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About Planets : Planets Have Positions, Avasthaas (States)

Avasthaa are Planetary States which depend on their position, or where they are
located either in sky or in a Raashi (Sign). They show the quality of a Graha's
placement; this quality shows how a planet works, the quality of his effects
(auspicious or inauspicious). A 'happy' planet can give better results than a 'sad'
planet - as we all know: when we are in good circumstances and feeling well, we
work better than in bad circumstances and feeling sad. Avasthaa are very
fundamental for every chart and Dashaa interpretation, therefore the very first
step in horoscope analysis must be defining the Avasthaa and the Bal of all Graha.

It is important to see the following fundamental difference:

Avasthaa indicate more the quality of a planet.
Bal (Strength) indicates more the quantity (the strength) of a planet. (see

Definition of Avasthaa
[Phala Deepikaa, Ch. 3]
18.19. A planet is called Pradeept (blazing) when he is in his sign of exaltation.
He is Sukhit (happy) when he is in Mool-trikon Raashi.
He is Swasth (healthy) when he is in his own sign.
He is Mudita (delighted) in a friendly house.
He is Shaant (calm) when he has attained the Varg of a benefic planet.
He is Shaakt (capable) when he shines brightly (not combust by being near the Sun).
He is Vikal (distressed) when he is combust.
He is Nipidit (troubled or tortured) when he is overcome in the planetary war by
another planet.
He is Khal (base) when he is in the Varg of a malefic.
He is Su-dukhit (exceedingly unhappy) in an unfriendly sign.
He is Ati-bheet (very afraid) when he is in his sign of debilitation.

[Phala Deepika, Ch. 9, Sl. 14-20]

(describes effects of Avasthaa, included in particular explanation of each single

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

2-4. Avasthaa, or States of Planets. Planets have nine states of being, viz.
Deept (radiant),
Swasth (confident),
Mudit (rejoiced),
Shaant (peaceful),
Shaakt (strong),
Nipidita (oppressed),
Bheet (alarmed),
Vikal (mutilated) and

A planet when he is
in his exaltation he is said to be in Deept Avasthaa.
in his own House, he is in Swasth Avasthaa,
in his friendly House Mudit Avasthaa,
in beneficial Vargas he is in Shaant Avasthaa,
with bright rays in Shaakt Aavasthaa,
if defeated in planetary war then he is Nipidita Avasthaa,
if in fall, he is in in Bheet Avasthaa.
in combustion Vikal Avasthaa,
in malefic Vargas he is in Khal Avasthaa,

The planet that is in Bheet Avasthaa is because of fast motion. When a planet is in
Ati-char motion it is alarmed and is running away. Whereas the planet that is retro
is meditating. For the Malefics it is scheming, whereas for Benefics it is thinking
deeply about a particular issue. Gandhi had his AK as Jupiter which is retrograde
in Aries in 7th house. Do you think he was running away or what. Jupiter shows
Satya Maarg, so when Jupiter becomes AK, Gandhi was actually exerting a lot of
Cheshtaa or effort to attain his goal. His campaigns were called Satyaagraha.
Similarly when the planet that shows Isht Devataa is retrograde then the person
would try to attain the goal shown by Isht and his placements. Retro planets are
quite powerful, as they show links to past life also.

(Shlok 5-14 describe effects of Avasthaa, included in particular explanation of

each single Avasthaa)

Types of Avasthaa
Some say that there are five types of Avasthaa:
(1) Baalaadi Avasthaa
(2) Basic Avasthaa
(3) Shayanaadi Avasthaa
(4) Vaisheshikaansh Avasthaa
(5) Samaya Avasthaa

Every Planet is in a special Avasthaa (condition or state) at any point of time. So

one should consider basic Avasthaa of a Planet, then one can decide its special
Avasthaa for each planet in each Ansh, that is he is well placed or not. Same rules
apply for Varg also as they apply for natal chart. There are nine basic Avasthaas
(planetary states) for all planets, which are shortly described in this article. It
is important to understand that a bad Avasthaa in main chart can be improved by
good Avasthaas in Ansh placements (especially in Drekkan, Navaansh, Dwaadashaansh
and Shashtyaansh, Kalaansh and Trinshaansh as well). Vinshopak Bal and
Vaisheshikaansh are giving a general overview over a planet's true strengths with
respect to all Ansh placements.

