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Neuroinflammation in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: role of

glial activation in motor neuron disease
Thomas Philips, Wim Robberecht

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Lancet Neurol 2011; 10: 253–63
are characterised by the appearance of reactive microglial and astroglial cells, a process referred to as neuroinflammation. VIB Vesalius Research Center,
In transgenic mouse models of mutant SOD1-associated familial ALS, reactive microglial cells and astrocytes actively Leuven, Belgium (T Philips MSc,
Prof W Robberecht MD); and
contribute to the death of motor neurons. The biological processes that drive this glial reaction are complex and have
Laboratory of Neurobiology,
both beneficial and deleterious effects on motor neurons. Therapeutic interventions targeting these cells are being Department of Neurology,
explored. An improved understanding of the biological processes that cause neuroinflammation will help to define its K U Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
medical importance and to identify the therapeutic potential of interfering with this reaction. (T Philips, W Robberecht)
Correspondence to:
Prof Wim Robberecht, Neurology
Introduction humans and in animal models) are likely to be relevant to
Department, University Hospital
Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, studies of sporadic ALS. Leuven, Herestraat 49,
Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis A common characteristic of ALS and other 3000 Leuven, Belgium
(ALS) represent a biomedical challenge; their frequent neurodegenerative disorders is the occurrence of a wim.robberecht@uz.
occurrence in the growing population of elderly people neuroinflammatory reaction consisting of activated glial
has become a concern for western health-care systems. cells, mainly microglia and astrocytes, and T cells. This
Identification of strategies for treatment of these inflammatory reaction has recently received attention as
disorders is an important task for translational an unexpected potential target for the treatment of these
neuroscience. ALS is a degenerative disorder, mainly but diseases. For ALS, knowledge of the contribution of
not exclusively affecting the motor neurons in the spinal microglia, astrocytes, and inflammatory T cells to the
cord, brainstem, and cortex. This degeneration results in degeneration of motor neurons has expanded greatly, and
fasciculations, muscle weakness and muscle atrophy, has resulted in clinical trials of drugs targeting
and hyper-reflexia with spasticity. Although the course of neuroinflammatory processes in patients with ALS. In
ALS is variable, median survival of patients is less than this Review, we attempt to address the clinical importance
3 years. A minority of patients with ALS have concomitant of this neuroinflammatory response in patients with ALS.
frontotemporal dementia, but more subtle frontal
executive difficulties occur in many.1 Key players in neuroinflammation
The disease is familial in 10% of patients and is usually Microglia are of mesenchymal origin and are the resident
characterised by a dominant pattern of inheritance. macrophages in the nervous system; they constantly
Several ALS-causing genes (in familial ALS) or ALS- monitor the extracellular environment, closely interact
associated genes (in sporadic and familial ALS) have been with astrocytes and neurons, and can be identified as
identified.2 Mutations in SOD1 are by far the most ramified CD11b (also known as ITGAM) expressing cells.
common cause of familial ALS (20%), whereas mutations Microglia are activated by a range of signals,11 and are the
in TARDBP (5%), FUS (5%), and ANG (<1%) are less first line of defence against infection or injury to the
common. VCP3 and OPTN4 mutations have been recently nervous system. Although the microglial response is
added to the steadily growing list of genes associated with diverse, generally, upon activation, microglia acquire an
ALS. Mice and rats that overexpress the human mutant amoeboid appearance and secrete proinflammatory
superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) protein are used molecules such as tumour necrosis factor (TNF) α,
extensively to study ALS;5,6 they develop adult-onset, interferon γ, and interleukin 1β; they upregulate oxidant
progressive, and ultimately fatal muscle weakness and molecules such as NO and O2, which can protect against
atrophy, caused by prominent motor-neuron degeneration. invading organisms. This proinflammatory reaction clears
Mice and rats with mutant forms of TAR DNA binding hazards and repairs any damage, and resolves when anti-
protein 43 (TDP-43) have become available only recently.7,8 inflammatory molecular networks outweigh proinflam-
The cause of sporadic ALS remains unknown and no matory molecular networks, a hitherto poorly understood
reliable animal model for this form of the disease is shift. Trophic and anti-inflammatory factors such as
available. Conformational changes similar to those in insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), interleukin 4, and
mutant SOD1 have been seen in wild-type SOD1 from interleukin 10, also released by microglia, contribute to
samples of spinal cord from patients with sporadic ALS, repair and limitation of inflammation. Microglial
suggesting that modified wild-type SOD1 could contribute proinflammatory or anti-inflammatory processes are
to its pathogenic mechanism.9 Of note, most patients influenced by surrounding astrocytes and inflammatory
with sporadic ALS have TDP-43-containing inclusions in T-cell subsets, which can affect their phagocytic and
their motor neurons, despite not harbouring mutations antigen-presenting cell properties. Microglia can thus exert
in this protein.10 Findings from studies of familial ALS (in a deleterious (so-called M1 microglia) and a benign Vol 10 March 2011 253


