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Early childhood teachers have significant

Early Childhood Ecucation role in achieving quality education. The

Teachers Ability to Assess Government Regulation No.19 of 2005 on National
Education Standards states four competencies that
Ade Dwi Utami
must be understood, they are; pedagogical
Abstract—Pedagogic compentece is the basic competence, personal competence, social
competence of teachers to perform their tasks as educators. The
ability to assess has become one of the demands in teachers competence and professional competence.
pedagogic competence. Teachers ability to assess is related to
curriculum instructions and applications. This research is aimed at Pedagogical competence is one of the competencies
obtaining data concerning teachers ability to assess that comprises of
understanding assessment, determining assessment type, tools and that must be learnt by teachers, because it can
procedure, conducting assessment process, and using assessment
result information. It uses mixed method of explanatory technique in improve the quality of learning, one of them is
which qualitative data is used to verify the quantitative data obtained
through a survey. The technique of quantitative data collection is by about the assessment. Assessment comes as one of
test whereas the qualitative data collection is by observation,
interview and documentation. Then, the analyzed data is processed competence by the government. Competence
through a proportion study technique to be categorized into high,
medium and low. The result of the research shows that teachers becomes a supportive factor for teachers in
ability to assess can be grouped into 3 namely, 2% of high, 4% of
medium and 94% of low. The data shows that teachers ability to mastering the learning environment. However, the
assess is still relatively low. Teachers are lack of knowledge and
comprehension in assessment application. The statement is verified reality of the condition assessment in the quality of
by the qualitative data showing that teachers did not state which
aspect was assessed in learning, record children’s behavior, and use teachers is still low. It can be seen from the research
the data result as a consideration to design a program. Teachers have
assessment documents yet they only serve as means of completing conducted by Ria Novianti, the result illustrated that
teachers administration for the certification program. Thus,
assessment documents were not used with the basis of acquired there are still weaknesses in terms of knowledge
knowledge. The condition should become a consideration of the
education institution of educators and the government to improve and implementation of assessment in the part of
teachers pedagogic competence, including the ability to assess.
educators and early childhood institutions.
Keywords— Assessment, Early Childhood Education, Pedagogic
compentece, Teachers. Consequently, it required further consideration from
I. INTRODUCTION the government to facilitate the assessment of
teachers in improving capabilities.
Education plays important role in the
This research tried to figure out how
personal development of each individual. The
teachers evaluate the ability of early childhood
quality of education could affect the quality on the
teachers in DKI Jakarta. The ability of assessment
individual, which includes the part of early
can be seen from five aspects which determine the
childhood. It will have an impact to the progress of
assessment tool; based on the developmental
the country because the child will be the successor
aspects, make observations, analyze observations,
of replacement generation of the country. Therefore,
reported the achievement of children’s
children need excellence education through the
development, applying the results of the data into
hands of teachers or educators.
consideration design programs. This study designed
to obtain data about the ability of assessment of
teachers in early childhood education’s institutions Teachers are required to be a professional to do the
located in Jakarta. profession. So that teachers are required to apply
the four competencies in their daily life. Therefore,
II. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES the application of the competency of teachers will
affect the professionalism of teachers as educators.
The purpose of this study explore about;
Pedagogical competence becomes
1. Observe how a early childhood teacher's ability
competencies that differentiate the teaching
in DKI Jakarta assessing the learners. In particular,
profession with the other professions. The
this study aims to
government regulation No.19 of 2005 states that
a. Describe the teachers’ understanding principles
teachers' pedagogical competence is the ability to
of assessment.
manage the learning of students, designing and
b. Describe the determination of the procedures
implementing the learning process, as well as
used by teachers in conducting the assessment.
evaluation of learning outcomes and development
c. Describe the assessment process by the teacher.
of students to represent of various potentials.
d. Describe the use of information in assessment’s
Application becomes the most important
word in the definition of pedagogical competence.
Apelgren & Giertz (2013: 3) states that;
”pedagogical competence is not enough to have
knowledge and skills that are needed. This is
A. The Basic of Pedagogic Competence
becouse the most important word in the definition is
Competence must be applied to improve the
apply. It is emphasized therefore that pedagogical
quality of each individual. Katane explained that
competence means that the teacher also uses his/her
Competencies are defined as “the set of knowledge,
knowledge and applies acquired insights and skill".
