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MIDIIL~: 2001

Ghada Hashem Talhami

DK Talhami is D.K. Pearsons professor of politics at Lake Forest College.

She is the author of Syria and the Palestinians: The Clash of Nationalisms
(see review on page 164).

ne of the Syrian Islamic national map, hence, was never free of its
movement’s most obvious own risks and always generated intense
characteristics is its limited political and ideological rivalries.
impact on a populace obsessed From the beginning, the Islamist role in
with defining its national destiny. More this quest was a limited and isolated effort.
than any other Arab country, Syria has The general acceptance of the basic
always debated its fiiture, its ideal political premise of the Islamist position was always
system and its national identity with great there, but in practical terms the movement
earnestness. Ever since the emergence of often lacked relevance, as well as strategic
modern Syria with its current Westem- allies. Additionally, when compared to
imposed boundaries, Syrians have searched other rival ideologies such as those of the
for a more palatable alternative national Baath party or the Arab nationalist move-
existence. This search has taken the form ment, political Islam paled in the richness
of a philosophical quest as well as a of its thought and its originality. A deriva-
practical one. Moreover, modem Syria’s tive of the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt,
truncated geography, which suffered the Syrian Islamist thinking was often bur-
loss of the Lebanese mountains, the Turkish dened with the legacy of that movement,
territories and Southern Syria (Palestine particularly in its confrontation with
and Jordan) resulted in a determined effort Nasserism. Rather than draw some
to overcomc the limitations ofthe Sykes- benefits from its association with the Arab
Picot Agreement. This quest continued world’s most illustrious and oldest Islamist
even after independence, when the Sykes- movement, Syrian Islamic organizations
Picot and San Remo boundaries hardened were tainted with the failure of their
into the map of the modem Syrian state. ideological forebears. Thus Syrian political
Syrians found themselves torn between a Islam faced more challenges and organiza-
commitment to republicanism and the lure tional obstacles than similar movements in
of unification with contiguous monarchic predominantly Muslim countries.
regimes such as the Hashemites of Jordan A relative latecomer to the pluralist
and Iraq. The quest for an alternative political scene in Syria, the Islamist move-

ment was not actively engaged against the spectrum from independence onwards was
French colonialists. Other ideological dominated by the debate over the principles
manisfestations preceded them on the of nationhood and nationalism. Competing
Syrian scene, such as the People’s party ideas of the Baath, the SSNP and the
and the Nationalist party. Far from being Brotherhood, nevertheless, were distin-
mass political parties, these two coalesced guished by the clarity oftheir discourse and
around interest groups within the higher the symmetry oftheir philosophies.
strata of society. But the two groups Whereas the SSNP championed the vision
spearheaded the Syrians’ rejection of the of regional nationalism, basing its logic on
French- and British-imposed settlement of geography as the great definer of nation-
1918. The Nationalist party, which was hood, the Baath anchored its ideology in
later led by Shukri al-Quwatli, advocated the principles of language and history. The
Arab unity through the efforts of the Arab Muslim Brotherhood, however, raised the
League of States and was unwilling to issue of religion as the most logical and
sacrifice its republican system of govern- enduring bond among people, proclaiming
ment. The People’s party, on the other the ideal of the unity ofthe Muslim world
hand, later led by Rushdi al-Kikhia, was as the desired shape of the future.’
willing to accept unions even with In addition, Syrian pluralism during the
monarchic regimes.’ post-independence period, as well as
There were also mass parties capable various superimposed one-party solutions,
of presenting the public with a coherent gave rise to a multiple array ofpolitical
political program. The Syrian Social parties. There was, for instance, the
National party (SSNP) of Anton Saadah, Syrian Communist party, which emerged
for instance, tirst emerged in 1935, posing both in Syria and Lebanon in 1925 and
as a secular nationalist movement. The drew its support primarily, but not exclu-
Baath party, both before and after its sively, from non-Muslim minorities and
merger with Akram Hourani’s Arab intellectuals. Under the leadership of
Socialist party, assumed the mantle of the Kahled Bikdash since 1932, the Communist
early pan-Arabists while adding the party was able to activate large Muslim
dimension ofArab socialism to its ideology. sectors, such as the Syrian Kurds, and to
Following its merger with Hourani’s party draw closer to the Arab nationalist forces.
in 1953, the latter’s emphasis on the plight Bikdash also enjoyed a wide popular base
of the Syrian peasantry and the Baath in the Damascus region, particularly
commitment to socialism presented a following the 1954 parliamentary elections.
powerful ideology.’ However, Bikdash never enjoyed serious
Emerging in the 194Os, the Baath, as support outside the Syrian capital. Neither
well as the SSNP, emphasized the transi- did the ideological basis of the party,
tory nature of the Syrian state and the namely internationalism, ever touch the
desirability of achieving larger territorial psyche of the majority of Syrians. Under
units. The Muslim Brotherhood, which the Shishakli regime, a single official party
also emerged in the 1940s, challenged the known as Harakat al-Tahrir al-Arabi (The
current territorial definition of Syrian Arab Liberation Movement) attempted to
nationalism. Thus the entire ideological fill the void created by Shishakli’s disband-


ing ofall political parties in 1952 but did not then becomes: How and why did the
last beyond his termination.‘ Muslim Brotherhood rise to challenge one
Nasser’s cancellation of all Syrian of Syria’s most resilient authoritarian
political parties in the Syrian region ofthe regimes during the 1970s and 1980s?
United Arab Republic also resulted in the
creation in 1958 ofAl-lttihad al-Qawmi BACKGROUND
(The National Union).5 Syria’s commit- An examination of the historical
ment to political pluralism was thus weak- background ofthe Islamic movement in
ened in the early 1960s. The Hafiz Asad Syria will shed some light on the signifi-
regime, which began to dominate Syria in cance of Syria’s Islamic credentials, as well
1963, proved reluctant to superimpose as on the Egyptian lslamist ties that nur-
another single-party system. The Baath tured the current movement. Throughout
party, by then purged and redirected, was history, the Syrian lands have contributed
assured a dominant position in both the their share of Islamic thinkers and religious
Peoples’ Council (Majlis al-Shaab), and in legal scholars (ulama). By virtue of its
the National Progressive Front, which background as the center of the first Arab
included five other parties but not the empire, the Umayyid, and its numerous
Brotherhood.” ancient mosques and religious schools,
Perhaps what the lslamist movement beginning with the Umayyid Mosque, Syria
symbolized for the Syrian people was not a was as much the heart of the Muslim world
political program but the civilizational as was Egypt. Famous religious families
heritage of Islam. It appears that very few transmitted Islamic scholarship from one
people took the Brotherhood’s emphasis on generation to the next, particularly in
the universal political bond of Islam and the Damascus, Aleppo, Homs and Hama.
inevitability of the universal Islamic state During the present era, the College of
seriously. What is clear, however, is that Islamic Law within the University of
just as the Arab bourgeoisie constructed a Damascus has become the training ground
political program with which to resist and of some of Syria’s and the Arab world’s
challenge the French, and Marxist groups distinguished Muslim legal, or Sharia,
came forward with a social program in the scholars.X Although lacking the ancient
1940s to challenge the unequal distribution roots and global fame of al-Azhar Univer-
of wealth, Islamic organizations proposed a sity of Cairo, Kulliyat al-Sharia of Dam-
civilizational program demanding that ascus has enjoyed the general indepen-
values be an important component of the dence and immunity extended to the
national identity.’ Thus, the Islamist University of Damascus for much of its
movement did not contribute greatly to the recent history. This institution was able to
Syrian discourse on the definition of determine its own curriculum and keep the
nationhood and the nation. With its heavy government at bay. Thus, even after the
emphasis on Muslim history and heritage, neo-Baath regime attempted to infuse a
the lslamist movement appeared strong pan-Arabist direction in the
marginalized and out of touch with the university’s curricula, the Sharia College
political realities of the I940s, 1950s and was able to maintain its own emphasis on
the 1960s. Given this context, the question the separation of the Sharia and civil law.’