(so-called M2 microglia) function, depending on their parenchymous microglia acquire properties of antigen-
intrinsic properties, interaction with the cellular presenting cells, shown by upregulation of the expression
microenvironment, and presence of pathogenic factors.11–14 of markers such as CD11c (also known as ITGAX), CD86,
Astrocytes are ectodermal cells and are probably about and intracellular adherin molecule 1 (ICAM1);17,30–32 this
ten times as numerous as neurons. Astroglial cells have suggests that these microglia interact closely with the
many complex functions in the nervous system, such as T-cell infiltrates.17,30,31
regulating extracellular neurotransmitter concentrations, In spinal cords of patients with ALS, astrocytosis is not
exerting metabolic or ionic homoeostatic functions, and restricted to the ventral horn but is also evident in the
providing trophic support for surrounding neurons.15 dorsal horn and at sites where fibres of the corticospinal
Astroglial activation is characterised by a prominent tract enter the grey matter.28 In the brain, astrocytosis
increase in expression of the intermediate filament glial occurs in both cortical grey matter26 and subcortical white
fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and the marker aldehyde matter,27 and is not restricted to the motor cortex.
dehydrogenase 1 family, member L1 (ALDH1L1). Microgliosis occurs in the motor cortex, the motor nuclei
Astrocytes are not immune cells per se, but can, in specific of the brainstem, along the corticospinal tract, and in the
conditions, contribute to the immune response.16 ventral horn of the spinal cord29 where microglia might
Several other cell types are associated with interact with T-cell infiltrates.23 These findings from
neuroinflammation. First, T cells are key contributors to studies of human beings are based on post-mortem
this reaction. T-cell subpopulations that infiltrate the tissue and thus represent the final stages of the disease.
CNS modulate the neuroinflammatory reaction Study of microglial activation is difficult during early
differently, depending on stage of disease progression.17,18 disease states and during disease progression. By use of
Second, NG2 (also known as CSPG4) expressing glial ¹¹C-PK11195 PET imaging, Turner and colleagues33
cells, oligodendrocyte precursor cells that are widely identified in-vivo microglial activation in the motor
distributed in the adult nervous system, have been cortices, dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, and thalami of
reported to differentiate into astrocytes and even neurons patients with ALS; there was a significant association
in specific conditions;19,20 their role in neuroinflammation between microgliosis and damage to upper motor
is still poorly understood, as is the role of oligodendrocytes. neurons, but not to lower motor neurons.33 This technique
Third, the roles of ependymal and subependymal could be applicable to the study of microgliosis in patients
(precursor) cells in the glial reaction and in neuro- with ALS over time, to assess the relation between
degeneration are poorly understood.21 microgliosis and disease progression. An association
In neurodegenerative diseases, the neuroinflammatory between systemic immune activation and rate of disease
reaction is not transient, but sustained, probably because progression was detected.34
of the persistent presence of its precipitating factor. In Changes during disease progression have been studied
the familial dominant forms of these disorders, this in rodent models (figure 1A–F). In G93A mutant SOD1
factor is believed to be the disease-causing mutant protein transgenic mice, microglial cells become activated before
(eg, amyloid β1–42 for Alzheimer’s disease, mutant motor neurons disappear from the lumbar spinal cord at
α-synuclein for Parkinson’s disease, and mutant SOD1 about 90 days of age, and thus well before clinical disease
for ALS). This inflammatory reaction, which is supposed onset.24,25 Astrocytic activation occurs concomitantly with
to combat the precipitating factor, is believed to turn into a decrease in neuronal cell bodies.35 Of note, astrocytosis
a hazardous process and contribute to neuronal damage. is initially most prominent in the ventral horn
(figure 1D–F). Numbers of activated microglia and
Glial activation in ALS astrocytes increase further until the end stage of
Many studies have characterised the activation of disease.25,30 Increase in the number and activation of
microglia and astrocytes, and the appearance of myeloid cells is not restricted to the CNS: activated
lymphocytes in post-mortem tissue of patients with ALS macrophages are readily detected in the sciatic nerve of
and in the spinal cord of transgenic mice that express a SOD1-mutant mice, from the presymptomatic stage of
mutant form of human SOD1.22–29 Clear upregulation of disease onwards.36 In SOD1 G93A mice, an increase in
expression of CD11b, IBA1 (ionised calcium-binding T-cell numbers occurs concomitantly with microglial
adapter molecule 1), and CD68 markers for microglia, activation, similar to that seen in human beings.17,18 Some
and of GFAP and ALDH1L1 markers for astrocytes, is discrepancy regarding the nature of this increase in
reported consistently. Additionally, these cells change T cells exists: one study reported an increase in both
their morphological appearance from a so-called CD4+ and CD8+ T cells early in disease,17 whereas another
surveying state, characterised by a small cell body and study detected only CD8+ cytotoxic T cells at end-stage
thin processes, to an activated state, characterised by disease.18 During this process of activation, microglia and
enlargement of the cell body and thickening of processes. astrocytes upregulate expression of a whole subset of
Microglial activation is associated with infiltration of cell-surface markers—chemokines and cytokines.
helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells.23 Concomitant with Several studies have shown that an increased number
increased infiltration of inflammatory T cells, of microglial cells results from local proliferation of

