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High thoracic epidural anesthesia and coronary artery disease

in surgical and non-surgical patients

Julian Alvareza, Beatriz Hernándeza and Peter G. Atanassoff b

Purpose of review Abbreviations

Even though high thoracic epidural anesthesia has been CABG coronary artery bypass grafting
shown to be highly efficacious in the control of symptoms in HTEA high thoracic epidural anesthesia

refractory angina, its general use is still restricted. In

patients who undergo coronary revascularization, however, ß 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
the technique is becoming more and more popular. The 0952-7907

present review outlines the use of high thoracic epidural

anesthesia in patients with ischemic heart disease who
underwent coronary revascularization in order to further Introduction
reveal high thoracic epidural anesthesia’s low complication Treatment of angina pectoris in patients with coronary
rate and to analyze why physicians still refrain from using it artery disease includes medical therapy or revasculari-
more frequently. zation, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery or
Recent findings percutaneous coronary intervention [1]. Patients with
The incidence of severe hemodynamic complications after refractory unstable angina present a problem [2], in that
high thoracic epidural anesthesia is low in patients with they are refractory to conventional medical therapy.
coronary artery disease. The main advantage would be a
myocardial sympathectomy leading to an improvement in High thoracic epidural anesthesia (HTEA) may be an
the oxygen input–demand relationship. Likewise, a interesting technique for the management of these
decrease in mortality due to respiratory complications could patients due to its well-known analgesic and hemody-
not be shown. In patients undergoing myocardial namic effects. So far, the technique has been adminis-
revascularization with full anticoagulation there is an tered in patients with ischemic heart disease under two
increased risk of epidural hematoma formation. Its precise different sets of circumstances: when angina pectoris
risk is difficult to evaluate. There is an overall low rate of
does not respond to any other kind of treatment, neither
epidural hematomas as a result of high thoracic epidural
medical nor surgical, or when the patient undergoes a
anesthesia. With the available data, the incidence has been
coronary revascularization, in which case the HTEA
estimated at between 1/1500 and 1/10 000.
significantly improves pain relief and the postoperative
complication rate, primarily respiratory ones [3].
Epidural anesthesia does not decrease mortality or the
incidence of myocardial infarction after coronary artery
Anatomy and physiology of cardiac
bypass grafting. It reduces the incidence of arrhythmias and
innervation: functional significance of high
respiratory complications and improves the quality of
neuraxial blockade
The myocardium receives sympathetic and parasym-
analgesia. High thoracic epidural anesthesia has been
pathetic fibers. Preganglionic sympathetic fibers that
shown to be a safe and efficient technique for refractory
innervate the myocardium originate from C8 to T4. They
angina that reduces the frequency of ischemic events and
cross over the cervical and upper thoracic ganglia, from
improves the clinical condition of patients.
where the superior, medium, and inferior cardiac sym-
pathetic fibers are released. The parasympathetic fibers
originate in the medulla oblongata and course down
coronary artery bypass grafting, coronary artery disease,
within the vagal nerve. Its three branches (superior,
high thoracic epidural anesthesia, refractory angina
medium and inferior) carry preganglionic fibers that
originate in the ambiguous and in the dorsal vagal
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 18:501–506. ß 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
nucleus. They join sympathetic fibers eventually creating
Department of Anesthesia, University Hospital, Santiago de Compostela, Spain the cardiac plexus. This plexus envelops the aortic root
and bDepartment of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, and arch near the tracheal bifurcation [4]. It is divided
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
into two segments: an anterior and a posterior one. In
Correspondence to Julian Alvarez, Professor and Head, Department of Anesthesia,
University Hospital, Avda. Choupana s/n 15706 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
between them, ganglions are located. The Wrissberg
Tel: +34 981 950 674; fax: +34 981 950 634; ganglion is responsible for the anterior plexus and the
Pernan ganglion for the posterior one. The auricles of
Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology 2005, 18:501–506 the myocardium receive a sympathetic (adrenergic) and a
502 Regional anaesthesia