Some of the distinguished - and politicized Christian population, particularly in Lebanon.

- professors of this college, such as the The last quarter of the nineteenth
early leader of the Brotherhood, Dr. century, according to this view, saw the
Mustafa al-Sibai, have been able to enrich rise of Islamic societies that were out-
the program of study by the addition of wardly dedicated to social-welfare activi-
courses on various Islamic sects to the ties. These were intended also to counter-
well-established curriculum emphasizing the act the transmission of Western, and
four legal schools of Islamic jurisprudence. therefore un-Islamic, values. Among the
Appointed as dean of the Law Faculty earliest of these was the Ottoman-spon-
at Damascus University in 1955, al-Sibai, sored Jami yat al-Maqasid al-Khairiyah,
then in full bloom as a party leader and which emerged in 1878 in Beirut. Eventu-
member of parliament, proceeded to enrich ally, this organizational prototype spread to
and redesign the curriculum. He is also other Arab countries. These societies
credited with initiating during this period the provided Islamic educational opportunities
massive project of the Encyclopedia of for the poor, as well as welfare benefits. A
Islamic Law (Mawsuat al-Fiqh al-lslami). network of these organizations developed
This tradition of blending scholarship and in Syria decades before the emergence of
political activism extended to other lslamist the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood."
leaders who were products of the Sharia Other Islamic centers of learning and
College, such as Sheikh Muhammad Abu- activity became politicized as the result of
al-Nasr al-Bayanuni and Said Hawwa."' the spreading fame of the Egyptian organi-
Thus, the presence of a distinguished zation and the return of Syrian students
Sharia college in Syria fostered and from studies at al-Azhar. The first of these
intensified modem Islamic studies in a to exhibit lslamist political views was the
manner that was lacking in countries Aleppo Sharia College, known as Dar al-
without such institutions, such as Jordan, Arqam, which trained Islamic activist
Lebanon or even Palestine. students in the 1920s and 1930s. Al-
It should be evident, however, that Arqam is credited with giving rise to the
Islamic scholarship and moderate Islamic earliest of the Islamic brotherhoods in
activism preceded the establishment of Syria. Similar organizations soon devel-
Damascus University and its various oped in other major cities, with groups in
colleges. The transformation of the Islamic Damascus, Hama, Deir al-Zour and
scholarly circles into a political movement Lattakiyah taking the name of the Muslim
was not completed until the rise of the Brotherhood, and in Homs known as al-
Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt and the Rabitah. Muslim brotherhoods also
development of similar organizations in developed in some European countries and
Syria. Syrian Islamists, naturally, underplay wherever Syrian students pursued higher
this direct connection between the two studies. These organizations came to-
organizations. According to their view, the gether in 1937 and held their first annual
earliest Islamic societies or organizations, meeting at Homs under the name of
taking the name ofjumiyuh, were in direct Tantheem Shabab Muhammad.
response to the rise of Protestant and Another conference followed in 1938
Jewish societies that targeted the Arab at Damascus. It was during the latter

1 I3
annual meeting that the decision to head- in the unification of all clubs and organiza-
quarter the organization at Aleppo was tions. The year 1946 witnessed the
made, largely to conceal activities from the transformation of the movement into a
eyes of the government in Damascus. political party, and a major departure from
During the fourth annual meeting at Aleppo, the Egyptian Brotherhood’s political
Shabab Muhammad took the decision to strategy developed.” While the Egyptian
organize quasi-military groups known as Al- Brothers under al-Banna’s leadership
Saraya and Al-Futtuwa. By 1944, the rejected the notion of participating in a non-
annual meeting at Aleppo adopted resolu- Islamic liberal political system, the Syrian
tions to create a Damascus-based execu- Brothers were actively present in the
tive committee representing the center of parliamentary life. This fact,
organization’s various branches. The name however, does not mean that they enjoyed
Shabab Muhammad was changed to the a position of dominance, but rather a
Islamic Brotherhood party (hizb). A higher marginalized and somewhat ineffective
institute of learning was established at role. Yet, despite frequent Baathist
Aleppo, Al-Mahad al-Thanawi al-Arabi allegations ofthe Brotherhood’s lack of
(The Arab Secondary Institute), as well as influence over Syria’s intensely competitive
a publishing house at Damascus and a party life from the 1940s to the 1960s, it
paper under the title ofAl-Munar. A new was able to define several crucial issues
leadership emerged represented by and fight significant battles.I4
Muhammad al-Mubarak, Mustafa Sibai and Typically, most histories ofthis period
Dr. Marouf al-Dawalibi. Both al-Mubarak emphasize the rise of the Baath and the
and al-Dawalibi eventually became promi- triangular relationship between this party,
nent members of various coalition cabinets the old traditional political groups such as
and were typical of a generation of Broth- the National and the People’s party, and
erhood members who did not hesitate to the army. Until 1956, when Adnan al-
take part in mainstream Syrian political life. Malki was assassinated, the SSNP was
Dawalibi often rose to the position of prime also an important element in the political
minister and minister of defense, while al- spectrum. But a careful reading of all of
Mubarak was usually selected as minister these histories reveals a significant thread
of agriculture. Sibai served several terms of Islamic activism represented by the
as a member of parliament.’? Brotherhood’s ideological approach to
Some of the Brotherhood’s later politics, and a steady legitimization in the
leadership, such as lssam al-Attar, who eyes of the Syrian public. The Brother-
inherited Sibai’s mantle in 1957 on the eve hood’s greatest difficulty, however, has
of the creation of the United Arab Repub- always been in defining itself. Its greatest
lic ( 1958-196 1 ), was entrusted during this competition was not from the Communist
period with the editorship of Al-Mmur. party or even the SSNP as might be
Thus, with most ofthe lslamist institutions expected, but from the Baath, which
in place, it was no surprise that the visit of captured the imagination and the political
Hasan al-Banna to Syria in 1946, and his allegiance of Syria’s rising masses.
inspection tour of the Brotherhood’s main The Syrian Brotherhood found itself
military training camps at Qatana, resulted operating not only in one of the most