Avasthaa are essential and should be learnt by heart by all seriously interested
astrologers - for people wishing becoming professional astrologers it is a mere
obligation and duty.

(1) Avasthaa 1-3: Waking State - High Consciousness of Graha

(2) Avasthaa 4-6: Dreaming State - Moderate Consciousness of Graha
(3) Avasthaa 7-9: Sleeping State - Low Consciousness of Graha

(1) Baal (Child 0-15 years),

(2) Pramudit (happy, opposite of Vikal delighted, rejoicing, glad, contented,
pleased, well-being)
(3) Swasth (healthy, confident, highly satisfied, independent, well-disposed, fine)
(4) Khal (great enemy)
(5) Sushupt (asleep),
(6) Duhkhit (distressed, disturbed, limited, handicapped, confused, depressed,
(7) Vikal (opposite of happy)
(8) Vriddha (old)
(9) Mrit (dead)

An Avasthaa of a planet is his essential planetary state and describes his basic
nature with regard to the Raashi (with all its Ansh) and how he is feeling there.
Be aware of the fact that all Avasthaa are to be applied in main Natal Chart (D-1)
and in all Varg Charts (from D-2 to D-81), especially Dashaa Varg Charts (D-2 Hora,
D-3 Drekkan, D-4 Chaturthaansh, D-7 Saptamaansh, D-9 Navaansh, D-10 Dashaansh, D-12
Dwadashaansh, D-16 Kalaansh/Shodashaansh, D-30 Trinshaansh and D-60 Shashtiyaansh).
Ansh are particular divisions within a Raashi, based on dividing a sign - for
example - by 2 (15° Ansh), by 9 (3°20' Ansh) or by 60 (0°30' Ansh).

Not mentioned (with regard to Avasthaas) in ancient scriptures but surely important
is well is a planet's placement in a particular Nakshatra. For example, a planet in
his own Nakshatra in my view is surely more auspicious than his placement in a
Nakshatra of a planetary enemy of him.

(1) Graha in Its Exaltation Raashi, Mool-trikon Raashi, Retrogression

Deept, Sukhit (radiant, blazing, luminous, brilliant, bright, clear, excellent)
(a) Exaltation (Deept)
(b) Mool-trikon (Sukhit)
(c) Exaltation or Mool-trikon (Garvit)

(2) Graha in Its Own Raashi, Vargottam

Swasth (healthy, confident, highly satisfied, independent, well-disposed, fine)

(3) Graha in Its Very Friendly Raashi, Yuti with Benefic, Full Drishti from Benefic
Pramudit (delighted, rejoicing, glad, contented, pleased, well-being)

(4) Graha in Its Friendly Raashi, Minor Drishti from Benefic, Varg of Benefic
Shaant (peaceful, balanced, friendly, not disturbed, calm, smoothed)

(5) Graha in Neutral Raashi

Deen (comfortless, meager, poor, timid, sad)

(6) Graha in Its Enemy Raashi, Watery Raashi With Drishti from Malefic Without the
Drishti from Benefic, Minor Drishti from Malefic, Varg of Malefic Planet
Dukhit, Trishit (unhappy, injured, painful, anxious, discontented)
(a) in enemy Raashi (Dukhit)
(b) in a watery Raashi and receiving Drishti from a malefic, not receiving a
Drishti from a benefic (Trishit)
(c) Varg of a malefic planet

(7) Graha Yuti With Malefic, Full Drishti from Malefic

Vikal, Lajjit, Kshudit, Kshobhit (distressed, disturbed, limited, handicapped,
confused, depressed, sorrowful)
(a) Yuti with malefic (Vikal )
(b) in Putra Bhaav and associated with Raahu/ Ketu/ Sun/ Saturn/ Mars (Lajjit)
(c) in an enemy's Raashi, or Yuti with an enemy, or receives a Drishti from an
enemy (Kshubhit)
(d) Yuti with Shani/ Soorya and receiving a Drishti from, or Yuti with a malefic,
or receiving a Drishti from an enemy (Kshobhit)

(8) Graha in Very Inimical Raashi

Khal (exceedingly unhappy, evil, malicious, wicked, corrupt, sick, base)

(9) Graha Conquered in Planetary War, Debilitated, Combust

Nipidit, Heen, Kop (conquered, lost, mutilated, alarmed, hurt, troubled, tortured,
deeply disturbed, very afraid, evil directed, furious, wild, furious, totally
uncontrolled, defective, fully blemished). Planets when they go very near the Sun
becomes combust.
Moon is combust when near the Sun by 12 degrees
Mars is combust when near the Sun within 17 degrees
Mercury is combust when near the Sun within 13 degrees
Jupiter is combust when near the Sun within 11 degrees
Venus is combust when near the Sun within 9 degrees; and
Saturn is combust when near the Sun within 15 degrees.

