13 77.22
Juarianala 6.34 197.79 1.83 57.28 12.20 1.03 182.20 3.08 9.29
Fatekharkul 6.52 504.09 5.56 143.91 17.45 2.05 342.45 3.34 16.09
Rajarkul 6.77 235.65 4.46 59.67 14.10 1.36 220.52 3.72 25.50
Kacchapiya 6.17 167.80 2.96 31.97 12.73 1.28 139.89 6.82 94.45
Ramu Upazila 6.32 251.31 3.71 64.25 14.14 1.37 207.80 6.56 55.30
Table 3: Pearson correlation coefficient of water quality parameters

Turbidity NTU
HCO3 mg/l
EC µs/cm

NO3 mg/l
Age year

SO4 mg/l
Depth ft.

DO mg/l
PH mg/l

As mg/l
Fe mg/l
Cl mg/l


1 .027 .263** .144 .204* .168 .107 .077 .141 .027 -.022 .078
Age Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .765 .003 .114 .025 .064 .239 .398 .121 .767 .811 .391
.027 1 .452** .010 -.229* .050 -.159 -.054 .058 -.322** -.359** -.034
Depth Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .765 .000 .912 .011 .585 .080 .551 .525 .000 .000 .708
.263** .452** 1 .219* .277** .215* .064 .177 .289** -.396** -.403** .188*
PH Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .003 .000 .015 .002 .018 .482 .051 .001 .000 .000 .038
.144 .010 .219* 1 .331** .959** .663** .762** .702** -.251** -.281** -.033
EC Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .114 .912 .015 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .005 .002 .720
.204* -.229* .277** .331** 1 .292** .281** .244** .391** -.139 -.151 .217*
DO Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .025 .011 .002 .000 .001 .002 .007 .000 .127 .098 .016
.168 .050 .215* .959** .292** 1 .639** .702** .706** -.278** -.324** -.015
Cl Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .064 .585 .018 .000 .001 .000 .000 .000 .002 .000 .869
.107 -.159 .064 .663 **
.281 **
.639 **
1 .511 **
.435 **
-.018 -.089 .004
SO4 Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .239 .080 .482 .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .847 .331 .969
.077 -.054 .177 .762 **
.244 **
.702 **
.511 **
1 .491 **
-.204 *
-.149 -.022
NO3 Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .398 .551 .051 .000 .007 .000 .000 .000 .024 .101 .807
.141 .058 .289 **
.702 **
.391 **
.706 **
.435 **
.491 **
1 -.262 **
-.395 **
HCO3 Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .121 .525 .001 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .004 .000 .814
.027 -.322 **
-.396 **
-.251 **
-.139 -.278 **
-.018 -.204 *
-.262 **
1 .760 **
Fe Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .767 .000 .000 .005 .127 .002 .847 .024 .004 .000 .793
-.022 -.359** -.403** -.281** -.151 -.324** -.089 -.149 -.395** .760** 1 -.063
Turbidity Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .811 .000 .000 .002 .098 .000 .331 .101 .000 .000 .493
.078 -.034 .188* -.033 .217* -.015 .004 -.022 .021 -.024 -.063 1
As Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .391 .708 .038 .720 .016 .869 .969 .807 .814 .793 .493
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
The minimum concentrations of pH, EC, DO, Cl-, SO4-, NO3-, HCO3-, Fe and Turbidity in the ground
water samples of Ramu Upazila were 5.54 mg/l, 89.9 µs/cm, 1.0 mg/l, 13.9 mg/l, 8 mg/l, 0.5 mg/l, 80
Quality Parameters of Tube-Well Water 10