1 I4

nationalist political environments in the ijtimai) which he popularized during the

Arab World, but also in a country where 1940s - and partly in response to the
secular Arab nationalism seemed to have politicization of the Syrian peasants and
won the day. Moreover, this secularism, workers, the Brotherhood adopted a strong
which was enunciated by the main ideo- socialist position.16 Beginning in 1949,
logical currents, such as the SSNP and the Sibai emphasized in his speeches and
Baath, did not come at the expense of publications, particularly in his book
Islam. Indeed, one of the main difficulties /shtiruki?/at a/-Islam (Islamic Socialism,
of standing up to the Baath was always the 1960), a system of Islamic socialism based
latter’s ability to reconcile Arab national- on almsgiving and collective and social
ism, Arab socialism and Arab Islam. Not responsibility. Inspired by the works of
unlike the Brother- mostly Egyptian
hood, the Baath - Islamic reformers
even its prominent One of the main difficulties of such as Jamal al-
Christianleader- standing up to the Baath was Din al-Afghani
ship - has always and Muhammad
emPhasized that always the latter’s ability to Abduh. and in
Islam was “the reconcile Arab nationalism, recent years by
eternal mission” of Arab socialism and Arab Islam. the writings of
all Arabs. In the Khaled
view of Michel Muhammad
Aflaq, Islam was not only a divine and Khaled, Sibai attempted to reconcile
religious system, but also an expression of traditional Islamic concepts with the
the genius of the Arab nation. Since the modern ideas of socialism and progress.
Arab nation is eternal, renewing itself Rejecting communism and its emphasis
across human history, then Arab national- on class conflict, Sibai’s reconciliation
ism is one of its latest manifestations in the effort equated the role of the Islamic
current historical stage. Thus, nationalism capitalist with that of the Islamic worker by
reaches its zenith only when it reunites focusing on the meaning of Islam’s demand
with historical Islam, since both are no for social solidarity. But here again the
more than the manifestation of the nation in Brotherhood’s refusal to anathematize
two distinct times.I5 Obviously, the socialism as a godless ideology had to
Brotherhood’s adherence to traditional confront the concept of state socialism
Islam limited its intellectual appeal, given adopted by its strong Nasserite enemy and
the Baath’s modern elaboration on the its Baathist rival. Baathism also began to
interconnection between religion and advocate clear socialist ideas around 1949,
nationalism. when the party started to seek parliamen-
The Syrian Brotherhood, however, did tary representation. The Baath postulated
depart from the ideas of Orthodox Islam in the concept of a socialist state, based on a
its elaboration on Islamic socialism. Partly total redistribution ofwealth, as the ulti-
influenced by the ideas of the Egyptian mate vehicle for the destruction of the
Sayyid Qutb - especially his concept of Arab social system everywhere.”
Islamic social solidarity (al-tukqful ul-

1 I5

1950-70 campaign against the Egyptian Brother-

The Brotherhood was not only margin- hood during the 1950s. Not only were the
alized as a result of Baathist ideological Syrian Brotherhood’s ideas deemed
appeal, however. The Brotherhood’s own unfashionable, Nasser’s 1954 confrontation
ideology at times seemed ahistorical and with their Egyptian counterparts and his
politically irrelevant as a result ofbeing rising popularity with the Arab masses
incapable ofresponding to national dilem- darkened the Brotherhood’s image in Syria.
mas. One of the dominant crises of Syria’s Nasser’s relentless propaganda machine,
post-independence period was the defeat which reached the entire Arab world,
of Arab Palestine and the rise of a threat- emphasized the Brotherhood’s evil politics
ening and alien state to the south. The and the bankruptcy of its ideas. The
Syrians immediately became fixated on the Nasserites never acknowledged the
issue of Israel, not only because of the Brotherhood’s anti-British and anti-Zionist
failure of the Arab nations to preserve campaigns in Palestine nor its social-
Palestine from what was perceived as welfare programs on behalf of Egypt’s
another neo-colonial and imperial aggres- poor.’” Although the Syrians emerged as
sion, but also because of a potential the only surviving Arab representatives of
strategic stand-off with Israel. Both on the lslamist movement, the continued rise
ideological and pragmatic policy grounds, of Nasser’s popularity, particularly after
Israel posed a severe challenge to the the Suez War, contributed to their increas-
Syrian political system. The most logical ing unpopularity. The Suez War also
and practical response to this development invalidated the logic of Islamic unity.”’
became quickly defined as an immediate Neither were the Syrian Islamists aided
call to unification with neighboring Arab by the intensifying struggle between the
states. The Palestine question lent greater SSNP and the Baath following the execution
credence to the romanticized Baathist call of Saadah in Lebanon in 1949. Accused of
for Arab unity. The efforts of Ahmad handing over Saadah to the Lebanese
Shuqairi, veteran Palestinian statesman, to authorities, Zaim’s government suffered a
focus Syrian foreign policy on Palestine great loss of legitimacy, which led to further
and its grievances continued until Husni al- divisions within the ranks of the armed
Zaim’s coup in 1949. Concern for Pales- forces.’’ When the SSNP sought to
tine revived again during the dictatorship of accelerate its rise within the military by
Adib al-Shishkali. Disputes over the assassinating Deputy Chief of Stat’f Adnan
damming of Lake Houleh ( 1951-52) and Malki in April 1955, the center of its activi-
the Eric Johnston Plan (1953) highlighted ties shifted to Lebanon. More important,
the Israeli-Syrian Jordan River conflict and leadership within the armed forces began to
helped maintain Syria’s concern over its shift to the Baathists.?‘ Indeed, this internal
strategic vulnerability to the south.Ix By struggle within the various ideological
contrast, the Brotherhood’s call for an factions of the armed forces was being
Islamic state and Islamic unity provided no resolved in favor of the Baath beginning in
answers to Syria’s strategic dilemmas. the mid 1950s. The Brotherhood was
The Syrian Brotherhood also bore the uninvolved and was viewed as being
full brunt of the Nasserite vilification seriously opposed to the encroachment of

