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10 Steps to Beat Acid Reflux Naturally

In Digestive Health | by Dr. Jockers | Comments { 4 } | Affiliate Disclosure

10 Steps to Beat Acid Reflux Naturally

Acid reflux or gastric esophageal reflux disease (GERD) is one of the most
common conditions affecting Americans today. This condition is
characterized by a burning sensation in the chest that has coined the term
“heartburn.” An anti-inflammatory lifestyle has been shown to beat acid
reflux naturally.
Upon eating, food naturally passes from the throat to the stomach through the
esophagus. The esophagus contains a group of muscle fibers in the shape of a
ring that prevent food from moving backward from the stomach to the
esophagus. These muscle fibers make the lower esophageal sphincter (LES).
If the LES is not closing well it allows for food, liquid and hydrochloric acid
to leak back into the esophagus. The inner esophageal tissue is not designed
to handle the strong acidity which inflames the region. This causes the
characteristic heartburn sensation. Chronically damaging the esophageal
tissue often results in esophageal cancer and other more serious conditions
(1, 2).
Common Risk Factors for GERD:
The most common risk factors for GERD include anything that obstructs the
esophagus or stomach region such as hiatal hernia, pregnancy, and
scleroderma. Other proven risk factors include obesity, smoking, and
alcohol usage. Many prescription medications list GERD or acid reflux as a
common side effect so this should always be considered (3).
The popular belief is that acid reflux is due to an excessive amount of
hydrochloric acid in the stomach. New science has revealed that this is not
the case. GERD is most often caused by too little hydrochloric acid being
secreted by the stomach (4, 5).

The Need for Stomach Acid:

During digestion the stomach secretes acid to lower its pH to around 1.5-2.5
range. More protein in the meal results in a greater need for stomach acid.
Individuals with non-obstructive acid reflux are often not able to get their
pH low enough.
The LES is known to be a pH sensitive valve that initiates closure when pH
drops under 3.0. When the stomach does not have enough acid the LES
remains open and acid can spill into the esophageal region and damage the
tissue. Additionally, when the diaphragm herniates through the stomach
sphincter it is called a hiatal hernia and can lead to the symptoms of acid

The Problem With Antacids:

Many people use antacids to relieve the pain of heartburn. This covers up the
symptom (reducing acidity) but only makes the problem worse by decreasing
the acidity. This process limits the body from effectively digesting the food.
This causes further stress on the enzymatic system of the pancreas as well as
the other digestive organs. Antacids, processed foods and many medications
deplete the body of critical b vitamins and trace minerals that are necessary to
create a sufficient supply of stomach acid (6, 7).
H Pylori and Acid Reflux:
H.Pylori is a very sophisticated microorganism that has incredible adaptive
advantages that give it the ability to survive the stomach’s harsh
environment. It produces an enzyme called “urease” which breaks down the
urea in the stomach into carbon dioxide and ammonia. This causes belching
and halitosis (bad breath) for the individual and it neutralizes the acidifying
effects of hydrochloric acid (8).
Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is necessary for creating an acidic environment in
the stomach to digest protein and ionize minerals. This also helps to
stimulate bile release from the gallbladder to effectively metabolize fat in the
small intestine. When the body is unable to secrete enough HCL, we have
poor protein and fat digestion and may develop key nutrient deficiencies.

H Pylori disrupts the digestive process so it can lead to inflammation

throughout the gut and gastrointestinal permeability. This state of leaky gut
can also cause iron-deficient anemia, irritable bowel symptoms with
fluctuating diarrhea and constipation and ulcerative colitis. By damaging the
gut lining, we also develop an increased risk for anemia, thyroid problems,
osteoporosis & auto-immunity (9).

Good Digestion Begins in the Stomach:

Hydrochloric acid is necessary for creating an acidic environment in the
stomach to digest protein and ionize minerals. This also helps to stimulate
bile release from the gallbladder to effectively metabolize fat in the small
intestine. Without these key functions working optimally we become at risk
for anemia, thyroid problems, osteoporosis and auto-immunity (10,11,12).
Low stomach acid in a very common problem especially in older individuals
or those who have suffered from various infections like H Pylori, been on
anti-biotics and other medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatories
(13, 14, 15). Low stomach acid sets the stage for damage to the delicate lining
of the digestive tract and the formation of leaky gut syndrome.

The Importance of Healthy Stomach Acid:

When you have low stomach acid you are unable to effectively breakdown
protein in the stomach. This allows very large proteins to get into the small
intestine and creates major stress on the pancreas to produce enough enzymes
to metabolize the proteins.
This ultimately wears out the pancreatic enzyme stores and creates stress and
irritation throughout the gut. It also leads to insufficient absorption and
utilization of key amino acids that make up the protein molecules (16)
Large proteins and incomplete digestion can cause leaky gut syndrome and
trigger auto-immune activity in different regions of the body. Improper
protein digestion also leads to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, fuels
Candida and other parasites. It also creates an acidic blood stream and
depletes minerals throughout the body. Mineral depletion leads to the
inability to form stomach acid and the vicious cycle continues.

The Baking Soda Stomach Acid Test

This unique test involves drinking baking soda and creating a chemical
reaction within your stomach between the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)
and the hydrochloric acid (HCL). This normally results in carbon dioxide gas
production which leads to burping. Ingesting baking soda has been a natural
remedy for upset stomachs for centuries.

This test costs you about $3 if you need to buy a new box of baking soda, so
there is not much to lose. I advise this test because of its safety and low cost
and you could easily do it tommorrow.