254 Vol 10 March 2011




Figure 1: Microgliosis and astrogliosis in the pathogenesis of ALS

At the asymptomatic stage of disease (postnatal day 40) of G93A mutant SOD1 transgenic mice, ramified microglia are in a surveying state, expressing low amounts
of microglial activation markers, such as ionised calcium-binding adapter molecule 1 (Iba1; A). At onset, the number of microglia increases and they acquire an
amoeboid morphology. They increase levels of microglial activation markers and become more reactive (B). At the end stage of disease, many amoeboid microglia are
present throughout the ventral horn of the spinal cord (C). Resting astrocytes express low amounts of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), if any, at the asymptomatic
disease stage (D). Astrocytes increase the expression of GFAP when activated and become more reactive, acquiring a thick cell body from which thick processes
extend (E). Astrocytosis is even more prominent at the end stage of disease, with highly reactive GFAP-expressing astrocytes throughout the entire ventral horn (F).
Scale bar represents 100 μm in large panels and 20 μm in insets. ALS=amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

resident microglia.30,37 Although microglial turnover is is similar to what happens in experimental stroke or after
very low in normal conditions, proliferation increases spinal-cord injury, whereby ependymal cells lining the
greatly in a mouse model of ALS.30 Studies of lateral ventricle or central canal, respectively, can give
transplantation of bone-marrow cells in lethally irradiated rise to astrocytes.46,47 One study did not find evidence for
SOD1-mutant mice suggest that myeloid precursor cells such increase in SOD1-mutant mice, but more studies
are recruited from the blood, infiltrate the spinal cord, are needed to clarify the contribution of these cells to the
and differentiate, and thus contribute to microgliosis.36–39 glial reaction.
However, this finding is likely to be an artifact of the
breakdown of the blood–brain barrier by irradiation or Effects of glial cells on motor-neuron
engraftment of progenitors in the bloodstream, which degeneration
are absent under normal conditions.40,41 Even after SOD1-mutant mice with motor-neuron degeneration
irradiation and transplantation, contribution of blood- express the transgene ubiquitously. Selective expression
derived cells to parenchymatous-myeloid-cell populations of mutant SOD1 in motor neurons did not result in loss
is small and is likely to be limited to perivascular cells, of motor neurons48,49 or gave rise to mild abnormalities
both in healthy and diseased cells.37,42 only.50,51 Selective expression in astrocytes or microglia
Unlike microglia, astrocytes do not proliferate as the did not result in motor-neuron degeneration either.52,53
disease progresses in SOD1-mutant mice.30,43 These cells These studies provided evidence that expression in motor
differentiate from GFAP-negative precursor cells, or neurons is necessary, but that surrounding cells play an
alternatively, resident astrocytes upregulate expression of important part in motor-neuron degeneration. The
this filament above the detection limit when activated in notion that motor-neuron death is non-cell autonomous
disease conditions. Candidate precursors are was supported further by a study that used chimeric mice
(sub)ependymal cells, radial glia, and oligodendrocyte in which only some cells expressed mutant SOD1.54
precursor cells expressing NG2. NG2 cells generate Direct evidence for a role of non-neuronal cells in
astrocytes in vitro44 and during embryonic development,20 rodent models of ALS came from experiments on mice
but they do not seem to be able to generate them in the that expressed mutant SOD1 that could be deleted in a
adult CNS.19,45 Ependymal cells, which line the central cell-specific way. Selective deletion of mutant SOD1
canal of the spinal cord, are known to have stem-cell-like from motor neurons, or neurons generally, delayed
characteristics and might contribute to an increase in the disease onset or onset and early disease, respectively.55,56
number of astrocytes in patients with ALS. This increase This result agreed with the finding that selective Vol 10 March 2011 255


