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Dikrie Vajrii Vegananda Suhartono , Dr. Mundakir., S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep , Reliani , S.Kep., Ns.,
M.Ke s

Undergraduate Program of Nursing Faculty of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah University of


Hallucinations are a change in sensory perception of a vision, hearing, tasting, touch, or

exhortation that is 90% suffered by schizophrenic patients. As many as 70% of people with
mental disorders suffer from auditory hallucinations of varying frequency. This study aims to
study the effect of cutting board davity on hallucinations frequency in schizophrenic patients.
The research design used Pre-Experimental One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The sample in this
study amounted to 20 people by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this
study using the davity cutting board, observation sheet and daily check list sheet. The result of
Wilcoxon Rank correlation statistic test with significant value . The result of the analysis shows
that the frequency of the respondents is frequent to the rare category as many as 11 people
(55%), and respondents with frequent frequency category of hallucinations are 9 pe ople (45%).
Based on the above description can be concluded that there is a relationship of davity telenan to
the frequency of hallucinations in patients with schizophrenia UPTD Liponsos Keputih
Surabaya. So it is advisable to health workers to guide the patients to perform scheduled
activities so as to reduce the frequency of hallucinations.

Keywords: Hallucinations, Schizophrenia, Occupational Therapy

BACKGROUND than one person (Videbeck, 2008). In
Schizophrenia is a disease that addition, hallucinations also affect the
affects the brain and causes strange and patient's daily activities to be disturbed.
disturbed thoughts, perceptions, emotions, When the patient stops the fight against
movements, and behaviors (Videbeck, hallucinations and chooses to give in to the
2008). The prevalence of people with hallucination, all the daily activities of the
schizophrenia in Indonesia is 0.3% - 1% patient such as bathing, dressing, eating,
and the most at the age of about 18-45 drinking and so on can not be done alone
years, there are also some patients who by the patient.
experienced at the age of 11-12 years Caroline (2008) states that with the
(MOH, 2008). Number of patient implementation of Nursing Care Standards
hallucinations East Java Province recorded (SAK) sensory perception, the cognitive
as many as 1065 inhabitants or 2.37% of abilities of patients are known to increase
the population (Irmansyah, 2010: 7) while 47% and psychomotor ability of patients
for the hallucinations treated in Liponsos also increased 48%. The application of
sebanya 524 people. SAK sensory perception is also capable of
Yosep in Kusumawati and Hartono decreasing hallucinations and symptoms
(2011) states that as many as 90% of by 14% but still with the collaboration of
patients with schizophrenia have psychopharmaceutical therapy.
hallucinations. Hallucination is a change in Occupational therapy is a form of
sensory perception of a vision, taste, touch, supportive psychotherapy in the form of
or exudation that can not distinguish activities that generate self-reliance
internal stimuli (thoughts) and external manually, creatively and educatively to
stimuli (external world) on the adapt to the environment and improve the
environment without any real object or physical and mental health of the patient
stimulus. (Graff, 2007). Thus there is a need for a
Patients who have hallucinations generalist modification, one of which is the
can be difficult to connect with others, innovation of combined application
sweating, tremor, unable to obey orders between occupational therapy with sensory
from others and are in a very stressful perception SAK which can be used as a list
condition especially when it comes to of scheduled activities as a schizophrenia
connecting with others. This happens when schizophrenia switcher. One way is to use
the hallucination experienced by the client innovation tools from a telenan that
has reached the third phase (III), where the includes the workings of occupational
patient stops the resistance to the therapy, behavior therapy and sensory
hallucination and succumbs to the perception SAK.
hallucination. Telenan Davity is a tool to help
And if it is not handled properly, patients control their hallucinations. By
patient hallucinations may rise to a higher applying the function of occupational
stage and have a very serious impact such therapy, patients will make their daily
as losing control of themselves. So the schedules. From the explanation of the
patient in suicide , killing others ( homicide various therapeutic functions, patients are
), and even damage the surrounding given various scheduled activities that are
environment. To minimize the impact, expected to shift the hallucinations.
proper handling of hallucinations (Hawari, Telenan davity has a work like
2014) is required. Physical activity reflects clockwork in general. It's just that there is
the contents of hallucinations such as; no number listed in it but only the schedule
violent behavior, agitation, withdrawal, or of activities that must be done by the
catatononia. Unable to respond to complex patient hallucinations.
commands and unable to respond to more
Based on the above case the authors
are interested to discuss and conduct