(a) looser (= overcome, conquered) in planetary war (Nipidit)

(b) debilitated (Neech) (Heen)
(c) combust by the Sun (Kop)

Combustion Degrees for Various Planets ---

--Mars: Mars is considered as combust while within 17 Degrees.
--Mercury: Mercury is considered as combust while within 14 Degrees, and within 12
degrees when retrograde.
--Jupiter: Jupiter is considered as combust while within 11 Degrees.
--Venus: Venus is considered as combust while within 9 Degrees, and within 8
Degrees when retrograde.
--Saturn: Saturn is considered as combust while within 15 Degrees.

Note the following points -

--Outer planets, i.e. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can never be retrograde and combust.
They become retrograde only when they are opposite the Sun.
--Inner planets, Mercury and Venus can only turn retrograde and be combust
--Mercury can only be about 27 degree away from the Sun and
--Venus can only be about 47 degree away, to the maximum, from the Sun . They do
appear to be coming near the Sun and getting combust in retrograde motion also.

Effects of Graha in Various Avasthaa

20. The planet in Pradeept Avasthaa gives good effects in full. They will be nil
when he is in Vikal Avasthaa. In the intervening Avasthaas the auspicious effects
will be decreasing proportionately and the inauspicious effects will
correspondingly increase. The Avasthaas of the planet will determine the effects
according to the names given to them.

The good or bad effects in various Avasthaa are approximately as given below:

Pradeept -- 100 per cent good

Sukhit -- 80 per cent good
Swasth -- 75 per cent good
Mudit -- 60 per cent good
Shant -- 50 per cent good
Shaakt -- 40 per cent good
Nipidita -- 40 per cent bad
Khal -- 50 per cent bad
Su-dukhit -- 60 per cent bad
Ati-bheet -- 75 per cent bad
Vikal -- 100 per cent bad.

The planets in good Avasthaa yield favorable effects in their Dashaas and Antar-
dashaas. The reverse is the case with planets in adverse Avasthaa.

The native will be wealthy like a king if there be at least one planet in his own
exaltation house aspected by or associated with a friendly planet.

15. Different Effects

- A planet in exaltation is considered highly strong. It is medium in strength in
its Mool Trikon Raashi, or own House. Its strength is only nominal, if it be
aspected by a friendly planet, or be in a friendly Raashi.

25. Effects of Exalted Planets etc

If a planet is exalted, it gives auspicious results to full extent. It is futile,
if in debilitation. The results are limited in an enemy's camp. The auspicious
effects given by a planet are in a friendly House, in own House and in Mool-trikon

26. Inauspiciousness of Planets

A planet is fully inauspicious, if it is in its debilitation. It is somewhat better
in inimical house. Its inauspicious effects are nil, if it is exalted, in friendly
House, in his own House or in Mool-trikon Raashi.

27. The planetary Combination

That produces Utpaat, the planet, that is combust by the Sun, with less brilliance,
which is in debilitation, in enemy's camp, or, that is defeated in planetary war:
such a planet not only loses its potency to be auspicious, but also becomes capable
of bestowing malefic effects in full.

28-30. Effects According to Exaltation etc

A planet in exaltation gives all kinds of wealth. It confers ministerial- ship, or
leadership over Army, if in Mool-trikon Raashi. If it is in own House, it gives
happiness, money, grains, wealth etc. In a friendly House, it gives fame, splendor,
abundant good fortune, long-lasting wealth and also wealth through king.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

(describes effects of Avasthaa, included in particular explanation of each single

22. Effects in Navaansh

If a planet is in its exaltation Navansh, the (good) effects due to the planet will
be full. If it is in its own Navaansh, it will give such results, as applicable to
its own Raashi placement. If it is in Navaanshas of its enemy, or of fall, the
(good) effects will be quite little, while moderate results will come to pass, if
it is in a friendly Navaansh.