skill, and, experience necessary for future, which
Pedagogical competence is the ability influenced
manifests in activities". Knowledge, skills and
only by an educator in charge of learning
experience should be applied in daily life.
management, learning design and evaluation of
The Indonesian Government has set four
learning outcomes that are appropriate to a child's
competencies required that teachers should have. It
development and applied as a reference in
is based on the Government Law No.14 of 2005 on
managing learning to enhance the potential that
Teachers and Lecturers, Chapter IV, Article 10,
exists in the child’s personal life. Pedagogical
paragraph 1, which stated that the competencies that
competence is the key factor in determining the
must be preserved by a teacher, among others; a)
quality of the learning process.
personal competence, b) pedagogic competence, c)
Domains of Standard
professional competence, and d) social competence.
Teaching Competence of teachers is one of the factors
1. Know the students and how they in developing the professionalism of teachers as an
Professional learn educator. European Commision (2012:11)
Knowledge 2. Know the content and how to mengatakan bahwa Conceptualisations of teacher
teach it competence are linked with visions of
3. Plan for and implement effective professionalism, theories of teaching and learning,
teaching and learning quality cultures and sociocultural perspective.
Professional 4. create and maintain supportive Competence of teachers is a matter which is not
Practice and safe learning environment. separate from professionalism.
5. Assess, provide feedback and The Australian Institute for Teacher and
report on student learning School Leadership (AITSL) (2011: 5) define the
6. Engage in professional learning seven standards for teachers’ professionalism as
Professional 7. Engage proffesionally with below;
Engagement colleagues, parent/carers and the Table 1. AITSL standards for teachers’
community professionalism
Pedagogical competence has an important
role in improving the quality of the learning One of the standards in professional practice
process. Apelgren & Giertz (2013: 3) says is the assessment, provide feedback and report
“pedagogical competence as the ability and will to student learning. Based on those standards, teachers
regularly apply the attitude, the knowledge, and the are expected to be able to evaluate the child's
skill that promote the learning of the teacher’s development and learning outcomes. It can facilitate
students in the best way". Teachers can increase the teachers in identifying children's learning needs. In
potential of children with pedagogical competence addition, teachers can also find out the limitations
possessed. Pedagogical competence can enhance the of the learning program in particular to children so
professionalism of teachers as educators, it brings that teachers can cover and provide children better.
effect to the performance of teachers, advance the Become a standard for global reference to
quality of teachers, and improve pedagogical maintain the quality of early childhood education,
competence. Pedagogical competence have an especially in the learning process. NAEYC (2009:
important role in managing the teaching and 13) argues professional standards for early
learning program in order to actualize the potential childhood education, specifically “1) Promoting
of children which support and learning facilities. child development and learning, 2) Building Family
That role can determine the quality of learning that and Community Relationships, 3) Observing,
will be received by the child. Documenting, and assessing to support young
children and families, 4) using developmentally the process through the implementation of the
effective approaches 5) using content knowledge to assessment.
build meaningful curriculum, 6) becoming a
professional”. Improved education quality and B. Teachers’ Assessment Ability
excellence can be detected by observing, Assessment is a process which designed to
documenting and implementing assessment through complement the activities with the achievement of
a variety of approaches and tools as applicable. the child's development. Deborah defines
Observation, documentation and assessment “assessment is the basic process of finding out what
are standards which just established by NAEYC. the know and can do in relation to their optimum
NAEYC suggests that three key elements or development and to the goals of the program. With
components of the observation, documentation and that knowledge of those children, we can plan
assessment which stated “1) understanding the appropriate curriculum and effective instructional
goals, benefit, and uses of assessment, 2) knowing strategies to help them develop and learn,
about and using observation, dokumentation and monitoring their progress along the way”. By
other appropriate assessment tools and approaches, assessment, teacher can observe and know the
3) understanding and practicing responsible child's chart progress in learning activities.
assessment to promoting positive outcomes for each The process of child development can be
child 4) knowing about assessment partnerships seen through some of ways in which the children.
with families and with profesional colleagues”. Flottman, Stewart and Tayler (2011: 6) states
Assessment generally used to be able to see a child's “asssesment is designed to discover what children
development. Therefore, it helps achieve learning know and understand, based on what they make,
goals specifically, and to plan and implement the write, draw, say and do”. Teachers could see the
curriculum effectively. This must be accompanied development as the ability of what children create,
to consider the results of the assessment. write, pictures and do. The ability assessment can
