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ISSN 1941-5923

© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

DOI: 10.12659/AJCR.900858

Received: 2016.08.01
Accepted: 2016.11.07 Immediate Effects of Angular Joint Mobilization
Published: 2017.02.10
(a New Concept of Joint Mobilization) on Pain,
Range of Motion, and Disability in a Patient with
Shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis: A Case Report
Authors’ ABEF 1 Younghoon Kim 1 Kim Institute, Lancaster, CA, U.S.A.
Study Design  A ACDEF 2 GyuChang Lee 2 Department of Physical Therapy, Kyungnam University, Changwon,
Data Collection  B Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
Statistical Analysis  C
Data Interpretation  D
Manuscript Preparation  E
Literature Search  F
Funds Collection  G

Corresponding Author: GyuChang Lee, e-mail:

Conflict of interest: None declared

Patient: Female, 53
Final Diagnosis: Adhesive capsulitis
Symptoms: Pain • limited range of motion
Medication: None
Clinical Procedure: Manual therapy (joint mobilization)
Specialty: Physical Therapy

Objective: Unusual or unexpected effect of treatment

Background: Adhesive capsulitis is a common disabling condition, with reviews reporting up to 5.3% of the population being
affected, the burden placed upon individuals and healthcare services may therefore be considered substantial.
For recovering the normal extensibility of the capsule in individuals with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder,
passive stretching of the capsule through end-range mobilization has been suggested. Recently, the concept
of joint mobilization into angular joint mobilization (AJM), which is rotational joint mobilization with joint axis
shift, was proposed. This case report aimed to investigate the immediate effect of AJM on pain, range of mo-
tion (ROM), and disability in a patient with shoulder adhesive capsulitis.
Case Report: The patient was a 53-year-old woman who was diagnosed with left shoulder adhesive capsulitis. Her left shoul-
der gradually stiffened, affecting functional activity. The patient attended 12 joint mobilization sessions over a
period of six weeks (two times per week). The intervention consisted of rotary oscillations of the left shoulder,
which were applied with overpressure and stops before the end of the pathological limit. After intervention,
the patient reported 3/100 pain intensity on the visual analogue scale (VAS) (before versus after: 58 versus 3).
Active ROM improved by 51° in flexion, 76.4° in abduction, 38.7° in external rotation, and 51.4° in active inter-
nal rotation. Passive ROM improved by 49° in flexion, 74.6° in abduction, 39.4° in external rotation, 51.4° in in-
ternal rotation. The total shoulder, pain and disability index (SPADI) score improved by 53.9%.
Conclusions: The patient reacted positively to AJM, resulting in improved shoulder pain, ROM, and disability, and the results
suggest that AJM allow consideration in the management of individuals with adhesive capsulitis.

MeSH Keywords: Adhesive Capsulitis • Case Reports • Restraint, Physical • Shoulder Joint

Abbreviations: AJM – angular joint mobilization; ROM – range of motion; SPADI – shoulder pain and disability index

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Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