delivery of small interfering RNA against human SOD1 The contribution of astrocytes has been investigated in
to motor neurons of SOD1-mutant mice delayed disease transplantation studies, albeit to a lesser degree than for
onset, but did not modify the disease course once microglia. Wild-type glial-restricted precursor cells have
started.57 Conversely, diminished expression of mutant been transplanted in the cervical spinal cord of SOD1-
SOD1 in myeloid cells or astrocytes significantly slowed mutant rats.63 These cells differentiated into GFAP-
disease progression rather than onset.55,56 Of note, expressing astrocytes and rescued motor neurons, leading
deletion of mutant SOD1 from myeloid cells results in to a significant increase in survival.63 Increased glutamate
loss of mutant SOD1 not only in microglial cells in the scavenging activity of glial-restricted precursor cells might
CNS, but also in peripheral macrophages, such as those underlie this benefit. Whether and how microglia and
in the sciatic nerve, which might contribute to the astrocytes functionally interact is unknown; both cell
increase in survival.36 types release factors that can influence the other.55,64
A series of sophisticated transplantation experiments Results from most of these studies suggest that mutant
further substantiated the role of microglia. Mutant-SOD1- proteins in motor neurons determine disease onset and
expressing PU–/– neonatal mice, which lack myeloid cells, early stages of disease, whereas mutant SOD1 in
T cells, and B cells, were transplanted with wild-type- microglia and astrocytes mainly determines disease
SOD1 bone marrow. All myeloid cells in these mice were progression and duration. However, in chimeric mice
wild-type donor-derived, whereas all host cells expressed that express mutant SOD1 in all oligodendrocytes and
mutant SOD1; this significantly slowed disease motor neurons, and in various other neuronal and non-
progression and improved survival.52 neuronal cells, onset of disease was significantly delayed
Several studies report inhibition of myeloid-cell in comparison with mice that ubiquitously express
proliferation by treating mice expressing thymidine mutant SOD1, and thus was not determined by expression
kinase with ganciclovir, under control of the CD11b of mutant SOD1 in motor neurons only.65 Similarly, in
promoter. In models for Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and some models, expression of mutant SOD1 in microglia
infection, ablation of proliferating microglia significantly and astrocytes determined disease onset or early disease
worsened the phenotype.58–60 By contrast, in SOD1-mutant stage, which could have been mediated by absence of
mice this significantly reduced the number of activated potential neuroprotective residual dismutase activity in
microglia (and astrocytes), but did not rescue motor dismutase-inactive SOD1-mutant mice.64,66
neurons or their axons.30
Contribution of microglia to motor-neuron degeneration Factors that influence the neuroinflammatory
seems to be T-cell dependent.61 T cells in the CNS are response
rarely detected at early disease stages, but readily infiltrate A wide range of factors has been suggested to induce a
the spinal cord as disease progresses (figure 2A–C).17,18 neuroinflammatory response in patients with ALS and to
When T cells are depleted in SOD1-mutant mice (by mediate the hazardous and beneficial effects of glial cells
crossbreeding them with RAG2–/– knockout mice [also on motor neurons.67 Chemokines such as chemokine
deleting B cells] or with CD4–/– knockout mice [only (C-C) motif ligand 2 (CCL2) are greatly upregulated in
deleting CD4+ T cells]), disease course (but not onset) is spinal cords of SOD1-mutant mice and of patients with
significantly worsened.18 CD11b-positive immunoreactivity ALS.31,32 Similarly, colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) is
of microglia in these animals is greatly reduced, but the increased greatly in spinal cords of SOD1-mutant mice.68
cells that are present can become highly active, because These factors could contribute to the increased
they express more proinflammatory factors such as Nox2 proliferation and activation of microglia. Treatment of
(also known as CYBB) and TNFα.18 Transplantation of SOD1-mutant mice with CSF1, which increases microglial
bone marrow from either mutant or wildtype SOD1 proliferation and expression of phagocytotic and
donors antagonised this worsening. A similar worsening proinflammatory cytokines, exacerbated disease.69 By
of disease was noted when deleting the T-cell receptor b contrast, in an APP(Swe)/PS1 mouse model of
subunit from mutant SOD1 mice.17 By contrast, adoptive Alzheimer’s disease, CSF1 treatment decreased amyloid-β
transfer of activated T regulatory cells or T effector cells burden and cognitive loss, thus increasing neuro-
from wild-type donor mice delayed loss of motor function protection.70 This finding shows a dual role for microglia
and extended survival.62 Thus (CD4+) T cells, regardless in neurodegeneration, mediating neuroprotective action
of whether they express a mutant protein or not, are versus neurotoxic action depending on interaction with
protective in this model of ALS, by enhancing the M2 their surroundings and timing of activation.
character of microglia over their M1 character (figure 2B). A logical assumption is that damaged motor neurons
This dual action of microglia most probably explains why initiate the inflammatory response. A good candidate for
simple ablation of microglia in SOD1-mutant mice does a possible messenger associated with induction of the
not affect disease course; the contribution of T cells might neuroinflammatory state of microglia and astrocytes is
change over time. Cytotoxic T cells at the end stage of mutant SOD1. Mutant SOD1, but not wild-type SOD1, is
disease can predominate, explaining why such released by motor neurons through a chromogranin
neuroprotective action ultimately fails (figure 2C).18 chaperone-like process.71 In-vitro data suggest that this

