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snsi20%8 Home etme —_— ence a vee ae ie me smc Fugen am Sone conee Polymer Concroto [ACO Palyerete Pty Ltd - Polyerete (polymer concrete) Materials & Properties POLYCRETE® q W } Polymer Concrete Materials and Properties "POLYORETE* is ACO's trademark for products made from polymer concrete produced in ‘Australia. It encompasses ACO's extensive portfolio of polymer concrete pits, channels, ducts, lds, risers and containment sumps. Polymer concrete is a versatile, durable, composite material produced by mixing a variety ‘of mineral filers with a synthetic or natural resin binding agent, This advanced engineering materal is used in many industries but is most common in the building and construction industries where its long lfe and material properties make it ideal for many products. Material Features High resistance to chemical and biologocal attack Lightweight compared to cement concrete products Excellent noise and vibration absorption Excellent dielectric propertios Good weathering and UV resistance Zero water absorption Can be cut with masonry dls and grinders Can be recycled as rubble or crushed for use as road foundation Approximately 4 times the flexural strength of cement concrete Good thermal properties and stability Ultra smooth finish which encourages efficient hydraulic flow Material Properties Bending strength 20 MPa Shear strenth 20 MPa Compressive strength 90MPa Modulus of elasticity 22,000 MPa Specific gravity 2,200 kg/m3 Water absorption 0.05% by weight Operating temperature up to 80°C Surface roughness 25um ‘Manning's cooffciont 0.014 Polymer concrete, also referred to as artificial granite, is a compasite material consisting of dry aggregate filers and a ‘monomer system, polymerised in place by catalysed peroxide decomposition. The principal components of polymer concrete are gravel, sand and calcium carbonate bound together with a polymer resin. Commonly used in areas subject to heavy wear and high loadings such as carparks, roadways and industrial areas, Hydraulic Performance hpitwmw aupalycrete.him we

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