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Name: ................................................................................................ Course: ...................................

1. Match: © VICENS VIVES

The sloth is the fastest animal in the world.

The cheetah is the slowest animal in the world.

The blue whale is the biggest animal in the world.

2. Fill the blanks with after that, first, finally and then:

On Saturday, ............. I got up at nine o’clock, ............, I had a shower and, ..............., I got dressed.

............, I had my favourite breakfast: chocolate with biscuits.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form:

– Yesterday, we ................ (begin) school at ten o’clock.

– Last week, Sarah ............. (make) some new friends.

– We .......................(learn) a lot of English last year.

4. Circle the odd one out:

big bad arm funny sad

spider walk plant cupboard child

run bag swim speak sleep

5. Explain what you do when you get up:






Name: ................................................................................................ Course: ...................................

1. Read the text and answer the questions: © VICENS VIVES


Arthropods are a large group of invertebrates, which means

they do not have backbones (vertebrae). Insects, spiders, crabs,
shrimp, millipedes and centipedes are all arthropods. Arthropods
have jointed feet, a segmented body and an exoskeleton (a
cuticle on the outside of their body).

Arthropods have by far the greatest number of species of any animal group, at around 900.000
species. Insects are the most diverse organisms in life's history.

Another notable fact is that arthropods are mostly terrestrial in their habitat. They are helped in this
respect by their hard exoskeleton, which reduces the loss of water (desiccation). Arthropods are also
notable as the first ones to develop genuine flight.

Arthropods are made up of four groups of living animals and one group of extinct animals. The four
groups are insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods. The trilobites are extinct, and they are the
second most famous type of fossil, after the dinosaurs.

They are a source of food for many animals, including humans.

– What are arthropods? ....................................................................................................................................

– What does invertebrates mean? ...................................................................................................................

– Describe arthropods: .....................................................................................................................................

2. What does exoskeleton mean?

A The skeleton inside the body.

B The body.

C The protective or supporting structure inside the body of many animals.

D The protective or supporting structure covering the outside of the body of many animals.

3. What does “The trilobites are extinct” mean?

A It means that there are still many living trilobites in the world.
B It means that there are just a few living trilobites in the world.

C It means that there are no longer any living trilobites in the world.
Name: ................................................................................................ Course: ...................................
D It means that the trilobites are the most diverse organisms in the story of life.
4. Underline the correct sentence:

A There are around 900.000 species of arthropods in the world.

B There are around 900.000 arthropods in the world.

There are around 900.000 species of insects in theVworld.

D There are around 900.000 insects in the world.

5. Underline the incorrect sentence:

A The trylobites are extinct arthropods.

B The trylobites are the second most famous type of fossil.

C Arthropods are made up of four groups of living animals.

D Arthropods are made up of four groups of living and extinct animals.

6. Listen to the teacher and write the sentence:


7. Complete the table:

adjective comparative superlative

........... newer ...........

........... ........... the friendliest

........... younger ...........

busy ........... ...........

exciting ............ ...........

........... happier ............

........... ........... the most boring

pretty ............ ..........
Name: ................................................................................................ Course: ...................................

8. Match each word to its corresponding definition:

A yellow powder found in flowers. hive

A box in which bees make their nest. insect

A structure made by bees to store honey. pollen

A small six-legged animal with a body in three parts. honeycomb

9. Complete with found, left, flew, drank up and collected:

– The bees ............ the pollen.

– The bees ............ big, bright flowers.

– The bees ............ all the nectar.

– The bees ........... the hive.

– The bees ........... back to the hive.

10.Explain the Water Cycle using first, then, after that and finally:












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