256 Vol 10 March 2011


Blood vessel Inflammatory T cell Th

Th Tc
+ + Tc ?

– –

Microglia Astrocyte

– – – –

+ + + + + +

Motor neuron

Figure 2: Interaction of inflammatory T cells with microglia and astrocytes during ALS pathogenesis
At asymptomatic disease stage, almost no T cells are present in the spinal cord; surveying glial cells are not activated and they scan the surrounding
microenvironment and resolve microdamage in the spinal cord (A). At early disease stages, some inflammatory T cells infiltrate the spinal cord from the blood. These
T cells are mainly CD4-expressing helper T cells that interact with surrounding astrocytes and microglia; their neuroprotective effects (thick arrow, +) outweigh their
neurotoxic action (dashed arrow, –), because deletion of inflammatory T cells increases expression of proinflammatory markers and decreases levels of
neuroprotective GLT1 and GLAST (B). At the end stage of disease, more T cells infiltrate the spinal cord, of which a substantial proportion are cytotoxic T cells. These
cells could mediate production of a net neurotoxic non-neuronal environment (thick arrows, –) instead of a net neuroprotective non-neuronal environment (dashed
arrows, +), surrounding motor neurons and resulting in increased motor-neuron death (C). Th=helper T cell. Tc=cytotoxic T cell.

extracellular mutant SOD1 exerts a toxic action on motor disease;18 they modulate the contribution of astrocytes to
neurons, but only in the presence of microglial cells via a the inflammatory response by modulating their levels of
CD14–TLR (toll-like receptor) mediated mechanism, GLT1 expression and release of neurotrophic factors.18
increasing levels of reactive oxygen species.72 In-vivo Overexpression of mutant SOD1 seems to make
overexpression of chromogranin A accelerates disease microglia more neurotoxic than wild-type or non-
progression by increasing the amount of misfolded SOD1 transgenic microglia.55,76 Many studies have reported
species.73 To investigate whether chromogranins also play aberrant expression of a range of proinflammatory
a part in human ALS, a genetic association study of single cytokines such as interleukin 1β and TNFα by cultured
nucleotide polymorphisms in chromogranin genes was microglia that express mutant SOD1.77,78 Similarly, many
done. A chromogranin B variant (P413L) was shown to be types of proinflammatory mediators are increased in
a risk factor and a modifier of disease onset for patients patients with ALS and in rodent models.68,79–82 Additionally,
with ALS.74 Disappointingly, a recent study did not levels of superoxide and nitrite or nitrate might increase
confirm these results.75 because of elevated levels of NADPH oxidase and nitric
Microglia in the spinal cords of patients with ALS oxide synthase 2 (NOS2) activity, respectively.52,83 Reactive
upregulate the expression of antigen-presenting and oxygen species and nitrate compounds induce lipid
dendritic cell markers, such as CD86 and CD11c, possibly peroxidation and protein carbonylation, impeding
linking microglial activation to T-cell activation. Reduction integrity and function of neurons and glial cells.
in the number of T cells results in a substantial increase Increased expression of cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX2), an
in the expression of neurotoxic molecules such as Nox2 important enzyme for proinflammatory-prostanoid
and TNFα, and a concomitant reduction in neurotrophic synthesis, has been reported both in patients with ALS
factors such as IGF1, glial-cell-derived neurotrophic and in SOD1-mutant mice.84 The prostaglandin inhibitors
factor (GDNF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor celecoxib and nimesulide were efficient in delaying
(BDNF), and GLT1 (also known as SLC1A2) and GLAST disease onset and improving survival of SOD1-mutant
(also known as SLC1A3);17,18 this might explain the mice, by blocking COX2 activity.85,86 However, the drugs
beneficial effect of T cells. CD4+ T cells express high did not affect disease progression, which is a more
levels of the anti-inflammatory factor interleukin 4, which relevant parameter when extrapolating results from
might induce the neuroprotective phenotype in the mouse trials to human studies.
surrounding microglia.17 Of note, T cells also influence Another interesting system is the Fas pathway; it links
astroglial cell behaviour, reducing their GFAP expression microglial function to oxidative molecules such as NO,
at early stages of disease, but not at the end stage of and to an apoptotic pathway to which motor neurons seem Vol 10 March 2011 257