parasympathetic (cholinergic) innervation also. In con- This was shown in pulmonary surgery [13] and in animal
trast, the ventricles may not receive cholinergic inner- models [14], in which HTEA led to a reduction of
vation, or it is very poor [5,6]. ventricular and supra-ventricular arrhythmias due to pro-
longation of the refractory period.
The cardiac performance is regulated by three funda-
mental systems [5,6]: an intrinsic regulation is based on Cardiac sympathetic blockade dilates stenotic coronary
the Frank–Starling mechanism; a humoral regulation arteries [15]. HTEA has no effect, however, on the
enables the myocardium to respond to increased plasma luminal diameter of normal coronary vessels [15]. This
levels of catecolamines; autonomic sympathethic and suggests that HTEA, by not increasing myocardial blood
parasympathetic fibers impact cardiac performance. flow in normal coronary arteries, will not shunt blood
away from diseased vessels causing ‘coronary steal’ and
HTEA basically leads to cardiac denervation. Cardiac will not increase coronary artery disease related ischemia.
fibers that undergo this type of blockade lose their third Furthermore, HTEA may increase myocardial blood flow
control mechanism whereas the first two remain intact. by decreasing the progressive sympathetic vasoconstric-
Therefore, HTEA is usually well tolerated from a cardiac tion reflex, which often exists distal to a coronary stenosis
point of view [7,8]. and which may exacerbate the myocardial ischemia
caused by the stenosis.
Sympathetic stimulation produces an increase in the dis-
charge rate of the sinus node, raises the conduction velocity As previously outlined, HTEA lowers myocardial oxygen
and the excitation level and increases cardiac contractility. demand by causing a decrease in systolic arterial pressure,
A full sympathetic stimulation may triple the normal heart rate, and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
heart rate and double its contractility, thereby increasing [11]. These hemodynamic alterations do not adversely
cardiac output accompanied by a substantial increase in affect coronary perfusion pressure or cardiac output, both
oxygen consumption. In contrast, a powerful parasympath- of which were not significantly modified by HTEA [11].
etic stimulation may completely arrest the sinus node and The beneficial effects of HTEA may result from altera-
may block conduction through the auriculo-ventricular tions in the myocardial oxygen supply/demand ratio by
node. The ventricles would then come to an arrest too. increasing transmural myocardial coronary blood flow and
Purkinje fibers located in the ventricular septum, however, by decreasing oxygen demand. The improved myocardial
would then autonomically take over generating a rhythm oxygen supply/demand ratio may not only decrease
of 15–40 beats per minute. Parasympathetic stimulation ischemic events, but may also attenuate and preserve
decreases cardiac output through decreases in cardiac global and regional left ventricular function as shown in
contractility (20–30%) and heart rate to 50% [9,10,11]. patients with coronary artery disease undergoing stress
HTEA from T1 to T4 has been shown to reduce the heart induced myocardial ischemia [15].
rate, decrease cardiac contractility and produce coronary
vasodilatation owing to a primarily sympathetic but not An adequate postoperative analgesia is also essential to
parasympathetic blockade [10]. minimize postoperative respiratory complications [11].
Pain free patients may overcome respiratory dysfunction
Respiratory and circulatory effects of high thoracic more easily, but many studies have demonstrated that in
epidural anesthesia postoperative pulmonary dysfunction there are other
The most striking effect of HTEA is an improved pain important factors. Surgery and general anesthesia have
relief. Yet sympathetic blockade produces important car- several effects on diaphragmatic function not directly
dio-respiratory changes, recently reviewed by Kozian et al. related to pain. Recent studies suggested a reflex inhi-
[11]. Selective blockade of cardiac sympathetic fibers bition of phrenic nerve or diaphragmatic activation
may result in control of tachycardia, a contributing factor [11,16]. On the other hand, changes in thorax wall
to cardiac morbidity after surgery. HTEA provides compliance may result in pulmonary dysfunction.
relief of angina, can attenuate myocardial stunning
and improves left ventricular performance by increasing HTEA may block this inhibition reflex and improve
myocardial oxygen supply as well as a decrease in myo- pulmonary function. Studies showed that epidural
cardial oxygen demand. analgesia improves the overall diaphragmatic function
and increases lung volumes by reversing the dia-
The primary control of the heart rate is the balance phragmatic dysfunction. HTEA decrease pulmonary
between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous morbidity [16]: decreased atelectasias, pulmonary infec-
system. HTEA includes blockade of T1 to T4, and, tions and increased arterial oxygen tension.
therefore, with the block fully working, a parasympa-
thetic dominance produces bradycardia. A decrease in the The hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction reflex may be
sympathetic output lowers the risk of arrhythmia [12]. influenced by sympathetic neural blockade. Hypoxic
High thoracic epidural anesthesia Alvarez et al. 503

pulmonary vasoconstriction inhibition may increase the their coronary artery disease [21]. A 1-year survey reported
degree of hypoxia. Although results of investigations are excellent relief of unstable angina, but the method was
not conclusive, it had not been clearly proven that HTEA hampered with complications, such as infections, epidural
inhibits this reflex [11]. fibrosis, and paraspinous muscle spasms [8].

