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Epidemic of caesarean sections in Brazil

Brazil has one of the highest rates of caesarean caesarean section; doctors then charge the women an extra

section in the world. Patterns of caesarean sections fee and may give other reasons for the operation in the
were studied in a cohort of 5960 mothers followed hospital case-notes.
from 1982 to 1986 in southern Brazil. Overall, 27·9%
were delivered by caesarean section in 1982, this
proportion being 30% for nulliparae, 80% for second
deliveries when the first was by caesarean, and over
99% for third births when the first two were by
caesarean. Socioeconomic status and requests for
sterilisation by tubal ligation were important
underlying factors. 9·4% of the women were
sterilised during a caesarean section (3·7% in the
lowest income group and 20·2% in the highest). 31%
of women who had had their first child by a
caesarean section and who were having a second
operative delivery were sterilised. The high rates of
caesarean sections and accompanying sterilisations
reflect the lack of appropriate reproductive and
contraceptive policies in the country. Fig 1-increase in caesarean section rates in Brazil.

We now describe the patterns of caesarean sections in a

Introduction cohort of 5960 mothers followed from 1982 to 1986 in the
The global increase in the proportion of caesarean section city of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Since information about
deliveries is a matter of widespread concern. 1-4 Although the previous and subsequent pregnancies was available, we were
decline in perinatal mortality rates in some areas can partly able to investigate risk factors for operative deliveries in this
be ascribed to increased use of caesarean sections,s it should population.
be possible to achieve important reductions in perinatal
mortality without a concomitant increase in operative Methods
deliveries.*’ Caesarean sections are sometimes lifesaving Pelotas has a population of 250 000. Details of the cohort study
for both mother and baby, but these operations can also lead have been published elsewhere." In 1982, all 6011 hospital births
to an increase in maternal morbidity7 and even in the risk of (5914 livebirths) to 5960 women in the city were studied (over 99%
pre-term births if the expected date of delivery has been of births take place in hospitals). Mothers were interviewed soon
miscalculated.8 Operative deliveries place a considerable after delivery and asked about reproductive history, including mode
economic burden on health services of developing countries of any previous deliveries. Information on reasons for caesarean
because they are more expensive than normal deliveries. section, including tubal ligations, was obtained from the mothers
themselves because hospital case-notes frequently do not mention
Brazil has one of the highest proportions of operative
sterilisation for legal reasons.
deliveries in the world. A nationwide study of patients From December, 1985, to April, 1986, when the children were
enrolled in the social security system showed an increase in
aged between 35 and 52 months (mean 43 months), a city-wide
the proportion of caesarean sections from 15% in 1974 to census was conducted and mothers were questioned about
31 % in 1980.9 In urban areas, such as the city of Sao Paulo, pregnancies after the birth of the cohort child; information was
rates as high as 75% have been described among private collected for the first three such births. Recorded details included
patients. 10 If the existing rate of increase is maintained, over whether the pregnancy was wanted and its outcome,13 and
two-thirds of babies will be born by caesarean section by the information about contraceptive methods. Of the original 5914
year 2000 (fig 1). livebirths, 4978 (84%) were traced. In relation to birthweight and
birth order, children who were traced did not differ significantly
What arethe reasons for the Brazilian epidemic of
from those who were not, although those from the highest and
caesarean deliveries? Economic factors are important, since lowest family income groups (in US dollars) were less likely to be
the proportion of operative deliveries increases with family found. Overall, at least 80% of children in each income group were
income." Another reason could be strict adherence by traced. 12
doctors to the dogma "once a caesarean always a caesarean".
Moreover, many caesarean sections are done to carry out an
intraoperative sterilisation via tubal ligation. In Brazil, ADDRESSES: Department of Social Medicine, Universidade
Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas RS, Brazil (F. C. Barros, PhD, C. E.
sterilisations are allowed only under very special
Victora, PhD), Department of Public Health and Policy (Prof J. P.
circumstances (eg, when two independent physicians certify Vaughan, FRCP(E)), and Maternal and Child Epidemiology Unit
that future pregnancies would be contraindicated) and are (S. R. A. Huttly, MSc), London School of Hygiene and Tropical
not reimbursed by the national health insurance Medicine, London, UK. Correspondence to Dr F. C. Barros,
Department of Social Medicine, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, CP
programme. Consequently, doctors and families usually 464 96001 Pelotas RS, Brazil.
agree that the sterilisation should be carried out during a


27-9% of the women had their babies by caesarean section AND NUMBER OF PREVIOUS CAESAREAN SECTIONS
and there was a close association between operative
deliveries and socioeconomic status-16.4% in the lowest
income category vs 46-7% in the highest. This association
has been discussed elsewhere."
Table I shows the percentage of mothers who had a
caesarean section in 1982, in relation to the number of
previous births and of previous caesarean deliveries. 30% of
nulliparae had a caesarean section; this figure increased to
80% for second deliveries when the previous one had been a 1982 and a further 1-1% were sterilised in the period
caesarean, and to over 99% for third births when preceded 1982-86.
by two caesareans. Fig 3 shows that both the tubal ligations carried out
TABLE I-PERCENTAGE OF MOTHERS WHO DELIVERED COHORT during the 1982 caesarean sections and the subsequent
CHILDREN BY CAESAREAN SECTION ACCORDING TO BIRTH sterilisations were closely associated with socioeconomic
ORDER AND NUMBER OF PREVIOUS CAESAREAN SECTIONS status. Whereas 3-0% of the mothers in the income group
< 50 US$were sterilised during an operative delivery in
1982 and only another 0.7% were sterilised in the period
1982-86, among women of the highest income group,
17-9% were sterilised during the 1982 caesarean section and
2-3% thereafter.