to be particularly sensitive.87 The role of the NADPH- Surprisingly, microglia expressing mutant SOD1 can
oxidase subunits of the NADPH-oxidase complex is also increase expression of factors that confer
notable; expression of mutant SOD1 increases the neuroprotection. These microglia can increase expression
activation of the Nox2 (also known as GP91-PHOX) of IGF1 in vivo,17 although its release reduced levels in
subunit of this complex, which leads to elevated levels of vitro.76 Adeno-associated-virus-mediated delivery of IGF1
reactive oxygen species.88 Inhibition or deletion of NADPH increases survival of SOD1 G93A mice.103,104 Similarly,
oxidase leads to a substantial delay in disease progression microglia upregulate expression of the neuroprotective
and an increase in survival of SOD1-mutant mice, as molecule progranulin as disease progresses.105,106
reported by some researchers,88,89 but not all,83 most likely Therefore, unselective targeting of microglia, and
because of the genetic background differences between inhibition of their hazardous effects and their protective
the mice used for this latter study. In mouse models of properties, might not be an effective strategy against
Alzheimer’s disease, Nox2 activation is upregulated in motor-neuron degeneration.
response to accumulation of amyloid β. Treatment of Pathways through which activated astrocytes might
these mice with ibuprofen attenuated activation of contribute to motor-neuron death are beginning to
NADPH oxidase and microgliosis, and prevented oxidative emerge. Mutant SOD1 seems to result in a loss of the
damage and increased plaque clearance.90 normal beneficial effects of astrocytes on motor neurons,
Many other studies have focused on the role of a (usually and in the release of toxic factors by activated astrocytes.
single) potentially relevant proinflammatory factor Normally, astrocytes protect neurons from excitotoxicity, a
associated with microglial neurotoxicity. Generally, deletion mechanism believed to play a pathogenic part in both
of one factor (eg, TNFα,91 interleukin 1β,78,82 or NOS292,93) human ALS and rodent models (figure 3A–B).107 This
resulted in either no or a small effect on survival, and protective action seems to be compromised in patients
furthermore, the results were sometimes dependent on with ALS and in SOD1-mutant mice; there is a significant
the SOD1 mutation studied;78,82,92,93 it is likely that targeting decrease in expression of the glutamate transporter EAAT2
a single factor is insufficient because of functional (GLT1 in mice).108–111 Normally functioning presynaptic
abundance and compensation. For example, TNFα signals neurons can modulate astrocytic GLT1 or EAAT2 levels by
through different receptors and mediates different inducing recruitment of astroglial kappa B-motif binding
functional effects depending on location and timing of phosphoprotein (KBBP) factor to the GLT1 promotor,
expression. These differences might explain why deletion increasing GLT1 expression.112 Reduction of neuronal
of TNFα expression in a SOD1-mutant mouse (G37R) did signalling after a neurodegenerative insult will result in
not affect the disease,91 but inhibition of its action at a reduced transcription of the glutamate transporter. Raised
specific disease stage is more successful. Moreover, other glutamate concentrations in the synaptic cleft, which
factors could compensate for the absence of TNFα, as result from this loss of scavenging function, might
shown with interleukin 1β and toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2), overstimulate AMPA and NMDA receptors on motor
which are upregulated after TNFα is knocked out.91 neurons, resulting in increased entry of calcium into
Conversely, treating SOD1-mutant mice with anti- motor neurons and cell death.113 Overexpression of GLT1
inflammatory drugs that might have effects on several in astrocytes114 or increasing its expression by treatment
aspects of the inflammatory response has proven to be with ceftriaxone115 positively affected motor-neuron
efficacious. Treatment of SOD1-mutant mice with degeneration in SOD1-mutant mice. An increase in
nordihydroguaiaretic acid, thalidomide, or lenalidomide, EAAT2 function might also explain the beneficial effect of
which all inhibit TNFα production but also modulate transplantation of glial-restricted precursor cells into the
other cytokine expression levels, delayed disease onset spinal cords of SOD1-mutant rats.63 Furthermore,
and improved survival.94,95 Lenalidomide was even astrocytes normally reduce the Ca²+ permeability of AMPA-
successful in extending survival when given after disease type glutamate receptors by inducing the expression of the
onset, which is of relevance for many patients with ALS Glur2 (also known as Gria2) subunit in motor neurons.116
for which treatment can be started only after symptom This action is stopped in the presence of mutant SOD1,
onset.96 Minocycline, an anti-inflammatory drug that making motor neurons vulnerable to excitotoxicity.116
non-specifically affects microglial activation, significantly These studies suggest that astrocytes protect motor
improved lifespan of SOD1-mutant mice.97–99 Thus, neurons from excitotoxic cell death, a function that is lost
inhibition of the inflammatory reaction generally, rather in the presence of mutant SOD1.
than targeting a specific inflammatory mediator, seems Astrocytes modulate neuronal integrity by release of
to be more effective. Disappointingly, a study in mice neurotrophic factors, of which GDNF, BDNF, IGF1, and
using optimised biological parameters failed to reproduce vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are well
the previously published results of these drugs.100 studied examples. Exogenous administration of these
Additionally, almost all of these compounds affected factors increases survival of motor neurons in the mutant
disease onset in mice, but not disease progression. Not SOD1 model.103,104,117–119
surprisingly, therefore, the results from clinical trials of Apart from losing their normal beneficial effects on
minocycline and celecoxib were negative.101.102 neurons, astrocytes affected by ALS also seem to release