High thoracic epidural analgesia in ischemic High thoracic epidural anesthesia and coronary artery
heart disease bypass grafting
Despite improvements in the treatment of coronary There are some randomized controlled trials showing
artery disease, there continues to be a subset of patients efficacy of perioperative HTEA in CABG patients, but
refractory to medical treatment and without possibilities the number of patients enrolled in these trials is limited.
of surgical treatment. Intense postoperative analgesia is the most evident
benefit of HTEA [15,22–35].
Epidural analgesia for refractory angina pectoris
in non-surgical patients High central neuraxial analgesia may offer potential
These patients are usually markedly debilitated, require benefits for patients undergoing CABG and its use com-
frequent hospitalizations and consume significant bined with general anesthesia has been extensively stu-
amounts of economic resources. A variety of treatments died. Results regarding outcome and possible benefits,
such as spinal opioids, left sided stellate ganglion however, are still conflicting [3,36]. Potential benefits of
blocks, surgical sympathectomy, transmyocardial laser HTEA for this patient group include a favorable control of
revascularization, enhanced external counter pulsation, the perioperative stress response due to an improved
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator therapy, and analgesia with resultant improved myocardial oxygen bal-
direct spinal cord stimulation were all administered to ance and fewer arrhythmic events [3,11]. Analgesia
improve the patients’ quality of life. Many of these with HTEA reduced intravenous opioid consumption,
procedures, however, have significant limitations and time to tracheal extubation, and pulmonary complications
associated complications [17]. by improving the patients’ ability to cough. There were
fewer incidents of acute renal failure and less postoperative
A number of articles exist on the use of HTEA in stable confusion [32]. Patients could be discharged at an earlier
angina [18], unstable angina and acute myocardial ische- time point and morbidity and mortality rates were reduced
mia [19]. The experience with the technique for these [27]. In comparison with HTEA, intrathecal opioids offer
indications is excellent [19], and HTEA has meanwhile fewer benefits with less reduction of the stress response
become an alternative treatment for unstable angina and shorter duration of analgesia [3,30,32,34–39].
when conventional strategies have failed. The American
College of Cardiology and American Heart Association As is so frequently the case, the literature is conflicting.
have formally recognized the value of the technique and Fillinger et al. [33] reported no differences in the inci-
included it in the 2002 consensus guidelines for the dence of atrial fibrillation, in extubation times, or inten-
management of chronic stable angina [18]. For long-term sive care unit stay. Berendes et al. [15] concluded that
administration, the method appears cumbersome, owing HTEA improves regional left ventricular function and
to practical drawbacks for the patients, such as carrying an reduced postoperative ischemia in a trial including 73
infusion pump or administering injections [17]. There is patients, in which 36 of them received general anesthesia
not much information in the scientific literature on this and HTEA. Liu et al. [3] reviewed 15 trials enrolling
issue [17]. 1178 patients. He concluded that there were no differ-
ences in mortality or myocardial infarction rates after
In non-surgical patients with unstable angina, HTEA has coronary artery bypass grafting with central neuraxial
been shown to have favorable effects on hemodynamics analgesia. HTEA did not significantly affect incidences
(heart rate and mean blood pressure), to induce adequate of mortality or myocardial infarction but reduced dys-
symptom relief and thereby a reduction in frequency of rhythmias, pulmonary complications, time to tracheal
myocardial ischemic events. Stress-induced myocardial extubation, and pain scores. No study currently exists
ischemia and left ventricular function were also both to definitively determine whether the potential benefits
favorably influenced by thoracic epidural anesthesia of high centroneuraxis blockade outweigh the risks of
treatment [17]. The dilation of stenotic coronary arteries serious side effects such as epidural hematoma formation
induced by HTEA and its relieving effects have been in context with the perioperative anticoagulation of
used to control pain in patients with unstable angina CABG patients [40].
[19]. Exercise tolerance improved with accompanying
reduction in ST segment depression [20]. These patients Mortality and myocardial infarction
in particular displayed a real benefit from HTEA treat- Following CABG surgery, mortality (1.7%) and myo-
ment improving their quality of life without worsening cardial infarction (2.4%) are relatively infrequent [41].
504 Regional anaesthesia

