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11 Inclusion of Boxed Image Files The []sking) library adds some commands to conveniently include boxed image files. For the following macros and options, the [[] skins] library has to be loaded by a package option or inside the preamble b = See Section 10 on page 148 for the documentation of all other options of the library 11.1 Macros i] \tebineludegraphies [(options)] {i file name)} is In principle, this macro includes an image file denoted by (file name) using the standard \includegraphics and puts it into a tcolorbox”!!, The (options) are teolorbox keys to set up the colored box. Use /tcb/graphics options"? to specify options for the underlying \includegraphics. Some tcolerbox option key’ are automatically set, namely /tcb/enhanced *'*" and options to center the image inside the box, The sizing of the included image is done depending on the following: « Ifa /tcb/width "is specified, but no fixed /tcb/height *"™, the image is sized to fill the innor width of the box. The height of the box adapts to the image. « Ifa fixed /tcb/height “is specified, the image is sized to fill the fixed inner area of the box. + If the /ecb/capture""™ mode /ecb/hbox "is specified, the image is sized ac- cording to given \includegraphics options only. The box adapts to the image. Pow Pos 4H \tebuselibraryfrester? \vegin{tcbraster} [raster colums=3,raster force size-false,size=fbox, colfrano=red! 50!black,colback=red!20!black, fonttitle=\biseries,center title,drop fuzzy shadoy] \tebincludegraphics [tit1e=ormal l{goldshade .pngh \tebincludegraphics [title=Fixed height ,height=3cu) {goldshade-png? \tebincludegraphics[title=hhox mode,hbox,graphics options {goldshade.pngh \ond{tcbraster} ro errs Fixed height ~

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