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‘15 1st Medical Korea Academy

Trainees’ Final Report (Essay)

Name : Luwih Bisono.

Country : Indonesia.

Gender : Male

Age : 42 years.

I feel time was running too fast. I do not feel nearly two months live in korea to

attend liver transplantation intensive course in Pusan National University Yangsan

Hospital. I have a lot of new friends and everyone was friendly. I take and feel a lot of

experience, skills, culture and new weather. This is very different than in Indonesia.

In the first two weeks, i experienced an allergic skin (fotosensitive) espescially in my

face and hand. I treat with salicil powder but not improved, and then i call for help with

my senior chief resident to buy steroid cream. My skin improved. The lesson learn is i

have to prepare my all the personal needs when going outside to another country.

Right now South Korea at the MERS outbreak. All of us have to prepare and keep

yourself. I saw the people and government is quiet and compact in an attempt this

disease. All my family and friends from Indonesia always said that i must take care my
self. I confused to choose between health care or traveling. So i reduced my way streets,

wearing a mask but my professors (Prof. Kim) often hold a dinner party one to two times

per month. And I'm pleased to join this event. . Prof Kim and his staff always arrive on

time. I had to imitate the good habits.

In my liver transplant intensive course, there were some new habits that i feel.

Korean people have a great awareness to donate his organ either when life or after pass

away. This is beyond my expectations. Therefor i can obtain 11 (eleven) patients who will

undergo liver transplantation . Obviously this is very supportive of me, unlike in

Indonesia is very rare even i have never seen. The lesson learn is me, my colleaguess

doctors, my goverment must foster and increase public awareness of the importance of

organ donation. And this is good news for us that we have one patient will undergo liver

transplant procedure in september 5th 2015. I hope everything is going better.

In the operating room of Pusan National University are very nice with complete

equipment to support liver transplant. I saw new equipments like Belmont Rapid Infuser,

Cell Saver, ECMO, CRRT, BIS, Sonmanetic, TEG, surgical equipment, monitor the

operating field, robotic assisted surgery that ready for use. They are very expensive and

high technology. I also saw to the use of drugs is extraordinarily expensive and a lot of

variety. It is the opposite in Indonesia which had to downsize. This is a fact and the
challenges, and Indonesia also have to be able to do it.

In addition, the nurses are also very skilled and fast response. In the operating

room, cooperation between doctors and nurses very well. They understand their

respective responsibilities. My expectation, the operating room in Indonesia as well as in

Korea complete. I did not expect much because of limited funding and political but i will

discuss this with my senior. I know that we are different nurses here, so it would be

better my nurses can learn also in korea.

I feel in the operating room, a lot of technique to inserte invasive monitor catheter

with ultrasound guided. Its very simple, easier, applicable, safe, and faster. I just know

that one place in the neck can be inserted two catheter vena central (double stick

methode). I also commonly insert invasive monitor catheter in Indonesia but without

ultrasound guided, one place one catheter vena central. Invasive monitor is very

importance in cardiac surgery and liver transplant surgery. Many various patients who

suffers liver disease underwent liver transplant (planned and emergency). It means i had

to apply more often in my hospital. But i feel strange in intensive care unit (ICU). In my

opinion, the ICU Pusan National University was applied open system. It means

anesthesiologist was not leader in the ICU. So, if i visite in the ICU, I have never met with

the anesthesiologist but see a doctor in internal medicine. I know that anesthesiologist
was very busy. This is a gap between the operating room and ICU. Ideally ICU is close

system that anesthesiologist was a leader. The lesson learn is i need internal medicine

from Indonesia who must take intensive liver transplant care course. Therefor, between

transplant surgereon, transplant anesthesiologist, nurses, and internal medicine can

provide a maximal care for patients safety.

With patient safety is my the first consideration, i hope i can apply my

experience/skill/knowledge from PNU Yangsan Hospital in my country. I realize that

some of the equipment and the amount of drugs in Indonesia is not as complete as in

korea. If we have problems, we are very happy if we can consult via e-mail, telephone,

video conferencing or direct guidance in the first patient. A major problem often occurs

in patients after a liver transplant at the time of surgery. This issue should be anticipated.

We sincerely hope to send a nurse, doctor or intensive care medicine to take post-

operative care course. Overall, I would like to thank you for all the facilities and learning

opportunities in Korea. I hope to be useful to us all.

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