Extended Version of Basic Avasthaas: Waking State: High Consciousness of Graha

(1) Graha in Exaltation Raashi, Mool-Trokon Raashi, Retrogression

(Deept, Sukhit (radiant, blazing, luminous, brilliant, bright, clear, excellent)
(a) Exaltation (Deept)
(b) Mool Trikona (Sukhit)
(c) Exaltation or Mool Trikon (Garvit)

Effect according to Phal Deepikaa: 100% good for Deept/Pradeept, 80% for Sukhita
(Graha in Mool-trikona Raashi)
Garvit Avasthaa (Sukhit) for a planet in exaltation or Mool Trikon,
Deept Avasthaa (Pradeept) only for exaltation placement,

[BPHS, Ch. 45]

24. A Graha in Garvit Avasthaa will cause happiness through new houses and gardens,
regalhood, skill in arts, financial gains at all times and improvement in business.

[Phal Deepikaa, Ch. 9]

14. If at a birth a planet be in his sign of exaltation, the person concerned will
become a ruler of the Earth and will receive praises from the kings. He will
possess valuable treasures. He will be equipped with excellent qualities and will
shine like king Vikramaaditya in his administrative policies, fame, valor
generosity, courage and dexterity.

20. When a planet happens to be retrograde in motion, he will produce the same
effect as if he is posited in exaltation sign, even if he may be in his enemy's
sign or in the sign of his debilitation.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

5. Effects of a Radiant Planet - Should a planet be in Deept state at birth, the
native burns his enemies with the fire of his valor. He gathers all kinds of
wealth. His (band of) elephants soak the surface of the earth with the juice, or
ichor exuding from their temples. (That is the native will own a large number of
elephants. See the simultaneous literary ability of Kalyana Varma. A number of such
comparisons can be found in this work)

14. Retrogression in Exaltation - If a planet is retrograde, while in exaltation,

it produces no effect (nothing good will happen). This is the view held by some.
Even, if it is in exaltation by its entry in retrograde motion from the next Sign
(for example Jupiter entering Cancer from Leo), the effect is same, for it takes
unduly long time in such trajectory.

15. Different Effects - A planet in exaltation is considered highly strong. It is

medium in strength in its Mool-trikon Raashi, or own House. Its strength is only
nominal, if it be aspected by a friendly planet, or be in a friendly Raashi.

25. Effects of Exalted Planets etc - If a planet is exalted, it gives auspicious

results to full extent. It is futile, if in debilitation. The results are limited
in an enemy's camp. The auspicious effects given by a planet are in a friendly
House, in own House and in Mool-trikon Raashi.

28-30. Effects According to Exaltation etc - A planet in exaltation gives all kinds
of wealth. It confers ministership, or leadership over Army, if in Mool-trikon

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

22. Effects of Grahas in Navaansh
If a planet is in its exaltation Navaansh, the (good) effects due to the planet
will be full.

Effects of Graha in Exaltation

If the Sun is exalted at birth, the native will be fierce, be very wealthy and be
With exalted Moon, one will enjoy sweet food, possess superior clothes and will
acquire good ornaments.
If Mars is exalted the native will be splendorous, valorous, blame worthy and will
live in other places.
When Mercury is exalted the native will be intelligent, be supreme among his family
members and be a skillful speaker.
One will be famous, wealthy, learned, honorable and skillful with the exaltation of
If Venus is exalted one will be fond of sports, amusements, music, dance etc.
Saturn's exaltation denotes association with royal assignment, leadership over
villages and towns, gain of forest-born grains and mean females.

If 2 planets are simultaneously exalted at birth, the native will be rich and
If 3 planets in simultaneous exaltation will make one head a town, wealthy and an
Army chief.
If 4 are so placed, that they are in exaltation, one will be rich, be honored by
the king and will be of regal disposition.
Should 5 heavenly bodies occupy their exaltation Signs the native will be famous,
be a king's patron and be very rich.
When 6 planets are posited in their exaltation Signs, the person will be a king, be
charitable, honorable and endowed with many conveyances.
When all are in their respective exaltation Signs, the native will be an emperor
ruling over the land surrounded by seas.