Number of mothers in parentheses.
Our study reveals some of the reasons for the epidemic of
Fig 2 shows the variations in the frequency of caesarean caesarean sections in southern Brazil. First, there is a
sections according to family income and parity. For all parity striking association between socioeconomic status and
groups the chances of being delivered by a caesarean operative deliveries. In any parity group, mothers belonging
increased with family income-eg, for nulliparae the rate to wealthier families are much more likely to be delivered by
was 22% among the poorest women vs 42% for the richest. a caesarean section than those of low economic groups. If
For the two poorest groups the frequency of caesarean only medical reasons were operative, the reverse would be
sections was highest for nulliparae. the case since we have shown that poor women are more
Table n shows the proportion of caesarean sections likely to have risk factors that could justify intervention.14
during which tubal ligations were carried out, according to The increase in operative deliveries among high-income
the number of previous births and caesareans. Among the groups has been observed in other countries--eg, the
women who had had their first child by a vaginal delivery USA 15,16-and is deeply worrying. There are many cultural
and had undergone a caesarean for the second delivery, and economic factors underlying this trend-in some social
almost one third (31 %) were sterilised; for women with two groups caesarean sections are regarded as the most modem
previous normal births and a third child by caesarean, 68% and safe way of giving birth. This notion seems to be
were sterilised; and for those with three previous normal reinforced by doctors who likewise see these operations as
deliveries and a fourth birth by caesarean, 80% were safe and convenient.
sterilised. Our results also show that doctors seem to follow the rule
The proportion of tubal ligations was 23 % among women of once a caesarean always a caesarean, with 80% of the
who had had their first child by a caesarean section and were mothers who had a first caesarean birth being delivered
undergoing a second operative delivery vs 84% among again by a caesarean section, this proportion being virtually
women undergoing their third consecutive caesarean. 8-3% 100% in cases of two previous operative deliveries. These
of all women who were traced in 1986 had had a tubal practices should be reviewed because labour may be safely
ligation during a caesarean section for the cohort child in allowed in women who have had a caesarean section.17
son -,

Fig 3-Tubal ligation and caesarean sections by family income,

Fig 2-Proportion of caesarean sections according to parity and Pelotas, Brazil, 1982-86.
family income, Pelotas, Brazil, 1982-86. D Tubal ligation after caesarean section (1982); interval sterilisation
. <$50; D$51-150; $151-300; B$301-500; >$500 since last delivery

Moreover, labour can be safe even in women who have had 10. Janowitz B, Nakamura M, Lins FE, Brown ML, Clopton D. Cesarean
sections in Brazil. Soc Sci Med 1982; 16: 19-25.
more than one previous caesarean. 18 11. Barros FC, Vaughan JP, Victora CG. Caesarean sections and antenatal
Sterilisation is clearly an important reason for doing a care in a Brazilian city: the need for a change in policy. Health Policy

caesarean section. Tubal ligations were carried out in 40% Plan 1986; 1: 29-49.
of the elective caesareans and it is reasonable to assume that 12. Barros FC, Victora CG, Vaughan JP. The Pelotas (Brazil) Birth Cohort

sterilisation was the main indication for most of these Study 1982-1987: strategies for following-up 6000 children in a
developing country. Paediat Perinat Epidemiol 1990; 4: 267-82.
operations. Tubal ligations were also closely connected to 13. Huttly SRA, Barros FC, Victora CG, Lombardi C, Vaughan JP.
the family’s socioeconomic status-18% in the highest Subsequent pregnancies: who has them and who wants them?
income group vs 3% in the lowest group in 1982. Observations from an urban center in Southern Brazil. Rev Saude Publ
S Paulo 1990; 24: 212-16.
Sterilisation during the subsequent 4 years (1983-86) was 14. Barros FC, Victora CG, Vaughan JP, Capellari MM. Perinatal risk in
also more common among the wealthier women. Third World cities. World Health Forum 1985; 6: 322-24.
The status of female sterilisation shown in this study has 15. Gould JB, Davey B, Stafford RS. Socioeconomic differences in rates of
been also described in other areas of southeast Brazil. In Sao cesarean section. N Engl J Med 1989; 321: 233-39.
16. De Regt RH, Minkoff HL, Feldman J, Schwarz RH. Relation of private
Paulo, the country’s richest state, female sterilisation is the or clinic care to the cesarean rate. N EnglJ Med 1986; 315: 619-24.
second most common method of contraception, and 25 % of 17. Molloy BG, Sheil O, Duignan NM. Delivery after caesarean section:
the married women aged between 15 and 44 years have been review of 2176 consecutive cases. Br Med J 1987; 294: 1645-47.
sterilised.19 Studies carried out in northeastern states 18. Farmakides G, Duvivier R, Schulman H, Schneider E, Biordi J. Vaginal
birth after two or more previous cesarean sections. Am J Obstet Gynecol
indicate that 60% of the sterilisations were carried out
1987; 156: 565-66.
during a caesarean.19 19. Janowitz B, Higgins J, Clopton DC, Nakamura MS, Brown ML. Access
The practice of widespread sterilisation is a major cause of to postpartum sterilization in southeast Brazil. Med Care 1982; 20:
the decline in fertility observed between 1970 and 1985 in 526-34.