But, there are problems with this test. Overall, there are a lot of variables to
control. Trying to minimize all the variables can be tough and I would
recommend performing the test 3 consecutive mornings to find an average.
By doing this, you’re looking for more of a pattern than a onetime test of
“yes” or “no.” Also, to increase accuracy of the test, you must do it as soon as
you wake up in the morning before putting anything in your mouth.

There are no scientific studies proving this method as either reliable or

unreliable. The results of this test can vary widely and it’s up to your
interpretation, both of which are not ideal. Here is how to do the test:

1. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 4-6 ounces of cold water first thing in the
morning before eating or drinking anything.

2. Drink the baking soda solution.

3. Time how long it takes you to belch. Time up to five minutes.

If you have not belched within five minutes stop timing.

In theory, if your stomach is producing adequate amounts of stomach acid

you’ll likely belch within two to three minutes. Early and repeated belching
may be due to excessive stomach acid (but don’t confuse these burps with
small little burps from swallowing air when drinking the solution). Any
belching after 3 minutes indicates a low acid level.
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle:
An anti-inflammatory lifestyle incorporates a diet rich in phytonutrient dense
vegetables, healthy fat and clean protein sources. Healthy fat sources include
coconut products, avocados, olive oil, & purified omega-3 fish oil
Healthy protein includes wild-caught fish, grass-fed red meat and free range
poultry and eggs. Anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, cinnamon,
ginger, oregano & garlic are also powerful aids. Non-processed pink salts,
sea vegetables, sea algae and cereal grasses should be used regularly to
provide an abundance of critical trace minerals.
Fermented Tonics:
Individuals should avoid eating excessively large meals. Food should be
eaten at least 2 hours before bed to allow gravity to push food through the
system. Digestive enzymes and probiotics are particularly helpful at
enhancing the digestive process.

Raw apple cider vinegar with the fermented mother intact is rich in acetic
acid, digestive enzymes and good bacteria. 2 tsp of raw apple cider vinegar
in water before a high protein meal is particularly helpful at improving
stomach acid levels to prepare for digestion. It is also helpful to use apple
cider vinegar to marinate meat, as a salad dressing and on grains such as rice.
10 Steps to Beat Acid Reflux Naturally:
1. Change Your Diet: Take out all gluten, pasteurized dairy, soy, peanuts,
corn and refined vegetable oils. Consume a diet that is low in carbohydrates
and high in good fats as described above.
2. Don’t Eat Late at Night: Finish your last meal at least 2-3 hours before
3. Use Apple Cider Vinegar: Have 1-2 tbsps of ACV in 4oz of water about
10 minutes before each large meal.
4. Only Eat 1 Solid Food Meal Daily: Drink green drinks and smoothies
during the day. These are easier on the digestive system. One good quality
solid food meal daily along with several protein shakes or smoothies and
green drinks will help the digestive system to heal.
5. Use Digestive Enzymes: Taking a digestive enzyme supplement like
Super DZyme here can help the body to digest food more effectively and
reduce stress on the entire digestive system.
6. Consume Fermented Foods Everyday: Have a few tablespoons of
organic kimchi, saeurkraut, pickles, coconut milk yogurt or kefir or fermented
raw, grass-fed dairy each day. The unique probiotics and enzymes within
these foods help to improve your microbiome and enhance HCL production.
7. Consume Fermented Drinks & Tonics: This includes apple cider
vinegar, coconut water kefir, fermented grass-fed whey and kombucha.
Drink 2-4oz daily before a meal or meals to improve digestion and HCL
8. Use Lemon and Ginger: Make green drinks with a whole lemon or lime
and ginger. Both of these have key nutrients that enhance HCL production.
9. Reduce Stress on the Digestive System: Be sure not to try to eat solid
foods when you are under stress. Stress reduces the secretion of digestive
juices and enzyme production. I teach people to only consume raw and liquid
foods in small quantities during the stressful periods of the day. Enjoy your
larger meal with healthy proteins. good fats and veggies at a more relaxed
time of day (for many this is in the evening).
10. Use a Hydrochloric Acid Supplement: Improving stomach acid
production is one of the biggest factors in improving someone’s health.
HCl(hydrochloric acid) supports nutrient absorption and helps maintain a
healthy gastric pH, which, in turn, supports healthy gastric ecology. My go to
HCL support supplement is Acid Pro-Zyme here
Sources For This Article Include:
1. Kahrilas PJ. GERD pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations. Cleve Clin J Med. 2003 Nov;70

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2. Shaheen N, Ransohoff DF. Gastroesophageal acid reflux, barrett esophagus, and esophageal cancer: scientific

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3. Eslick GD, Talley NJ. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): risk factors, and impact on quality of life-a

population-based study. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2009 Feb;43(2):111-7. PMID: 18838922

4. Life Extension – Gastroesophageal Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) Link Here

5. World Journal of Gastroenterology – Overlapping gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrom:

Increased dysfunction symptoms. Link Here

6. Dharmarajan TS, Kanagala MR, Murakonda P, Lebelt AS, Norkus EP. Do acid-lowering agents affect vitamin

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16. Body Ecology – Low Stomach Acid: The Risks, The Symptoms, and The Solutions Link Here


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4 Responses to 10 Steps to Beat Acid Reflux

Inda February 4, 2012 at 4:30 pm #

Dr Jockers, Can you please email me the form containing

foods that are alkaline or acidic to maintain a healthy body

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