258 Vol 10 March 2011


factors that are hazardous to motor neurons. In vitro,

mutant SOD1-expressing astrocytes release more
neurotoxic factors than do wild-type expressing Astrocyte
astrocytes;120,121 researchers excluded many potential
neurotoxic mediators, but the toxic factors still need GLT1
identification. Similar to microglia, astrocytes upregulate
expression of NOS2, promoting generation of reactive KBBP
oxygen and nitrogen species.122 Increase in expression of
GLT1 3
molecules related to oxidative stress could be countered 1 2
by astrocytic upregulation of the antioxidant Nrf2 (also
known as NFE2L2), which delays disease onset in SOD1-
mutant mice.123 NMDA

From animal models to therapeutic strategies AMPA

Results from many studies investigating beneficial 4

effects of immune-active or anti-inflammatory Presynaptic terminal Postsynaptic terminal
compounds, and of transplantation of myeloid (and
astroglial) cells in mice and rats, have encouraged
clinicians to explore the neuroinflammatory response in Astrocyte
patients with ALS as a potential therapeutic target; so far,
results of these studies have been disappointing. General GLT1
immunosuppression or immunomodulation (using
cyclophosphamide, ciclosporin, interferon beta, and
many others) was reported to be ineffective, although
some studies were probably underpowered. Compounds 5
with specific targets such as minocycline, believed to
reduce microglial activation,97–99 or celecoxib, a COX2
inhibitor,85,86 were studied in patients with ALS because
of beneficial effects on disease onset in mice, but were
reported to be ineffective.101,102 These findings might not AMPA
be surprising, because these drugs did not affect disease
progression in animal models, but only delayed onset. Presynaptic terminal 7 Postsynaptic terminal
Antioxidants such as vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, and
creatine, used to scavenge toxic mediators of Figure 3: Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity at the synapses between presynaptic and postsynaptic motor
neuroinflammation, were ineffective.124–126 Results from neurons
Presynaptic neurons can induce KBBP translocation in astrocytes (A; 1), leading to increased transcription of GLT1
two studies using ONO-2506 (ONO, Osaka, Japan), a transporters, which are expressed on the membrane of these cells (2). GLT1 takes up extracellular glutamate,
molecule believed to enhance the protective effect of protecting motor neurons from excitotoxicity. Astrocytes also regulate AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit levels (yellow)
astrocytes, were negative (Ludolph A, University Hospital on postsynaptic motor neurons, which makes motor neurons less vulnerable to overstimulation by glutamate
and Medical Faculty of Ulm, Germany, personal (3 and 4). In the presence of mutant superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), presynaptic regulation of GLT1 expression by
KBBP (B; 5) and GluR2 regulation (6) are decreased dramatically, increasing vulnerability of motor neurons to
communication). Treatment with glatiramer acetate, a glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity. Increased concentrations of glutamate in the synaptic cleft overstimulate
compound that modulates microglial function, was AMPA and NMDA receptors, leading to an increase in motor-neuron death (7). KBBP=kappa B-motif binding
negative.127 A trial investigating the effect of ceftriaxone phosphoprotein. AMPA=amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid. NMDA=N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid.
is ongoing.128
Correction of the motor-neuron microenvironment has be of benefit for familial and perhaps sporadic cases of
been attempted in a study in which patients underwent ALS remains to be investigated.
whole-body irradiation and systematic bone-marrow Why do we have such problems translating findings
transplantation to replace endogenous microglial cells from robust animal studies into useful treatments for
with exogenous (non-ALS) microglial cells. No survival patients? First, all the animal studies in which
benefit was noted.129 Studies investigating the feasibility encouraging results were obtained used the SOD1-
of non-ALS-astroglial-cell transplantation (eg, by mutant mouse model for familial ALS; however, most
transplantion of glial-cell-restricted precursor cells) are patients in clinical trials have sporadic ALS. Second,
underway; non-genetic downregulation of mutant SOD1 very homogeneous cohorts of mice (eg, in terms of
expression in microglia might be possible. Treatment of genetics, food exposure, age) are used in treatment
SOD1-mutant mice with activated protein C significantly trials, whereas even in well designed studies of patients
improves survival because of diminished mutant SOD1 with ALS, the study population is surprisingly
concentrations in motor neurons and other cells, heterogeneous. Third, treatment of mice is usually
including microglia.130 Whether a similar approach will initiated before disease onset, whereas patients often Vol 10 March 2011 259


