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Some elites are more interested in serving themselves than the public. They corrupted 2.

6 trillion
rupiah, funds for making e-ktp, so the people of Indonesia have to wait a long time to get e-ktp.
Whereas the national identification card is a must-carry for every Indonesian aged 17 and above.
E-ktp created for address updates and other changes could be done online and fraudsters or tax
evaders will be more difficult to duplicate. However, this did not happen because about half of
the budgeted amount had been corrupted. Kpk has followed up the issue and will conduct an
investigation of about 70 names including Yasonna Laoly, and Parliament’s speaker, Golkar’s
chairman, Setya Novanto. Gamawan Fauzi, the former home affairs minister overseeing the
development and contracting of the e-KTP initiative also faces an investigation. this issue
becomes an advantage for ahok, initially ahok has faced blasphemy charges for allegedly
insulting the Quran in late September of 2016. Because this issue, blasphemy against ahok is
reduced. The question remains whether the KPK will be able to carry the case and catch so many
big fish all in one go. Judging from the previous case kpk has been successful, but it is achingly
alone in the struggle against Indonesia’s epidemic of graft. The weakness of Indonesia is the
KPK wants to fight corruption, our politicians don’t.


- Some elites are more interested in serving themselves than the public
I totally agree with this. Many officials initially gave sweet promises, but after being on
top they will forget about the promise and more selfish. This causes people to not trust
the government and are reluctant to democracy. Officials do not think of public services
and worse they do not think about the next impact.
- “It’s not the amount of money, it’s the impact,
The biggest problem of corruption is not the loss of state money but the biggest problem
is the impact on society. From an economic point of view, corruption causes high
economic costs that are ultimately charged to consumers. This happens because of unfair
distribution of funds. The next impact is that investors are not interested to invest in
countries with high levels of corruption. So there is a decrease in capital investment that
ultimately affects economic growth and reduces the State's revenue. Other impacts occur
in social terms, corruption have tremendous impact on society. The most noticeable is the
high cost of public services and the low quality of the public service. In addition,
corruption also causes increased crime. The next impact on the political side. The impact
of corruption on politics is the loss of confidence in democracy and the collapse of
people's sovereignty.

- Announcing that the senior officials were targets of the investigation tightens the noose in the
eye of the public
I strongly agree with the statement. In Indonesia, someone who is being investigated must be
big news and will be broadcast every day. This makes tightens the noose in the eye of the public
so the movement who under investigation becomes limited. Become an advantage in the
investigation process when the target of investigation tightens the noose in the eye of the
public. If the target of investigation conduct suspicious actions then the public will respond
quickly so that the process of investigation can be helped.
- “The public trusts the KPK but this is the weakness of Indonesia,” says Husodo. “The KPK wants
to fight corruption, our politicians don’t.”

The problem of corruption eradication is its politics. They do not want to get caught and
do everything possible to deceive the KPK. For example the formation of KPK special
committee that is not clear the purpose. KPK must be supported by social movement, If
not supported by social movement, forever KPK will face shocks (Sudjito, 2017). So for
that we must work together. Not only the KPK who eradicate but also ourselves.

- Corruption here is like a vicious circle,” said Fikrul. “It’s like the public domain is just a meal for
government officials.
an example of a vicious circle is 1. A common person / businessman pays bribe to government
officials for his own benefit. 2. The government official, who was once a candidate for the post,
has paid a huge amount as bribe to the head of that department for his appointment for the
post. So he is trying to recover the amount from public / businessmen. 3. The respective head of
the department has already paid a huge amount to some state or central minister. So he is
trying to recover it from his juniors. 4. The respective minister has incurred huge expenditure in
contesting elections and winning them. The huge expenditure also includes paid to common
people to cast vote in their favor. Corruption has become commonplace in Indonesia even the rt
/ rw chairman is corrupt.

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