As previously outlined, the use of local anesthetics in with those with refractory angina under antiplate-
HTEA may reduce myocardial oxygen demand by let drugs. The risks and benefits of central neuraxial
decreasing heart rate and systemic vascular resistance analgesia in the fully anticoagulated patient for cardio-
[42] and improving myocardial oxygen supply by dilating pulmonary bypass remains unclear and the guidelines
stenotic coronary arteries [43]. As such, myocardial from the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and
oxygen balance is improved thereby reducing attacks Pain Medicine (ASRA) do not offer any recommenda-
of angina and the infarct size. Current publications tions [56]. A predicted probability may range between
frequently lack enough power, however, to prove a 1:1528 for epidural and 1:3610 for spinal anesthetic
reduction in mortality and infarct incidences [3]. techniques [40] or less than one in 10 000 procedures
[57]. In their current guidelines, ASRA estimates the risk
Dysrhythmias of epidural hematoma in non-cardiac surgery to be
Atrial fibrillation and tachycardia are frequent events 1:150 000 with epidural anesthesia and 1:220 000 with
after CABG surgery. HTEA was associated with a spinal anesthesia.
decreased risk of postoperative dysrhythmias [11] but
not all studies found this reduction [31]. HTEA with local In patients with refractory angina, the contribution of
anesthetics reduces sympathetic output and blocks antiplatelet drugs to the risk of epidural hematoma for-
cardiac sympathetic fibers as well as the stress response mation appears minimal [58]. When these non-surgical
to surgery. Postoperative arrhythmias were less frequent patients receive intravenous anticoagulation, intravenous
with HTEA than with placebo [32], beta-blockers [44], heparin must be stopped 24 h before catheter insertion.
and amiodarone [45]. An increased risk of myocardial infarction, however, in
patients with unstable angina following the removal of
Pulmonary complications and tracheal extubation the heparin infusion, albeit temporarily, needs to be
HTEA was associated with a reduced risk of pneumonia taken into consideration [2].
and atelectasis formation following cardiac and non-
cardiac interventions [16,25,27,35,37,46–48]. These find- Conclusion
ings may result from faster tracheal extubation times as Continuous blockade of cardiac sympathetic fibers by
well as reduced pain on respiration permitting near- epidural infusion of local anesthetics in patients with
normal thorax extensions. Tracheal extubation time after unstable angina reduced the incidence of myocardial
CABG was found to be dependent on various factors such ischemia, decreased the number and duration of ischemic
as adequate analgesia and the patient’s volume status. episodes, and reduced the number of anginal attacks
Clinically, however, a few hours of faster extubation time when compared with those with conventional medical
were of no major advantage [49–54]. treatment. In addition, HTEA further decreased
the heart rate in patients with b-adrenergic receptor
Complications and contraindications blockade, while no effect on arterial blood pressure
The most serious complication of HTEA is epidural was seen.
hematoma formation in anticoagulated patients. A further
adverse effect is hypotension due to a decreased preload HTEA has shown to be an accepted method for the
if sympathectomy extends beyond a T1–T5 dermatomal treatment of patients with unstable angina. Following
level. For this reason, some authors make sure with the CABG surgery it did not affect significantly incidences of
help of an epidurogram that the position of the epidural myocardial infarction or mortality rates. HTEA reduced
catheter tip is at the T1–T3 level [2]. There is also a the risk of postoperative dysrhythmias owing to a favor-
report of ischemia with ST segment elevation during able impact on the myocardial oxygen consumption.
thoracic surgery under HTEA, which was attributed to Time to extubation was shown to be similar with HTEA
coronary vasospasm as a result of unopposed vagal tone as conventional cardiac anesthesia techniques. With full
[2]. An acute abdomen masked by the epidural analgesic systemic anticoagulation, the risk of epidural hematoma
was described in the literature but this is a rather rare may be near to one in 10 000 patients.
event [55].
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