Brazil, from 5 8 births per women to 3-3. With 27% of the

20. Rutemberg N, Ferraz EA. Female sterilization and its demographic
impact in Brazil. Int Fam Plan Perspec 1988; 14: 61-68.
country’s married women aged 15-44 already sterilised ’20 by 21. Berqu&oacute; E. Sobre a politica de planejamento familiar no Brasil. Rev Bras
comparison with 7% in developed countries,21 it would be Est Popul 1987; 4: 95-103.
expected that contraceptive sterilisation would be available
on demand. However, female sterilisation is legal only under

very special circumstances, and a pregnant woman who

previously underwent a caesarean is regarded as being at DESIGNING A DOCTOR
high risk, and so sterilisation is allowed on medical grounds
during the next caesarean delivery.
The rates of caesarean section and tubal ligations
described in this study reflect the lack of appropriate
Becoming a doctor in China
reproductive and contraceptive policies in Brazil. As a start
some short-term policies should be incorporated by the
health authorities-eg, changes in the policies of payment
for sterilisations by the national insurance system, When the People’s Republic of China was founded in
availability of other methods of contraception, and audits of 1949, the country’s medical services consisted of a tiny core
caesarean sections. Finally, there is a need for a national of elite western-style doctors, who worked mainly in the
campaign of health education, not only for the general largest cities. The rest of the huge country saw nothing of
population but also for doctors and medical students, western medicine, but was entirely served by traditional
emphasising the risks and proper indications for operative Chinese medicine. As elsewhere in the developing world,
delivery. infective and parasitic disease was dominant. Life ex-
We thank Dr Hajo Wildschut and Dr Ivo Behle for their helpful comments
pectancy was below 40 years. One of Chairman Mao Ze
on early drafts of this paper. We are very grateful for long-term support for Dong’s earliest and most enlightened dictates was "Put
this research from the Overseas Development Administration, UK, and prevention first". This article reviews briefly the way in
DRC, Canada. which the slogan was put into practice, through a health care
system perhaps better fitted to the available resources than
any other in the developing world.
The first and most important difference is that China has
1. Placek PJ, Taffel S. Cesarean section delivery rates: United States, 1981. developed a three-tiered system for delivery of health care
Am J Public Health 1983; 73: 861-62. and for training its doctors. Trainees in these three distinct
2. Gleicher N. Cesarean section rates in the United States: the short-term
tiers all emerge with the title "doctor", and are accorded
failure of the National Development Conference in 1980. JAMA 1984;
252: 3273-76. respect and status in society. Even their salaries may not be
3. Bartley D, Evans R, eds. One birth in nine. Caesarean section trends since far apart, with only a threefold difference between a
1978. London: Maternity Alliance, 1983.
4. Anderson GM, Lomas J. Determinants of the increasing cesarean birth
western-style specialist at one extreme and a basic rural
doctor at the other. Nevertheless they have totally different
rate: Ontario data 1979 to 1982. N Engl J Med 1984; 311: 887-92.
5. Williams RL, Chen PM. Identifying the sources of the recent decline in degrees of training behind them, administered through
perinatal mortality rates in California. N Engl J Med 1982 306: 207-14. separate structures. After qualification, the strict bureaucra-
6. O’Driscoll K, Foley M. Correlation of decrease in perinatal mortality and tic control of Chinese society enables doctors of various
increase in cesarean section rates. Obstet Gynecol 1983; 61: 1-5.
7. Nielsen TF, Hokegard KH. Postoperative cesarian section morbidity: a grades to be distributed according to population needs and
prospective study. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1983; 146: 911-16. discourages mobility within a career. The result is a
8. Newcombe R, Chalmers I. Changes in distribution of gestational age and
birth weight among firstborn infants of Cardiff residents. Br Med J ADDRESSES: Clinical Trial Service Unit, Radcliffe Infirmary,
1977; ii: 925-26. University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6HE, UK (Zheng-Ming Chen,
9. Faundes A, Bocha AM, Lisboa AM, et al. Cesariana: incid&ecirc;ncias, fatores
MB); Southampton University Hospitals, Southampton SO9 4XY
que a determinam e consequ&ecirc;ncias maternas e perinatais. Femina 1983 (R. C. Godfrey, MD). Correspondence to Dr Chen.
(Nov): 897-900.

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