Background then, the authors revised the idea of joint mobilization and
named it angular joint mobilization (AJM), which is rotation-
Adhesive capsulitis, also referred to as frozen shoulder, is a al joint mobilization with joint axis shift. However, no stud-
common disabling but self-limiting condition from progres- ies have investigated the possibility of this approach in indi-
sive fibrosis and ultimate contracture of the glenohumeral viduals with adhesive capsulitis. Thus, this case report aimed
joint capsule. The condition is associated with pain, limited to investigate the immediate effect of AJM on pain, ROM, and
range of motion (ROM), sleep deprivation, anxiety, and disabil- disability in a patient with adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.
ity that may be hugely disruptive and impact nearly every as-
pect of daily living and occupational activities of an individu-
al [1–5]. The average duration of the condition is 30.1 months Case Report
(range 1 to 3.5 years) but it may be substantially longer, and
the burden placed upon individuals and healthcare services Patient history and systems review
may therefore be considered substantial [5]. However, the eti-
ology for primary adhesive capsulitis remains unknown [1,2]. The patient was a 53-year-old woman, right hand/arm domi-
Preferentially women 30–60 years old are affected, but it can nant, with a height of 160.02 cm and weight of 54.43 kg. Her
occur in patients of any age [6]. The prevalence of primary ad- symptoms began approximately seven months before being
hesive capsulitis is reported to affect 2% to 5.3% of the gen- seen for an evaluation for physical therapy. She was referred
eral population and secondary adhesive capsulitis related to to physical therapy by an orthopedic surgeon who diagnosed
diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease is reported to be be- her with left shoulder adhesive capsulitis. Aside from taking
tween 4.3% and 38% [7]. meloxicam, the patient was not taking any other medications.
There was no history of manipulations under anesthesia or sur-
Traditionally, for recovering the extensibility of the shoul- gery. She reported tripping, but reached out with her left arm
der capsule in individuals with adhesive capsulitis, passive to avoid the fall (mild trauma), while walking in her garden.
stretching of the shoulder capsule in all planes of motion by She experienced a sudden sharp pain in her shoulder, which
end-range mobilization has been suggested [8,9]. These ap- worsened a few days later after she accidentally hit her left
proaches have been described in the literature [9–11]. Based shoulder on a door lock. Her left shoulder gradually stiffened,
on these approaches, physical therapists have used an anterior affecting her functional activity. She spent most of her time
glide of the humeral head to improve external rotation ROM, in the garden to grow vegetables. She had never experienced
according to the convex-on-concave concept of joint surface any shoulder pain before. During her visit to her primary care
motion [11–13]. In this manner, with the glenohumeral joint as physician or orthopedic surgeon, radiography revealed no ab-
a ball-and-socket joint coupled to Kaltenborn convex-concave normalities/fracture and degenerative joint disease. She had
rule, mobilization for the glenohumeral joint were introduced nephrolithiasis previously and, at the time of the initial physical
in which roll and glide occurred in the opposite direction. In therapy evaluation, reported no other health problems. Further
spite of that, this approach has never been validated by in- screening showed no signs or symptoms indicative of a possi-
tra-articular kinematic studies, and supporting clinical data is ble underlying serious pathology including cervical disc disor-
lacking. In addition, particularly, more studies are in contrast ders/radiculopathy, shoulder dislocation/subluxation, muscle
with Kaltenborn convex-concave rule [14–27]. power deficits/rotator cuff syndrome, and tendonitis/bursitis.
The patient complained of constant pain in her left shoulder.
Johnson et al. suggested that a posteriorly directed joint mo- This pain awakened her approximately four or five times per
bilization was more effective than Kaltenborn convex-concave night while lying on the left side and with position change.
based on anteriorly directed mobilization for improving exter- The patient’s goals for physical therapy were to return to her
nal rotation ROM in individuals with adhesive capsulitis. This previous level of function such as washing her back, resum-
approach can be based on the capsular constraint mechanism ing household chores including putting items on the top shelf,
where the tight capsule caused humeral head translations in carrying a bag of fertilizer, and growing vegetables.
the direction opposite to the tightened region [25], however,
this capsular constraint mechanism is also debatable [29–32]. Examination

Baeyens et al. suggested redefining mobilization techniques The patient initially received a physical therapy evaluation
for the glenohumeral joint in terms of rotation of the humer- that showed shoulder pain and limitations to active and pas-
us and translation of the geometrical center of the humeral sive ROM in flexion, abduction, external and internal rotations.
head [18]. Based on this background, the authors theorized
that joint restriction was due to impaired rotation with possi- Shoulder pain was examined by using the visual analogue scale
ble joint axis shift impairment of the rotary motion joint. And (VAS, 0 to 100). The patient completed the VAS questionnaire

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Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