1 I6

the military on civilian political life. The Hourani was credited with enunciating a
Brotherhood’s reaction to the rising influ- clear socialist line before the Baath did.25
ence of military leaders explains its Hourani’s former party, however, differed
marginalization in Syrian politics as well as from the Baath in its deemphasis of the
its evolving role as a member of several idea of Arab unity.
anti-military parliamentary coalitions. Hourani, nevertheless, was just as
To understand Syria’s unstoppable slide obsessed with Arab nationalism as were
towards military rule and the eventual Aflaq and Bitar. Hourani was also trauma-
military capture ofmost institutions in the tized by the twentieth-century Arab
country by Baathist officers, one needs to confrontation with Israel and the Western
examine the unusual career of Akram Powers and the failure of Arab arms.
Hourani. The rise of the military to power While the Muslim Brotherhood saw the
was one of the Brotherhood’s greatest decline of the Arabs as the result of the
defeats. Hourani, on the other hand, was absence of Islamic moral values and the
driven by his own life experiences to onslaught of Westernization and modern-
search for a suitable philosophy of national ism, Hourani approached this as a political
salvation and the means by which to and social dilemma. When Hourani began
provide Syria’s masses with social and to strengthen his ties to the Syrian military
economic equality. Joining the SSNP in establishment and to politicize their ranks,
1936, he was the mainstay of this party in the pattern of Syria’s historical develop-
his hometown of Hama until the 1950s. ment began to change. And of all of his
He also represented the SSNP in parlia- varied and socially committed legacies, he
ment while still impressed with its advo- will always be remembered for facilitating
cacy of Greater Syrian unification. But, at the militarization of Syria’s parliamentary
the same time, he began to champion the and republicanist system of government.
rights of the peasants in Hama, an area Hourani’s attraction to the military was
noted for its feudal estates, and eventually at first motivated by nationalist consider-
organized Hizb al-Shabab (the Youth ations and only later by social necessity.
party).’3 As a young man, he used to incite mem-
By 1950, this party took the name Arab bers of the Army of the Orient, which the
Socialist party and began to expand into French created in Syria and Lebanon, to
Damascus, where it also competed with rebel against the colonial administration or
the Brotherhood for the allegiance of desert altogether. Some of these enlisted
student groups. The party merged with the officers joined Hourani in lraq in 1941 to
Baath of Aflaq and Salah al-Din al-Bitar in battle British troops and assist the cause of
1953, becoming the Arab Baath Socialist Rashid Ali al-Gaylani. Hourani also joined
party.24 While still Hama-based, the party Syrian officers fighting on the Palestine
adopted a clear socialist plank, calling for front while an elected member of parlia-
the redistribution of large estates to the ment. He volunteered for this duty along-
poor, for a neutral foreign policy, and for side some prominent military officers like
the suppression of religious sectarianism. Adib Shishakli. His access to the military,
The Arab Socialist party thus sounded very despite his lack of any military credentials,
much like the Arab Baath except that had been made possible by the presence of


the military academy in nearby Homs. officers to his passionate concern for
Thus, although he himself was studying national revival and social justice was due
law, his contacts were with the officers to his lack of hesitation when it came to
and cadets of this French-founded military encouraging their entry into political life.
academy training young men for service Hourani went to the extent of supporting
with the Army of the Orient.?‘ several military takeovers of government
Hourani’s influence was largely beginning with the coup of Husni al-Zaim
exercised over the Hama officers, specifi- in March of 1949, that of Sami Hinnawi in
cally the fourth batch, who graduated August of 1949, and that of Adib al-
between 1946 and 1952, and particularly Shishkali in December of 1949. In all of
the class of 1948. This group was appar- these, Hourani, inspired by the progressive
ently committed to Hourani’s leadership and reformist model of Ataturk, worked
and, due to the 1948 Palestine war, was with each and every military leader by
extraordinarily writing their press
politicized. Most of communiques and
this class of offic- The failure of civilian promoting their
ers held the civilian 0
government to Save the honor progressive policies,
politicians respon- such as al-Zaim’s
sible for their
of the military in the Palestine extension ofthe
defeat. The failure war was blamed on prevalent franchise to
of civilian govern- feudal conditions such as women. He was
ment to save the existed in the Hama region. rewarded with the
honor of the post of minister of
military in the agriculture by the
Palestine war was blamed on prevalent Hinnawi government. Always denying his
feudal conditions such as existed in the role in backing these military takeovers
Hama region. Thus, Hourani’s call for the with strategies and policies designed to
need to launch social and economic appeal to the public, the so-called “midwife
changes and to transform the army into the of all coups” was clearly supportive of the
instrument of progress and reform reso- military in order to weaken his own tradi-
nated with the officers and enhanced tional political enemies. When Shishkali
Hourani’s popularity. Loyalty to Hourani eliminated all political parties, Hourani
even rivaled the officers’ allegiance to the turned against him, just as he turned
Baath and the SSNP, both of which had against Nasser’s successful effort to
also infiltrated the military ranks. Hourani muzzle the political parties of the UAR’s
gained the officers’ trust because he Syrian region.2x
constantly championed their cause in The army’s steady encroachment on
parliament against the severe criticism of civilian politics was of such concern to
the politicians.?’ successive Syrian regimes that special
Thus, the military in Syria emerged measures had to be taken in order to
after independence fully politicized and rent prevent future coup attempts. Indeed,
by competing ideologies. Hourani’s during the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, the
success in winning a large number of military were so torn by ideological divi-