(1) Effects of Graha in Mool-trikon

Should the Sun be in his Mool Trikon Sign, the native will be wealthy, intelligent
and skillful.
The Moon in Mool Trikon indicates one with enjoyments and virtues.
Mars in Mool Trikon will make one a leader of thieves, adventurous and unkind.
The placement of Mercury in his Mool Trikon Sign denotes a jocular and successful
Jupiter in Mool Trikon - the person will be helpful to others, be preeminent and
will have knowledge of justice
Venus in such a Sign will make one a prominent person in his village/town, wealthy
and fortunate.
If Saturn is so posited the native belongs to a good family, be wealthy and

If 2 planets be so placed, as to be in Mool-trikon Signs, the native will be a

householder contributing to the growth of his race, be pre-eminent and famous.
When 3 planets are similarly posited one will be quite wealthy and will head a
group of men, or villages.
If 4 planets occupy their Mool-trikon Raashis, the native will be very wealthy,
will receive royal honors and be dear to all.
Should 5 be so placed in Mool-trikon Raashis one will be a protector, be principal
among men, will head an Army, town and royal treasury, be a householder and be very
With 6 planets disposed in their Mool-trikon Raashis, though one may belong to a
cowherds race, he will be endowed with learning, charitable and various kinds of
wealth, will acquire a kingdom and be famous.
If 7 planets are in their Mool-trikon Raashi, one will become a king, be endowed
with wealth, wife, strength, learning and be skilful in archery.

(2) Graha in Own Raashi, Vargottam

Swasth (healthy, confident, highly satisfied, independent, well-disposed, fine)
Vargottam is placement of a Grah in same Raashi/Ansh in Navaansh or 7-Vargas/Dashaa
Varg (extended for all Ansh in Raashi).

Effect according to Phala Deepikaa: 75% good

[Phala Deepikaa, Ch. 9]

15. Should a planet occupy his own sign in a birth chart, the native will during
the Dashaa of such a planet acquire power and strength through the beneficience of
a wealthy and high dignitary and he will himself achieve that status. He will
remain in his residence, acquire a new house and lands capable of producing every
kind of crops. He will receive reverence from the people and may even get back his
lost articles.

20. A planet who is Vargottam produces effects as if he is in his own sign.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

6. Effects of a Confident Planet. Should a planet be in Svastha state at birth, the
native acquires gold, family etc. He will be a justice in a kings employ. He will
own houses and will amass grains. His family will prosper.

29. If it is in its own House, it gives happiness, money, grains, wealth etc.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

22. Effects in Navaansh
If a Graha is in his own Navaansh, it will give such results, as applicable to his
own Raashi placement.

If the Sun is placed in his own Sign, the native will be very fierce and will do
very great acts.
The Moon in her own Sign denotes one virtuously disposed, who is very intelligent
and beautiful.
If Mars occupies such a Sign, the native will be opulent, impetuous and firm in
Should Mercury occupy his own Sign the native will be a sweet speaker and be
If Jupiter be in his own Sign one will be versed in Vedas, literature etc., be rich
and will perform great deeds.
If Venus be in his own Sign one will be farmer and a rich person.
Should Saturn be in his own House, the native will be honorable and happy.

If 2 planets are in their own Houses at birth, one will be important in his race,
be honoured by his relatives and be fortunate.
If 3 planets occupying own Houses indicate growth of the dynasty (i.e. birth of
children), acquisition of wealth, position and fame.
If 4 planets occupy their own Houses, one will be famous, will perform significant
acts and will lead over men and cities.
If 5 planets be placed in their own Houses, the native will be equal to a king, be
endowed with abundant quadrupeds, lands and females.
If 6 planets are in their own Houses, one will acquire famous titles, abundant
wealth, relatives and honors and one born in a royal family will become, a ruler.
If 7 planets be so placed one will be a king of kings and will conquer his enemies.

(3) Graha in Very Friendly Raashi, Yuti With Benefic, Full Drishti From Benefic
Pramudit (delighted, rejoicing, glad, contented, pleased, well-being)

Effect according to Phaala Deepika: 60% good

[BPHS, Ch. 45]

25. A Graha in Mudit Avasthaa will give residences, clothes, ornaments, happiness
from lands and wife, happiness from relatives, living in royal places, destruction
of enemies and acquisition of wisdom and learning.

