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15 Tips for Staying Healthy on Night Shift

by Angela Steel | Sep 20, 2015 | Corporate Wellbeing, Nutrition, Resilience | 0 comments

My partner John works in the aviation industry, and for nearly thirty years, on and off, has
worked night shifts. I often wonder how he manages. As I start to wind down, around 9pm,
thinking about going to bed, he’s often just about to heat up his dinner, leaving it till late to break
up a long stint that will require alertness and concentration.
Arriving home sometimes just before 8am, as I begin my day, he goes to bed and emerges in the
early afternoon. If the neighbours are redecorating (which they often do) then this can make for a
pretty broken rest.

At least now his night shifts are only occasional, but after so many years, we do often wonder
how this could be affecting his health.

So what do we know about the health risks of shift work?

We humans are a diurnal species, which means that we are designed to be active during the day.
We have less of an appetite at night, when our body is actually supposed to fast and focus on
repairing and restoring itself.

Our blood sugars are regulated differently at different times. At night, growth hormone, released
during the first deep-sleep phase, and the stress hormone cortisol summon blood glucose from
our existing reserves (mainly in the liver). This allows our central nervous system to keep
functioning, without the need from external fuel. Our muscle cells are not supposed to need the
energy at that time, so they are not that receptive to insulin (which normally allows them to take
in glucose).

Metabolic conditions

This could be one of the reasons why night workers so often suffer with glucose intolerance,
gaining weight around the middle and more frequently than average developing conditions such
as diabetes. One study showed that just three nights of disrupted sleep decreased insulin
sensitivity by 30%, even with the same number of hours.

During the day we tend to run on glucose, and store fat, and then at night, when we should be
fasting, our metabolism becomes more efficient at burning fat. This might explain why eating at
night can increase the levels of triglycerides in the blood, and fat storag

e generally.

Does our body clock adjust eventually?

Even after two years of regular night work, studies have shown that glucose and insulin rhythms
are only partially adjusted to night work.

Digestive health
Digestive health can be another issue, with problems such as IBS or peptic ulcers more frequent
for night shift workers. Our digestive system is meant to be at rest during the night, and the
hormones that regulate hunger and satiety work differently too.

Heart health

Homocysteine, an amino acid associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, has
been shown to be higher in night shift workers. This chemical is at its highest during the night,
and is further increased when you eat meat.

Add to this the problems I mentioned earlier, linked to insulin resistance, including fat deposited
around the organs and on the waist, having an inflammatory effect in the body, along with higher
levels of blood triglycerides, and it’s no wonder that cardiovascular risk is higher in night shift

Ping goes the microwave timer…

Quite apart from the laws of biochemistry, there

is the very practical question of meal choice at night. If making healthy choices during the day is
a challenge for many, then it’s even harder for night workers, who have a very limited range of
options. Understandably they’ll turn to ready meals or convenient high carb quick fuel that
doesn’t contain much in the way of nutrients, such as bread and sweet snacks. Studies have
shown that after 6 months of starting shift work, people tend to consume less fibre as their
vegetable intake plummets.
Night and day workers consume similar amounts of calories, studies have shown, but their eating

patterns are different. Night shift workers tend to

snack instead of eating full meals. Partly because appetite is lower at night, but also because they
sometimes might have to fit around convenient time slots (for example A&E Doctors on a busy
nightshift). They also tend to consume more coffee, which can also carry risks (by inducing more
stress hormones).

So what can you do to minimise the health risks?

If you work night shifts yourself, or if you employ teams of shift workers, there are some useful
tips that can benefit you and your employees:


1. Stick as closely as possible to a normal day and night pattern of food intake
2. Aim for three satisfying meals across a 24 hour period
3. It’s best to avoid or minimise eating between midnight and 6am and try to eat at the
beginning and end of the shift
4. Avoid large meals for 1-2 hours prior to sleep
5. Eat breakfast before day sleep to avoid waking due to hunger

Food types
1. Choose whole foods, vegetables, lean protein, eggs, nuts,
antioxidant rich food and drink such as red bush tea
2. Avoid sugar rich products such as soft drinks, bakery items, sweets and non-fibre carb
foods (high GI) like white bread
3. Avoid foods that are high in iron at night (such as red meat) as they can disrupt the
liver’s circadian rhythm and cause it to be out of synch, enhancing glucose metabolism

Outside of work

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle with exercise, regular meal times and good
sleep hygiene outside of work
2. Get vitamin D levels checked regularly as working nights can mean reduced exposure to
daylight. Vitamin D deficiency is extremely widespread, and linked to a vast range of
health risks, including a number of cancers.
3. Get yearly blood tests such as fasting glucose, to detect any risk of diabetes before it

For employers

1. Design shift schedules so as to allow

adequate time between shifts for sleep, meal preparation, exercise, family time
2. If possible provide a relaxed and sociable eating area. Eating in a relaxed environment
will help stimulate a state of ‘rest and digest’ that’s more conducive to good digestion
and absorption of nutrients
3. Aim to provide a variety of good quality food staff on-site: whole foods and high quality

One final tip

A light box can come in handy (especially those used for SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder)! A
recent study showed that exposure to bright light before driving home can help improve
alertness, as it suppresses melatonin.

Want to find out more?

Get in touch with us to discuss how our nutrition and wellbeing

programmes designed for shift workers could help your employees. We can support them
to make adjustments towards better health and greater energy!