The ability of teachers to assess the child's be considered as the capacity of teachers in the
learning process and results that include some of the process of gathering information about the growth
things described in The Ministry of Education’s and development that is done periodically, continue
regulation No.137 in 2014 specifically; 1) the and comprehensive in a learning process of what
principles of assessment, 2) Instrument assessment, children create, write, drawing, say and do.
3) assessment mechanisms, 4) the implementation Assessment has principles as guidelines for
of the assessment and 5) reporting the results of the the implementation in the field. Shepard, Kagan,
assessment. Assessment which completed will and Wurtz (2000: 5) summarize the principles of
illustrate the achievement of child development and early childhood assessment in the Principles and
Recommendation for Early Childhood Assessments, continuous, 3) processes and goals oriented, 4)
it is stated that “the following general principle objectives, 5) educate, 6) significance, 7)
should guide both policies and practices for the appropriateness. The seven principles facilitate and
assessment of young children; 1) should bring about guide teachers in implementing the assessment in
benefits for children, 2) be tailored to a specific early childhood.
purpose and should be realible, valid, and fair for The implementation of assessment requires
that purpose, 3) be designed recognizing that teachers to be able to focus on the aspects that will
reliablitiy and validity of assessments increase with be seen in describing the child's development. Helm
children’s age, 4) be age-appropriate in both content (2011: 2) states that “assessmen is tools or process
and the method of data collection, 5) be for answering specific question about various aspect
linguistically appropriate, recognizing that to some of children’s knowledge, skill, behavior, or
extent all assessment are measures of language, 6) personality”. Teacher can do that by observing and
be a valued source of assessment information, as collecting data on the knowledge, skills and
well as an audience for assessment results”. The six behavior. So the results of observation and data
principles can assist teachers in the implementation collection can be adapted to the achievement of the
of assessment, the results can be sufficiently child's development.
achieved. Therefore, teachers must master the The identification of aspects considered as
principles of assessment in detecting completion of the significant step in making the assessment. Snow
a child's development. (2011: 14) says "assessments provide means of
Implementation assessment should in shape evaluating individuals' skills, abilities, or traits".
with the principles which have been created. From these statements it can be seen that the skills,
Wotham in Demircan (2011: 16) outlines some abilities and characteristics of individual children
principles assessment to do in early childhood are three aspects that will be develop through the
education, such as 1) use many sources of implementation of the assessment.
information and learning measures, 2) improve Assessment for early childhood is collecting
learning, 3) Fairness, 4) involve both the child and information about the child. Therefore, teachers
his/her family. Some of these principles could need to be able to focus on aspects of the collection
monitor child development optimally. of such information. Anon (2008: 11) ".....that we
The principle of assessment is needed in assess young children's behaviors, skills,
order to draft an impact on the learning process of competencies, preferences, and interaction". Data
child development. Yus (2011; 56) presented seven collection is aimed to improve the understanding of
principles of assessment for the development of child development and support of learning and
kindergarten children. 1) Systematically, 2) development. Target assessment will be conducted
in children include six dimensions of development: development of the child, the teacher can design a
physical, cognitive, language, art, social-emotional, variety of activities to improve child development.
motor and religious values. Thus the teacher can Achievement of child development can be
give to his focus on the development of the six determined by performing an assessment in
dimensions. Assessment has aspects as focus in accordance with existing procedures. Yus (2011;
collecting information related to the perceptive and 56) identified the procedure for the implementation
support of learning and development. The aspect of development kindergarten children learn: 1)
consists of the skills, abilities, behaviors, and trends define the activities, 2) prepare an assessment tool,
in a variety of potential child. The fourth aspect is 3) establish assessment criteria, 4) collecting data,
seen from the sixth dimension that includes the 5) determine the value. Through these procedures,
development of physical, cognitive, language, art, the teacher can implement assessment in
social-emotional, motorized and religious values. compliance with the principles of assessment. So
Teachers can see the skills, abilities, behaviors, and that teachers can view and monitor the process of
children growing in the six dimensions. child development.
Assessment procedures as the Another opinion related to the
implementation process in order to illustrate the implementation of the assessment process described
development of the real child. Here are the by Wortham. Wortham (2005: 32) explains that the
description of assessment process that has been set process of implementation of assessment for early
by the ELS (Early Learning Scale) (2010: 7). childhood, namely; 1) assessment at beginning of