[Phaala Deepika, Ch. 9]

16. When a planet happens to be in the house of a friend at birth, the person
concerned will achieve success through the help of his friends in all his ventures.
His new friends will be blessed with good sons, wealth, grains and other fortunes
and will get full support and cooperation from the people.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

7. Effects of a Rejoicing Planet. If a planet is in Mudit state at birth, the
native will be pleasingly disposed, will have wife, gold, diamonds etc., will win
the entire band of his foes and will enjoy all kinds of comforts in life.

30. In a friendly House, it gives fame, splendor, abundant good fortune, long-
lasting wealth and also wealth through king.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

If the Sun is in a friendly Sign, one will be firm in friendship and be charitable.
The Moon in a friendly Sign denotes the native will be happy and very honorable.
Mars placed in friendly Sign will make one protect the wealth of friends.
with Mercury in a friendly Sign one will be skilful, jocular and rich.
Jupiter in a friendly Sign will make one respectable and a performer of famous
If Venus be in a friendly Sign the native will be fond of friends, rich and
Saturn in a Sign of his friend will force the native to depend on other for food
and inclined to do unethical deeds.

If 2 planets occupy their friendly Sign, the native will be endowed with the
company of friends and will have good conduct.
If 3 are so, one will patronize his relatives, be endowed with good qualities and
be preeminent.
If 4 are so, one will honor Brahmins and Gods, be skilful and be famous.
If 5 are so, one will serve the king, be wealthy and be chief of men.
When 6 are so, one will have wide enjoyments, abundant conveyances and wealth and
be equal to a king.
With 7 planets in such placement one will have many servants, many conveyances,
paraphernalia and be a king.

Dreaming State: Moderate Consciousness of Graha

(4) Graha in Friendly Raashi, Minor Drishti from Benefic, Varga of Benefic Planet
Shaant (peaceful, balanced, friendly, not disturbed, calm, smoothed)

Effect according to Phal Deepikaa: 50% good

[Phaala Deepika, Ch. 9]

16. When a planet happens to be in the house of a friend at birth, the person
concerned will achieve success through the help of his friends in all his ventures.
His new friends will be blessed with good sons, wealth, grains and other fortunes
and will get full support and cooperation from the people.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

8. Effects of a Peaceful Planet. If a planet is in Santa, or peaceful state at
birth, the native will have peaceful mind, comfort and wealth. He will be a kings
minister, will be learned, helpful to others, religious and fortunate.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

22. Effects in Navaansh
Moderate results will come to pass, if it is in a friendly Navaansh.
If the Sun is in a friendly Sign, one will be firm in friendship and be charitable.
The Moon in a friendly Sign denotes the native will be happy and very honorable.
Mars placed in friendly Sign will make one protect the wealth of friends.
Mercury in a friendly Sign one will be skilful, jocular and rich.
Jupiter in a friendly Sign will make one respectable and a performer of famous
If Venus be in a friendly Sign the native will be fond of friends, rich and
Saturn in a Sign of his friend will force the native to depend on other for food
and inclined to do unethical deeds.

If 2 planets occupy their friendly Sign, the native will be endowed with the
company of friends and will have good conduct.
If 3 are so, one will patronize his relatives, be endowed with good qualities and
be preeminent.
If 4 are so, one will honor Brahmins and Gods, be skilful and be famous.
If 5 are so, one will serve the king, be wealthy and be chief of men.
When 6 are so, one will have wide enjoyments, abundant conveyances and wealth and
be equal to a king.
With 7 planets in such placement one will have many servants, many conveyances,
paraphernalia and be a king.

