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Spring Project - Draw me a sport

Describe your favorite sport

1. Draw a A4 size poster to illustrate your favorite sport.
2. Description of your favorite sport

The sport I’m really into is ……………………………………………

Its common elements ( e.g. attire/ uniform, equipment, places, rules,
Its events (e.g. match, round, tournament, championship, cup ,etc.)
Its top famous football players………………………………………
Your personal experiences ( failures and achievements) …………
It’s my all time favorite sport because ………………………………

3. Recorded a 3 miniature speech in which you talk about your favorite

sport illustrated by the poster.
Summer Project - Historic Inventions
1. Label each picture with its name, draw 3 more inventions and
2. Rank the inventions in the picture in order of importance and give
a short explanation. ( their cultural , societal, economical values
and how have they changed people’ lives, etc.)

Technology is a core component of the human experience. …....

Today I’d like to present some inventions that are of great importance
to human beings.
First, …………………………………………………………….......
Second, ……………………………………………………………...
Third, ……………………………………………………………….
Next, …………………………………………………………………
It’s difficult to imagine the world today without ……………….
It wasn’t until …………… century that ………….. became a practical
and reliable source of transportation ……………………
What would we be without ………………..? ………………………..
Last but not least, ….……..made………… the past. ………………
Finally, ………………………………………………………………..

3. Record yourself in 3 minutes talking about these historic

Autumn Project - Long Time Ago...
1. Draw a poster illustrating your favorite folk tale.
2. A summary of the folk tale.
Once upon a time, …………………………………...…………………
The lesson I have learnt from the story is ……………………………
It is/ isn’t true in real life because …………………………………….

3. Record yourself in 3 minutes making a short presentation about

this traditional story.
Winter Project - Natural Disaster Survival Tips
1. Draw a complete guide to what to do before, during and after a
natural disaster.
2. The guide:
The disaster I would like to make a preparedness plan for is ……….
Step by step tutorial:

3. Record yourself in 2 minutes presenting how to be prepared for a

natural disaster.
Grade 9 - Spring Project – From Page to Screen
1. Compare a clip from the film of the book with a scene in the
The book/ novel I would like to draw a comparison is ………...
Difference in plots
Difference in settings
Difference in the characters (e.g. Their appearances, their outfits,).
Difference in dialogues …………………………………………….....
Difference in the persuasion levels …………………………………...

2. Record your speech in 3 minutes presenting this comparison.

Summer Project – Adventure awaits
1. Imagine you and your friends are going on a trip around the world.
Pick up 3 wonderful spots and make a plan for the trip.

2. Plan of the summer trip

The first spot is …………………………………………………………...
The transportation ………………………………………………………
The weather …………………………………………………………….
Duration …………………………………………………………………
Accommodation ………………………………………………………….
Place of interest ………………………………………………………...
Budget ( food, accommodation, etc.)………………………….
Presents/ Souvenirs. …………………………………………………..
These destinations are most fascinating because ……………………

3. Record yourself in 3 minutes to present your world trip using the

map above as an illustrating aid.
Autumn Project – Presents from the Earth
NASA launched the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable
planets, in 2009. So far it has discovered five new Earth – sized planets
beyond our solar systems. Imagine that the Kepler mission finds life on
adistant planet. NASA want to send some objects representing Earth to the
new planet. Add more items to NASA’s list of objects:
- An encyclopaedia
- A computer
- Photographs of world leaders
- A bottle of sea water

1. Draw a poster of presents from the Earth

2. Details of the importance of these objects:
An encyclopaedia …………………………………………………………
A computer ………………………………………………………………………………………
Photographers of world leaders ………………………………………………………..
A bottle of sea water ………………………………………………………………………….
Your list of items ………………………………………………………………………………

3. Record yourself in 3 miniutes talking about the presents from the Earth that
NASA can give to the aliens.
Winter Project – Roles model
1. Stick your role model’s image or draw picture of your role model
2. Your role model’s biography.
My role model is ……………………………………………………………
His/ her appearance …………………………………………………………
His/ her hobbies …………………………………………………………….
His/ her family background…………………………………………………
His/ her education…………………………………………………………
His/ her life events………………………………………………………….
His/ her notable achievements…………………………………….............
His/ her upcoming projects………………………………………………….

3. Record yourself in 3 minutes presenting your role model’s


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