before the intervention, during the intervention, and after the range of the arc of movement. For flexion AJM, inferior shift
intervention per session at resting position. was applied on the first to the sixth session (Figure 1A); pos-
terior shift was applied from the seventh to the twelfth ses-
Both active (AROM) and passive ROM (PROM) were measured sions (Figure 1B). For abduction AJM, posterior shift was ap-
with a goniometer. Measurements were performed in shoul- plied from the first to the tenth sessions (Figure 1C); rotational
der flexion, abduction, external rotation in 57° abduction, and shift was applied on the eleventh session (Figure 1D); posterior
internal rotation in 57° abduction in both AROM and PROM, shift was applied on the twelfth session (Figure 1C). For exter-
three times. nal rotation AJM at approximately 57° abduction angle, poste-
rior shift was applied from the first to the sixth sessions; infe-
Within the international classification of functioning, disability rior shift was applied on the seventh session; posterior shift
and health (ICF) framework, the constructs of “activity limita- applied from the eighth to the tenth session; rotational shift
tions” and “participation restrictions” were examined by us- applied on the eleventh session; and posterior shift applied
ing the shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI) before and on the twelfth session. For internal rotation AJM at approxi-
after the intervention. mately 57° abduction angle, posterior shift was applied from
the first to the twelfth session.
Clinical impression
Angular joint mobilization
At the initial examination, the patient stated experiencing mod-
erate levels of pain, with the VAS score being 58. Compared AJM has three steps. The first step is the primary joint mobi-
with the mean (SD) normative values, she had limited shoul- lization. The direction is determined by the limited motion of
der AROM in flexion (111.7°; normative value, 180°), abduction the long lever arm going into end range with overpressure to
(57.3°; normative value, 180°), external rotation at 57 abduc- tolerance. This is done passively but can also be active or ac-
tion (17.0°; normative value, 70°), internal rotation at 57° ab- tive assisted. The second step is called the joint shift (assis-
duction (32.3°; normative value, 90°). In addition, she had lim- tive joint mobilization). This is sustained pressure but can also
ited shoulder PROM in flexion (116.3°; normative value, 180°), be overpressure. Joint shift includes not only glide, but also
abduction (62.7°; normative value, 180°), external rotation at rotation, spin, compression, and distraction. The most joint
57° abduction (22.3°; normative value, 70°), and internal ro- structure stretching and lesser pain will determine the direc-
tation at 57° abduction (34.3°; normative value, 90°). In the tion of the joint shift. It does not follow the convex-concave
SPADI for testing activity limitations, the patient demonstrat- rule as the approach plane is not parallel to the concave joint
ed a pain score of 60, disability score of 72.5, and total score surface (not a flat surface). The third step is combined move-
of 67.7. Tables 1 and 2 lists the baseline outcome measures. ment, which is used at an advanced stage.

Interventions Primary joint mobilization is applied at the pathological limit

but stops before the anatomical limit of a joint’s range of mo-
The immediate goals of the intervention strategy were to im- tion. This technique should not produce sharp pain, even with
prove the patient’s shoulder pain, and improve the limited overpressure. The primary joint mobilization grading in AJM is
ROM and restricted shoulder function. The patient’s long-term as follows: grade I (a painful joint) is rotary oscillations which
goal was to participate in daily activities at her previous lev- are applied with slight overpressure at the start of the path-
el. After the examination, direct intervention using AJM was ological limit. Like a swinging pendulum, the joint tissues are
initiated. The patient attended 12 joint mobilization sessions on slack at the beginning to the mid-range and joint stretch-
over a period of six weeks (two times per week for six weeks). ing occurs toward the end the arc of movement. Grade II is
The intervention started with an informative and explanatory rotary oscillations which are applied with overpressure and
session, and was applied for 20 minutes per session. To apply stopped before the end of the pathological limit. Joint tissues
joint mobilization, the patient assumed the supine position are slack at the beginning of the arc of movement, and joint
comfortably. Before applying each AJM for flexion, abduction, stretching occurs from mid to end of the arc of movement.
external rotation, and internal rotation, the direction of the Grade III (in a non-painful joint) is rotary oscillations with
joint shift was identified by the therapist together with the overpressure which are applied to the end of the pathologi-
patient’s report of feeling the most joint structure stretching, cal limit (Figure 2). The following are the three types of joint
lesser pain, and increase ROM. Grade II AJM were applied on shifts: In joint shift, sustained pressure is applied at the start
all 12 sessions, in which rotary oscillations were applied with of accessory movement limit while primary joint mobilization
overpressure but stopped before the end of a joint’s patholog- is applied. In joint shift (+), sustained overpressure is applied
ical limit. Joint tissues were slack at the beginning of the arc in between the start of accessory movement limit and end of
of movement and joint stretching occurred from mid to end accessory movement limit while primary joint mobilization is

150 This work is licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

Table 1. Outcome on the AROM, PROM, and VAS.

Clinical outcome measure Baseline Week 3 (visit 6) Week 6 (visit 12)

AROM, degree


Pre- 111.7 135.3 155.7

Post- 126.7 147.0 162.7


Pre- 57.3 88.7 127.0

Post- 68.3 100.0 133.7

ER at abduction

Pre- 17.0 35.7 39.7

Post- 28.3 42.3 55.7

IR at abduction

Pre- 32.3 55.7 81.3

Post- 41.7 62.7 83.7

PROM, degree


Pre- 116.3 147.7 160.0

Post- 132.3 151.7 165.3


Pre- 62.7 103.3 129.3

Post- 70.3 109.7 137.3

ER at abduction

Pre- 22.3 40.3 53.3

Post- 34.7 47.7 61.7

IR at abduction

Pre- 34.3 60.7 82.7

Post- 50.3 67.0 85.7

VAS (0–100)

