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Do we need a genetic or academic pedigree to build up literary credibility that kindles expectancy of reading
population for getting from their purchase equivalent intellectual kick or material of refined persuation (in order to
make best of time or yet another variety now a days that seek to increase their exposure to a certain language which
has reached mythical proportion in its prowess to deliver good life just by knowing it) . Now as one seeks to answer it
therein he suddenly comes to the cross road one the ideal point for answer and second reality which looms around .
Ideally speaking any work of art should normally be judged according to what has been created by imagination and
creative processes applied by the proponent of course subject to nuances of the area involved and not be too
overburdened by the any theory of rigid structures and adherence to them ,as it would not grant any space for
creation & progress .But this is for specialists and connoisseurs of the field .When the same work is taken to general
public who have tangential ,not so deep interests in the field than it is pertinent that they are reached to not by the
refinement and novelty of what is created and understood by experts with in depth knowledge of the art but by
shallowness that provides easy way of feeling the frontier while enjoying the immersion at sidelines , now in order to
reach this category it is required that a pedigree be built and advertised .This reaching out to people on basis of
credibility being built on basis of something remotely touching the persuasions of art is in itself nuanced method of
selling (it to generalists ) and to my mind right approach for it helps keep the whole field alive by bringing in money
and help crate market space for the art to spawn further .
A Musing on word surrender Starting to Explore : Use of word Total Refuge in prayers as show of submission to Lord
Benefactor from whom one seeks deliverance from all the ills within and without , from the results of past Karma
or seeks his indulgence in acceptance of supplicants quest of material ,worldly desires ,still more there are some
who seek to shed the old in order to reach some other higher state of existence and seek the favour of Lord for
making the grade of higher refined existence .

Why Total Refuge and What is the point in total submission ? this point is best answered by dealing witht the former
part first . Total Refuge means , That the supplicant has put his entire faith in omnipotence of Lords Beneficence , he
will thus follow the saatvik conduct without fear ( of anything ) or covet material sensual objects as goal in life .
Total refuge thus leads to state where one is free from the burden of Karmic debt as his ability to pay becomes
infinite once again as he returns to His True Nature .The total refuge is necessary for a individual who seeks
deliverance from existential “realities” and wants to start anew , seeks to be on path of saatvikta as the allurement
of senses seems hard to resist, the consequences of Karma catch up and frighten , there is realization that there is
element of illusion in worldly desires and man must seek “the real” , REAL .to tread this path while living your life one
needs to make a disconnect , shedding with unnecessary conditioning of mind ,loosening which in order to attain
new is hard for a mature mind . So this concept of submission is a Ramban for all the trauma unconditioning process.
One can in fact happily live and enjoy the unconditioning process while he admires the spouting of his new being and
becomes part of the omni-will to carry on with this journey of merging and emerging as one with the nature always
pure thence forth.


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