research with the title "the influence of
davity telenan to the frequency of RESULTS
hallucinations in schizophrenic patients" . 1. Special Data F of hallucinatory
recuensi before using davity telenant
RESEARCH METHODS Figure 1. Distribution of hallucinations
Design Research frequency before using davity cavity
P enelitian using this type of Pre- Percentage
No Frequency amount
experimental research design with Design (%)
One Group Pre-Post Test t Design with 1. Never 0 0
schizophrenic patients who have 2. Rarely 5 25
hallucinations. 3. Often 15 75
Population, Sample, and Sampling amount 20 100
The population in this study were Based on the data above shows that
all schizophrenic patients who experienced most respondents often experience
hallucinations in Liponsos Surabaya with a hallucinations in the day before using
population of 524 people . Samples of 20 davity telenant counted 15 people (75%),
respondents included in the exclusion and and few rarely experienced hallucinations
inclusion criteria, sampling technique in a day as many as 5 people (25%).
sampling purposive sampling that is the
sampling by following the criteria desired 2.Data Khusus F hallucinatory
by researchers . receptivity after using davity cavity
Location and Time of Study Percentage
No Frequency amount
This research was conducted at (%)
Liponsos Surabaya East Java Province for
seven days . 1. Never 0 0
Data Collection Procedures
2. Rarely 11 55
The researcher came to Puskesmas and
cooperated with Puskesmas officer. Then 3. Often 9 45
give the intent and purpose that will be
done to the patient schizophrenia is amount 20 100
hallucinated with moderate hallucinogenic
frequency . Figure 2. Distribution of hallucinogenic
After that, the researcher gave the approval frequency after use of davity cavity
sheet to be the respondent. If the
Based on the data above shows that
respondent approves and is willing to be a
the frequency of hallucinations
respondent, then the next step is to start the
experienced by patients in the day after
research by setting research subjects in
using davity telenan as many as 11 people
accordance with inclusion criteria. Prior to
(55%) rarely hallucinated, while as many
the research, licensing and approval have
as 9 people (45%) often experienced
been made to the relevant agencies.
Data analysis
This study used an analysis with normality 3. Special Data Analysis of
test afterwards with Wilcoxon Ranks Test . hallucinations before and after
Because (1) this study uses numerical or frequency using davity cavity
interval data. (2) the purpose of this study Figure 3. Distribution of hallucinogenic
is to analyze the effect of Telenan Davity frequency analysis before and after using
therapy on hallucinations frequency in davity cavity
schizophrenic patients .
Frequency of Pre Test Post Test
Hallucinations amount % Jumla h % The frequency of impaired
Not at all : absorption (perception) of the senses
Never shown - - - - without external stimuli may arise because
(76-100%) the patient ceases to stop the resistance to
Rarely: 1-3 hallucinations and succumbs to the
times a day 5 25 11 55 hallucination so that the patient is carried
(56-75%) away by the things heard in the
Often: more hallucinations. If the patient is left
than 3 times a 15 75 9 45 continuously dissolved in the
day (<56%) hallucinations then the patient's life will
AMOUNT 20 100 20 100also be disturbed because the patient more
follow the sound he heard. Sound can
P = 0.014 <α = 0.05 Wilcoxon rank test test come from within the individual or from
outside the individual. The sounds the
Based on table 4. 7 above shows client hears can be recognized, the voice
that the results of research on the effect of can be single, multiple or can be a sound
davity telenan frequency of hallucinations rather than meaningful sound. The contents
in schizophrenic patients has a value of p = of the vote may be ordered about the
0.014 <α = 0.05. client's own behavior and the client himself
is confident that the vote exists (Trimelia,
The result of Wilcoxon Rank Test statistic
test to know the effect of telenan davity on
the frequency of hallucinations in Hallucinations are conquered.
schizophrenia patients in Liponsos Keputih Hallucinations become more complicated
Surabaya showed that there was influence and patients experience impairments in
of davity frequency to hallucinations assessing their environment. His sensory
frequency in schizophrenia patients in experience becomes distorted, the
Liponsos Surabaya. hallucinations turn threatening,
commanding, scolding and scary when not
following his orders, so the patient begins
to feel threatening. This is what causes the
patient to prefer to enjoy his own world
DISCUSSION rather than accept the reality there. So the
1 Wheezing dentifik ation frequency of frequency of hallucinations that attack can
hallucinations before using telenan be increased.
davity 2 Tone the frequency of hallucinations
Based on the picture 1 in get that of after using the davity cord
20 respondents more than 50% often Based on figure 2, it was found that
experiencing auditory hallucination as 11 people (55%) of patients rarely felt any
much as 15 people (75%) before being whispers or voices they used to hear. The
given occupational therapy by using davity purpose of the infrequent category is the
telenan. The frequent category in question patient experiencing auditory
is if the patient senses auditory hallucinations only 1 to 3 times a day.
hallucinations that attack more than 3