Pre- 58 18 13

During 96 77 81

Post- 34 13 3

AROM – active range of motion; PROM – passive range of motion; VAS – visual analog scale; ER – external rotation; IR – internal

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Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

Table 2. Outcome on the disability Index. The SPADI results were collected at baseline and at the last
session (Table 2). At the last session, the patient’s active range
Clinical outcome measure Baseline Week 6 (visit 12) of motion improved by 51° in flexion, 76.4° in abduction, 38.7°
in external rotation, and 51.4° in internal rotation. In addition,
SPADI, score
the patient was reported to have an improvement of 49° in
Pain 60.0 14.0 passive flexion ROM, 74.6° in passive abduction ROM, 39.4°
in passive external rotation ROM, and 51.4° in passive inter-
Disability 72.5 13.8 nal rotation ROM. Total pain score in SPADI improved by 46%,
total disability score in SPADI improved by 58.7%, and total
Total 67.7 13.8
SPADI score improved by 53.9%.
SPADI – shoulder, pain and disability index.
The patient met almost all of her functional goals at the end
applied. In joint shift (o), overpressure is applied to the end of 12 intervention sessions, which were washing her back with
of accessory movement limit while primary joint mobilization some effort, putting light items on the top shelf, resuming house
is applied then brought back to slack. chores, carrying a bag of fertilizer, and growing vegetables.
The patient had several setbacks on pain: on the fourth ses-
sion because she helped at her son’s garage sale, lifting heavy
Results items at waist level and did some gardening, and on the ninth
and the twelfth session because of gardening and yard work.
The patient attended 12 intervention sessions over the course of
six weeks. Clinical outcomes, including VAS score and ROM were
collected at baseline and at every session (Table 1, Figures 3, 4).



Figure 1. (A–D) Angular joint mobilization of shoulder joint.

152 This work is licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

motion joint, all joint axes shift at least slightly during the
Angular joint mobilization vs. Maitland mobilization grading scale
motion [34] and joint surfaces not only glide but also simul-
Start of End of
pathological limit pathological limit taneously roll on the opposite joint surface (arthrokinematic
III Anatomical limit view) [12]. Kaltenborn hypothesis (convex-concave rule) sug-
Angular joint mobilization gests that a restricted joint movement (i.e., hypomobility) is
due to impaired joint gliding [11]. However, when joint roll-
I ing occurs without its associated gliding, the instantaneous
Range of motion
(physiological – not axis of movement shifts to an abnormal location [11]. If this
IV translatoric joint
Maitland range of movement) joint movement occurs based on Kaltenborn theory, then roll-
III ing will lead to dislocation, but dislocation does not occur
II on restricted joint movement. A few studies have suggested
that the direction of mobilization is controversial [21,33,34];
and more studies were in contrast with Kaltenborn convex-
R1 R2
(first (final concave rule [14–23,25–27,35,36]. For example, the joint axis
resistance) resistance) shifts superiorly rather than inferiorly in glenohumeral joint
abduction movement [14,18,20,23,26,27,35,36]. In addition,
Figure 2. Grades in angular joint mobilization. Baeyens et al. suggested the need to redefine mobilization
techniques for the glenohumeral joint in terms of rotation of
Discussion the humerus and translation of the geometrical center of the
humeral head [21,37].
The convex-concave rule of arthrokinematics has been widely
accepted and practiced in manual therapy. The convex-concave In the arthokinematic view, a single point on the concave ar-
rule is a didactic simplification of determining the direction ticular surface contacts multiple points on the convex articu-
of translatoric joint mobilization during rotatory movements lar surface regardless of joint congruency when a convex ar-
of the joint [33]. Rotatory movement also referred to as ro- ticular surface moves on a concave articular surface, which is
tary motion, in biomechanical terminology is called “angular a simultaneous movement of roll and glide in the opposite di-
displacement” (osteokinematic view), which is movement of rection (Figures 5, 6). In addition, a single point on the concave
a segment around a fixed axis. However, in a human rotary articular surface contacts multiple points on a convex articular

Flexion (Pre-) Flexion (Post-)

180 Abduction (Pre-) Abduction (Post-)
External rotation at abduction (Pre-) External rotation at abduction (Post-)
Internal rotation at abduction (Pre-) Internal rotation at abduction (Post-)

Active range of motion (degree)







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Physical therapy session

Figure 3. Shoulder AROM pre- and post-angular joint mobilization at each physical therapy session.