the year: preassessmen, 2) ongoing asesment, 3)
assessment at the end of reporting periods, 4)
assessment at the end of the school year. The
Instructing assessment process should be considered and

implemented to determine the cadence and rhythm

of development. Thus teachers can use that data in
determining the target achievement and learning
hypothesizing analyzing
planning evaluating objectives.
The assessment results have an impact on
Picture 1. The assessment process
improving early childhood learning processes. Helm
The data can be used by teacher to
(2011: 2) which states “assessment result can
determine the needs’ targets of each child, so that
identify both the well-developed and least well-
teachers can provide instruction in the form of
developed skill of children so that beneficial
activities in accordance with what they need. Once
learning experiences and teaching can be
teachers obtain data related to the achievement of
individually planned and carried out”. The 2005, Chapter I, Article 1 in Paragraph 1 of
assessment results can be used for the development Teachers and Lecturers, it stated that teachers are
of further activities in accordance with the needs of professional educators with the primary task of
children. educating, teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess,
The benefit from the results of the and evaluate students on early childhood education,
assessment in the program of activities submitted formal education, basic education, and secondary
Snow, Susan and Hewel (2011: 43). They stated education.
that “The result of such assessment would be used Teachers are the key of success in the
to refine the program practices with the expectation learning process. Deborah (2010: 497) argues "That
that the outcomes for children would improve even teachers are keys to student learning, and efforts to
further. The results of the assessment, the child will improve teacher quality have proliferated". Teacher
get treatment to improve the graphics is an educator who became a key element in the
developments. passage of the learning process. That is because
Teachers analyze data on the achievement of teacher has a learning strategy in explaining the
the child's development in stages. Yus (2011; 106) purpose of the material to be delivered. Therefore,
assumed the results of the analysis of the teachers are required to improve the competence to
information on the achievement of growth and continue to learn and to do their job in educating,
development of children within a certain time, for teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and
example a week, a month or a semester and so on. evaluate to provide motivation for learners through
In this way, teacher will receive assessment results the levels of education, including early childhood
that illustrate the development of children in each education institutions.
week, month or semester. Early childhood The government regulation No.14 in 2005
assessment results can be used to identify the skills chapter I, Article 1, Paragraph 1 of Teachers and
and knowledge regularly. Therefore, the child Lecturers stated that teachers are professional
development chart will describe at each week, educators with the primary task of educating,
month or semester. Through the identification teaching, guiding, directing, train, assess, and
result, teachers can create and improve learning evaluate students on early childhood education,
programs so that what is given can be useful and formal education, basic education, and secondary
meaningful. education. The main task is to make the teacher as a
determinant of the quality of the nation's future.
C. Basic of Teachers Teachers perform as a central figure in
Teachers become a need in the world of achieving educational objectives. Possessed a
education. In Indonesian regulation No.14 year significant role requires teachers to prioritize
competence as a capital increase in performing its attained in describing the data as teacher assessment
main task. Self-awareness to continue to improve capabilities Early Childhood Education. This study
the competence of teachers is the key factor in focuses on the ability of the teacher assessment. It
educating the young generation. can be seen that the ability of the teacher
assessment is one component of teacher capabilities
IV. METHODOLOGY that can support the quality of the learning process.

A. Research Cohort C. Data collection

Early Childhood Education teachers in DKI Quantitative data collection techniques using
Jakarta were already certified in 2015. The questionnaires while collecting qualitative data
population includes Jakarta consisting of five cities through observation, interviews and documentation.
covering several districts or villages that have early The data analysis technique used in processing the
childhood education institutions either kindergarten data to answers to questionnaire respondents, it used
or early childhood in which there are educators or proportions study techniques. The process that
teachers. Thus the researchers used samples from implied in this study determine the proportion that
several districts in Jakarta. indicates the percentage of a particular category and
express information concerning about the ability of
B. Research tools early childhood teachers assessment in Jakarta.The
The method conducted in this research is a ability of the teacher assessment of five aspects
mixed method with explanatory techniques. assessed below;
Creswell said that the sequential explanatory Table 2. Questionnaire
applied to the collection and analysis of quantitative Early Childhood Teachers’ Assessment Ability
data in the first stage followed by the collection and
analysis of qualitative data in the second phase upon Aspects Indicators
the preliminary results quantitatively. So that the
results of the qualitative data processing is used to Teachers determine the
Verified the
clarify the results of the quantitative data that has aspects that will be assessed
assessment tool
been obtained. Quantitative method used is survey in accordance with the
used based on
method. Arikunto (2006: 309) states that a standards of normative
descriptive research is research that intended to references
collect information about the status of an existing aspects
symptoms, the symptoms according to what their Teachers know the