sions that they were viewed as a natural elected body to draft a constitution and
segment of the politically active classes. had become part of an Islamic Socialist
But so were the students, also in the bloc dedicated to the adoption of a consti-
forefront of the political struggles of that tution with an Islamic ~rientation.~” This
period. When the neo-Baath took over the bloc consisted of four deputies, but the
reins of government under Asad beginning winners of that year were the independents
in 1970, he banned all political activities led by Sami Kabbarah. The total size of
among students and the military except for the newly created Constituent Assembly
the Baath party. Other political parties was 1 16. The brainchild of the new army
were not allowed to organize or recruit dictator Sami Hinnawi, this assembly was
members from these two groups. Recog- elected in November 1949 with the full
nition of their volatility has always haunted backing of the People’s party in order to
the Syrian body politic.29 pave the way for a Syrian-Iraqi union. The
When examined against this back- Constituent Assembly went as far as the
ground, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood will drafting of a new presidential oath, which
be seen as an important player in the deleted the statement “I pledge to respect
central political struggles of the post- the republican system of government.”
independence period. It should also be Elements within the army, particularly
apparent that Syrian politics cannot be the Baathists and Hourani’s supporters,
understood without grasping the role of the were fiercely against the proposed
Brotherhood. Analysis of the militarization Hashemite-Syrian union. This led to
of politics, therefore, becomes just as another coup attempt by an old military
important as various Arab unification associate of Hourani, Adib Shishakli. The
schemes, Nasserite Arab nationalism and Syrian army feared such a union because
major social legislation involving property of the possibility of absorption by its larger
rights. Attempts to write new conetitutions Iraqi counterpart, while the old political
also stirred the Brotherhood to action while classes feared a permanent assault on the
at the same time revealing its limitations legal constitution, which was nullified by
and inability to recruit followers. The Zaim’s COUP.^'
Brotherhood suffered repeated failures to Fear of opposition by the Baathist and
respond to various Arab foreign-policy pro-Hourani officers was so great that
issues affecting Syria. politicians, such as the People’s party
One of the unusual features of the stalwarts, were pushing Hinnai to make
Syrian Islamist movement, as indicated some arrests in order to facilitate the
earlier, was its participation in parliamen- creation of the new Constituent Assembly.
tary politics long before resorting to This polarization of the political scene in
revolutionary violence during the 1970s and which the Muslim Socialist bloc was on the
early 1980s. Beginning in 1947, the side of the Hashemite union met with
Brotherhood ran candidates for parliament failure when Shishakli took power. But a
from Damascus and was able to enjoy new alliance emerged between the
relative freedom of expression and organi- People’s party and the Muslim Brother-
zation until the rise of the Shishakli regime. hood, which was anti-army. Both of these
By 1949, Sibai had won a seat in a new parties saw in the Iraqi-Syrian union a way


out of the Pretorian dilemma. The over the identity of the state in the new
People’s party remained dependent on the constitution, Sibai led the fight over declar-
Brotherhood’s support even after ing Islam the sole religion of the state. But
Shishakli’s coup and worked to undermine he lost in favor of those who insisted only
a proposed new government to be led by on delineating Islam as the religion of the
Hourani, for fear of losing the president of the republic. This statement
Brotherhood’s support. The latter made was then buttressed by declaring Islamic
known its animosity to Hourani’s pro-army jurisprudence to be the main source of
candidate and to increasing military influ- legislation and the state to be the sustainer
ence over civilian politics and scuttled any of all divine faiths. The debate over
plans to support Hourani. Shishakli, the secularizing the state was also joined by
new strongman, thus used Hourani during some of Syria’s Christian religious leader-
the early phase of the coup in order to ship. The Greek Orthodox Bishop of
keep the old parties, the Hama, Ignatius Harika,
People’s and National protested in the pages
parties, in check. The PreoccuDation with the of the national press
Brotherhood, though not that the new constitu-
powerful on its own,
dress code of female tion threatened to
was important as a students was deemed relegate Christians to
swing party.’? nefarious by an the status of a perma-
The Muslim Broth- assembly fiiated on the nent minority. Other
erhood paid the price bishops representing
for its antipathy to army issue of land reform. Syria’s Christian
rule when it became the mosaic also protested,
first casualty of Shishakli’s abandonment of directly to the government, plans to declare
his brief experiment with democracy. The Syria a Muslim state.
new dictator closed the offices of the The Muslims, for their part, interjected
conservative National and People’s parties, Islamic values in the national debate when
as well as those of the Cooperative Social- Sibai called from the floor of parliament for
ist party and the Organization of the banning youths from frequenting movie
Muslim Brotherhood, but not before houses. This demand bought ridicule to the
witnessing a great battle over the proposed Islamics, who had recently inveighed
new constitution.” Two issues divided the against female participation in scouting
Syrian public: a proposed clause limiting parades and the attendance of unveiled
land ownership and paving the way for a women at coeducational institutes of higher
redistribution of wealth, and another learning. Preoccupation with the dress
declaring the republic to be an Islamic code of female students was, therefore,
country. deemed nefarious by an assembly fixated
In the debate over land ownership, on the issue of land reform.35
elected members sided with the conserva- The greatest confrontation between
tive bloc, which barely managed to beat the Islamic constituency and Shishakli took
back Hourani’s progressive group and its place over the issue of civilian control of
demands for In the other debate the Ministry of Defense. More important,


the man chosen by President Hashem al- field as Shishakli’s illegal opposition,
Attasi to head the government after spearheading a general rejection of the
several short-lived cabinets led by the principle of military dictatorship. These
People’s party and the independent Khaled conditions lasted until another coup re-
al-Azm was Sheikh Dr. Maarouf al- moved Shishakli in February 1954.j’
Dawalibi. The sheikh was considered part The efforts of the Brotherhood and the
of the left wing of the People’s party but of People’s party to stop the army’s en-
a decidedly Islamic orientation. Dawalibi croachment on civilian politics thus failed,
then assigned to himself the portfolio of the largely because neither group had any
Ministry of Defense without prior consulta- substantial links to the military. When
tion with Shishakli. The implication ofthis elections for a new parliament took place
development, which epitomized the after Shishakli’s removal, the Brotherhood
People’s party’s interest in banishing did not participate at all. Clearly, the
military influence from the cabinet, was Brotherhood failed to impress the Syrian
that, theoretically at least, Dawalibi could voters with its resistance to the military
ask the president and the parliament to dictatorship. Indeed, in the elections of
remove Shishakli from the position of chief September 1954, the People’s party, which
of staff.36 had led the struggle against the army, lost
This short-lived experiment in civilian- badly because of its attempt to bring Syria
military rule, which extended from into the Iraqi axis. Enjoying control over
Shishakli’s takeover of power after the end 43 seats (out of a total of 119) in the 1949
of Hinnawi’s military regime in December parliamentary elections, the People’s party
1949 to December 1951 , ended when the won only 30 seats (from a total of 142) in
military dictator instigated a coup against 1954. By contrast, the Baath occupied
his regime. Shishakli removed from office only one seat in 1949, but won 22 seats in
and imprisoned members of the civilian 1954. Clearly, the pan-Arabist ideology
government, including the president. was winning over the traditional fixation on
Another military figure, Fawzi Silo, became alliances with dynastic Arab regimes. The
head of state and Shishakli head of the Brotherhood’s attachment to the traditional
cabinet. The military blow appeared at parties and its animosity towards a
first to be directed at the traditional parties radicalized military institution had weak-
that had dominated Syrian politics until that ened its political position.38
time. But soon the Baath and the Arab The rise of Nasserite Egypt, in the
Socialist party were also dissolved. meantime, and its confrontation with the
Shishakli then created his own political Egyptian Brotherhood fbrther marginalized
organization, the Arab Liberation Move- the Syrian Brotherhood’s role in Syrian
ment, which reduced Syria to a one-party parliamentary politics. With the 1954
state for the first time ever. He also arrest of the leader of the Egyptian Broth-
mobilized large segments of students, erhood, Hasan al-Hudhaibi, the entire Arab
youths and minor government officials to arena endured a period of polarization
join his party, as well as sizeable numbers between the forces of Arab socialism and
from the SSNP. Only the Baath and the pan-Arabism and those of the Islamic
Arab Socialist party remained active in the revival. This explains Sibai’s decision to