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Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

100 During
Visual Analogue Scale (0–100)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Physical therapy session

Figure 4. Shoulder pain pre- and post-angular joint mobilization at each physical therapy session.

Figure 6. Arthrokinematic rotation on congruent joint. A) A

single point on the concave articular surface contacts
multiple points on the convex articular surface; B-1) a
single point on convex surface contacts more points
Figure 5. Arthrokinematic rotation on incongruent joint. A) A
(compared to incongruent joint surface) on concave
single point on the concave surface contacts multiple
surface but B-2) a single point on convex surface does
points on the convex surface and B) a single point on
not contact any more points on concave surface as
the convex surface does not contact any other points
rotation continuously occur.
on the concave surface.

surface regardless of joint congruency when a concave artic- rotation), and superior glide (the center of the humeral head
ular surface moves on a convex articular surface which is a superior shift) will conflict with each other. Even if there is de-
simultaneous movement of roll and glide in the same direc- creased gliding movement due to two opposite directions of
tion. So whether it is a convex on concave or concave on con- glide and joint shift, joint movement is still rotation, as a single
vex joint, a single point on the concave articular surface con- point on each surface contacts multiple points on the opposite
tacts multiple points on the convex articular surface regardless surface. If the distance of the superior joint shift and inferior
of joint congruency, plus a single point on a convex surface gliding becomes equal, then joint movement will be just roll.
contacts more points on a concave surface in a congruent When glenohumeral joint abduction occurs, arthrokinematic
joint [16,38]. This is completely different from glide, in which movement is arthrokinematic rotation with glide, and osteo-
one point on the convex joint surface contacts new points on kinematic movement is rotation with joint shift.
the concave joint surface, and from roll, in which new points
on each surface comes into contact throughout the motion. However, rotation is not a simultaneous movement of roll and
This suggests that this motion is arthrokinematic rotation. For glide at all. In order to analyze this joint movement, arthro-
example, when glenohumeral joint abduction occurs, the gle- kinematics and osteokinematics (axis movement) have to be
nohumeral center also translates superiorly. If the rotation is considered at the same time. Joint axis moves when roll or
divided into roll and glide, then inferior glide (a component of glide occurs, but joint axis does not move when rotation occurs

154 This work is licensed under Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Kim Y. et al.:
Angular joint mobilization
© Am J Case Rep, 2017; 18: 148-156

(known as a simultaneous movement of roll and glide). When AJM for improving pain, ROM, and disability warrants consid-
a hinged door is being opened or closed, rotation occurs, but eration in the management of individuals with adhesive cap-
roll and glide cannot occur since the axis is fixed. Rotation is sulitis by restoring normal relations of the shoulder structures:
a completely independent movement from roll and glide even meniscoids, capsule, and articular surfaces. The AJM may be
though combined roll and glide can mimic the movement; it an effective intervention for improving symptoms in patients
still is not a true rotation. with adhesive capsulitis. However, this case report has sever-
al limitations. First, only one patient was included in the case
Restricted joint movement is thought to have restricted gliding report. Second, there was a small possibility that the cause-
and predominant rolling between the joint surfaces instead of and-effect relationship between the intervention and the out-
restricted rotation [11], but it is impossible to identify which comes may not be established, as changes could have been
one is the restricting factor between gliding and rolling. Roll related to the natural recovery or a placebo effect. Third, the
and glide are strictly two-dimensional (2-D) terms that do not authors were not able to confirm the effect of the interven-
include the shift along the helical axis (axis of rotation, screw tion in the long-term. Therefore, more research will be need-
axis, and twist axis) but shifts along it [21]. ed to establish an effect of AJM.

Based on this background, authors have theorized that joint

restriction is due to impaired rotation with possible joint axis Conclusions
shift impairment of the rotary motion joint, and this impaired
rotation with possible joint axis shift impairment might be The results of this case report suggest that AJM, which is rota-
from not only impaired passive subsystem (ligaments, bursas, tional joint mobilization with joint axis shift, may be an effec-
cartilages, meniscoids, joint surfaces, joint capsules, etc.) but tive intervention for improving shoulder pain, ROM, and dis-
also from the active (muscles, tendons) and control subsys- ability in individuals with adhesive capsulitis. However, this
tem (nerves, central nervous system) [24]. Through this the- case report has several limitations. Thus, a future study should
ory, AJM which is rotational joint mobilization with joint shift further investigate the use of the intervention in the care of
was suggested and investigated on our patient with shoulder adhesive capsulitis.
adhesive capsulitis. The results of our case report suggest that

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