circumstances at the time of the study. Information assessment tool

Teachers are able to become
accustomed to the
developmental aspects of Make the results
The teacher is able to
assessment tools that of the data into
determine the targets to be
assessed consideration
achieved in the design of
Teacher should able to take design
learning programs
notes or record a child's programs
behavior by using the record
(the check list, rating scale,
Teachers are able to adjust
the use of the records with
The results of research in the form of teacher
the needs.
assessment capabilities in DKI Jakarta concerning
The teacher is able to
Analyzing of 5 aspects that determine the assessment tool to be
describe the condition of
observations’ used based on the progressive aspects, make
child progress
result observations, analyze observations, reported the
The teacher is able to set a
achievement of children's development, making the
development success
result of data into design programs. The realization
Teachers should be able to
obtained from the data collection will be presented
define the components that
Teachers in the table below;
should be put forward in the
reported the Table 3. The Category of Teachers
achievement of Assessment Ability in DKI Jakarta
Teachers are able to describe
development of Category Score Frequency Percentage
the achievement of
the child Low 0-7 47 94%
development within the
Average 8-10 2 4%
High 11-14 1 2%

The research found the ability of teacher

assessment in three categories, specifically, 2%
high, 4% average and 94% low. The data illustrates
the largest percentage is in the low category with a
large percentage of 94%.
Discussion d) The ability of assessment report on the
Based on research which presented teachers achievement of teachers in the aspects of
have low knowledge, it comes with a large development. This aspect the more dominant
percentage of 94%. However, the ability of the respondents are at a score of 0-1 with a large
teacher assessment in DKI Jakarta have different percentage of 50%, which means the knowledge of
categories levels in each aspect. Here is the result of teachers included in the low category. The data is
research that will be discussed each aspect: clarified with qualitative findings stating that the
a) The ability of teacher assessment in defining components used teachers between the daily
the assessment tool based on the developmental assessments with weekly assessments, because the
aspects. This aspect is additional dominant number daily assessment does not specify what aspects will
of respondents who are in a score of 1 with a large be assessed.
percentage of 48%, which means that teachers have e) The ability of teacher assessment in the aspect
sufficient knowledge of being a teacher. The data is of utilizing the data results into consideration to
clarified with qualitative findings, it stated design the program. On this aspect the number of
dissimilarity with the assessment of indicators that respondents who assigned the score of 0 has the
used daily by reference standards and dissimilarity same great percentage with respondents assigned
of assessment tools that are used. the score of 1 is equal to 42%. Results of the
b) The ability of teacher assessment in making qualitative data illustrated that teacher did not use
observations. This aspect is dominant number of the results of the data into consideration to design a
respondents who are in a score of 1 with a large program, teachers used reference standard to place
percentage of 50%, which means that teachers have the development targets.
sufficient knowledge of the teacher. The data is
clarified with qualitative findings stating that VI. Conclusion
teachers focus on the negative behavior anecdotal The general results of the study presented
notes. that the ability of early childhood teachers in Jakarta
c) The ability of teacher assessment in the aspect assessment is still relatively low. Teachers still have
of analyzing the observations. This aspect is more lack of knowledge and understanding in applying
dominant number of respondents who are in a score the assessment. This statement disrupted by
of 1 with a large percentage of 42%, which means qualitative results stating that the teacher does not
that teachers have sufficient knowledge of the specify what aspects will be assessed in the study,
teacher. The data is clarified with qualitative did not record a child's behavior, and did not take
findings stating that teachers describe behavior advantage of the data results into consideration to
without explaining what the children. design the program. Teachers have assessment
documents, but those documents only as of form of that children learnt what is needed for their
teacher certification requirements. academic life. Further research can provide a
Most of early childhood teachers in Jakarta program that can offer insight for teachers in
studied their degree of early childhood education in applying the assessment; the government is
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Ade Dwi Utami was born in Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia on

September 16, 1985, she obtained her first degree of Bachelor of Education
from Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia. Then she has worked as a
kindergarten and elementary teacher at Al-Azhar Kemang Pratama School.
She Continued her studying for Master of Education in Universitas Negeri
Jakarta, Indonesia. Then she has worked in Universitas Negeri Jakarta,
Indonesia as a lecturer until now.

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