times a day. The prevalence of The decreased frequency of
hallucinations in schizophrenia in hallucinations experienced by patients can
Indonesia is 0.3 to 1% and usually occurs be caused by various factors. Like the
at the age of about 18 to 45 years, but there coping mechanisms and therapies they
are also those who are 11 to 12 years old live. In addition nursing care standard
already suffering from schizophrenia (Arif (SAK) is mandatory for every health
2006 in Wulansih & Widodo, 2008) worker who served in the field of nursing,
especially mental nursing where patients increase the frequency of hallucinations in
desperately need attention because of the the patient. However, the age factor has an
impact of hallucinations are very influence on recurrence or increased
dangerous that is at risk of causing violent hallucinatory frequency in schizophrenic
behavior and even hallucinations caused patients. This is probably because in the
by patients can endanger the safety the adult stage, people begin to accept and take
environment around it. In nursing care on more severe responsibilities and in the
clients are taught to be able to control the elderly stage, psychosocial development is
ability of hallucinations experienced both characterized by three important
through cognitive and psychomotor phenomena, namely intimacy, generative,
abilities. Patients can practice how to and integrity that can be a risk factor for
control hallucinations properly and recurrence (Hurlock, 2006).
correctly in accordance with the directions This is due to a scheduled activity
given by the nurse, therefore the standard that serves as a diversion of patients to
of nursing care is very important. If hallucinations in his pain. With the patient
nursing care is rarely used, consequently following the scheduled activities the
the patient forgets and there may be patient will naturally feel preoccupied with
increased hallucinations that could the activities so that unconsciously the
endanger oneself, others and the patient dengen itself has ignored the
environment (Wardani & Pontianak, whispers or voices that he used to hear.
One type of IFRSs that can be Based on the description of research
administered to a hallucination patient may results and discussion in the previous
be a SAK of Hallucinations Perception section can be summed up as follows:
Stimulation aimed at training the patient to 1. Prior to the treatment using davity
perceive the unreal stimulus and the telenan from 20 respondents, most
response experienced in life. SAK applied experienced frequent hallucinogenic
in this research is occupational therapy and frequency in as many as 15 people
scheduled activities that are modified into (75%).
a wall clock made from telenan. 2. After being given therapy using the
davity of 20 respondents, most of the
Based on observations after doing
decreased frequency of hallucinations
therapy by using davity telenan to
from the category often became rare
hallucinations in schizophrenia patients,
category as many as 11 people (55%).
the frequency of patient hallucinations
3. There is a significant influence
decreased. This is because SAK therapy
between Davity's Telenant Against
given to the patient aims to assist the
Hallucinations Frequency in
patient in perceiving the unreal stimulus.
Schizophrenic Patients.
3 Analysis of hallucinations before and
after frequency using davity cavity
Related to the conclusion of the
Based on the result of test by using
research result there are some suggestions
Wilcoxon Rank Test test on frequency of
that may be used as a reference in
pini okiniquency p = 0,014 with degree of
developing the results of this study.
kema knaan used α <0.05 then Ho rejected
1. For Families with Hallucinations
H1 accepted which means there is
It is expected to provide education and
significant influence between therapy
overview and information on how to
using davity telenan to hallucinations
control hallucinations in schizophrenic
frequency in schizophrenia patients in
Liponsos Keputih Surabaya . There is no
2. For the Institution
influence of the type of coconut that can
Expected to assist in the provision of therapy in Gorczynski & Faulkner, 2014,
patients with mental disorders, especially Exercise therapy for Schizophrenia,
auditory hallucinations. Europe PMC, p. 1-51
3. For Further Research
Researchers are expected to further research on Wareham, ND 2013, Traditional
related topics as follows: chinese medicine organ , accessed April
a) The effectiveness of the therapy 20, 2017,
by using davity to hallucinations
Broker, C 2008, Nursing
frequency in schizophrenic
Encyclopedia , EGC Medical Book,
patients. Jakarta
b) Doing research with a greater
number of samples in the Carolina, KS 2008, The Effect of
treatment by using davity to Implementation of Nursing Care Standards
hallucinogenic frequency in Hallucinations To Client Ability
schizophrenic patients. Controlling Hallucinations In Soul
c) Using a generalizable method of Soeharto Heerdjan Hospital Jakarta,
administration of therapy Thesis , Faculty of Medicine Universitas
promotes davity excitation against Indonesia Jakarta
hallucinatory frequency in
schizophrenic patients. Fontaine, KL 2009, Mental Health
4. For the community Nursing Sixth Edition , Pearson, New
It provides the benefit of modal therapy to the Jersey
community so it knows how to take action
and provide therapy for hallucinations. Keliat, BA; Akemat, C 2009,
Psychiatric Professional Practice Model ,
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