Furthermore, we need to elucidate whether findings

Search strategy and selection criteria for references from the mutant SOD1 model apply to other forms of
We searched Pubmed for published works using the following ALS. Is the same contribution of the neuroinflammatory
search terms: “microglia,” “astrocytes”, “inflammation”, reaction seen in motor-neuron degeneration associated
“motor neuron degeneration”, and “amyotrophic lateral with mutant TDP-43 and mutant FUS? Mouse models
sclerosis”. Only reports published in English, between used for studies of neuroinflammation overexpress
January, 1990, and December, 2010, that had clear in-vivo mutant SOD1; do findings hold in models in which one
relevance, and had potential for translation into human copy of the mutant protein is present, such as is the case
beings were included. for human familial ALS, and in conditions in which there
is no mutant protein, such as in sporadic ALS? Do non-
neuronal cells contribute in the same way and to the
have had the disease for years before experimental same extent in sporadic disease? Absence of an
treatment is started. Fourth, reported effects are often experimental model for sporadic ALS makes this very
related to disease onset and survival. Many studies difficult to study.
showed no benefit on disease progression, which is the Crucial to the question of whether the neuro-
only relevant parameter for patients who already have inflammatory reaction is a relevant therapeutic target
the disease. Additionally, many studies of mice were in humans is the development of a biomarker that
probably not very robust in their outcomes, because the allows investigation of this response in patients from
number of mice included in these studies was too disease onset, and during progression of motor-neuron
small. Fifth, aside from offering a clinical benefit, very degeneration. Imaging studies using microglial or
few treatment strategies have been assessed to establish astrocytic ligands might provide such important
whether they actually have the intended biological information. Inflammatory markers in the CSF are
effect. Sixth, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alternatives.
differences between mice and humans are almost never Finally, although almost all neurodegenerative diseases
taken into account. Often, dosing and bioavailability are characterised by a neuroinflammatory reaction, there
have not been studied appropriately. Interaction are serious discrepancies between results obtained from
between the drug being tested and riluzole, the only studies that manipulate this aspect of disease; this needs
registered drug for ALS, taken by many patients in to be addressed. Are these discrepancies genuine
trials, is never addressed. Because of these factors, differences? Do glial cells behave differently from one
therefore, failure to reproduce findings from mouse form of neurodegeneration to another? What is the
models in human beings is not surprising. mechanism of this difference?
Identification of the biological processes of the
Outstanding questions and future perpectives inflammatory reaction in patients with ALS will greatly
Our understanding of neuroinflammation in mutant increase our understanding of motor-neuron
SOD1 models has improved greatly. What was thought degeneration. Additionally, it could generate new
of as a non-specific reaction has now emerged into an approaches for treatment of patients with ALS and other
area of intense research, the results of which are neurodegenerative disorders. Researchers and clinicians
relevant not only to motor-neuron degeneration, but to should join forces to reach this goal.
neurodegeneration and neurobiological processes Contributors
generally. Additionally, the neuroinflammatory reaction All authors contributed equally to the preparation of this Review.
creates opportunities for intervention. However, our Conflicts of interest
understanding of neuroinflammation in ALS is far WR receives funding from KU Leuven, Flemish Institute of Biotechnology
from complete. We mention only a few of the issues (VIB), and FWO Flanders. TP declares no conflicts of interest.
that need further study. Acknowledgments
Further investigation into the two opposing effects— This work was supported by funding from the Fund for Scientific
Research, Flanders (FWO-V, University of Leuven
deleterious and protective—of neuroinflammation is (GOA/11/014), Interuniversity Attraction Poles (programme P6/43 of the
crucial. Are these effects cell specific or exerted by Belgian Federal Science Policy Office), and Health Seventh Framework
different cell types? Which factors determine whether Programme (FP7/2007-2013; under grant agreement number 259867).
the M1 component or M2 characteristics predominate? TP holds a PhD grant from the Institute for the Promotion of Innovation
through Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT-Vlaanderen).
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