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Sub: Computer Networks-II Subcode: 10CS64
Faculty Name: Aruna & Anil Sem: 6 ‘A’ &’B’
Question Bank for Unit 1
Q1. Explain and derive delays in datagram packet switching? 10M
Q2. Consider the networks given below in fig Use bellman ford algorithm to find shortest
paths from all nodes to destination node 2. 10M

Q3.What are datagram and virtual circuits? Distinguish between them and also explain how routing
tables are developed for same ? 10M
Q3 a. Why is packet switching more suitable than message switching for interactive Applications ?
Compare the delays in datagram packet switching and message switching. 6M
b. Differentiate between message and datagrams packet switching networks. Explain delays 4M
Q4 a. Explain hierarchical and deflection routing with example? 5M
b. Define routing algorithm? Explain flooding technique with example? 5M
Q5 a. Explain with neat diagram and clear concepts of structure of campus network? 6M
b. Explain with neat diagram the internal operations of an packet –switching networks? 4M
Q6. What is routing .Explain the goals of routing and also explain the classification of routing. 5M
Q7.Short notes on: i)intradomain routing and interdomain routing. 10M
ii)NAT iii) NAP
Question Bank for Unit 3
Q1 a. Explain the IP address classification .Identify the following IP addresses and their addresses class:

i) ii) iii) iv) 5M

b. Give the format of IPV6 basic header and its operations? 5M
Q2 a. Explain the following fields in the IP packet header. 4M
i) TTL ii) Fragment offset iii)Header checksum. iv)Flags
b. A large number of consecutive IP addresses are available starting at Suppose that 3
Organizations A,B &C request 4000,2000 and 1000 addresses respectively & in that order for each of
these ,give the first IP assigned, the last IP address assigned and mark in the w.x.y.z/s notation. 6M
Q3 a. What is the need to change from IPV4 to IPV6? Write the IPV6 basic header and describe its fields?
b. Explain the network addressing of IPV6. 5M
Q4 a.With a neat diagram, Explain UDP datagram. 5M
b.Explain ICMP with neat diagrams. 5M
Q5 a. Differentiate between connection-oriented and connectionless services? 3M
b. With neat diagram explain IPV4 header format? 7M
Q6 a. What is ARP? Explain the working principle of ARP? 5M
b. what is fragmentation? What are the causes of fragmentation? 5M
Q7 a. What is sub netting and subnet masking? Explain subnet addresses for class B subnet? 5M
b. Explain the TCP/IP architecture with neat diagram? 5M

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