Call 020 3598 4478 or email


1. Arne Lowden, Eating and shift work – effects on habits, metabolism, and
performance, Scand J Work Environ Health. 2010; 36(2): 150 – 162
2. Fangyi Gu MD, Total and Cause-Specific Mortality of U.S. Nurses Working Rotating
Night Shifts, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, March 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2014.10.018
3. Marjory L. Givens, Shiftwork, sleep habits, and metabolic disparities: results from
the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin. Sleep Health, 2015;
4. J.-C. Marquie, Chronic effects of shift work on cognition: findings from the VISAT
longitudinal study.Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014;
DOI: 10.1136/oemed-2013-101993
5. Gan, Shift work and diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of observational
studies.Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014; DOI:10.1136/oemed-2014-
6. Judith A. Simcox, Dietary Iron Controls Circadian Hepatic Glucose Metabolism
through Heme Synthesis. Diabetes, October 2014 DOI: 10.2337/db14-0646 1939-327X
7. American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Bright light after night shift may enhance
alertness and cognitive performance: Using bright lights may be particularly
effective for low light work environments. commutes that occur before dawn. June

Tips For Night Shift Workers

To minimize the side effects of working irregular hours, major adjustments must be made in
every day living which require the understanding and support of your family and friends.

The home must provide a quiet environment, allowing the worker to have as much uninterrupted
sleep as possible. This daytime sleep period is not a nap but the replacement of fundamental
nighttime sleep.

The following are health care tips for the worker who must turn their nights into days:

 Take an hour or so to relax after work, whether it is day or nighttime. Relaxing music or a warm
bath will help.
 Eat meals at the same time each day seven days a week. This schedule helps maintain the body's
 Eat high protein foods (vegetables, peanut butter on crackers, fruit, etc) to keep you alert. If you
simply must eat some sweets, which tend to make you sleepy, do so at the END of your shift.
 Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages before bedtime. Although the sedative effect helps you fall
asleep, it tends to wear off in 2 - 3 hours and causes disturbed sleep in the latter half of the
 Avoid coffee, tea, colas, all other caffeine drinks, which interfere with sleep. On a coffee break,
drink orange juice (protein) and walk around. Physical activity promotes wakefulness.
 Avoid going to bed on an empty stomach. If you don't feel like eating much, try a glass of milk or
dairy products, which promote sleep.
 Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool, not cold, (64 to 66 degrees)
 Darken bedroom or wear comfortable eyeshades. Eyes are sensitive to light even when the lids
are closed, preventing you from falling asleep or getting consolidated sleep.
 Block out daytime noises, which can disturb deep restful sleep. Use comfortable sponge ear
plugs or "white noise" electrical devices such as fans, air conditioners, or a quiet tape.
 Exercise at least every other day AFTER sleep. Daytime sleepers should avoid early morning
exercise, which can promote wakefulness during the day.
 Beware of certain medication. Avoid prolonged use of sleeping pills and other sedatives, which
interfere with normal sleep patterns. Beware of cold and allergy medications which have sleep-
related side effects. Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) has a stimulating effect and antihistamines
(Dristan) can cause drowsiness.
Patient Resources

 Tips For Shift or Night Time Workers

 Sleep Hygiene
 Does Sleep Change As We Age?
 Medicare Guidelines for CPAP
 Sleep Disorders Glossary

Stories About Sleep

View More

 7 Reasons You Probably Have Sleep Apnea January 14, 2016

 8 Ways to Get Better Sleep September 2, 2015
 How to Get Your Students Back Into the Sleep Routine August 7, 2015

When you’re working a shift schedule, your eating and exercise habits can suffer. People who
work shifts sometimes skip meals, eat irregularly, eat unhealthy food, and may find it hard to
keep up a regular exercise schedule. Shift workers are at higher risk for weight gain and heart
disease as well. Healthy eating and exercise help improve your sleep and your overall health.
These ten easy tips can help you stay healthy even with an irregular or shift work schedule.

1. Have healthy foods readily available at home and at work. People who are sleepy are
more likely to reach for unhealthy foods. Stock your kitchen with easy-to-eat raw
vegetables (baby carrots, apple slices) and hummus, fruits (bananas, oranges), or a
container of raw almonds and raisins (versus a muffin or cookies), so that when you’re
tired but hungry, you make healthy food choices. If you like carbs, consider whole grains
and “slow burning” foods like brown rice, wild rice, and rolled oats that keep you full and
productive for longer stretches.
2. Prepare meals before your shift, so they’re ready to eat when you get home.
Experiment with crock pot meals (which can cook foods over a long period of time) or
try freezing portion sizes of your favorite healthy meals for easy access when you don’t
have time to cook.
3. Bring your own food to work. You’re more likely to eat healthily if you pack your own
meals rather than eating foods from restaurants, take out counters or vending machines.
4. Eat small, frequent meals as opposed to large heavy ones. Heavy meals often have
more calories than most people need in one sitting. Eating a large portion can also make
you feel sluggish or tired while on the job.
5. Try to eat in line with a regular day (and your circadian rhythm). It’s hard to stick to a
regular diet if you eat very late at night or throughout a shift.
6. Sit down to eat. Pause for meals. Eat at a relaxed pace. Eating on the go or in front of a
computer encourages mindless snacking.
7. Moderate your caffeine consumption. Limit caffeine intake four to five hours before
the end of your shift (caffeine stays in your body for many hours) to help your body wind
down for home and relaxation.
8. Drink plenty of fluids. Your body often signals hunger and thirst in the same way. Bring
a water bottle to work and fill it often. Not only will you save money on bottled drinks,
but you’ll treat your body as well. Infuse your water with fruit or a citrus slice for an
added flavor boost without the calories.
9. Exercise moderately. Try to take walks, walk up and down stairs, or stretch before or
after your shift or during your breaks. People who exercise not only burn more calories
during the day, but they sleep better as well.
10. Get the sleep you need. People who sleep the recommended seven to nine hours each
day are healthier, fitter, and less likely to suffer from obesity or other health issues than
those who don’t sleep well. Remember that you can space out sleep with naps if a single
period of rest isn’t possible with your schedule.

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