(5) Graha in Neutral Raashi

Deen (comfortless, meager, poor, timid, sad)

[Phal Deepikaa, Ch. 9]

19. A planet posited in a neutral sign will not produce any significant effect and
maintain status quo.

(6) Graha in Enemy Raashi, Watery Sign With Drishti Malefic Without Drishti from
Benefic, Minor Drishti from Malefic, Varg of Malefic Planet
(Dukhit, Trushit (unhappy, injured, painful, anxious, discontented)
(a) in enemy Raashi (Dukhit)
(b) in a watery Raashi and receiving Drishti from a malefic, not receiving a
Drishti from a benefic (Trishit)
(c) Varg of a malefic planet

[Phaala Deepika, Ch. 9]

17. If a planet gets posited in an inimical sign, the person born will have an evil
bent of mind. He will live in other people's houses and will eat their food. He
will be without any means of livelihood and will be oppressed by enemies. Even his
friends will become his enemies in the Dashaa of such a planet.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 5]

13. Effects of a Planet in KhalAvasthaa. Should a planet be in Khal Avasthaa, the
native will grieve in sorrow, due to maintaining his wife (the native cannot
maintain even his wife), will lose all his wealth, will have an impure mind and be
never free from miseries.

17. If a planet gets posited in an inimical sign, the person born will have an evil
bent of mind. He will live in other people's houses and will eat their food. He
will be without any means of livelihood and will be oppressed by enemies. Even his
friends will become his enemies in the Dashaa of such a planet.

Saravali calls Graha placement in a malefic Ansh Khala Avasthaa.

[Kalyana Varmas Saravali, Ch. 45]

If the Sun is placed in an inimical Sign, the native will be poor and be sensually
If the Moon is placed in an inimical Sign, one will be devoid of beauty (or
brightness) and will suffer from heart diseases.
Mars in an inimical Sign denotes, that native will face confinement and defeat at
the hands of enemies, poverty, distress and misfortunes.
If Mercury be placed in an inimical Sign, the subject will be devoid of
intelligence, will experience many miseries and will be very poor.
Should Venus be in his enemy's Sign, this person concerned will be a servant, will
resort to wrong ways of doing things and be very miserable. If Jupiter is placed in
a Sign owned by his enemy, one will be an eunuch and be devoid of justice and
When Saturn occupies an inimical camp, the native will be dirty and be distressed
due to diseases and the like.

If there are 2 planets, that are placed in inimical sings one will be miserable and
ever fond of quarrels and be subjected to humiliation.
With 3 such planets he will be tormented by many expenses and miseries and will
lose wealth in spite of hard labor.
With 4 being so placed, he will be at a loss in regard to his near and dear and
If 5 heavenly bodies in such a state, that the native will be troubled by many
With 6 planets in inimical camps, he will be very miserable.
If 7 planets are in their inimical Signs, the native belongs to a loathsome family
and will be devoid of food, robes, beds etc.

Sleeping State: Low Consciousness of Graha

(7) Graha is Yuti With Malefic, Full Drishti from Malefic

(Vikal, Lajjit, Kshudhit, Kshobhit (distressed, disturbed, limited, handicapped,
confused, depressed, sorrowful)
(a) Yuti with malefic (Vikal)
(b) In Putra Bhaav and associated with Raahu/ Ketu/ Sun/ Saturn/ Mars (Lajjit)
(c) In an enemy's Rashi, or Yuti with an enemy, or receives a Drishti from an enemy
(d) Yuti with Shani/ Soorya and receiving a Drishti from, or Yuti with a malefic,
or receiving a Drishti from an enemy (Kshobhit)

Effect according to Phaala Deepika: 50% bad

[BPHS Ch. 45]

21. If a Graha, posited in Karm Bhaav, is in Lajjit, Kshudhit Avasthaa, or Kshobhit
Avasthaa, the person will always be subjected to miseries.
22. If a Graha in Putra Bhaav is in Lajjit Avasthaa, there will be destruction of
progeny, or there will be only one surviving child.
23. if there is a Graha in Yuvati in Kshobhita, or in Trushita Avasthaa, surely the
wife of the native will die, .
26. A Graha in Lajjit will give aversion to God, loss of intelligence, loss of
child, interest in evil speeches and listlessness in good things.
27. A Graha in Kshobhit will give acute penury, evil disposition, miseries,
financial debacles, distress to feet and obstruction to income, due to royal wrath.
28. A Graha in Kshudhit will cause downfall, due to grief and passion, grief on
account of relatives, physical decline, troubles from enemies, financial distress,
loss of physical strength and an eclipsed mind, due to miseries.
29. A Graha in Trishit Avasthaa will cause diseases through association with
females, leading over wicked deeds, loss of wealth, due to one's own men, physical
weakness, miseries, caused by evil people and decline of honor.

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