refrain from running in the 1954 parliamen- Attar exercised quite a bit of restraint
tary race.j” Nasser’s rise to Arab promi- during this time by avoiding any open
nence as a result of successful opposition condemnation of Nasser’s government.
to Britain’s regional pacts, as well as the Indeed, the Brotherhood under al-Attar’s
survival of the Nasserite regime following leadership found itself caught between
the Suez War, had a negative impact on the opposition to Nasser’s regime and support
Syrian Islamic movement. The first for Nasser’s demand that the Syrian armed
development, Egypt’s neutrality, eliminated forces be isolated and prevented from
Syria’s Hashemite Iraqi option once and influencing politics. Unity with Egypt was
for all, and with it one of the Brotherhood’s also regarded as a way of weakening
opportunities to curb the influence of the Syria’s Communist party. When Nasser
military on Syrian life. The second devel- substituted his own party, the National
opment strengthened the appeal of other Union party (al-lttihad al-Qawmi), Syria
political parties, such as the Baath (which was headed towards a single-party system
united with Hourani’s Arab Socialist party once more.
in 1952) since it shared much of the Some Syrians claimed that the Broth-
ideological highlights of Nasserism. Thus, ers and their supporters did actually join the
when Sibai ran for election from his ranks of the National party in large num-
Damascus base in 1957, he scored badly bers. Even Khaled al-Azm commented on
against Riyadh Malki, brother of the al-Attar’s puzzling reticence and refusal to
recently assassinated military leader Adnan voice any open criticism of the union or the
Malki. Both Malkis were Baathi~ts.~” Egyptian regime after the dissolution of the
As expected, the Muslim Brotherhood union. The only substantive and open
opposed plans to unify with Nasser’s Egypt criticism of Nasser was leveled by some
in 1958. The only other party to adopt a religious figures such as Sheikh Ali al-
similar stand was the Communist party.4’ Tantawi. He complained in a statement to
By that time, the Syrian Brotherhood had Nasser that union with Egypt resulted in
turned increasingly towards the task of the deterioration of moral standards as
lslamizing society rather than the state young Egyptian males flooded the Dam-
through education and the propagation of ascus youth festival. He bitterly com-
moral values. It was during that period that plained about the popularization of ballet
the Egyptian propaganda machine began to dancing for females and students’ co-
refer to the Muslim Ikhwan (Brothers) educational summer camps. The Brother-
throughout the Arab World as Ikhwan al- hood was also able to bounce back from
Shayatin (the Brothers of Satan). It was years of inaction by winning three seats
also during this period that the leadership of from Damascus as well as seven from the
the Syrian Brotherhood passed to a new provinces in the parliamentary elections of
figure, lssam al-Attar. In 1957, Sibai’s 1961. Other Brotherhood figures who won
failing health and partial paralysis prompted seats in these same elections included
him to retire from active leadership in favor future leader Abd al-Fattah Abu-Ghuddah
of this Damascene high-school teacher of from A l e p p ~ . ~ ~
Arabic literat~re.~’Although the Brother- Following the dissolution of the Syrian-
hood opposed the union with Egypt, al- Egyptian union, al-Attar emerged as a


rising political star largely because of his the Baath, included in addition to Hadid the
willingness to build bridges to the armed likes of Said Hawwa, Abd al-Fattah Abu-
forces. Breaking away from the traditional Ghuddah and Adnan Saad al-Din. A
anti-military stance of the Brotherhood, al- mediation effort between the two factions
Attar seems to have been motivated by a by Muslim representatives from other Arab
greater fear of the Communist party. The countries failed to bridge this gap. The
military insurrection at the two bases of split was not repaired until the emergence
Qatanah and al-Kiswah in 1961 was of the Syrian lslamic Front in 198I , when
attributed to al-Attar’s influence over Abd al-Attar once more resumed his involve-
al-Karin al-Nahlawi who spearheaded the ment as part of the new collective leader-
sessionist movement against the union.44 ship, though from a distance.45
Despite al-Attar’s ability to maneuver The ability of the Brotherhood to
between different political and military mount acts of violence against the regime
currents in the early 1960s, he was always at Hama beginning in the mid 1960s was
conscious of his party’s limitations. He attributed to the availability of training
was never in favor of waging armed camps in Jordan and later in Iraq. Hadid
struggle against any Syrian regime. He called openly for the arming of all Brothers
always argued that an uprising against the in order to challenge the regime over its
Baath, firmly in control after 1963, would plans to conduct a plebiscite on the pro-
only bring about the physical destruction of posed constitution of 1973. Assassinations
the Brotherhood and the people of Syria. of prominent secularist figures such as
After the military coup of the Baathist Muhammad al-Fadhel, president of the
officers in 1963, the Brotherhood came University of Damascus, and Yousef al-
under increasing attack by the new leader- Sayigh, a professor at the medical college
ship of Asad and Salah Jadid. Exiled in and a personal friend of Asad, as well as
1963, al-Attar continued to lead the Broth- bombing incidents in various cities were all
erhood from his new residence in Aachen, intended to destabilize the new Baathist
West Germany. The leadership of the regime. The assassinations reached a high
organization passed then to local leaders level in 1979, when Soviet officials were
such as Marwan Hadid of Hama, until his targeted, then reached new heights at
death in jail in 1967. Hadid was not Hama in 1982.4h The battle intensified
supported by the rest of the Islamic when the 1973 constitution was debated,
movement in Damascus, which did not but the constitution was ratified with a
approve his total determination to seek a wide popular margin. Article 3, section I ,
military confrontation with the Baath. was amended in the old constitution to read
that the religion of the president was Islam
1970-90 and Islamic jurisprudence was the main-
The split between the Damascus stay of legislation. Article 1, section 1,
leadership and the northern leadership stated that the Arab Syrian Republic is a
developed openly in I969 precisely over democratic, popular and socialist state.47
the principle of armed conflict with the Groups opposed to the spirit of the
ruling regime. The northern leadership, constitution, mainly the Islamists, took to
which supported an armed uprising against the streets in massive demonstrations and