mg/l, 0.9 mg/l and 1.28 mg/l respectively. The maximum concentrations of pH, EC, DO, Cl-, SO4-, NO3-,
HCO3-, Fe and Turbidity in the ground water samples of Ramu Upazila were 7.69 mg/l, 758 µs/cm, 10.3
mg/l, 220 mg/l, 25 mg/l, 3.2 mg/l, 510 mg/l, 30.8 mg/l and 306 mg/l and the average concentrations of
pH, EC, DO, Cl-, SO4-, NO3-, HCO3-, Fe and Turbidity in the ground water samples of Ramu Upazila
were found, 6.32 mg/l, 251.31 µs/cm, 3.71 mg/l, 64.25 mg/l, 14.14 mg/l, 1.37 mg/l, 207.80 mg/l, 6.56
mg/l and 55.30 mg/l. The concentration of As in the groundwater samples of Ramu Upazila was found
from nil to <0.01 mg/l which is within the acceptable limit of WHO (0.01 mg/l) and BGD (0.05 mg/l)
standard. Thus the water of this area is free from arsenic contamination. The average pH and DO value in
the ground water samples from Ramu Upazila was found 6.32 mg/l and 3.71 mg/l, which is below the
standard of pH (6.5-8.5 mg/l) and DO (4.0-6.0 mg/l) set by WHO for pH and DO in potable water. It
indicates that ground water of Ramu Upazila was not safe for drinking in terms of pH and DO. Table 2
showed that the average pH value of almost unions was not within acceptable limit except Rajarkul
union (6.77 mg/l) and Fatekharkul union (6.52 mg/l).
From the correlation coefficient analysis in table 3 between pH and DO level in ground water samples, it
was seen that there was a positive correlation which is significant at 1% level, but a negative correlation
was seen with Fe and Turbidity which was also significant at 1% level. Ground water of Ramu Upazila
contained a mean amount of 251.31 µs/cm electrical conductivity (EC) and according to the WHO
standard the permissible limit of EC is 300µ/cm, thus except Fatekharkul union (504.09 mg/l) the water
of this area is acceptable for drinking purposes. From the correlation analysis in table 3 it was showed
that there was a strong positive correlation exists with EC and among Cl-, SO4-, NO3- and HCO3- which is
significant at 1% level and a negative correlation was showed with Fe and turbidity which was also
significant at 1% level. About 64.25 mg/l of chloride was exhibited by the ground water samples of
Ramu Upazila and chloride concentrations at different unions are shown in table 3.
Cline drinking water is relatively harmless, if present in amounts below 500 mg/l (De, 1994). Our
findings indicate that chloride is not a problem for consumable ground water at Ramu Upazila. A strong
positive correlation was found with chloride and among SO4-, NO3- and HCO3- which is significant at 1%
level, a negative correlation was found with arsenic which is also significant at 1 % level. Mean SO4-
concentration in ground water samples from different unions of Ramu Upazila is presented in table 2 and
the Upazila mean was 14.14 mg/l. Both these values are well below the WHO indicated safe limit of 400
mg/l. Positive correlation was showed between SO4- and HCO3- which was significant at 1 % level.
Ground water samples of Ramu Upazila showed 1.37 mg/l of mean NO3- which was far below 10 mg/l
WHO standard for drinking water nitrate. The variation between the unions in terms of ground water
nitrate content is summarized in table 2. NO3- and SO4- of ground water had a significant positive
correlation at 1% level. About 207.80 mg/l of HCO3- was exhibited by the ground water samples of
Ramu Upazila and bicarbonate concentrations at different unions are shown in table 2 and variations of
HCO3- is observed from union to union of Ramu.
The mean Fe concentration in the ground water samples from Ramu Upazila was found 6.56 mg/l, which
is much above the standard of BGD (0.3-1.0 mg/l) and WHO (0.2 mg/l) respectively for Fe content in the
potable water. Table 2 represents average Fe status in different unions of Ramu Upazila. Both the results
showed that ground water of Ramu Upazila was not safe for drinking in terms of Fe content. From the
correlation coefficient analysis in table 3 between Fe and turbidity in ground water samples, it was seen
that there was a positive correlation which is significant at 1% level, but a negative correlation was seen
with depth, pH which is significant at 1% level. From the correlation analysis in table 3 between Fe and
As content in ground water samples, it was seen that there was a negative correlation which is not
significant at 5% and1% level.
Mean turbidity in ground water samples from different unions of Ramu is represented in table 2 and the
Upazila mean value was 55.30 mg/l which is also much above the WHO indicated the safe limit of 10
mg/l. Exceptfor Juarianala union (9.29 mg/l) based mean value of turbidity is also above the WHO
acceptable limit, so it indicates that ground water of Ramu Upazila was not safe for drinking in terms of
turbidity content. Positive correlation of turbidity with other parameters was mentioned above, but a
negative correlation was observed between turbidity and depth of the tube-well which was also
significant at 1 % level. At last, from the above discussion it can be concluded that there is a significant
variation of water quality parameters exists from the union to union of Ramu Upazila.
High-qualitygroundwater is vital to Bangladesh. Approximately two-third of the Bangladeshi’s relies on
ground water as a source of drinking water. Tube-well water from the Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar
District was analyzed to know about the sub-surface water quality special importance in the status and
concentration of As, Fe and some quality parameters like pH, DO, Turbidity, EC, Cl-, SO4-, NO3- and
HCO3- and their interim correlations. Investigation of physical and chemical properties of tube-well
water at Ramu Upazila was carried out to know whether any harmful effects caused due to consumption
Muntaha et al. 11

of ground water in drinking purpose. However, it was recommended for further research to investigate
the specific natural or anthropogenic factors contributing to iron, turbidity problems and means to
mitigate them.
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development and Management, Edited by Pandey, D. C., Anmol publication (Pvt.) Ltd, Delhi,
Anonymous, (1974). Analytical Methods Manual, Water Quality Branch, Inland Waters Directorate
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Banglapeadia, (2004).National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh.
Chatterjee, A., Das, D., Chakraborty, D. (1993). A study of groundwater contamination by arsenic in the
residential area of Behala, Calcutta due to industrial pollution, Environmental Pollution, 80(1),
Chesceri, L. S., Greenberg, A. E. and Trassel, R. R. (ED.), (1989). Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Waste Water, 19th Ed., Am. Pub. Health Assoc., Washington DC,
De, A.K., (1992). Environmental chemistry, Willy Esternedltd, 2nd Ed. Appendix-2, 172-296.
De, A.K., (1994). Environmental Chemistry, 3rd Edition, New Age International (p) Limited, India.
Halim, M. A., (2003). Study on water quality of Chittagong WASA, Institute of Marine Science,
University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Rahman, I.M.M., Islam, M.M., Hossain, M.M., Begum, Z.A., Hossain, M.S., Chowdhury, D.A.,
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Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173(1), 669–684.
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The author does wish to sincerely thank all who assisted in the preparation of this work.

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