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Water or mineral water is a staple drink for our daily life. Many of the benefits contained in
this clear water. since childhood we have been told by parents to often consume more water.

Sometimes we are rarely aware of the benefits of water. We ignore it more often and prefer
sweet drinks. Though the benefits of water alone exceeds the other beverages. Many of the
content of water is a basic requirement for our bodies. For that let us consider some of the
benefits contained in the water itself:

1. Streamlining the digestive system

Consuming enough water every day will facilitate the digestive system so that we will
avoid from digestive problems such as ulcers or constipation. Burning calories will also
run efficiently.

2. Water helps slow the growth of cancer-causing substances, plus prevent kidney stone and
liver disease. Drinking water will make the body more energized.

3. Beauty treatments
When drinking less water, the body will absorb the water content in the skin so that the
skin becomes dry and wrinkled. In addition, water can protect the skin from the outside, as
well as moisturize and nourish the skin.

4. For fertility
Increase production of testosterone in men and estrogen hormone in women. According to
research results from a thrombosis research institute in London, England, if someone
always showered with cold water then the blood circulation smoothly and the body feels
fresher and fitter. Bathing with cold water will increase the production of white blood cells
in the body and increase one's ability against virus attacks. In fact, bathing with cold water
in the morning can increase the production of testosterone in men and the hormone
estrogen in women. With so much fertility and sexual excitement will increase. In
addition, skin tissue improves, nails are healthier and stronger, not easily cracked.

5. Healthy heart
Water is also believed to be able to cure heart disease, rheumatism, skin damage, puff
disease, intestines, and feminine diseases, etc.
6. As a stroke drug
Hot water is not only used to treat various skin diseases, but also effective to treat
paralysis, such as due to stroke. Therefore, the water can help strengthen back muscles and
ligaments and facilitate the circulatory system and respiratory system. Thermal effects
cause dilation of blood vessels, promote blood circulation and tissue oxygenation, thereby
preventing muscle stiffness, relieving pain and calming the mind.

7. Relaxation effect
Try standing under the shower and feel the effect on the body. The shower falling into the
body feels like a massage and is able to relieve fatigue because it feels like a massage. A
number of alternative medicine experts say that in contact with a fountain, strolling around
a waterfall, or a river and a park with many showers, will gain the efficacy of negative
ions. Negative ions arising from the clashing water granules can alleviate pain, neutralize
toxins, fight disease, and help absorb and utilize oxygen.

8. Body straightening
Water is also removal of dirt in the body that will be faster out through the urine. For those
who want to take care of any body, drinking warm water before eating (so feeling rather
full) is one way to reduce the amount of food that enters. Moreover, water does not
contain calories, sugar, or fat. Want skinny ?, drink water only.

9. The body is more fit

Efficacy of water not only to cleanse the body but also as a substance that is needed by the
body. we may be more able to survive a shortage of food a few days rather than lack of
water. Therefore, water is a major part in the composition of the human body.

In addition to the above benefits of White Water also for our bodies are useful for:
a) Consuming plenty of water (minerals) can reduce joint pain. In the needs of the body that
covers the water needs water is needed by the cartilage following joints that normally
require water. If the bone is short of water it will be thinner and can not protect the joints
well. This causes the joints and bones pain / pain.
b) Water can help increase metabolism for the body. This can help you in the diet. Many
people think, drinking lots of water will reduce the hunger less.
c) In the water skin problem is also able to deal with problems in the skin. The water will
help repair damaged skin cells. The skin is made up of 70% water content, and if you do
not consume enough water, you may get skin problems like acne, dry skin. The skin itself
can cause additional problems such as eczema, scaling cracks, and infections.
d) The brain is the part that needs 75% water content and has shown that people suffering
from chronic dehydration may experience neurological problems. The entire nervous
system is a series of nerves through which water passes. Lack of drinking, white water can
lead to thickening of waterways, the thickening is characterized by tumbulnya problems
such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety, Depression and
even degenerative mental disorders such as Alzheimer's.
e) Water helps in the process of eliminating and trimming toxins and bacteria in the
body. This is one of the most important benefits in water itself. Detoxification can help the
body fight disease and get rid of chemicals that can damage the human organs
system. Even some types of chronic diseases.

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