riots, especially at Homs and Hama. Said of destabilization was instigated by the
Hawwa also succeeded in gathering a American CIA, West European govern-
large number of signatures from religious ments and allied Arab regimes such as
scholars who protested the constitution. Jordan. The Iraqi government, adamantly
As to the government, the Brotherhood opposed to the Asad variation of Baathism,
focused its opposition on whether a non- was also accused of hatching plots against
Sunni president could ever head the Syrian Syria. The presence of one of the leaders,
state. Asad, in a move to forestall their Adnan Saad al-Din in Saudi Arabia, and
criticism, increased his public observance another, Abu-Ghuddah in the Persian Gulf
of the Friday prayers at Damascus’ area, confirmed the Syrian contention that
Umayyid Mosque. As the government’s the conservative Persian Gulf states were
response to these acts of resistance behind the lslamist uprising. When the
increased, other groups began to express Islamic Front attacked the artillery school
solidarity with the Brotherhood. The of Aleppo resulting in the death of hun-
Lawyers’ Syndicate of Damascus, for dreds of cadets, followed by attacks on
instance, protested publicly on June 22, Bathist civilian headquarters and military
1978, the kind of harsh treatment directed offices at Hama in February of 1982, the
at the Islamists. By February of 1980, the regime was deeply involved in Lebanon.
Engineers’ Union had issued similar These attacks were viewed as part o f a
statements calling on the government to wider Zionistlimperialist conspiracy target-
respect the principles of democracy and ing Syria during one of its most vulnerable
human rights. decades.4y
These independent actions prompted a The Islamic Front was also inspired by
crackdown by the government and a the success of Khomeini’s Islamic regime
general official effort to create organizations in Iran, although there was never any link
totally subservient to the regime. General established between the two. When one of
strikes were then instigated by the Brother- the Front’s leaders, al-Bayanuni, was
hood in the northern and coastal cities and interviewed by Eric Rouleau on the pages
eventually in Damascus. When the Syrian of Le Monde in May I98 1, he declared
Islamic Front emerged in 1980 bringing new that armed struggle against the Syrian
allies to the Brotherhood, the Front was led regime was not enough. This fight should
by Sheikh Muhammad Abu al-Nasr al- be followed by a popular uprising, he added,
Bayanuni, who represented Aleppo’s just like the uprising that swept away the
determination to use violent means.4x shah’s regime in Iran.5” In his frequent
The Baath regime, however, not only references to these violent years, Asad
crushed the Islamic Front militarily, it was repeatedly accused the Islamic Front of
able to mount a determined and successhl collaboration with the Western powers.”
propaganda campaign against it. The Asad responded to the uprising by
wave of assassinations, which targeted striking back at the Front’s external
leading academic figures in 1976, was said sources of support. A Brotherhood training
to have coincided with the Camp David camp was raided inside Jordan in 1980. and
negotiations. The Baathist regime sug- a prominent critic of the Syrian regime’s
gested strongly that the lslamist campaign handling of the Islamic uprising, Lebanese

A N D 1t11 M i L i v m ‘ IN S Y R I A

journalist Salim al-Lawzi, was assassi- Muslim Brotherhood in London, Ali Sadr al-
nated. A bombing incident resulting in the Din al-Bayanuni, retorted that, although this
death of al-Attar’s wife, Bayan al-Tantawi, was a positive development, there were still
in Aachen in 1981 was also believed to be thousands of detainees in Syria’s jails.5‘
the work of the Baathist regime. The I980 One of the Bayanuni brothers, Abu-Fateh,
murder of former Baathist leader and head was permitted to return to Syria after being
of a pan-Arabist splinter group in Paris, sent into exile in 1982. Immediately follow-
Salah al-Din Bitar, was attributed to ing his return, it became clear that he was
worsening Syrian-Iraqi relations. The part of a move to create a Communist-
Asad regime felt besieged and feared plots intellectual-Islamist front against the Asad
by Bitar, who was suspected of enjoying government. Surprisingly,the administration
Saudi or Iraqi backing. Asad’s suspicion of cracked down on the Coinmunist party,
U.S. collusion with the Islamic uprising rearresting its leader, Riyadh al-Turk, but not
was confirmed on February 10, 1982, when on the Islamic leaders. According to some
the U.S. State Department and the analysts, al-Bayanuni’s return was a calcu-
Aachen-based Brotherhood announced the lated move by the regime in order to deepen
Hama uprising simultaneously. By that divisions within the Muslim Brotherhood
time, the Hama revolt was one-week old, resulting from this tactical shift favoring
but news of it had not yet been leaked to reconciliation with Syria’s leftists and
the outside communists.” The Muslim Brotherhood, it
Following the quashing of the Islamic seems, is still incapable of mounting an
revolt, the Baathist regime adopted certain exclusive campaign against the government.
measures designed to co-opt the lslamist
movement. A campaign to build more CONCLUSION
government-financed mosques was The Syrian Muslim Brotherhood had
launched. Sharia institutes were revitalized the unusual experience of participating in
and the Asad Institutes for the recitation of electoral politics in order to achieve its
the Quran were started. Beginning in the goals. This facet of the Syrian lslamist
early 1980s, the Ministry of Religious experience sets it apart from other lslainist
Trusts undertook the task of helping build movements in the Arab world. Until the
these schools upon receiving applications rise ofthe Baath Military Committee in
from specific regions and villages.5’ Syria 1963, the Brotherhood was part of the
began to experience the phenomenon of parliamentary scene. This distinction
official Islam as part of a determined effort points to the contradiction between the
to close all avenues to revolutionary Islam. implied revolutionary message of the
Since the accession of Bashar al-Asad Brotherhood and its acquiescence in the
to the presidency, human-rights advocates evolutionary parliamentary process of
and intellectuals impressed upon the regime government in post-independence Syria.
the need to ease restrictions on dissent. By Willingness to run for public oftice before
November 16,2000, a general amnesty was the complete Islamization of society meant
declared resulting in the release of some 600 that the Brotherhood was willing to enter
political prisoners from Syrianjails. The the world ofcoalitions and political com-
exiled secretary-general of the Syrian promises irrespective of the restraints on

its ideology. The Brotherhood, thus, was potential defender of the state against
mired in Syria's chaotic post-independence outside enemies and as an instrument of
politics while simultaneously engaged in its social change. This limited the Islamist
other task of recruitment and education. recruitment pool to students and the
The second distinctive feature of the professional classes. But even these two
Syrian lslamist movement was the stiff sectors were not exclusively available to
competition it faced from other concurrent the lslamist organizations since the pan-
ideological movements. For most of the Arab parties also targeted these groups.
Arab world, the virulent Islamic revival of When the decision was made to
the 1970s came on the heels of the col- confront the Baath militarily in the late
lapse ofthe modernist Arab nationalist 1970s and early 1980s, the Brotherhood
wave. But for the Syrian Islamists, an made the tactical mistake of seeking
array of ideological configurations made it refuge in enemy territory: Jordan and Iraq.
difficult for them to swim against the This, coupled with the Islamists' alleged
current. Furthermore, the Islamists were collaboration with the United States.
unwilling to place the Palestine question at enabled the Asad regime to mount a
the top of their political agenda as did their successful vilification campaign against the
pan-Arab rivals. Rejection of the West, a Brotherhood. The lslamist uprising,
belief in the efficacy of arms, and a strong therefore, failed to rally anti-regime and
faith in secularisin and supra-nationalism pro-democracy forces behind it. The
forced the other parties to focus on the lslamist movement in the 1980s became a
Zionist enemy. The Brotherhood, however, suspect and isolated phenomenon and was
focused on moral values, an enmity to- rendered incapable ofgiving voice to all
wards the military, and a traditional ap- forces opposed to the neo-Baath. What
proach to foreign alliances. could have been a general uprising against
Thirdly, the Syrian Brotherhood was the Asad brand of Baathisin turned into a
limited in its recruitment policy and over- limited insurgency weakened by its foreign
looked the rising military sector as a associations.

' Cicorge Jabbour. Al:/ikr trl-sijvrsi d - m',/i-Sorrri~,t/ [Modern Political Thought in Syria] (Ikriul: Al-
Manarah. I993), pp. 142-144.
' Ibid, pp. 141-42.
Ibid, pp. 241-42.
-I Ihid. pp. 139-40, 145-46.

' Hamdan Hamdan. Akrrmi Hoirurrii. rrljiil lil-ttwkh [Akram Hourani. Man of Destiny] (Beirut: Bisan lil-
Nashr. I096). p. 3 IS.
I' U.S. Ilepartinent of State, .'$~itr: Bridigvoi/id N o k s . Vol. V. No. 13, Novcniber. 1994. pp. 1-3.

' Dirasah 19x7, p.47.

Uinar F. Abd-Allah, The I.sltmric Struggle, in L'+~?ri (Berkeley: Mizan Press, 19x3). p. 33.
" Jabbour. op. cit.. p. I 16.

' ' I Abd-Allah, op. cit.. pp. 33, 99.

I ' Ibid. pp. XX-91.

I' Adel Ridha, Qirtrtrli,/i,/ikrrrl-ilstrd [A Reading in Asad's Thought] (Cairo: Dar Akhbar al-Youm, I 993). p.

' ' Muhaminad Khaled Hussein. Soirrijn r~/-niircr.s.sirtrh,IY63-IYY3 [Modern Syria, 1963- lOY3I (Ilamascus:
I)ar Kanan, l996), p. 173.


I‘ Naji Abd al-nabi Bazzi, St?*iu,siru ul-istiqtuh [Syria, the Struggle for Co-optation] (Damascus: Dar ibn al

Arabi, 1996). p. 290.

I’ Hamdan. op. cit., p. I2 1.

I h Abd-Allah. op. cit., p. 145.

I’ Jabbour, op. cit.. pp. 345-46, 351.

I’ Ibid, pp. 133-34, 181-83, 242.

’ ” Abd-Allah, op. cit.. p. 100.

:’ Jabbour, op. cit., p. 242.

Bashir Fanseh, A/-Nukhut wu nCmiighamarut [Catastrophes and Adventures] (Damascus: Dar Yarub,
1996), p. 180.
Muhammad Nimer al-Madani, Au‘nun ul-Mulki (Damascus: Al-Dar al-Hadeethah, 1996).
Adnan al-Mallouhi, Akrum Houruni: arruh uI-inqilubutj Soirriyh [Akram Hourani: The Midwife of
Coups in Syria] (Damascus: Dar Dimashq. 1995), pp. 89-90.
:‘Jabbour, op. cit., pp. 145-46.
” Jonathan Owen, Akrum Houruni: dirmuh huwl uI-siyusah al-Souriyuh m c i h~ijw1934-1 954 [Akram
Hourani: A Study on Syrian Politics Between 1934-19541 Wafa Hourani, translator (Homs: Dar al-Maaref,
1997). pp. 110-1 12.
” Hamdan. op. cit., pp. 50-51.
?’ Owen, op. cit., pp. 105-107.

?” Fanseh. op. cit., pp. 94. 100, 207-208, 234-35.

”) Jabbour. op. cit., pp. 12 1-22.

”I Ibid, p. 141.

’I Hamdan. op. cit., pp. 173-75.

3 2 Hani Al-Kheir, Akrum Hmruni: h u w a/-tunaqulut dsiymisuh M U LII-inqilcrhuta/-uskuriwh [Akram

Hourani: Between Political Movements and Military Coups] (Damascus: Maktabat al-Shrq al-Jadid. 1996).
pp. 59, 64-65.
’’ Ibid, p. 7 1.
Owen, op. cit.. p. 131.
Is Fanseh, op. cit., pp. 266. 280, 289.
” Al-Kheir, op. cit., pp. 67-68.
” Bazzi, op. cit., pp. 257-60.
’* Ibid, pp. 259-79.
’”Abd-Allah, op. cit., pp. 97-100.
‘I Jabbour, op. cit., p. 141.

‘I Bazzi, op. cit., pp. 291, 303.

‘:Abd-Allah, op. cit., pp. 100-102.

” Samir Abduh. Hudutha thuti rnarrah,/iSour(yuh [Once Upon a Time in Syria: A Study of Syrian-Arab
Politics in the Periods of Unity and Separation, 1958-19631 (Damascus: Dar Ala &Din, 1998). pp. 34, 110,
114, 118-9.
‘.!Hamdan, op. cit., pp. 374-75.
45 Abd-Allah, op. cit., pp. 101-118.
G Ridha, op. cit., pp. 399-407.
” Al-Asad 1973, p. I I .
‘’ Abd-Allah, op. cit., pp. I 11-30,
411 Hussein, op. cit., pp. 181-82.

”’ Lucien Bitterlin, HU$z ul-Assad: musirut Munadhel [Hafiz al-Assad: The Biography of a Patriot] Elias
Bidyouwi, translator (Damascus: Dar Tlas, 1994), p. 3 12.
Ibid. p. 330.
” Patrick Seale, The Strugglefi)r the Middle Eust (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986).
pp. 329-31.
Ridha, op. cit., p. 41 7.
” “Asad’s Dispensation,” Middle Em/ /n/ernutionul, No. 638, November 24, 2000, p. 1 1.
’‘ “Syria: Two Arrests and a Return,” Middle Intcwutional, No. 659, September 28, 2001, p. 26.


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